Nivirres: The Frozen World

Awesome! By the way, "Aril" is perilously close to "Avril". Imagine that :P

The RPG is being designed as we speak. Won't be long now.

Meanwhile, you can work on your characters, and though you are encouraged to use the Alliance races, if you want a custom race that's perfectly fine for as long as you create one based on the default templates - that means a picture and detailed explanation, so I can devise a way to put you into the story as well as define racial bonuses. Personally, I think the starting races are great, but just in case, this is also a possibility.

Just keep in mind that, if you want a custom race you need a good explanation why you have been drafted for this mission. This is a covert special operation by the Guild Alliance, and Nivirres is, though on the very edge of explored space, still within Alliance territory. The team is assembled from hand picked military personnel, and everyone deserved to be picked for a reason.
Yup, working on it!

Say, ever read the Skolian saga? If so, you'll probably recognize what my character will be like. <_<
Name: Litomo Anselin

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Solen (Genetically modified humans)

Background: Tends to be very serious, to the point people often tease him about his permanently broken sense of humor meter. To this end, he is often found reading materials for various items, though typically technical in nature due to his interest in technology and training from Solen's military, as a genetically modified Solenian, from the planet Solen.

He is trained to be able to pilot and control starships with nothing but the nanotechnology in his body and his mental training, and his technical background, rendering him ideal as a special ops operative that can drop allies into place and offer his skills in providing information as needed during missions.

Appearance: About 5'6", brown hair and ice blue eyes, and has Latino features with a very tell-tale modification to his person with the addition of sockets at the base of his spine and skull with additional sockets in his wrists. Typically dressed in a grey shirt and black pants with steel-toed boots as a more relaxed military uniform.

Rank: Special Ops


Strength: 4

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 10


Melee Weapons: 7

Ranged Light Weapons: 4

Ranged Heavy Weapons: 7

Light Armor: 6

Heavy Armor: 4

Mechanics: 4

Stealth: 4

First Aid: 4

(Recalculated... and that should be good to go.)
@Keiro - I'm not familiar with the Skolian saga unfortunately, and since you'll be the only one playing this race I suppose you don't have to go in detail like I did with default races, comparison and all. It's alright.

As for the points, I'd really prefer you copy/pasted the original template and did it like Zekaire and Petal did. If you don't, I'll have to edit it manually once the forums are set up anyway. However, regarding the preservation of original stats in brackets, I did think of that but I discarded the idea, mainly because the Military Experience section allows me to see what you've selected and what affects the stats.

You WILL be getting more points throughout the game, and your profiles will be updates accordingly. I will also mention eventual levelups in OOC somewhere in the plot thread. As for weapons, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking me. There will be an inventory part of the sheet for just basic weapons and tools, and there will be a list of weapons and other stuff available for you to stock up on when the mission starts.

You will also be able to see which weapons fall under what category. For example, Ranged Light Weapons are pistols and assault rifles (some models), and Ranged Heavy Weapons are shotguns, assault rifles (some models), and snipers. I'm working on this.

@Zekaire - I haven't yet delved into the math behind points, but your profile is otherwise looking solid ;)
It's still not identical but what the hell (formatting) :D

But there's something more important we forgot. Racial bonuses. Having read the profile and compared the race to the default ones, I think +1 Strength and +2 Intelligence would be fine. No other race has that setup. Agreed?
Hey, formatting is a trivial issue. :P Nah, I'm joking, just giving you a hard time... I tend to generally prefer to space long text out a bit compared to shorter text, to make it easier to read. :P

I didn't forget racial bonuses... but I was basing them off of the human bonuses because he's essentially a genetically modified human with nanotechnology in him. All Solenians are like this, from birth.

Edit: Er... as to your question about racial bonuses for Solenians, I think that will work just fine. :3
Yeah I guessed as much, and while they're not an entirely different race they are still going under a different name, their lives are significantly different, and apparently they're not even from the same planet - although they undoubtedly once were. And these bonuses are indeed based off the human ones. The strength bonus is retained, and intelligence even enhanced, but to keep things fair I had to remove the agility bonus :P

All character sheets will be given a final check once they're setup in the corresponding forums. I'm waiting on the admin staff for that, so stay tuned. It doesn't take long ;)
Agreed, on the fairness.

They indeed once were! I was thinking of Solen as one of the re-rediscovered planets that was lost as a way to introduce a sort of unknown element, so to speak, into this RP.

I can write out the background and history of Solen if you'd like, while we're waiting for the corresponding forums to be created.
I intentionally left out the History section in sheets, because in this kind of RP players don't need to come up with detailed background for their characters, most of which they'll never need. Rather, we will begin under the presumption that you are all military specialists (regardless of rank), and that you know nothing of each other and have never seen one another before (unless the players decide to twist this slightly). So you will decide what parts of your history and experience you will share with others ingame, based on situations and conditions. That way, whatever you tell of yourself will be closely linked to the mission itself, and what is going on.

Your race isn't that drastic that it would require an explanation how the character got involved. We can assume the Solen serve in the Alliance military, though they are a relatively rare sight and in smaller numbers. There's an infinite number of possibilities to explain how you got where you did.

In the end, characters will be given moments and opportunities to converse and share what they like of their past to each other.
That does simplify things a lot... haha.

And makes the RP even more interesting. I am glad I chose to join!

Infinite possibilities, indeed!
Sure take your time mate. Like I said game forums will be up within several days for everyone to post their sheets ;)
This thread is now in the 'Our Roleplays' forum, you can edit your first post to change the prefix to match the current state of your game!
RPG status set to "Closed" by Storyteller.

note: players who have made previous arrangements with me, but have not joined yet are excluded from this.

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