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Fantasy Cursed Blood

((Oh my goodness, you guys have posted so much.

xD ))

For the second time, Luna's stride paused abruptly. Her eyes narrowed, ears suddenly laying back. "Decided to come to me before I went to you, did you now?" She asked the air, probably seeming to have gone mad to Aria and Marquis. "The damned are at the border. Specifically, the alpha is at the border. I'm going back, you two go on to the village if you want to." She said, her voice flat, to the two other wolves. Proceeding to shift fluidly back into wolf form, her golden furred head had swung around to point where she sensed Lucian waiting.

Slowing as she approached the spot, the wolf grew taller as she changed back to human form, and she paused before walking into Lucian's line of sight. Shutting her eyes and gathering her composure, she hoped that he had none of his pack's wolves present. "Lucian," She greeted the Damned Alpha, "What brings you here?" She asked, unwittingly quoting the exact words that Queen Jocelyn spoke to Lupa on the day she and her brother were cursed. Her voice was more cold than her mother's would have been, however, as she surveyed her brother with intent golden eyes. Walking up to the border, she sat cross-legged in front of her brother, her muscles seemingly relaxed while her mind reeled.

So preoccupied was she on her brother that she did not notice the presence of the guards approaching until it was nearly too late. "Do you hear that?" She asked her brother softly, the coldness in her voice suddenly dissipating as she registered danger.
Tasha looks over at Leandros, quite pleased he had been sent back as well before a look of worry crossed her face. "I'm just peachy. Got a new toy after all. ....But is Lucian all by himself?" She asks looking in the direction of the forest before looking back at Leandros, seeing that it seemed something else caught his attention. "What is it?" She asks but was itching to go run after Lucian, certainly he could his own but one can only be outnumbered by so many before skills are meaningless.
Leandros listened to Tasha's response. "Lucian can take care of himself. He is the Alpha after all. An affront to him will be someone's death." he said. When Tasha asked him 'what is it?', Leandros replied, "Mortals. Not too many, but they are packed with silver. Very dangerous." He said the last part in a whisper so that he wouldn't alert anyone not part of their conversation. He didn't want to the village to be in chaos when Lucian returns. He then looked around before muttering, "I'm thinking about defying Lucian for the first time." After that, he turned around, and went to the direction of the scent he caught.

(What happened?) 
Marquis heard that the leader was at the border. He was curious to see who had replaced him, he followed Luna "Lucian?" well that didn't surprise him too much. He always respected Lucian but to see him as leader now, well he was a little proud of him but at the same time he felt uneasy seeing him again. His thoughts were brought back as he heard footsteps. He had already changed to his wolf form and was unconsciously more aware of his surroundings.
Tasha takes in his words about affronting him, silently agreeing with him there. She sighs before her face grows serious when he mentions humans with silver. She didn't even bother to throw in a joust at him being a goody two shoes for never defying Lucian, humans with silver within smelling distance was no laughing matter. She looks back at Nova's house, not wanting to risk Fenris getting away but looks in Leandros' direction as he walked off. She sighs frustratedly trying to decide what to do, ultimately deciding to stay since Lucian would be extremely angry at her if he got away while she was chasing humans around.
"I need to talk to you about-...."

Lucian cut off his own arrogant reply, his head snapping to the sound of....armor? He thought for a moment that it was a sea of metal coming towards him when it registered.

"Dear sister, I do believe we are under attack." He smiled crookedly, golden eyes ablaze with the eagerness of bloodlust. He looked back down at her.

"Perhaps, we should reconcile another day. I have a second who is most likely tearing his hair out by now." He said giving her a fake smile to his fake light hearted comment. He turned, glancing back over his shoulder at his female twin.

"Please do try not to get killed, it would be very hard to explain at Christmas. Mother would have a fit and Father would impale my head on a spike." He mused as he started to walk in the direction of his village. All joking matters aside, he had a duty to protect and provide for his people, though his ways of doing so were very....unorthodox.

The curse consumed him in a gust of black mist, his wolf leaping out of it only to sprint back through the forest. Hoping to beat the sea of metal and blades.
When the princess announced she would be going after Lucian, Aria understood and wanted nothing more than to stay out of the two leader's ways... but then the stranger decided to follow after Luna. Despite her set intent on just heading home, the girl cursed herself as she reluctantly went after him - she soon realized it was a mistake. As soon as she caught up with the two and attempted to take the stranger back to the village with her, the sound of unfamiliar voices echoed nearby; Aria could almost feel their footsteps coming closer.

