[Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

"You guess, is it," Elegy says, somewhat weakly. "Well, she certainly seems indifferent to the zombies... let it never be said that the Maidens are unwilling to make compromises. Do you have any inkling of what game she may be playing beyond vague visions?"
"Mission from God sort of thing. Same thing the Immaculate hermits like to rave about during heatstrokes. Only real." Shinji says, eyeing one particular loon ex-monk who seemed far too exuberant at the moment.
"You're the captain, I'm with you Ayo. Regardless of the destination." Shadow looked up at Amaya jumping up and down and burst into laughter. There's nothing for it, it's like laughter or yawning it's just so infectious. He joined the odd woman in her excited jumping. It doesn't matter, even if I were uninterested in doing something for one of the Maidens, only they know how indebted I am to them, Jupiter in particular, but it's Ayo's call.

You make excellent time to Chiaroscuro, everyone grabbing a couple more hours of sleep before arriving. Lights pop up in the distance as guard patrols ride out, a good time for the less alive crew members to begin making themselves scarce. The ship is hailed, credentials are checked, and you are directed around to the naval port; while Chiaroscuro has a small landship dock, it's rarely used, and the area tends to attract shady dealings which none of the guards are interested in examining too closely.

A quick change of course to swing the Lusty Maiden around into the sea, and you're docking just as false dawn begins peeking over the horizon. Ayo greets the harbourmaster, a few coins change ownership, hands are shaken and word is sent for Fox, Ragara Palan's aide. He arrives half an hour later, clearly annoyed at the unholy hour he's been dragged out of bed so early, and still terribly edgy around people he's certain are demons, but he looks over the High Astrologer's letter, signs some paperwork, and within another half hour he returns.

"The original payment has been transferred in full. My master will probably wish to speak with you later, when he awakes, to thank you for your services and settle any bonus or expenses occurred, or perhaps offer more work, I couldn't say. He can be found in Chiaroscuro's Bounty 3 hours after midday. Good morning to you ladies, gentlemen." He scuttles off home to bed.
Ayo addresses the crew.

"Well done, boys and girls, we've earned the first of many small fortunes to come, I'm sure. I'll take care of the ship; Last night has given me a lot to think about. I'll meet you outside Chiaroscuro's Bounty later like the man said, but apart from that consider yourselves on shore leave until noon tomorrow. We'll see about our next move then."

He heads below deck, to his cabin, his books, and a bottle of something dangerous.
Shinji nods as Ayo disappears, stares up at those shattered towers. "Been here exactly one time. But my Major kept me scrubbing decks for hours on end. Well, fuck him, he's off somewhere dying for queen and country. I, however, am going to enjoy a three-day furlough in 25 hours. Look to the gutters, my friends, I will be there. Plentimon and I have business tonight!" Shinji heads to his cabin to gather up his things and head into the city, grinning ear-to-ear.
With a little wink to Taletold Heart, Elegy watches their new comrade disembark, boasting of business with fate and fortune. Let it never be said she would waste a chance to learn more about her fellow sailors!

And, of course, put the Incarnae out of her mind. As Shinji vanished around her a corner, she immediately set out on his trail, ready to prepare a full dossier on him!
Shinji begins asking around, anyone of the harder sorts, where the finest dice halls and hookah dens in the Old City. He passes a facade of glass, watching his warped reflection in the Southern Sun. Been a long time since I've wandered the South. He thought about his mother for whatever reason, wondered if she was well. His father, invariably, was well. Man could weather a hurricane of glass and fire and come out with simply a need for a smoke to pass it off. His mother, though, there was a born worrier. She put up a good front, but...

"Eh." He has coin to spend, a hammer (two, really) to use, and he'll spend this night in communion with Plentimon and his sordid cousins if he has anything to say about it. No time to think of home. Not without enough booze to dull the old ache.

The local street rats are quick to point you to to a place that does both dice and smoking of rare substances. Halan's Emporium, the name is. Bring money to play and a knife in case you're accused of cheating. Everything from tobacco to opium for the discerning gentleman who doesn't feel like answering too many questions.

