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  1. Amoniel

    Fantasy Ashes to Ashes

    (I'm on vacation right now, so my replies will be rather slow for the next few weeks. My apologies. C:) Stephye Leo Leaning back in his chair, Steph looked out through the window in his private chambers - the place where he resided when he had woken and Neri was still sleeping - pondering...
  2. Amoniel

    Fantasy Ashes to Ashes

    ((The kingdom's name is great! c: I like it. Also, I'm sorry that this is a bit short, but House Flowers has all of its loose ends tied up and I don't know where I'm supposed to incorporate my other characters at the moment. xD )) Tibout Fire & Margrave Leo Having pulled himself up through...
  3. Amoniel

    Fantasy Ashes to Ashes

    Stephye Leo Dear Assorted Nobles, The night of Midsummer's eve approaches, and I would extend my hospitality towards you and your families for the duration of the celebration at King's Haven. I intend for this to be a time where our children - the future rulers of the country - may meet and...
  4. Amoniel

    Fantasy Ashes to Ashes

    Tibout Fire - Bastard Hearing the girl beside him ask him who he was, Tibout's shoulders shrugged in resignation. Crossing his arms, he closed his eyes for a moment before rising to his feet. "Tibout Fire." He stated, his voice loud and clear. His surname pointed out the fact that he was a...
  5. Amoniel

    Futuristic The Underground

    Hearing the office door open, Caspar's eyes picked up the shape of Pyro in his suit, and he nodded briefly. Releasing Ravyn's hand and wrist, his small throwing knife disappeared back into his cloaked figure, he said nothing more - sensing the agent's serious mood. Moving away from the new...
  6. Amoniel

    Futuristic The Underground

    An eyebrow raised from behind the mask. "If you want to stay here and train like an obedient puppy, that is fine with me." He commented dryly, using the same comparison that she had to a dog. "You are the only new recruit at the moment, and one of the only ones at the training hall at the time...
  7. Amoniel

    Futuristic The Underground

    The masked man snorted softly, shrugging his shoulders. "The controlling bastards that you speak of could be a whole lot more dangerous than I." He said, slipping into a Shakespearean language of sorts, unimpressed at the girl's attitude. Seeing the glint of Ravyn's steel before he heard the...
  8. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    The minute that the guards started to walk away, Luna braced herself for an aggressive streak by Lucian. She hoped that he wouldn't actually hurt her, though she had seen the anger bubbling in his eyes and awaited sudden pain as he was released from his act. At the way he held her up by her neck...
  9. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    Luna was finding the whole situation increasingly comical as she watched her brother and his brotherly act, tempted to laugh at Lucian though she kept her mouth shut. Such is the sibling bond that we'll probably never share. She thought to herself, more to subdue the urge to laugh rather than to...
  10. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    If she had been in wolf form, Luna would have flicked an ear at Aria in annoyance, but as it was she could not. Turning around she smiled at her pack member, not looking at Fenris. "I prefer not to bring personal matters into dealings with strangers." She said levelly, looking pointedly at the...
  11. Amoniel

    Fantasy Ashes to Ashes

    Margrave Leo Margrave had been silent through the discussion thus far, having learnt well and sure to keep her mouth shut when men were talking, but after Cas introduced himself and Alexios asked for names, she felt that she would have to speak up or be ignored. However, her opportunity was...
  12. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    "Yes, it is, isn't it? I haven't seen you in awhile. I hope that all is well with you." She said, more or less genuinely, as she was naturally a compassionate wolf and cared for all - banned, exiled, enemy or not. Luna's bright smile strained ever so slightly as Fenris moved to stand beside her...
  13. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    Luna, upon starting to hear running feet at the edges of her senses, sighed in annoyance as she heard whistling. "And that would be my lovely brother, most like. Come out to look for me you see, he doesn't like it when I run off into the forest alone." She said hastily to the guards, wishing...
  14. Amoniel

    Futuristic The Underground

    "Actually, that is quite a few problems - considering you have died a decent few times already." Caspar didn't loose any concentration while talking, and remained steady and alert. Watching Ravyn jump off his desk, he knew what was coming, but instead of ducking to avoid it, since that wouldn't...
  15. Amoniel

    Futuristic The Underground

    I think that is a pass in the terms of meeting the unexpected. Cold, calculating eyes were the only distinguishable feature showing from behind the mask. Another knife whistled passed Ravyn's head as she stood up, drawing her swords. "Too slow." He said, standing lightly on the balls of his feet...
  16. Amoniel

    Futuristic The Underground

    The mask shook a little as Caspar moved. "Best is a very relative term, especially down here. Everybody has their own skill set. And I wouldn't call myself the best, I would say with most experience." He amended her statement, a tone of disapproval interlacing his words, but impressed to some...
  17. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    Luna looked at the three men enquiringly, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. Making a huge effort to relax in front of these steel-clad men, she put a timid smile on her face; her acting passable enough for the smile to reach up into her eyes warmly. "I enjoy the company of all forest...
  18. Amoniel

    Fantasy Ashes to Ashes

    Flavius Flowers Waking up to a sinking feeling around his ankles, Flavius blinked himself into life, looking around with a raised eyebrow at his surroundings. "Deserts. Not exactly my terrain of choice." He said, spotting a bunch of other shapes on the horizon. He seemed to have been woken a...
  19. Amoniel

    Literate 1x1 Partner(s) Please?

    Great! :) I'll PM you in a second, I was still looking for one more person. c:
  20. Amoniel

    Fantasy Cursed Blood

    Luna wondered if she should run off like Lucian had, her golden eyes tracing her brother's figure as he darted into his own territory. However, her time for consideration was too late as the humans walked in on her. Hoping that they hadn't seen Lucian run off, Luna turned her head to look at the...