I should have gone back to the village. Aria thought, crouching low and hoping she wasn't seen yet. She listened intently on the crunching of twigs and leaves, the chattering voices, and the fleeing of small animals. Whoever was out there, they were getting closer - and there was definitely more than one.

"We have to get out of here." Aria whispered to the stranger and the princess after Lucian's retreat. "There might be too many of them - we can't fight."

( i wrote alot it seems e-e yea i didnt rp for a day this was ought to happen. Either way to all this is basically Fenris's dream/nigthmare and he waking up and then breaking the locked door freeing himself E-E <- this is for the lazy arses who dont wanna read. No offense i am one of u e-e but i end up reading always)

Fenris's eyes were closed shut, but his mind was not. He was sleep and dreaming too. He had dreamt of the same thing since the last week. He was now familiar with his everyday nightmare, it maybe was one of the reasons why he was drained of his energy during the day but there may be more then what meets the eye. Now days during the nights Fenris could feel a charge of energy rushing throughout his body. He felt rather hyper active, but would not wish to play, instead he would desire to hunt someone, to kill something, tear it and shred it into tiny bits before he would quench the thirst of blood that he had been harboring all day.

The dream he was having today was some what pleasant. In it he was wandering alone in a white wasteland. He could only see snow till the very horizon. He felt himself connected with the aura that the location presented. He felt at peace with nothing to worry about, nothing to run from, nothing to be fearful of. His only companion being the snow, he would run around dancing in the snow which seemed to be a reflection of his white icy fur. He was housing a merry smile one that he had desired to own for many a months now. Shortly he began to think about the bloody vision he had earlier, he spoke to himself, "Is this a dream ? why would that be eh? Fenris are you a fool? ".

The very moment the word fool left his mouth he could see the sun settling down in a extremely fast pace. He could only wonder what was happening. To him the sun seemed to being pulled down, as he looked down again he could no longer see the snow but a forest that he was in now. Soon he could see something that looked like a mixture of red, orange and yellow. Shortly he realized it was nothing more the flames which were now rushing towards him. Fenris made a run panting hard as he did. It seemed as if he was running for his life. He never told anyone but ever that he had always been terrified the fire.

He tumbled down as he tried to stop himself from crashing into a gigantic wall of fire that was in front of him, he turned back to see the same. Upon turning to left he could see a wolf white just like him, its fur vivid. On right there was another wolf dark as the night that had settled over the land. Its eyes that were gold were the only thing visible to Fenris. A both the wolfs closed in toward him, he could see the two walls that were ablaze join. He was now trapped within a circle of fire and darkness. Fenris could not run he could not fight. He had no idea of what to do.

He rushed to the white wolf, a wise yet foolish mistake. The wolf did resemble him but that did not make it an ally. Before Fenris could reach the wolf he paused, he could not move himself. He moved his eyes to the corner and could see his body bleeding, long and sharp needles had punctured the whole side, Blood was flowing down like a river.

He glanced the other wolf, it had a angered expression residing over its face. ' Was it made that Fenris did not go towards it? Foolish of him ' he thought. it reached closer baring its teeth, Fenris was indeed helpless. He wished to apologies but his fangs wont open. The wolf came close opening its fangs and biting Fenris's ear off.

Fenris in reality was still laying on the chair asleep, sweating badly. His expression tensed and filled with fear. His face turning from left to right repeatedly. It seemed that the spree of his nightmares had continued, surely it was verily unlucky for him or was it?

While in his dream he could feel extreme pain and could hear a loud screeching sound just the like the one from earlier today. His vision was red yet again, a blanket of darkness had now started to cover everything and shortly had began to devour Fenris himself. As soon as he got engulfed by the darkness he could no longer feel his body. He could just feel pain and a lot of it indeed. Even his body had transformed to that of a huge wolf in reality. the chair that he was sitting on had broken down.

As the darkness swallowed his face, Fenris's eyes opened. He could see a room, the same one before he had fallen asleep but what he was pleased to see was a door. Fenris was oblivious to the fact that he was out of the dream. He rushed and collided into the door in an attempt of opening it. To his astonishment the freedom that he sought was not his yet. It was still being stopped by a locked door. Fenris charged at it couple of times before finally breaking it and being freed from what seemed to be a prison to him. He gazed around and could not see anyone he could just sense a dark aura about the place.