The bouncers are big men. The reddish-brown stains on the cudgels in their meaty fists suggest that they take their work very seriously indeed. They eye you as you pass, but make no move. Inside you are greeted by a skinny man with an oiled pointed beard and bad teeth.

"Welcome, my friend, welcome! Welcome to Halan's Emporium of Chance and Leisure! We have every entertainment you desire, and if we don't, we'll get it while you wait! What takes your fancy this fine morning, my friend?"


Shinji makes a few enquiries with shady sorts and street kids, and wanders along to Halan's Emporium of Chance and Leisure, a rather disreputable gambling and smoking den. You've never been, but it sounds like the kind of place that offers a certain excitement unavailable at the more respectable places around Chiaroscuro. Big men guard the doors. Big as Shinji. They let both of you past without a word, though.

An odious little man with a greasy beard greets you. He seems to have trouble getting his gaze to rise high enough for eye contact. "Welcome, my lady, welcome! Welcome to Halan's Emporium of Chance and Leisure! We have every entertainment you desire, and if we don't, we'll get it while you wait! What would madam like to begin with this fine morning?"
"Dice me, my friend. Dice and a bowl of whatever rotgut you've got on hand. If you don't have rotgut, a pipe of your finest weed. I have coin to spend and may not even be offended by the house rules." Shinji sits down at the busiest dicing table, readies himself, leaning the Column down against the wall, leans against it chair-wise.
"Of course, my friend, of course! Please follow my assistant and she will bring you to a suitable table, and see to your every need thereafter. Alyssa! Show our honoured guest to the dice tables!"

A woman clad in silks that, while not revealing, are certainly suggestive hooks her arm in yours and pressing up against you a little more than is appropriate, walks you further into the dimly-lit building, which resembles an old warehouse done up with tapestries, thin walls, cushions, statues in poses that would have an Immaculate Monk choking on his unflavoured rice and water. She sits you down at a dice table with four other rough looking sorts, and disappears for a few moments to bring you some weed and alcohol. She leans in seductively as she lights the pipe, whispering "Should you desire anything else, my lord, just ask."
Amaya has finally stopped jumping around, though she still has a grin wider than should be physically possible. She stands idle for a few moments as she considers her course of action, silently contemplating. "This is so great! I need to find some way to celebrate... Hm... Actually, I think I should go give me thanks for everything that has happened to me. I haven't prayed in such a long time. I think its time to go back to my roots, if only for a little bit. Its not like anyone knows me here."

With that thought in mind, Amaya goes back to her bunk and stores away her sword and armor. She changes into a more sombre pair of clothes (i.e., brown cloak), and heads off the ship. She doesn't really know where the closest temple is, but she doesn't let that concern her. Half the fun of a journey is in the discovery, and she had a full day anyway. Maybe a local will be able to tell her, or more likely, maybe she'll just wander aimlessly for a couple hours.
"Love the art! Oh, I like you." He draws deeply on the hash, savoring it, and slowly letting out in a stream of dragon-tailed rings. The alcohol stings like swallowing a mouthful of bees. Marvelous. He smiles at her, slaps a little coin on the table. He hooks an arm around her waist. "For now, you'll be a touch of luck. Afterward, you'll be a touch of a different sort. Gentlemen!" He cries. "How are you?"

The locals aren't exactly the most pious when it comes to the Immaculate Faith, but they wave vaguely in the direction of the west of the inner city. That's not terribly helpful, as you end up getting turned around in the alleyways. Nearly an hour of wandering, and you turn the corner of one alley to see something that makes your blood boil: A well-to-do-looking man laughing as his two bodyguards beat a woman while her young daughter looks on, begging for them to stop.


A round of half-hearted greetings out of the others. This early in the day, any gamblers are either hardcore or hoping that they can turn around a whole night's bad luck. Two look like sailors, all tattoos and scars and badly-concealed knives, one is a worried-looking middle-aged man, a clerk by the looks of his clothing, and the last is a well-dressed young man with close-cropped black hair and a magnificent half-smile of a poker-face. He pushes over a cup of dice. "Good time to join us. Minimum wager is a quarter obol. How lucky do you feel, warrior?"
"Quarter obol? Hesiesh's burning piss, you're a rich boy, aren't you? Khanate child?" Slitting his eyes, Shinji's still sober mind scans his face. Not sure if cousin or dice-snake...whatever. He slaps a bit on the table. "Fuck it, I'm game."

