[Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

Follows? Oh no. He gets Elegy hanging off one arm, grinning like a slightly concussed loon, and a Taletold Heart hanging on the other looking like she has been forced to eat an entire orchard of legends. He must look like the world's most anxious pimp of the dead walking down the street.
Amaya joins Shadow promptly, matching his stride to hers. "Well, at least this should be interesting." Amaya notes optimistically, putting a positive spin on the situation. "In regards to why I chose to do without... It wasn't much of a choice really. When I didn't Exalt, I had very few options. A Mnemon that doesn't Exalt is unwelcome, and so I really only had the choice between the army and the monastery. I wanted a more spiritual life, so I chose the monastery. After that... it's mostly habit. I've never really needed a lot of things and a monk doesn't own much, so I didn't have anything when I left. I suppose I could start picking up things now, but it's just not one of my priorities, y'now?" Amaya explains, filling in the silence as they make their way to Grandmother Bright.
If only Shinji retained his grandfather's feathered hat, the one he'd given up to his father before joining the monastery so long ago...
Shadow, Amaya:

You make your way to the Plaza, where everyone knows Grandmother Bright holds court, if such it can be called. The Plaza is an impeccably-kept residential section of the city, about 6 blocks worth of 5 story buildings, and while not as obvious as the remaining glass towers, it is nevertheless one of the remaining parts of Chiaroscuro that maintains some shadow of its former beauty; Essence-powered street lamps, hot and cold running water in every home, gardens and working plumbing and pleasant smells abound. Even the faceless automatons who tirelessly perform maintenance look the part, although the stories of where they come from lessen their beauty somewhat and remind you that of all the city's rules, "Don't fuck with Grandmother Bright" is probably the most important.

Grandmother Bright herself is said to always reside during the day in a pavilion of red and gold in the centre of the Plaza, and sure enough, there it is; A spacious gazebo draped in silken sheets to block the sun's glare. You can see the shadows of two figures within, one of which gets up, bows and leaves with a confused look on his face. He stops at you two and says "Grandmother Bright said there'd be a couple matching your looks arriving. She said to say go right in. Uh, excuse me..." He scurries off down a side street.

As you approach the pavilion, you hear the amused and friendly voice of an elderly woman call out "Come along in, my dears, your tea will get cold!"

Shinji, Elegy:

It takes a while to get there from where you are. The scenery gets decidedly less opulent the nearer you get. Eventually you arrive at the place Elegy recalls, named the Wild Oat. There is loud music playing within, and the rhythmic thumping of many feet stomping about in time to it. Hoots and cries and laughter mingle with the occasional smashed glass and shout yell as the bouncers toss someone out the door so hard they hit the opposite wall. A small group of enterprising hobos has daubed a crude target on the wall, and coins exchange hands as this latest unfortunate ex-customer hits the ring just outside the bullseye...
"I have a bit of change, you know..." Shinji says, eyeing the new game. "Do you have plans or do you wish simply to cavort with whatever lies beyond those doors? Honestly, if it's not a bunch of hardened killers playing all stakes, I don't know that we'll find much fun at this hour." He watches another man be tossed out the door. "Then again..."
Amaya walks into the room confidently, pushing aside the curtains powerfully, but carefully enough not to cause any problems. Immediately she bows to Grandmother Bright. "Thank you for having us over!" Amaya says in a bubbly tone as she goes to sit down in front of one of the steaming cups of tea.
Elegy, Shinji:

This one hits the target dead centre with a crunch. The hobos cheer.

"Wahey! Bullseye! Anna a broken nose, if I'm any judge!"

"Haaaawwwwwwwk... Ptui!"

"Right, odds the next 'un comes out backwards?"

"Lads, oi fink dis paint stripper's gone orf..."

"Aye, I'll throw in a copper fer that!"

"Seriously lads, oi fink oi'm gunnaaaaaaeeeeeeeeuuuuuuurrrrrrrrgh!"

"Ah fuckit Wei, ye've puked all over th' landin' zone, that's gross!"

