Tournament Style Nation Builder RP


Ok so , im not a fan of the whole stat based mumbo Jumbo though i do play it from time to time. I like freeform fighting instead of statistics but i like to make things interesting.

So what i was thinking was a nation builder type game only , everything is decided via a World Tournament system. Each country is limited to a certain number of participants and will have the right to forfit a match without participating.

Everyone would play their own nation , or a group of people to a nation. There would be set tournaments that happen yearly. Aside from that players would also be able to issue challenges for land , technology , money , resources ect. ect. The reason for the tournament system is to prevent full scale war. The setting for this is semi futuristic. With a large amount of technology.

As for the tournament itself its regulated by a third party that has no loyalties to the other countries , however it will be a well known fact that they have hidden ties with the largest and most powerful country. The tournament would be different each time it came around. Each nation is kept in the dark about what the next tournament will be untill only a day or so before it begins. The exception to the rule is that the top three nations are informed months ahead of time. The rankings are determined by performance in the prevoius tournaments.

Each tournament holds a reward for the winners , Some prizes for the top couple nations , and some even reward for participation. Between each major tournament countries will have the chance to commit to one of 5 seperate actions. Each of which may either help them in their struggle , or give them dominance over another nation. The actions are as follows.

1. Technology Research

-This gives you a chance to get a one up on someone by researching a new technology. Sometimes you get nothing , sometimes you get something random and once in awhile you get what you were actually researching.

2. Magic Research

-Similar to the other research this gives you a chance to uncover new , or more powerful magic.

3. Combat Training

-Each of your characters will train feircly , though through this one (and only one) of them will learn a new ability or technique. If they are trying to learn a magic , you must have found it out via Magic Research.

4. Champion Search

-Your country holds sign ups and testing hoping to find someone of a high enough caliber to participate in the tournaments. If sucessfull it allows you to create another character for your roster. Number of characters will be limited to the size of your nation.

5. Attacking & Defending

-This option allows you to attempt to take land from another nation. To do this you put up one peice of land for offer , and choose one of their peices of land. The defending nation has two options. First they could forfiet , choosing to spend their time doing something else. In this case you take control of the area you wished. They could also choose to defend and although this takes their turn it has its own advantages. The attacking nation must do battle in the way the defending nation chooses , to give them a "Home field" advantage. There will be many charaterstics to battle that can be altered however these will always be battle scenarios.

There will of course be a story to go along with it as well as major plot lines and things of that nature. I really would be interested in making something like this and have a flood of ideas for it. I hope i explained things clearly and feel free to ask a ton of questions. I know im not the best at explaining things and prolly didnt make things clear enough to understand what im talking about.


So i would like to begin by pointing out what i mean by "Semi Futuristic". What this means is that technology itself is at a higher standard than you would see today but not by much. Keep in mind that alot of the world is forced to use primative tools and devices unless purchased for a high price from one of the leading nations. This is in fact due to the lack of resources. In the past the nations tore one another apart to get to naturual resource deposits , the bloodshed led them to finding another way to dispute control of the resources. This is what brought about this tournament (Which i have not yet named). However even the lower class have acess to some forms of magic , using it for daily life some are bourn naturually with the abilities while others must study hard to learn the simplest of spells. As of late something called "Magitech" has been surfacing , the nations have been finding ways to put magic and technology together to amplify the abilities of both. It is in this world that everything takes place , and the technology , magic and type of people from nation to nation can vary greatly.

~Tournament Information~

So you dont want to join because you dont like guns? Well as for the combat portion of this things are going to be interesting because every tournament will be very different. Some will force you to rely on only your bare hands where as another may force the use of swords or another kind of weapon. Whats more , the setting for the tournament will change as well not only taking place in our time peroid. The tournament is held by a nutruel nation , and always inside of a dome created to change the features of the battle. This dome uses Magi-tech to create an interesting and unique tournament each time. The effects inside the dome are very real to anyone inside , and as such can cause death or injury. Each tournament will have rules set in place to make things interesting. Wondering what kind of things might change , let me give you some idea's.

1. Weapons

-Examples: No Weapons , Steel Weapons only , Projectile weapons only , No weapon Limitations , Gladiator Weapons , etc.

2. Setting

-Examples: Desert , Swamp , Low gravity room , Pre-historic Jungle , A Castle with booby traps , etc.

3. Magic Regulations

-Examples: Fire magic only , No fire magic , No dark magic , Light and Water magic only , etc.

4. Technology Regulations

-Examples: No tech , 1 tech peice , 5 tech peice's , Full Tech Allowance , etc.

5. Special Events

-Examples: Explosions will occure at random times and places , the field will slowly fill with water , dinsours will inhabit the jungle , etc.

6. Team Regulations

-Examples: 1 v 1 only , Teams of 2 , Teams of 5 , etc.

7. Special Rules

-Examples: Rotating Rules per Round , Battle Royal , Survival Mode , Timed Fights , Execution Rule , etc

I will of course , try to make things as interesting as possible , which is part of the fun ^_^
Okay firs thing that comes to mind... Dragon Ball Z and its own World Tournaments. That and Mortal Combat but thats more so the fate of a entire realms instead of nations.

