[Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 3 - Getting Paid

Amaya rubs the child's head again, continuing to comfort her as the three of them speed across the city rooftops. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. You know me though. I don't really need much; my idea of a fancy outfit is changing into my nice cloak. I may not have been the best student, but I did learn how to live ascetically." Amaya jokes at her own expense.
Shadow smirked. "We're nearly there. We should return to street level, there's an alley coming up, I'll meet you two there." The thief stole down into the crowd below, somehow he must have found a blind spot in the crowd because nobody seemed to notice him. He arrived at the alleyway a minute after the girls and handed Narita a sweet roll. "I don't think I really do know you. Why did you choose to do without when you didn't have to?"

Everyone stops what they're doing and silence descends upon the room, everyone staring at the would-be thief. As if to add insult to injury to the man, the noise from Shinji's young lady reaches a crescendo. He tries to run, but the bouncers quickly stop him, and drag him outside for a stern talking to and more than likely a few broken ribs. The greasy man who welcomed you earlier appears, bowing and scraping. "My lady, you have my most sincere apologies! We pride ourselves on the security of our customers, and this lapse one our part has shamed us indeed! Our master Kadash will want to apologise personally as soon as he returns, but in the mean time, please, the cost of your slaves and drinks are on the house. Is, uh, is there anything you would like done to the thief before he is turned over to the city watch?"

Shadow, Amaya:

The girl manages to forget her troubles for a few blissful minutes as you run and leap across the sunlit rooftops, squeaking in terror at this or that long drop, gasping in awe at the view of the glass towers in the morning sunlight. All too soon though you arrive at the southern gate, and out you go. The surroundings here cater mostly for traders and travellers just arriving or just leaving. Plenty of caravans of all sorts, pilgrims, the occasional refugee from one of the many wars that seem to be popping up more and more often across Creation. All need food, drink, lodgings, entertainment, and so most of the buildings are inns, bars, brothels, gambling houses and the like. It takes about 15 minutes of wandering through the sprawl before Narita tugs Amaya's arms and points to an inn away from the roadside and gates. It looks pretty respectable and Narita points at the sign over the door and says "That's it! That's uncle's inn!"

It's quiet enough when you enter; the establishments nearest the gates tend to fill up first, and most of last night's arrivals have already moved on while it's too early for many more to arrive. A man in his 40's is polishing glasses in a seat by the bar, and he looks up when you enter. "Morning, folks. Welcome to the Sparrowhawk Inn. What can I g- Narita? Child, what are you doing here? Where is her mother, strangers?"
Amaya's face is sorrowful as she sets Narita down on the counter. "She crossed paths with a nobleman. I... don't think I should say anymore. The less you know, the better. I wouldn't tell anyone about it either; if you can get Narita to keep it a secret, it would be for the best. You'll understand why by tomorrow, maybe sooner." Amaya says softly, trying to prevent Narita from overhearing.
"Maybe, maybe not." Shadow states with a shrug. "His kind are vain. He might try to keep a lid on the incident to save face, if he can. More importantly, make sure she's well cared for. Children need good parents and a good home." Shadow places a bag containing the jade script he had taken off Kadash plus a little extra into the man's hands and leaves. He finds a nice spot to sit outside and wait for Amaya.
Elegy gives the man a slightly concussed stare as three of him float in the air in front of her -- and she's pretty sure those flying pink yeddim aren't real either.

"...why do you have six eyes?" she asked, dazed.

A distracted "Whuh? Ah, come in." greets you. Inside, Ayo is sat at his desk, the strange disc in one hand, an expensive-looking bottle with no label in the other. It's hard to tell which one he's contemplating more. "Destiny rarely makes sense, does it? Destiny is my job. Well, it used to be anyway... and this is... Ach, damned if I know. Anyway, what can I do for you, Pillar?"


The man... Er, men? Whatever. They look confused for a moment before sighing slightly. "Uh, perhaps we could get you some coffee, m'lady?" You are helped back up to your feet, and the slave is given a dressing down for dropping you. A cup of caffeine-filled goodness is prepared for you, as well as another cocktail or two in case you just want more of those. A servant runs up to the welcomer and whispers in his ear, and the man's face drops. He approaches again and bows deeply. "My lady, I know I said the owner would be along soon to apologise in person, but I am afraid he was savagely attacked on the streets, and is currently in the care of healers. We have failed you twice today, my lady, and our shame knows no bounds. If I may have your name, my lady, I will ensure that should you ever favour us with your presence again, you will never have to wait outside, or pay for any pleasures save the tables themselves."