Viva Las Vegas!
The man smiles a little wider. "Just a trader, sir, blessed with considerable good fortune so far today. These fine gentlemen here have been kind enough to hand over most of their wages to me in the last few hours. The nervous-looking chap there only needs to lose one more game to me and I walk away with his house. No offence intended, sir, I'm just making sure you're worth my time."

He tosses a quarter obol onto the table, and sits back, waiting for your throw.

Wits+Larceny for this throw. You can engage in some psychological warfare to penalise his throw if you like with a suitable presence/socialise/performance roll. Straight out intimidation would allow for Strength over Wits/Intelligence/Charisma/Manipulation.
Amaya's face contorts into a mask of anger. Without wasting a moments notice she dashes towards the vile man and his bodyguards, ready to dish out some badly needed punishment.

If this is going to be an actual combat, here is my join battle roll. If it isn't, my next post will be a description of the beatdown.

[3,2,9,4,5,6,4,4] -> 1 Success

Invisible Castle has been disliking me today :(
I like you as well, my greedy friend.

"Know a man of the Dragons named Selakkis? He'd like you, I think." Gears overclocked in his head. Old routines long dormant revitalized and he remembered court politics. Father's gifts renewed themselves. Despite being men of war, the Caras boys had a hard philosophical and politicking bent. Thank great-great-grandwhore. "And what do you trade that leaves a man so wealthy to pursue the leisurely life so early in the day? A new home is quite the investment to walk away with."

The dice are swept into the cup with the blade of his palm. It was time wind the small and spin this fucker's head around. Maybe he had the old touch. "Ajencis writes of men like you. Men who know many things are by turns equitable and twisted as the bones of poorly dream-eaten. And that men like you believe they know all things by understanding what comes after. Like dice. You may have a twist on the dice, know the game well enough. Not an eye for the past. A mind for math fit for the Spiral. But the true men understand nothing. Not even Dynasts like me. You must understand this aphorism: 'if it is only after that we understand, then we understand nothing.'

"Even though he goes on to talk about the soul being that which comes before and that no man will ever understand its depths... I believe I know yours, my gentleman."

Shooting for a small psych-out using either Intelligence + either Socialize or Presence. Your choice, sir. Spending a will on THAT roll as well. Told to roll Presence instead! Thank God.
Oh, that rattled him, for sure. You had him a little worried when you went through the philosophical stuff, but dropping in the fact that you were (technically, at least) a Dynast, oh, that gets splutters from the whole table, and a gasp from the lovely lady on your knee. He stares at the dice you roll a little longer than necessary. Alyssa gets a little friendlier.

The man glances at the other three men, eagerly looking at the pile of money on the table; Rare for the common folk to have real jade, never mind an obol's worth, so there's quite a bit of silver coin to be seen, perhaps 5 month's wages for most people. He swallows and gathers the dice in his cup. They're rattling even before he starts shaking it. And then he throws:

Oh, what rotten luck! You'd almost feel sorry for him, if he'd been more pleasant. The others at the table actually laugh or punch the air, the death of their collective luck avenged by a slightly scruffy knight in not-quite-shining armour. He gapes at the dice that betrayed him so callously.

"The... The game is y-yours, my lord. I-If you will pardon me a moment, I am quite thirsty, and would like a drink..."

He leaves for a bar about 20 yards down the room. Much back-slapping ensues.
"Hahahaha," Shinji parses out a few bits of jade and a palmful of silver. "Take the rest, boys. Enjoy your night. Don't die on it." He pulls the friendly little harlot into his lap. "Madam! I am a man of honor, of dignity--pfft, hahahahah! But really, I'm not near drunk enough to be this friendly out here. BARKEEP! Your seediest room with the thinnest walls." Scooping up Alyssa, Shinji continues laughing, smoking the weed offered from his new friend.

