[Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

Elegy let him sweep her away, and as he spun her she rejoined: "I would show you the dance of mine, but it sloughs off the pathetic flesh of the living!" What?
Dear sweet Daana'd, please let that be a joke.

Ha HA! No, it isn't. Come now, your luck isn't that good.

Shinji pastes his best 'don't-eat-me-please' smile on his face and became the ground on which they danced. Let her twirl about, he would be the center!
And so it goes.

Elegy and Shinji dance the morning away, Amaya and Shadow have a lovely chat with the most powerful god in Chiaroscuro over tea, Pillar and Ayo have a discussion about recent and potential future events and destinations.

The morning dwindles away, alas, and noon approaches. Anyone wishing to go see Ragara Palan and the conclusion of that contract will want to be heading along to Chiaroscuro's bounty pretty soon. Of course, there's no reason why Ayo can't take care of all that himself, and the music IS loud and the wine IS flowing and Amaya's head IS spinning with ideas of turning a ten year old girl into a Creation-wide legendary hero...
"Don't we...don't we have--' - a gargantuan belch ushers forth from Shinji, lounging on a settee like a Satrap - '--somewhere to be?" He looks for Elegy among the drunks and revelers who'd long since passed out and been thrown out of the Wild Oat. Hell, he wasn't even sure what was more amazing: him sitting so calmly in this chair or how the bouncers had thrown him out in it. Maintaining poise was one of the early lessons of all the Realm's children.
Elegy smiles at him warmly from the stool directly next to his -- the bouncers had, with little ceremony, carried them out on the furniture and neatly sit the down amid the human refuse. "We're to meet with our client to receive payment."

She pauses, thoughtfully. "Thank you, Shinji. I had fun."
"Anytime! Was quite glorious. I had half planned to bathe or something before going to this meeting, but to hell with it! Let's be off."
Ah what a glorious evening it was for Amaya. So much talking, so much excitement, and so much knowledge gained. It is only with regret that she leaves Grandmother Bright's place to go back to the Lusty Maiden and meet with the others; Ayo did tell her to come back after all, and she usually does what Ayo says. Amaya bows deeply as she leaves, thankful for the powerful god's hospitality. "Ya coming Shadow?" Amaya inquires at the doorway, ready to make her departure.
"Off we shall be!" And thus they set out: disheveled, unkempt, smelling of hash, and out of fucks to give. A pair of degenerate Dynasts, one dead to his family and the other literally dead, a pair of (un)living metaphors for Creation today.
"I believe we have reached an agreement then." Shadow stated with far less enthusiasm than Amaya. He didn't bother mentioning that he was planning on checking in on her periodically already. "Thank you for the tea, Grandmother." Shadow said as he stood to leave. "Yeah, sorry for making you wait."

Outside the pavilion Shadow checks his watch, "It's near time for the meeting." If Regara tries to pull something, Ayo shouldn't be alone. "Pillar's probably going to be there, if he's not engrossed in one of his books. Elegy might be able to pull herself away from whoever she's with to make it there. And I have no idea what our new recruit does with his free time, yet."

You all arrive at Chiaroscuro's Bounty within 20 minutes of each other. Jin, the obnoxious waiter from last time is not present, likely only working at nights. A slightly (and only slightly) more amiable man escorts you (through the side and staff entrances again, mostly because of the state of Elegy and Shinji) up the tower and into the same dining quarters you met Ragara Palan the last time. Some magical means causes the room to change decor, colouring and textures according to the time of day and weather outside, and a different section of the wall is now transparent, always facing the most pleasing view of the city. Instead of a dinner table there is a large tray of cool drinks and light foods to complement a summer's day. Ragara Palan himself is relaxing by the window in a comfortable looking wicker armchair, a glass of wine diluted with fruit juices and chilled with ice cubes in his hand. He raises an eyebrow at the somewhat scruffy appearance of Elegy and Shinji, but shrugs and smiles as he stands up, making welcoming gestures.

"Ah, Wandering Ayo and companions. And someone new..? Oh my word, as I live and breathe, the infamous Mnemon Shinji Jaffa Caras! No, infamous is too light a word by far to do justice to the man who called Mnemon herself a demon-fucking whore. Pleasure to meet you, Shinji, your exploits are the stuff of dark legend, and still occasionally do the rounds at some of the family gatherings I've attended in the last few years. By the Dragons, Ayo, you certainly have a penchant for meeting the most interesting people in your travels."

Palan chuckles, greatly amused, shaking his head in slight disbelief.

"It's nice that after a century of life I can still be surprised. Anyway, enough of that, sit, please, help yourself to some refreshments. I'd like to hear how your delivery went. I assume that you completed it , or you wouldn't be here, but I won't receive a report from my people in Yane for another day or two, and fresh information is always more valuable than stale."