"Urgh... I tol' ya da paint stripper wuz no good!"
Amaya, Shadow:

"No trouble at all, deary, no trouble at all."

Dressed in yellow and gold, hunched over her teapot, friendly face covered in wrinkles, a permanent smile framing two gimlet eyes that say: I've pretty much seen it all. Grandmother Bright certainly lives up to her name. You have to fight the faint urge to give her a hug and ask for sweeties, she so puts you at ease. Not a trace of age in her arms though; oh they're wrinkly too but they're rock steady as she pours you out a steaming cup of delicious-smelling tea from a heavy pot.

"And so punctual, too! It's nice to meet such mannerly young people, you don't get so many of them these days. That Tri-khan could take a lesson from you, my dear, oh yes he could! Then again, I suppose, in your own way, neither of you are really that young at all, are you? Oh, what interesting times we live in, eh?"
"Gentlemen, gentlemen!" Shinji cries. "Surely it'll make for a more interesting game! Two circles: one puked, one clean! Who shall be the clean, yet unlucky bastard?" He tosses a few coin their way. "And by the Dragons, get some better booze!"
"More interesting than I could have ever imagined. Amaya agrees fervently as she thinks back to Mercury's visitation. After a moment of thought Amaya shakes out of her reverie and looks at Grandmother Bright sharply. "If you don't mind me asking, do you know what I am? No one I've spoken to has been able to say; even Ayo, and he seems to know everything." She queries in a respectful tone. In the end, the answer really won't matter too much to Amaya, but curiosity is hard to deny.
Elegy, Shinji:

The coins are scooped up swiftly. "Aye, maybe we could... Ok, new plan lads. Chiu, you nip round to the place down the street with that fancy wine and grab a bottle or two with this new gent's cash. Din and Lin, you draw another target next to this'un. Wei, you... Oh, he's passed out. I told him not to drink that crap. You, new guy," he points at Shinji, "Help me roll this fat git out o' the way." He shouts at the bouncer across the street. "Oi! Fez! Got two targets now, mind if we bet which one you hit with the next poor bastard?" The bouncer smiles. "Don't mind a bit, if y'give us a cut of the chink afterwards."

Amaya, Shadow:

"What are you? Oh child, that's at once the simplest and most vexing question you'll ever face. You, and your travelling companions, you're all Exalted, chosen by the greatest of the gods, be they the Sun, the Moon, the Maidens, or one of the Elemental Dragons themselves. Well, perhaps that's a little simplistic. You're all Chosen by something, anyway. Ayo, that rascal Dragon-Blood you picked up, and you Shadow, it's obvious enough where your power comes from. Your hulking friend Pillar has the flavour of a patron who... Went away, an aeon ago. Your dark lady Elegy, clearly has close ties with the dead. And you, Amaya... Well dear I'm afraid that's harder to figure out. I don't know at all who Exalted you, child. But I have the nagging suspicion that I should, which irritates me no end, oh yes it does. Perhaps I met them long ago, and forgot them. Long, long ago, when I was... When I was younger."

She takes a sip of her tea and looks thoughtful for a few seconds, before clapping her hands and smiling again.

"But I do ramble sometimes. Such things can wait for a better time. Now my dears, I imagine you know why I asked you to pay me a visit?"
"Happily, my friend. Wait a moment, Elegy." Shinji will come over to help lever the drunk out of the puke circle. "I can only imagine the fun you boys have."
A wry smile comes onto Amaya's face. "If I may guess, I think it has something to do with the Tri-Khan's relative. It sounded like you wanted to help us in your invitation."
Shadow pretty much just followed Amaya's lead. He still didn't quite get her reasoning, but her monk training probably meant she knew considerably more about protocol when dealing with deities, well proper protocol in nearly every social situation for that matter. He bowed awkwardly and sat next to Amaya. Shadow couldn't help but be reminded of Nana by Grandmother Bright and that, combined with the stories he had heard put him a little on edge. Her comment about who exalted him did bring a question to his mind. Why the Unconquered Sun? Why not the Maidens? He had been taught to pray to them not him after all.