By the green, leafy beard of Sextes Jylis! Last time you saw someone that nimble was when you and your squad were attacked by an angry air elemental! But alas, even the Chosen of Pasiap tire eventually.

Amaya, Shadow:

Narita runs over to her uncle and hugs his leg. "Mama's... dead, Uncle Iro. The landlord wanted to kick us out of our house, but she said no! And then they started hitting her and I tried to make them... make them stop b-but they kept hitting her and and..."

She breaks down in tears again, while Iro just holds her, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly, unable to find the words. He manages as much as "Nara... Oh, sister..."

The girl gulps down a breath of air and continues through the sobs. "But, b-but the lady came and stopped them and threw the landlord into a wall and the m-man is a healer and he tried to help Mama but she w-was already dead! And they t-took me here!"

The look of despair on both their faces is heartbreaking. Iro drops to one knee and buries his face in his niece's hair, making soothing noises to console one or both of them. After a while he sniffles, composes himself, and lifts Narita onto the bar. He grabs a cloth and dabs at her eyes, wipes some of the grime off her cheeks. "Shh, shhh, my petal. I know it hurts now, but we'll get through this. I'll take care of you, I promise. Be strong, like your mother. She'd want you to be strong... You look hungry, did you eat today? No? How about you go into the kitchen and tell Inga to make us up a big bowl of stew? I'll join you in a bit, I need to talk to these people first. Go on, now, there's a good girl."

She hops off the bar, waves a thank-you at Amaya, and shuffles out a side door. Iro watches her go and draws a ragged sigh. "She looks just like her mother did when we were children, you know. I know you would have saved both if it were possible. Thank you for doing as much as you did. Come, let us talk outside with your companion."

He brings you outside to Shadow, and sits at a table, looking every bit his age. "Narita says you stopped the men beating my sister. I... I know who their landlord is, and I must know: Does he yet live?"
"She wanted his life spared." He points an accusing finger at Amaya. "So against my better judgment, yes, he's still alive. Disfigured and likely more furious than ever, but alive."
Iro spits on the ground. "It's more than he deserves. Kadash is a cruel, greedy man. Nara was always talking of how he constantly raised the rent, squeezed every clipped silver penny from his tenants. And worse things besides. Perhaps you taught him a lesson, but I doubt it. The Tri-khan will find out, sooner or later. I heard Kadash was not exactly popular with him, but family... Family is family. You may want to watch yourselves around the city guard."

He produces a pipe from a belt pouch and starts thumbing tobacco into the bowl.

"I... don't know what else to say. My dear sister is murdered, but you saved her daughter. I'm both happy and devastated. Her father died 3 years back, when some bastard broke a salt line and released a pack of hungry ghosts. Myself and my wife Inga, we're the only family she's got now. We'll take care of her. You're both always welcome here."

At this point a well-dressed bookish sort wearing green robes and glasses approaches. He bows politely. "Please, forgive my interruption, but do I have the honour of addressing the individuals known as Amaya and Shadow?"
A man knows when he's beaten. Or drained.

"You're marvelous." He mumbles, stumbling out the door, half-assedly dressing as he gets down the hall. How much time passed? Hmm, not nearly as much as he's thought. Typical.


"The buggering hell? Elegy!" Shinji calls, coming down the steps looking like a mess, hooking the Column (the actual tetsubo) over his shoulder. "What brings you to this filth pit of humanity? I see you've met the owner."
He face palms. I need a new PR person. Too many people keep knowing who I am. Shadow glances around to make sure they aren't being surrounded or something and then sighs. "Good to meet you Iro. We'll pop in to see you later." Shadow turns to the well-dressed man, "Who are you and who's your employer? What do you want? And who I am is on a need to know basis, and short of a good reason all you need to know is that I could be Amaya, I could be Shadow, I could be Billy Batson, hell I could be the Tri-Khan so why should I tell you who I am or am not?"

I think the next XP I get I'll be putting into Awareness.
He doesn't appear to have brought anyone along, and you see nobody watching from the wings. You're satisfied he's here alone.

The man bows again. "Oh! I do apologise if I startled you. My name is Derla Von, and what I want is to deliver an invitation from my employer, no more. She would very much like to talk to you both at your earliest convenience. Directions, if you agree, can be found in the invitation itself. Good afternoon, gentlemen, madam."

He produces a rather nice-looking scroll from his satchel, leaves it on the table, bows once more, and walks away.
"Well, I do like to know who knows who I am." Shadow looks the invitation over, flipping it over a couple of times on the off chance there was a hidden message somewhere after reading it. "And I would love to know how she knew where to find us."