Leandros stopped in his tracks. Lucian was returning. But why? He didn't know. He then decided he wouldn't defy Lucian. He would be in big trouble once Lucian finds him missing. I can still smell the mortals... They are closer... he thought to himself. Leandros sat down on the stairs of the entrance of a house and sighed. He was lacking some action. He was getting... bored. "Tasha," he called. "How is the Exiled One?" He wanted to know if the ex-Exalted was difficult to handle. Speaking to the Exiled one, Nova's house's door broke down and out emerged Fenris. "...Nova will be rather upset for breaking down her door." he said to himself. And it was true.


Perseus, Eros, Leonidas, and Alexander continued marching onward but they suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. Right in front of them, was a girl, a guy, another girl, and another guy. One guy
turned into a wolf and ran off. One girl was still sitting on the ground, watching the wolf run off. The guards stared at the scene right in front of their very eyes, not knowing how to react.

"Bloody hell..." muttered Leonidas.

Tasha turned her attention over to Leandros before it was quickly ripped away at hearing the sound of a door breaking. "Working my last nerves apparently. That pretty ear of his might have to come off after all" She says with a growl. She shifts into her wolf form and cracks her neck a bit and takes off in Fenris' direction. Her gaze was locked on him as soon as she gets sight of him and lets out a threatening bark, as if daring him to run. She stops once she was a few feet from him, watching to see what his next move, ready to attack or chase, whichever his choice may be. She did catch Lucian's scent on the wind and a bit of worry flashes in her eyes. She was having fun playing with this exalted but she would have to be more serious about it in front of Lucian or Lucian would end up severely injuring him even more or worse if he came upon this scene.
Luna wondered if she should run off like Lucian had, her golden eyes tracing her brother's figure as he darted into his own territory. However, her time for consideration was too late as the humans walked in on her. Hoping that they hadn't seen Lucian run off, Luna turned her head to look at the men, but by their eyes she could tell that they hadn't missed a beat. Figuring that the safest route of action was to pretend like nothing had happened, hoping to misguide them into thinking that they were delusional, Luna smiled at group. "Hello." She said, forcing a confused but pleasant tone into her voice. Registering the presence of Marquis behind her, as well as another being - presumably Aria - "May I help you? You look a bit lost." She said kindly, rising to her feet.
Azekiel leaned his head against his hand while letting the wind run past him. Today was rather boring, even though he heard an Exalted had become a Damned. Right when he was about to stand up, he heard something break and out emerged the Now-Damned werewolf. Either he was crazy to break down a door, or he just does that as some kind of weird habit. Azekiel watched as Tasha morphed into a wolf and charged but stopped once she was in front of the Ex-Exalted. "Now this is interesting." he said. He could sense fear, however. And he thought it was coming from the man Tasha is about to play with. Azakiel then stood up slowly, "Tasha, wait," he told her as he sprinted to the wolf's side. "I do not think this would be a pleasant sight for Lucian." Just as he said that, he looked at the Exalted and saw fear in his eyes.

"Just knocking him out would be better and quicker."
Tasha looks from the corner of her eyes as Azakiel walks over to her and snarls her disapproval to his comment. "He needs to learn a lesson for attempting to escape. Knocking him out is an easy out. And I don't have the time to babysit an unconscious man. He will learn his place. I don't want Lucian to think I can't handle an exalted" she states agitatedly never letting her view move far from Fenris.
Azekiel shook his head. "If he was planning to escape, he would've ran straight out of the village." he said. He didn't have any idea how to explain that the Exalted had fear in his eyes. "Try looking into his eyes and tell me what you see." he told Tasha. He then paused for a minute before continuing, "Well?" Azekiel thought of things a werewolf would be afraid of. Silver. Things that scarred him or her for life. And that's all he could think of.
Lucian shifted back when he came in hearing range of Leandros. "Get everyone inside, now!" He thundered, his voice completely serious and comanding. "I want everyone who has been trained to fight out here!" He continued completely fixated on making sure his pack was safe. A twinge of him, the little shred of whatever humanity he had, hoped his sister was okay. He brushed it off without a second thought, stalking towards the pack house.

