D&D 5th Edition Playtesting

It's just a way to get cheap ideas.

That and 4e sucked so much that they actually decided to care about opinions since they've lost so much control over the tabletop game market.

Too little, too late.
I was invited to play in a "D&D Next" playtest. If I manage to make it to the game I will share my opinion.
I played 3.5. And AD&D 2.0 (TINY BIT)

Everything else afterwards was horrible. Yes, even pathfinder. I personally don't like it at all, but that's just me.


I hope you do manage to make it, Ghoti, I would like to know how Wizard intends to salvage the situation.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Apparently Monte Cook quit because they were doing more of the video game playstyle crap.

That is why I didn't get into 4th Edition. I figure playing in a "Next" playtest is a chance for me to give some feedback, so I'm going to take it. I doubt they will really listen, but it's worth a try.
As much as I dislike being forced to use minatures, even that wasn't my main reason for hating 4e. I hated that everything seemed to be a cookie cutter build. Swap a name and a power source, and wizard becomes warrior, more or less. In an attempt to balance everything, variety almost completely vanished.
So, I played this past Saturday and I have to say that it seemed to be a basic mechanics test for the system. A lot of the rules from earlier editions was missing from the the packet of rules (attacks of opprotunity for example), which could either indicate a streamlining of the system to help keep combat simplified or that they wanted to have a test for the mechanics changes they are making. Until I see a more complete set of rules I will actually be holding off on saying if the system is good or bad. However, some of the mechanic changes seem to be good from where the playtest stands while others could use some major improvement. It does have an air of 2e to it since there weren't any skill points.

I feel comfortable with saying this as it appears Wizards if dismissing their non-disclosure agreements on comments about the system, but not the information itself. Also, it appears that anyone can download the playtest packet from http://www.wizards.com/dnd/DnDNext.aspx as long as they are registered.
Someone tell me, what has improved and what's gotten worse? I can't try it myself because I don't have anyone to play with.

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