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  • Users: Kale
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  1. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 4: A Wyld Hunt appears!

    At an undisclosed location, Shadow's cabin, at an undisclosed time, probably now, Shadow lets out a long yawn and blinks several times. "Huh? Oh, right that was one of your memories, not present day." He says smiling as he looks down at the memory crystal in his hands. Shadow stands, stretching...
  2. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

    That's one, I'll take it. :) Thanks. Oh wait, looks like there's a like. That's two then, so I guess it's unanimous. Awesome. :D Edit 9/14/12: Not really sure what to do, main thread's been quiet for about a month too.
  3. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

    For those of you who have been waiting with bated breath, you can relax, my long awaited return has come. Seriously though, I sincerely apologize for ghosting on y'all like that, it was not intentional. Will y'all take me back?
  4. Kale

    Discovered an awesome maybe foot tall solid gold dragon at the Huston Museum of Natural Science.

    Discovered an awesome maybe foot tall solid gold dragon at the Huston Museum of Natural Science.
  5. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    "I believe we have reached an agreement then." Shadow stated with far less enthusiasm than Amaya. He didn't bother mentioning that he was planning on checking in on her periodically already. "Thank you for the tea, Grandmother." Shadow said as he stood to leave. "Yeah, sorry for making you...
  6. Kale

    D&D 5th Edition Playtesting

    Thirded. I hope you do manage to make it, Ghoti, I would like to know how Wizard intends to salvage the situation.
  7. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    Shadow pretty much just followed Amaya's lead. He still didn't quite get her reasoning, but her monk training probably meant she knew considerably more about protocol when dealing with deities, well proper protocol in nearly every social situation for that matter. He bowed awkwardly and sat next...
  8. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    Grandmother Bright, as in goddess who oversees an entire block of first age homes, as in the one Chuck told me to avoid pissing off at all costs, that Grandmother Bright? "Why do I get the feeling that "whenever you like" really means as soon as possible." Shadow took a deep breathe and hopped...
  9. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    "Well, I do like to know who knows who I am." Shadow looks the invitation over, flipping it over a couple of times on the off chance there was a hidden message somewhere after reading it. "And I would love to know how she knew where to find us."
  10. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    He face palms. I need a new PR person. Too many people keep knowing who I am. Shadow glances around to make sure they aren't being surrounded or something and then sighs. "Good to meet you Iro. We'll pop in to see you later." Shadow turns to the well-dressed man, "Who are you and who's your...
  11. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    "She wanted his life spared." He points an accusing finger at Amaya. "So against my better judgment, yes, he's still alive. Disfigured and likely more furious than ever, but alive."
  12. Kale

    I've crashed here...

    Cool cool, being a GM can be a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing what this RP of yours is.
  13. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    "Maybe, maybe not." Shadow states with a shrug. "His kind are vain. He might try to keep a lid on the incident to save face, if he can. More importantly, make sure she's well cared for. Children need good parents and a good home." Shadow places a bag containing the jade script he had taken off...
  14. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

    Have a good trip.
  15. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    Shadow smirked. "We're nearly there. We should return to street level, there's an alley coming up, I'll meet you two there." The thief stole down into the crowd below, somehow he must have found a blind spot in the crowd because nobody seemed to notice him. He arrived at the alleyway a minute...
  16. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

    I would totally break into song, but Shadow doesn't want to torture the little girl. For the purposes of mote recovery, this is strenuous activity, correct?
  17. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    "Thought you'd never ask." He said as she bounded overhead. "Welcome to my town." Shadow said as his feet touched the roof. He was so happy to be off the streets, too much noise, too many people, not enough wind. He thought for a moment as to what would be the fastest route, and then thought...
  18. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

    Yeah, probably not. If it comes down to it, Shadow can always fake his death.
  19. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

    So did I. But given the circumstances, it seemed like an appropriate response, but so did punching him the rest of the way through the wall. At least he used anesthesia, I doubt the abyssal would have been so kind.
  20. Kale

    [Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

    Shadow flips the scalpel in his hand as Amaya walks away. He walked over to the noble. "She's right. There has already been enough killing today, and unlike both you and a close associate of mine I don't enjoy hurting much less killing people, but if not for her counsel." He jumped up suddenly...