One of these days the paranoia is going to be warranted, and that'll probably be the day I don't make a roll.
Elegy sips her coffee as her thoughts slowly realign. My, that had been quite a spill-- but it had all worked out! She looked at the man thoughtfully. "Attacked, you say? How grievous are his injuries?" Mayhap she could look them over.

And there is Shinji, fresh from the fields of conquest! "There you are, sir Mnemon. Enjoying your shore leave, I see!"
"And how. Anyhow, why are they all groveling? I miss something?" He pops his neck, looking round. "Where's your bosom-ghosty-chum?"
"Hrm? Oh, I know not. Perhaps dragged her slave off into one of those thin rooms. If random paranormal phenomena start up around the bedrooms -- whistling noises, mirrors cracking, spectral figures. Oh, and I fell. Seems that someone was trying to pick my pocket at the time and, well..." she nods toward the building. "And it would seem the owner of this establishment has been cut down in the street and healers now battle for his life. What an outing this has been!"
"Chiaroscuro was always fun, I was told. At least, that's what my men said. One of my corporals got hammered on mare's milk and hallucinogens one night, shat in a nobles courtyard, and then climbed halfway up a broken sentry tower near the saltlines. Oh, how the nobles gnashed their teeth and the Immaculate padre wept." Shinji smiles in remembrance. "Granted, I was given all the watches, so I missed most of it. It's a hell of a town. Where was the owner taken down? Might as well go look into it, I'm feeling relaxed and partially sober."

He jumped at the sound of sounds of an eerie moaning. "Seems she is getting hers."
Shadow, Amaya:

The brushwork on the scroll is impeccable. In a fine flowing script, it reads:

Greetings. You have caused quite a stir in the city in a short time. It is very possible that you are about to make some powerful enemies. I would rather that didn't happen, and I would very much like to discuss the matter of offering you assistance over tea in my home. Come along whenever you like, I shall be available in the Plaza. I would enjoy the company of new faces willing to follow their convictions.


Grandmother Bright.

Elegy, Shinji:

The man shakes his head at Elegy. "You are very kind, my lady, but it is not necessary. Kasash is one of the Tri-khan's own blood, and will have access to the finest healers in the city. Please, relax, enjoy our entertainments, put your mind at ease."

He calls over a fresh pipe and another round of drinks, and leaves the pair of you to it.
"Yes, well, I'm not House Cynis, so I can only debauch so much. If needs be, I'll have another drink, but then I'm out. I'd like to explore the city. And I very much doubt the local Realm garrison will give a damn. They have little enough power here as it is."
Grandmother Bright, as in goddess who oversees an entire block of first age homes, as in the one Chuck told me to avoid pissing off at all costs, that Grandmother Bright? "Why do I get the feeling that "whenever you like" really means as soon as possible." Shadow took a deep breathe and hopped off the barrel. "This is why I don't like people knowing who I am. Asides from the many many many people who would likely want my hands, if not my head, there's the part where everybody wants you. It's always run run run, never get to just take a moment and enjoy the scenery." He said to Amaya before setting off at a quick pace.
"Cynis, hmm?" she takes a long puff on her pipe. "Maybe I will accompany you. This city is indeed a marvel of depravity, and it would be ever so nice to have someone new to explore it with. Now, if only --" A spectral apparition passes through the bar floor, sending a chill through the guests, with a wailing moan from upstairs. "--that'd be her now. Once my loyal handmaiden returns, shall we set out, Mnemon Shinji?" She did want to learn so much more about her newfound crewmate.

Taletold Heart staggers downstairs, hair frazzled, expression dazed. Onward!
"Certainly. You came here with me, so you and your cohort pick our next haunt. I just ask we not cross the salt lines. I'd rather not die."
Elegy contemplates her answer for a moment, considering it. What are some good stomping grounds around here, invisible GM in the sky?

Now that you think about it, you recall a place not far from Khaza Dal's Oasis, with a bit of a wild reputation for song, dance, decent booze and bar fights frequent enough for to be considered traditional. The Wild... Something, you think it's called. Goat? Boar? Whatever, it's supposed to be popular with both thuggish types and people of higher station who take having a good time very seriously. Probably not extremely busy right now, as it's maybe an hour or so before noon, but there's bound to be something interesting going on there.
"I know just the place," says Elegy, sweetly, before taking Shinji and dragging him along -- possibly to his doom, who knows? This, of course, after she slicks Heart's hair back down and straightens out her clothes. Really, what would that girl do without her?

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