But anyways, interesting premiss, but a bit confusing for the fact that as I see it, Nation Builders are challenging is the fact that it involves that military fill. Like Starcraft but on a grand scale. Were you control hordes upon hordes of soldiers and armor. And usually thats were the technology comes form, and its also not just war on a battlefield. But both culture and economic warfare as well as espionage.

But really I would rather see this as a Mortal Combat, or a Freeform RP for all of the action will take place more so in the fighters hand then so Nations. And second, no guns? But I like guns, really really really big guns... Like Space Stations with beam of super heated plasma DEATH. But thats just my two scene at it.

Also another thing is, for some one new it is an impressive start. More so then what I have done to say the least, but then again I am just a lurker. But what I want to know is, what are your back grounds in Nation Building RPs? Because its a good idea, but I think one better suited for just a regular fighting rp.
it would make an interesting fighting RP , Which i wouldnt mind doing if it came right down to it. However i liked including the control so that players can come up with tech or magic over time , so that slowly the fights start getting more and more heated up. And they have to choose between spending time researching one thing to make a stronger fighter , or take control of territory in search of more fighters. What kind of research or training to put into their country and how they handle relations with other countries. All of these can be factors in winning and loosing fights in the tournament. Not to mention what happens if you attack another nation , win but your best fighter is injured and unable to participate in the next major tournament. Personally i think that it just opens up a ton of variables for what can happen and how players have to decide on their actions.

As for the guns , there actually will be guns , its just that different tournaments would have different rules , some allowing guns while others disallowed them. I just didnt want someone to say "Oh i dont want to do it because there are guns" when sometimes guns are not going to be allowed , but at other times there will of course be an allowance for this.

However if i dont get enough people that want to do it like this then i might just change it to a normal Freeform RP based around the tournament where people control 1 or more characters instead of nations and ill just do all the micromanagement of the nations themselves (I.E. - Player one must fight Player 2 because Their nation has opted to during the free time)

And my backround well... Ive been Rping in general for about 10 years (Just really outta practice) , A mix or running RP's , Joining and helping out. I just enjoy creating a good story for people to follow. And as for NBRPS ive been in a few to see how they work , but they always fall apart for one of 2 reasons. 1. Bad leadership or 2. Lack of plot. So in my hopes if this does become a NBRP then i would hope neither of those things happen ^_^ .

Also as with RTS games you do have games like starcraft and then games like Dawn of war that are more centered around powerful squads and comendeering resources. In this the more resources you have acess to the faster you can get production do on things and the better your research will be because your sources will be less limited , so there is abit of strategy involved.

And ya i was definitly thinking DBZ , Mortal Combat , heck even the hunger games are abit similar.

Any other ideas you might have? Im always open to suggestions ^_^
Well it seems good and all that, but I see a plot hole that I know me and few others will start to do right away. See if we want a territory were probably not going to send are best Fighter, Agent, Dog of War, what I really predict is that we would slowly but surly start to build an army, and while everyone is distracted with the Tournaments they would just simultaneously invade, with the raping and pillaging...

Thats what I can see happening, but you got more years in RPing then I do so. Also is not the RTS element, i mean ya thats the warefar thread were you control all that but theres a much larger macro scale that is not seen on Dawn of War, or Starcraft. But ech, lets see how it goes and how has other opinions about it.
I actually planned for that to happen (I purposely left that plot hole open) and i knew that someone , somewhere would act on it. If not id force an NPC to do it. See i would be the only one keeping track of these things and who has what for an army what technology that sort of thing. As long as no one typed "Allyourbasearebelongtous" and insta spawned an army it would just add to the plot line. After all if there is something that big then something would bring it to an end , as the RP wont go on forever. So of course there would still be petty squabbles that may or may not once again break out into a full scale war. But hey , you definitly have your thinking cap on ^_^
I see this being way too heavily dependent on the moderator of the game. I had no intention of dropping MM, but I wasn't able to keep up, that sort of thing happens. This is even MORE dependent on the moderator. I don't see this working.
Something SIMILAR is happening in Rampancy. It is a hybrid NB/Character roleplay. Uziel is right in that a LOT is needed by the moderator for this to work. Rampancy is on a slow-period, sure, but once finals are over I expect to be updating the ever-loving SHIT out of it. Not shooting it down, just citing Rampancy as weight to Uziel's statement.

CREATIVE SUGGESTION: If you want to do this, I'd suggest either tricking everything out with either magic or tech. For a magical route to letting people pick characters and settle conflicts - Uziel's probably gonna groan at this - but something akin to the lore of League of Legends might work (I'd suggest DOTA, but I don't know the lore on that one). HOWEVER, if you're more technological and stuff, go with Unreal Tournament's lore.

I think things will get easier once I finally get around to working out the new Realms combat system, which I have yet to do, but it's just sitting there waiting for me to update the thing.

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