Teku's Tavern




This is just your basic fantasy (Middle Ages) Inn. It will have people coming and going all the time and is located.... well it seems to change places from time to time , yet some patrons are able to find it all the time. Some guess that the tavern is actually located in some kind of time space distortion as even if the whole thing is destroyed , it seems to re-appear the next day. That aside there is no limitation to what can happen here , unless you have a wall in your brain.

Character Information

As for character profiles something short and sweet is fine , this place is just meant for those of use who wish to burn time waiting for people to post in other locations. Anyone is welcome to join at any time.




Picture or Description:

Ya , thats all ya need , the rest will be explained about your character through time spent here with the other patrons. Hope to see you all soon.
(i apologize if my writing isnt all that great , its been a decent amount of time since i really got to RP so bear with me while the gears start turning again)

Name: Damian

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Picture or Description:


A man wearing black cloths walked into the in as a gust of wind traversed the tavern from the open door. He peered inside taking note of what few people were inside. Today it seemed fairly barren as he had been here before during a much busier time. He made little noise as he strode through to the bar looking to the bartender his amber eyes seeming to glow from the light of the tavern "Running any specials today" he asked , unable to recognize the man behind the bar.

The bartender watched the man carefully "Ya , 2 gold coins gets you a steak and a beer , want it?" he responded to the question.

Damian thought for a moment "Sure , sounds good to me" he said fishing out a few gold coins and handing them to the bartender , who then disappeared into the back. During that absence Damian peered around the room , it had been ages since he had returned here and he was sure many things must have changed. He didnt expect to run into any of the old comrades from the old days , but he expected he might make a few new ones if he chose to pass more time in the tavern. Which reminded him , time had a funny way of acting in this place , he ran into the most unusual of people here , and sometimes things didnt change outside while he spent his time here. He sighed , closing his eyes for a moment , unaware of who or what might be watching him. It felt good to relax for once , and he was certain that it wouldn't last long.
Name: Naton

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Picture or Description:

Moonstone redesign: Monk by ~bumhand

Extra Notes: He is the sole monk of Faryew's forest, residing in the wetland for as long as anyone can remember. Faryew is a dryadgoddess of the local spring near the tavern. The spring and its surrounding cypress woods is legend to hold mystical properties including the ability to heal a person's injury. Other mystical stories surround the forest, including the story of the dryad herself who supposedly takes the form of an adult woman with wings of a crane.

Naton amulet is made of copper and portrays the Faryew's crane-winged figure.


He had been quietly praying for some time in the bustling tavern that welcomed travelers from all around. Its doors bustled with the commoners venturing in, taking their meals and meed, possibly ordering a room to rest, and soon departing. Naton hadn't much to say about the tavern, in reality he never usually visited, preferring to stay in his hamlet in the forest to the east. The inn stood on the edge of the forest, where both nature and civilization met. It was a place of strange divinity to Naton, who had heard of the tavern's strange rumors, and did not deny their existence. Though the story always varies, he had come to accept many things in his life.

He began to mutter his prayer again as his food arrived for him. He had no money or coin to pay the tavern, but the bartender knowing him, Naton was allowed to eat without an expense, at least for this meal. It is supposedly bad karma to not assist an elderly man, especially a priest.

Naton wore the most basic attire as he sat alone at his round table, secluded from the other guests. He wore as he always wore, his blue robe made of hand woven fabric and tied together with a rope. Additionally his feet wore fastened sandals not able to afford the leather required to fashion boots, and sat with one leg resting on the other.

He picked up the small porcelain cup that the tavern provided for him, taking a sip of the liquid he could not taste anything, realizing how dreadfully hot it was. It caused him to take a deep breath in and his eyes watered only a little, causing them to stick out from his wrinkles. After a few gasps of air the fire in his mouth was pacified and he set the cup back down.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_04/moonstone_redesign__monk_by_bumhand-d3d6v2b.jpg.83bd25e1750d7529849fa196f57164a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_04/moonstone_redesign__monk_by_bumhand-d3d6v2b.jpg.83bd25e1750d7529849fa196f57164a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • moonstone_redesign__monk_by_bumhand-d3d6v2b.jpg
    436.7 KB · Views: 5
Name: Mya

Age: 22

Gender: female


A girl in shorts and a small tee, with boots and a robe, walks in. She's use to the stares of others. She quietly sits at the bar and looks at the bartender, "Have any meat?" He grunts and replies, "Got steak for 2 coins..." She reaches in her robe and pulls out a bag of coins. "And a drink....?", she asks. The bartender smiles, " 3 coins for the best...." She smiles and hands him 6 coins, "Keep the extra one as a tip." He walks off to get her food. She notices some men staring her and shrugged. She never cared for people. The bartender comes back with her plate and drink, "There you go miss...."

She takes off her hood, her black hair flowing, her eyes were as red as fire. Her beauty was something to admire. She grinned and began to eat, for she hadn't eaten in forever. The steak was delicious and her mouth watered with flavor. She sigh in satisfied and took a sip of her drink, which was wonderfully cold. She looked around a priest and a strange man in black clothes. She smiled and thought to herself, what a strange place this was.

She turned back around and continued to eat. The food was just absolutely perfect. She was very content.
OOC - I don't know if this game is still happening. The guy who made it has disappeared. However you are free to remake something if you want.

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