The question however put him a little bit more at ease, it was more familiar, more reminiscent of a job "interview". He traced the lip of his teacup with his fingers, "Isn't that more of our reason for coming, not your reason for wanting us here." He sipped the tea. "This is quite good. What is it?" He drank some more before continuing. "The reason you invited us was you want something from us or want us to do something for you. Is that incorrect?"
Elegy watches this debacle with a wry smile as Taletold Hear stands a bit forward, guarding her lady from the beggars -- they might get her dress dirty. What would her childhood friends think of Legendary Shinji -- with his Essencecyle and his fabulous scarf that waved dramatically as he drove -- in an alley in front of a Chiarascuro speakeasy, setting up a betting game that involved puke, paint stripper, and pocket change?
Elegy, Shinji:

Elegy is beginning to suspect that the tales surrounding the Legendary Shinji are, if not slightly exaggerated, then certainly neglecting aspects of his character that might paint him as slightly less than a dashing young hero of Truth and Justice. Her current research is just as fascinating as those tales though, so there's that at least.

As you watch, the sounds of another fight breaking out emerge from inside the wild Oat. The bouncer disappears inside, returning quickly with another dodgy-looking ne'er-do-well. A grunt of effort, and he's sent sailing (forwards, much to the consternation of the one beggar who betted on coming out backwards) through the air to smack straight into the newly drawn bullseye. There's an "Oooof!" and the man collapses onto mercifully natural muck and gravel. He takes a minute to catch his breath and stop his head spinning, and then stumbles unsteadily down the road muttering to himself.

The beggars derive no small amount of mirth from this update to their little game, with Shinji gathering a few grimy but heartfelt slaps on the back. When the laughter dies down, the one who seems to be in charge tosses a coin towards the bouncer, who deftly catches and pockets it.

The head hobo smiles at the pair of you. "Bets on the next poor wanker, folks?"

Shadow, Amaya:

Grandmother Bright very conspicuously sneaks a small bag of tea leaves into Shadow's satchel, acting like some grand conspirator, just like Nana would sneak you a sweet pastry when your parents told you it would spoil your appetite. She sits back and chuckles pleasantly. "You're both right, my dears. I may be getting on in years, but there's very little in Chiaroscuro that escapes my attention for long, oh my word yes. I know this Kadash fellow you met. A horribly rude and odious young man if ever there was one. What he did today was shocking, just disgraceful. I usually let people get on with being people, as long as it doesn't harm my lovely city. But that woman Nara, she was a dear, she was."

She takes another sip to clear her throat.

"And her daughter too, such a lovely girl. Do you know, I once invited the family to live in the Plaza, but they declined in case someone more deserving came along? Such modesty and politeness, such a lovely family. Well, it would seem Fate had its own plan, as it often does."

"But I'm rambling again my dears, I do apologise. Let me see, where was I..? Oh yes. Now, you see, I am a god, and an old one too. Been around Creation a few times, I dare say, and I possess an affinity for certain... concepts, or beliefs and actions, I suppose. And they resonated strongly in that young woman Nara. I was... Well, hoping that events would turn out a certain way to give her a... clarity of thought on some matters, particularly the how and why of her husband's death, and the nature of the so-called nobility of Chiaroscuro. Alas, that despicable little man Kadash went and... Well, you were there."

"Now, I was going to teach him a harsh lesson in manners, but I'm told you did that for me in a most interesting manner. He still lives, and he will likely try to hunt you down and do terrible things once he gets over the shock of recent events. In thanks for doing my job for me, I will do what I can to keep the authorities in Chiaroscuro from inconveniencing you. My word carries weight with most mortals here. So polite of them, to listen to an old woman ramble on..."

She pauses a while tops up your cups with fresh tea and a smile. The ramifications of what she just said are totally at odds with the sweet-old-lady manner in which she said it.

