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  1. Zekaire

    [Nivirres: The Frozen World] (PC) Damian Wraith

    This is a copy from the starting thread . so if point values have changed then ill have some editing to do lol Basic Info Name: Damian Wraith Gender: Male Race: Turian Personality: Outgoing and always talkative. Always looks for the fastest way to finish a task without...
  2. Zekaire

    Teku's Tavern

    Thank you very much ^_^ , i was wondering but just figured if i marked it OOC someone would figure it out lol And just post your profile in your first post that will be fine , if i get enough ill start a character page on here That sound good?
  3. Zekaire

    Teku's Tavern

    OOC thread for Teku's Tavern ^_^ ENjoy
  4. Zekaire

    Sure ill get right on that and thanks ^_^

    Sure ill get right on that and thanks ^_^
  5. Zekaire

    Teku's Tavern

    (i apologize if my writing isnt all that great , its been a decent amount of time since i really got to RP so bear with me while the gears start turning again) Name: Damian Age: 27 Gender: Male Picture or Description: A man wearing black cloths walked into the in as a gust of wind...
  6. Zekaire

    Teku's Tavern

    Plot This is just your basic fantasy (Middle Ages) Inn. It will have people coming and going all the time and is located.... well it seems to change places from time to time , yet some patrons are able to find it all the time. Some guess that the tavern is actually located in some kind of time...
  7. Zekaire

    [Nations of Men] (OOC) Discussion Thread

    lol hey i got a pretty boring job so i check often. Just shoot me a PM if you ever do anything involving me (once i get approved that is) Also how many Diplomats and DoW's can we have to start none? And do i have to name these diplomats O.o .
  8. Zekaire

    [Nations of Men] Damian Otero

    General Information Name: Damian Otero Gender: Male Age: 40 Appearance Visual Appearance: Physical Appearance: Think and scrawny. Its unknown if the tinge of green in his hair is from dye or something else. Always clean shaven and always seems to be...
  9. Zekaire

    [Nations of Men] (Nation) ANZA

    Nation Name Australian New Zealand Alliance (ANZA) Flag Leader Damian Otero Government Democratic Economic Tier Tier 3 History For the most part , Australia had managed to avoid involvement in the war. But it did see how it ravaged the other more powerful countries of the...
  10. Zekaire

    Nivirres: The Frozen World

    Just so im sure my profile was fine right? ^_^
  11. Zekaire

    [The Realms] Shadow Legion

    Nation Name Shadow Legion Flag Leader Legion Race/s Undead -Ability 1, People of the Scourge: Can settle and thrives in the Scourge -Ability 2, Rise from the Grave: Deceased enemies felled by you and allies not banished return as undead of their class before they fell...
  12. Zekaire

    Tournament Style Nation Builder RP

    I actually planned for that to happen (I purposely left that plot hole open) and i knew that someone , somewhere would act on it. If not id force an NPC to do it. See i would be the only one keeping track of these things and who has what for an army what technology that sort of thing. As long as...
  13. Zekaire

    [Nations of Men] (Info) Signup Thread

    Australia and Newzeland Please The Kangaroo Crew ......... Outback Tazmanian Steakhouse ....... Jk Ill name it something later. =D
  14. Zekaire

    Tournament Style Nation Builder RP

    it would make an interesting fighting RP , Which i wouldnt mind doing if it came right down to it. However i liked including the control so that players can come up with tech or magic over time , so that slowly the fights start getting more and more heated up. And they have to choose between...
  15. Zekaire

    Nivirres: The Frozen World

    Ok , i admit i was bored and had nothing better to do , so i made a profile. If you dont like it let me know i can change it as needed , or remove it if ya dont need me ^_^ But take a gander. Basic Info Name: Damian Wraith Gender: Male Race: Turian Personality: Outgoing...
  16. Zekaire

    A Dreamer awakens...

    Welcome , im new too. My hope is that we will get along and that ill see soon elsewhere in the forums ^_^
  17. Zekaire

    Tournament Style Nation Builder RP

    ~Tournament Information~ So you dont want to join because you dont like guns? Well as for the combat portion of this things are going to be interesting because every tournament will be very different. Some will force you to rely on only your bare hands where as another may force...
  18. Zekaire

    Nivirres: The Frozen World

    It seems interesting. I would not mind participating if your still looking for people. ^_^
  19. Zekaire

    Thanks ill take a look into it. I just made a post under RP discussion , Would you mind taking a...

    Thanks ill take a look into it. I just made a post under RP discussion , Would you mind taking a look and telling me what ya think? Thanks , looking into yours now.
  20. Zekaire

    Tournament Style Nation Builder RP

    Ok so , im not a fan of the whole stat based mumbo Jumbo though i do play it from time to time. I like freeform fighting instead of statistics but i like to make things interesting. So what i was thinking was a nation builder type game only , everything is decided via a World Tournament...