Working On An NPC


Ten Thousand Club
Hey, I'm working on an NPC, a Second Circle Demon.  I've gone over the charms for spirits and none of them really seem to fit the theme and was wondering if just slapping a few moderately altered charms from like... say... the Abyssals would be okay?  I figured it wouldn't be too bad considering Loras and his Eye of Nightmare special ability has always seemed rather broken to me.

I'm open to any and all suggestions if you have a few.  The demon is loosely modeled from Sondok but the charms for spirits just didn't strike me as very imposing for a demon of martial prowess.
Spirit Charms are supposed to be pretty specific to the spirit. The ones given in the book are more or less templates. Just give him the powers you think he should have. In my opinion, if a character type is not meant to be a PC, then it doesn't need hard and fast rules.
Just be warned, if the charm is to good the party will banish it back to malfius, summon and bund it using celestial sorcery and order it to teach its whoopee new charm to the party eclipse.

Just be warned, if the charm is to good the party will banish it back to malfius, summon and bund it using celestial sorcery and order it to teach its whoopee new charm to the party eclipse.
Which could be stymied by simply stating it is an innate ability or is directly linked to his nature and thus impossible to replicate!
Flagg said:
Spirit Charms are supposed to be pretty specific to the spirit. The ones given in the book are more or less templates. Just give him the powers you think he should have. In my opinion, if a character type is not meant to be a PC, then it doesn't need hard and fast rules.
I second this.
Luckily, no Eclipse in the circle.  However the more powerful and unique stuff I placed the "Special Ability" descriptor on and named it something incredibly outlandish and fearful to make it sound more official... heh.

One tactic you can use to dissuade a player from learning a charm is give a completely embarrassing name an require that it must shouted with gusto before activation... in a rather Monty Python-ish story I ran about a year back they were faced with this problem where a Wyld Zone had pretty much warped reality into a comedy routine.  The Eclipse at the time decided not to learn:

"I Snuggle With My Teddy Still"

"I Wish I Were a Woman"

"The Dead Make Great Lovers"

"Unfurling Burlap Boxers"

"Prancing Princess Pony's Precarious Perch Of Peril"

"Friend to All Nations, Accept Yours Because of Your Dookie Headed Attitude"

It was a fun distraction for a bit, the Wyld Zone was eventually cleansed and reality went back to normal, shame too... cuz the evil Doodle duplicates of the PCs were the most fun I'd had with a non-serious game in quite time.

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