"That's one thing. The other was to ask you for a favour. I am not without power, but most of it is limited to within the city walls. That girl, Narita, she is important to this city. Or she will be, one day. It should have been her mother, but that's life, isn't it? She now lives outside the walls with her uncle, and that is good. A young girl growing up should have a family, and her uncle is a good man, but I cannot keep a constant watch over her. I ask you this favour: Drop in on little Narita from time to time. You saved her life, she looks up to you. Tell her stories of your journeys, bring her little gifts from far away places. Whenever you return to my city, stay in that inn. Be like extended family to her, visiting from far away and providing her with a sense of wonder at the world, a sense of adventure."

"In return, you won't find me ungrateful. You have questions, and I imagine as you explore the world and the limits of your power, you will have more and more. I have existed for a long time, I have seen many things and I know many more. I will help you answer your questions. And the questions of your friends, should they so wish. You can refuse, of course. I'll be disappointed, but understanding, you do have a lot on your plate right now as it is, and I'm imposing on you further with this request. No hard feelings if you'd rather not."

Another sip of tea.

"Oh, but take your time to think about it! I don't need an answer right now. Come back and visit again before your job takes you to far away lands, that's time enough my dears."
Shinji laughs as the man lands in the cleaner, newer circle. "A shame! Gentlemen, good luck this evening. Come, come, Elegy! Let's see this rat's nest from inside."
"With pleasure!" rejoins Elegy, taking Shinji by the arm as they stride inside. Although, perhaps, his heroism was not exaggerated as much as she thought -- he is certainly a hero to those beggars!
Friendly waves from the beggars as you part ways. The bouncer nods as you approach, rattling off a well-rehearsed "Welcome to the Wild Oat, keep your fights in the pit, keep your hands off the dancers and keep an eye on your wallet. Have fun."

Inside is hot, sweaty and fun. Dancers crowd one corner, wearing enough between them to make one small dress. Musicians crowd the opposite corner, playing up a storm of the kind of music that the Immaculate Order would regard as thoroughly improper. In between is a sunken pit where two people beat each other up for money, gamblers of all walks of life crowding the edge of the pit with wads of jade scrip waving about in their hands as bets are made, cashed and disputed. Some VERY burly bouncers are on hand to manage the worst of the trouble, easily tossing thugs about until they make it to the door and grace the meagre gambling den of the beggars you just met.
Oh. Oh, my. Shinji keeps the lustful tremor out of his voice and wrings his hands together, as if they ache. Even though they do.

"So, aside rampant debauchery," he says, "what do you have in mind?"
Elegy is in luck; the musicians, an eclectic bunch who look to be from all Directions, call for quiet as the last pit fighter is dragged unconscious outside and there seem to be no more challengers for the moment. They then launch into... You're not quite sure, but Mela's frosty nipples does it have a beat you can dance to!

Shinji, being a well-travelled sort, recognises musical instruments from all over Creation. You can't help but think: they'll never manage to work them all into a decent tu... Oh my word, that's pretty sweet...

Amaya's smile starts to constantly enlarge from the moment Grandmother Bright relates her plans for Narita. "You want us to mentor Narita and help her grow up into a hero?" Amaya asks in a neutral tone, hiding her emotion. This reserved attitude doesn't last very long. Amaya lets loose a laugh of delight and claps her hands together in happiness. "I would love to!" she exclaims in an overly loud voice bordering on a shout. "It will be no problem at all! There is no question about it; I would be glad to do that even if you weren't helping us!" Amaya rises from her chair and states with her hand clenched on top of her chest, affirming her devotion to the idea.

"And I know just how to start! I'll go tell her about that time I intervened in a dispute between an Ifrit, an Eagle god, and the ghost of a man who had been caught between them!" Amaya starts to ramble, enthusiastically thinking out loud as to how she would start Narita's tutelage. Her voice starts to drop below a conversational level, but she can still be heard clearly. She shows no signs of stopping, so immersed she is in this wonderful idea.
"Ha! Come then, I shall show you the dance of my people." He drew her into the crowd and let the rhythm carry them away.

May or may not be the dance of House Mnemon. [media]

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