Restricted Spell Casting


New Member
Assuming that a spell caster has both the motes and the willpower to cast a spell, aside from being unconscious or in a clinch, are there any instances when they wouldn't be able to? Would they be able to cast if they were chained to a wall for example or had their hands bound behind them?
Don't remember any description of how spells exactly are cast, except for a few of them where it's in the spell description.

Ariana for sure is using her hands as part of the shaping / casting in the different comics. And of course in every other world, magic means waving your arms around. Unlike Psyphic power which generally don't.
Honestly, I don't see why a clinch would stop a LOT of potential actions, but it does.
In First Ed being in a warstrider prevented such, outside of either the Rune of Singular Hate and the suicide spell. I can find no reference to such in the WotLA one way or the I would have to assume in 2nd ed that restriction is lifted, unless otherwise stated elsewhere.
Trueblood said:
Assuming that a spell caster has both the motes and the willpower to cast a spell, aside from being unconscious or in a clinch, are there any instances when they wouldn't be able to? Would they be able to cast if they were chained to a wall for example or had their hands bound behind them?
Well, it could be argued that being chained to a wall or having their hands bound behind them is a type of clinch. So I'd say no to that.....
Well yes, but it was already stated that a mamoth totem lunar can also clinch with his ass should he sit upon you...

Either way, I thought spell casting stated that the caster needs to articulte with their hands to shape the essence. To my knowledge, spells in exalted are shaped essence, not just words spoken from books. Hense even the craftiest Terrestrial can't cast solar spells even if they were to have it in front of them
So essentially being bound enough to restrict free and unencumbered movement would prevent any attempts at spell casting? I was just curious as some spells descriptions did not seem to have any somatic components, like for instance Unbreakable Bones of Stone, which only states that the character must sing.
I'd just go with the flavour of the spell.

Rune of singular hate is of course possible. Death of obsidian butterflies on the other hand should not as you need to direct those butterflies somehow.

Apart from that, I don't think a clinch is the same as being bound to the wall. Clinches are active things, the enemy prevents you actively from using your hands the way you want while chains still usually allow some movement of at least your fingers.
I suppose it comes down to ST fiat. If you need to actually move your hands and/or arms in order to cast your spells, then being bound to a wall in chains will prevent the casting of spells. If all you need to do is wiggle your  fingers, it's not so much of a problem. It's up to the ST to determine these factors.
Personally I'd rule it as a no, but that's me personally. Most of the spells seem to require movement of some sort, usually described in the flavor text...and casting (usually) takes one or more five second actions to accomplish, I don't really see it as possible to do if you're tied up unless the spell specifies otherwise (like Unconquerable Self or Rune of Singular Hate). The wording of Unconquerable Self in particular makes me feel as if it's a special distinction and thus not normally possible to cast while bound and gagged.

In the end, though, Vanman's probably ultimately lies on the shoulders of the ST of the game to decide how they want it in their game...there really isn't a specific rule one way or the other.

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