"It'll be a damn good day. Don't you agree?"
"Is that opium I smell? It has been so long since I indulged in such dreams... a pipe, please, and with a strapping young slave with a lap to sit upon! I wish to watch the gamblers while I do so -- quite an interesting set, don't you agree? Oh, and the same for my handmaiden here. She works entirely too hard." Honestly, the smell in the place was giving her a rush already. Was this Shinji a gambler or did he merely think himself one?

Your slave boy is strapping indeed, with an amble lap and excellent practice at supporting young ladies. Taletold Heart begins to protest, but relents quickly enough when an equally attractive young man drags her away from you. With a fresh pipe full of the good stuff and a complimentary glass of something delicate and fragrant, you settle down by a bar about 20 yards away from Shinji, who is facing off against a cocky looking young man. Looks vaguely familiar, you might have seen him in other gambling establishments around the city. Too far away to hear the conversation, you do however get a splendid view of the colour draining from his face as he throws his dice, you hear a cheer from the other players, you see the man mumble something as he gets up to join you at the bar, asking for a bottle of sake laced with opium and cursing "that fucker" under his breath.

Meanwhile, Shinji leaves most of his winnings at the table for the others to divide amongst themselves, as a shapely girl practically jumps into his arms. You hear him shout "BARKEEP! Your seediest room with the thinnest walls!", and you feel little need to speculate too much further into what the future holds for your newest crew member.
Amaya speeds forth, a purveyor of justice coming to the aid of the innocent. She does not appear to move with superhuman speed, but 'merely' at the highest level a human could achieve. However, unlike said mortals, Amaya has no need to drop her guard; her concentration remains as fixed as ever. Her feet silently pat down against the cobblestones, brushing up a thin layer of dust but not making a sound. A crate impedes Amaya's path, but she does not try to swerve around it.

Instead she vaults over it like a gymnast, legs extended horizontally and hands softly touching down on the crate's lid. Pushing off the wooden surface, Amaya somersaults. As she surpasses the apex of her flight, her feet collide with the tops of each guard's head. The bullies slam down into the pavement, both having been knocked unconscious by the unforeseen assault. Amaya lands softly on the ground, already back into her stance, and turns to direct a withering glare in the noble's direction. He is next.

Amaya activates dashing meteor speed out of peripheral, but spends a mote of personal to mute it with Essential Possibilities. There is no real point in doing so, but she just likes to be fast. She doesn't activate any more charms. It was possible not to automatically down them, so here are my rolls.

Goon #1

6 Successes

8 damage through soak, so he's unconscious. Maybe even dead, due to bashing rolling over to Lethal.


5 Successes

7 Damage through soak, Unconscious and possibly dead.

I'm really doubting it matters, but Amaya's attacks have speed 4 due to her new charm, and she has a parry DV of 6.
Pillar had been quiet for the most part after the incident with the beastmen. His time had been caught up in the reading of his new books and scrolls. He'd been trying to wrap his brain around the Fair Folk writings before finally deciding to his himself time to process on that. Instead he had focused on the mysterious item with the Great Creator's name upon it. That was all at least until they had encountered the God.

Gods were strange to Pillar, fickle even, compared to the generally logical efforts of the Divine Ministers. This god as least we rather showy with the strange vision but then again the Ministers gave visions at times too. Just likely not so jumbled. Still he was surprised to find their Captain had apparently been nominated for some grand role in things to come. But the visions had something that drew his own attention. The Creator's name. There was always the mad possibility this could lead to something more for him and he'd chosen to stick it out with the crew. Another new experience.

He moves calmly to the captain cabin, knocking some. He knew he likely didn't wish to be disturbed but this was still something to discuss. Aside from which he'd worry about the pay later. Money was a novel concept as there was no such thing in Autocthonia. It seems to be some sort of labor value system that could exchange hands which proved surprisingly effective. People worked very hard to get those little pieces of paper and pressed metal. Perhaps he could apply this concept back home someday...

The noble's laugh chokes to a halt as he sees you land on his henchmen with a nasty crunch of bone, like some sort of vengeful dark knight of the city, and he panics; reaching for his sword too quickly throws him off balance, which turns his defensive step backwards into a tumble that leaves him flat on his arse, backing up through mud and shit against the far side of the alley from you.

Could you make a Perception+Awareness roll, please? Just difficulty 1

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