He sits back with his drink, awaiting someone to fill him in.
Shinji smiles all the same, despite stiffening up. Meeting actual cousins in the Realm was always...tricky. He grabs a simple cup of fruit juice to ease the hangover. "Actually, I do apologize for my current state. Regardless of that, pleasure is mine, Ragara. Tell me, do they still ritualistically spit on the floor at mention of my name? Or is that only in Mnemon's presence?"
"It went great! Well, except for the tidal wave, but at least that got us there faster! We got in to see that Ghati guy and delivered it to him with several hours to spare. He had some... choice words to say about you. I don't think he was very happy about the gift, though he accepted it fast enough. He had it taken to the deliberation chambers, so that is a good sign right?" Amaya interjects with her usual chipper tone, even through the tiredness that a sleepless night had caused.
Palan laughs at Shinji's question. "Oh, some of the old vultures do, and the young pissants looking for any way to crawl into bed with a benefactor. I haven't met Mnemon personally, but I'd imagine she just doesn't give a crap. She's maybe the most cunning and ruthless of all of us, that one, and time spent on a petty little grudge against you is time she could be spending plotting for the Scarlet Throne. No offence, but I doubt you're on her list of priorities. Still, that won't stop the insufferable lickarses hoping to gain favour with your House. I never liked the crazy old bitch, myself."

He smirks when Amaya tells him about the delivery. "The harsh language isn't a surprise. Nobody likes it when someone they know reminds them they owe a very large favour."

Ayo produces the letter High Astrologer Ghat wrote on receipt of the clock and hands it over. Palan looks satisfied, saying "Ah, and that's his signature. Dated, too, it seems you arrived with plenty of time to spare. Very good, I'm convinced things went smoothly. Fox tells me he transferred the other half talent this morning, and by the end of next month the Wyld Hunt will know next to nothing about any of you. But I recall mentioning a bonus for impressive service, and I am a man of my word. I do indeed have a little bonus for you..."

He fishes a scroll out of a jacket pocket and hands it over to Ayo. It's sealed with Palan's own sigil. "I have a variety of business interests around Chiaroscuro. One of them is a small cabal of artisans and engineers specialising in esoteric work. Daiklaves, jade armour, essence circuitry, that sort of thing. I don't claim any particular knowledge or skill with the topic, but I know a good money-spinner when I see it, and they've provided most satisfactory results so far. Show that letter to them, and they'll drop whatever they're currently doing and work on a single project of your choice for a very significant discount. You may have to supply some materials yourself, but it'll still be cheaper by orders of magnitude. They go by the name Humble Emulators of Vanileth, much to the dismay of the local Monks and some other interested parties, and you'll find them east of the Plaza, just outside Grandmother Bright's borders."

Ayo looks thoughtful and/or calculating for a while, and nods a thanks at Palan. "Most generous, my lord Ragara, thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you. I do hope you'll put in a good word for us with any associates that might benefit from our unique service."

Palan nods. "Of course. And if you plan on staying based in Chiaroscuro, I can promise I will have more work to send your way, for equally agreeable rewards. Well, I have a busy day ahead of me, so unless there's anything else you need to discuss..?"
Elegy listens, standing just a pace behind Ayo. Ah, the feeling of a job well done -- driving off a beastman raid had not even hurt their prospects! Which left the pressing question of what to do, what to do with their added bonus... she imagined it would go straight into an upgrade for the ship. She glanced at her captain, wondering how he would invest it. Weapons? Armor? Something else? Well, she was no essence-engineer. No questions here -- she stays comfortably in the background.
"Not a clue, sir." Shinji says, nursing the sweet drink. "Oh, I know the Old Bitch wouldn't find me a worry, but there are plenty of people who want to nest in her thatch. I escaped one by jumping ship with this lovely lot."
Amaya shakes her head. She is well satisfied with how things went and is secretly hoping she can sneak off to catch a few hours of sleep. Her attitude tends to rapidly decay the more tired she gets, and she knows that she is on the cusp of her irate side rising. Kind of a like a child coming off of a sugar rush, but much more violent. It would be better for everyone if that doesn't happen.
Palan nods. "Well then. Thank you once more, and good day to you. My aide Fox should be lurking outside in the corridor, if you see him on the way out could you send him in please?"

Fox is indeed outside, and looking rather sleepy, as if someone had forced him to transfer large amounts of money between banks at a ridiculous hour of the morning. He scuttles along to his master, and you are ushered (through the servants corridors) back out into the city. It is early evening, the glass shine in the sunlight. Town criers are loudly telling everyone the latest happenings in Chiaroscuro:

"Brutal attack leaves woman dead, noble mutilated, hungry ghosts suspected, salt lines being rechecked! Grandmother Bright requests funeral to be held in Plaza!"

"Refugees flocking to large towns and cities after increased beastman raids! Realm Legions implored to defend the people!"

"Bounty offered on slain rats! To decrease the rise of vermin numbers, the City Municipal Services have set a price of one obol for every hundred rat tails! Please bring proof to the office of..."

"Shortage of grain from Scavenger Lands as relations with Nexus deteriorate!"

"Paragon continues to annex territory! Our glorious Tri-Khan prepares diplomatic envoy!"
"Ah, social progress. I see the attacks are more widespread than we thought. May become awfully red around here in the near future." Shinji thumbs his belt loops and peers round the plaza. "What was that about a noble being attacked? Didn't the gent say his boss had been attacked, Elegy?"
"Hungry ghosts my ass. Bastard had his goons beat a woman to death in front of her child, and we decided to teach him a rather poignant lesson." Amaya says through gritted teeth, steel in her voice. "I'm glad Grandmother Bright is covering this all up for me and Shadow, but I hate that that villain gets away without any of the blame." Amaya kicks a pebble down the path in her frustration.
Shinji stares at her. "For supposedly being a former monk, you certainly sit on a lot of rage." He shrugs. "Do be a bit more discreet. And you people question why my kind hunts yours. It's not all religion. You'll certainly find your enlightenment, though, when a half dozen shikari turn you into a pin cushion. Anyhow, who is up for dinner? It's been a good day!" He blinks at the sun. "Well, lunch, anyway."
"I may be a bad monk, but at least I'm not a bad person. I'm not going to ignore something like that; I never did, even when I was still mortal. If I get killed for that, so be it; at least I know that I did my best." Amaya stares straight ahead with iron resolve. "I'm going to go catch some sleep. I'll be back at the ship if anyone needs me." She starts to stride away from the group.
Ayo calls out after Amaya, "Khaza Dal's Oasis this evening if you're up for it! Drinks on me!"

He scratches his head and grins. "That goes for the rest of you too. Seriously, nice work everyone, and after one job we have more money than I can currently think of what to do with, so we might as well drink some of it, right?" He glances at Shinji. "Assuming that doesn't bankrupt us. Anyway, there are still a few hours of daylight left, I'm going to see a few contacts, try and rustle up another job. I'll be at Khaza Dal's from about 9th bell of the evening. I'll be taking suggestions as to what to do with our little bonus. Check in at the ship by noon tomorrow in case we have work to do. Otherwise, the day and night belong to you. Ladies, gentlemen..."

Ayo struts off towards the richer part of town.
This is why wars start, miss monk.

Ah, well. Shinji snorts at Ayo's look. "Just because I hold the record among all Western Marine Contingents..." He shrugs. "Anyway, I'll be there tonight." He does have a stupid idea to pass the time, though. He ponders walking the salt lines. On the living side, of course. The old city holds too much dead-ruins-of-glories-past charm to resist now that he's sober. "Who wants to see a ghost?"
It would appear that Shinji is on his own if he wants to walk the salt lines. You've seen plenty of them about, the most protection they get is a warning sign every hundred yards or so, and the occasional city worker (with bodyguards, salt is expensive) checking up on them with a bag of spare salt bricks and a keen eye. Anyone who has lived in Chiaroscuro for more than a couple of months has learned that disturbing the salt lines is foolish; the authorities of Chiaroscuro, at least, will make your death quick if they catch you. Getting caught by hungry ghosts, having both mind and body torn asunder, and joining their ranks for eternity is rather more unpleasant. The rare screams of someone crossing over and not making it back out are evidence enough of that for most. That only happens once every other month, or thereabouts.

There's still an hour or two of daylight yet, so what you see beyond the salt lines is nothing special; the undead tend to shun the light. As the sun sets though, the areas cordoned off change subtly; A ruined building looks less ruined, or the stars look off when viewed through a forbidden zone. Shadowy figures flit about out of the corner of your eye. It looks like two cities superimposed over eachother, which is, in a sense, exactly what it is. You see markets and street performances and children (many with fatal looking injuries, such as broken necks or gaping chest holes) running between adult legs, playing an eternal game of tag.

As night falls, you come across one warded wreck of a building that is crammed with ghosts, wall to wall. They sort of blend together, there are so many, sharing the same space, until all you can really make out are the individual pairs of eyes, hundreds of them, gleaming a dull, hungry crimson, burning with hate and jealousy and rage. One of the city's salt line wardens is present, double checking the ward while his bodyguards try to keep one eye on you and another on the ghosts. He waves you away and says "Stay back, please. They're trapped for now, but with so many of them looking to break through it might not stay that way. There are some Immaculate Monks on the way to deal with the situation, and they'll want room to work."
"It's fine. Are the monks mortal or Graced of the Dragons?" He feels his hackles rise, looking at all those wolfish, dead eyes. "Why are they gathered here? Where they died or do they smell mannish blood?" Shinji savors the chill in the air. "Look at them all." He steps back, being amiable. "I've been walking the lines for a few hours. I've not noticed any cracks myself. Can they crack the salt themselves or do they just wait for a good rain?"

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