His muscles were so tense it looked like he would snap someones head off in a heartbeat.
Fenris's breath forming a small puffy clouds of white mist. He glared around before howling loudly. He felt free for some reason, he could no longer feel the shackles of being a exile and a prisoner. soon he could see a black wolf enter the scene. a tense and worried look came to his face. Fenris was huge towering over Tasha but never the less seemed intimidated by her. Her bark made him retreat a few steps. He did not dare to bark back it her. Soon he could see another wolf enter. He did not scare Fenris the least but the black wolf could only made him remember what had happened a while ago how he had lost his ear. Fenris suddenly thought of what had happened to his ear. he moved his paw to feel it. He felt relief at knowing it was still present just losing a little portion of it. Now Fenris could feel a sensation of courage driving him. He could not let that new wolf catch him and get his loved ear. He roared at Tasha before launching towards her. Soon he could see another dark wolf enter, his aura blacker then the other one. Fenris could feel his feet turning cold, a chill running down him spine. He was almost tempted to stop there but he remembered what happened last when he could not move. He thrashed into Tasha with all his mighty. Hopping to keep on running after that.
"Of course he has fear in his eyes He knows I'm going to rip the rest of that ear off" She quickly turned her attention looking at Azekiel in full view, staring at him for a moment. Rarely, anyone had the courage to interfere when she was in the middle of things like this. "Are you asking me to stand down?" She asks, a dangerous tone in her voice. Before she could continue she was rolled at being ran into by Fenris while caught off guard. "Damnit!!" She curses before sending a glare towards Azekiel for distracting her and quickly takes off after Fenris. She hesitates at hearing Lucian's orders. She continues after Fenris. "If you don't stop right now I will tear both yours ears off!" She yells as she chases after him, knowing she needed to get back to Lucian quickly to help fight.
After hearing the very word that was 'tear', Fenris could feel the adrenaline rush into him. He no longer could think, all he knew that he had to run and do so as fast as he could. He didn't look back and he did not think where he was running to. He only knew that he had to do so for the sake of his ears and so that he doesn't turn into a obscene and hideous wolf. He just knew that the enemy was pursuing him and it was enough to fill him with feel. Fenris was wise to run, he did not know of Tasha's anger but it was also foolish to run like a idiot. Fenris had forgotten about his injured foot. It was moments before the pain kicked back in, he tumbled down on the ground before stopping. He laid down. He howled in pain and fear. " Dammit " he thought, he was so close yet so far.
Tasha slows, thankful since her paw was starting to ache something ugly but she wouldn't let it her stop her. She snarls, baring her teeth as she came up to Fenris. "I like your spirit but you're testing my patience Fenris" She states stalking around him. "Now. If you get up and walk back to town I may show mercy and leave your ears alone. I don't necessarily want to stare at you being earless... You can get over this running away crap and behave civilly and become part of this pack. I have no intention to wear you down as I have with previous pets. You will serve a purpose. Now, you can follow me back or if you decide to run away I'll take you to your pack." She snaps her teeth at him. "In pieces" Stating those two words in a growl. "Make your decision quickly. I'm quite pressed for time" She relaxes her posture as she takes a few steps towards the village before looking back at him.
As he show Tasha come towards her, he struggled kicking his legs in an attempt to move away from her. He wished to indeed thought he could crawl away. As soon as he spoke of sending him back to his pack and not tearing his ear, he was filled with joy but then as he said the words, ' In pieces ' he could not control but let a yelp escape his mouth. " I...will.....follow..you..your.....highness. " he spoke in a terrified manner. It seemed that he took Tasha as a personification of the wolf from his dream. He could not dare to face her wrath. He did not wish to lose his precious ears now did he? He followed her, limping after every step as he did. He gave out low toned whines as he walked maybe from pain or maybe because he was scared and terrified.
"I'll have Nova give you some more pain medicine." She pauses and looks back at him. "Knock off all this nonsense and heal correctly. If you became damaged goods you'd no longer have a purpose" She continues her trek into town. "And you don't want that to happen, I'm sure you've heard rumors about me in town. I'll show you kindness as long as you're obedient. Would you like to become a warrior? I can train you to our ways and you'll become one with the pack and earn your honor back. As long as I can trust you" She stops one they're back in town and shifts back into her human form. "Now go to Nova's, she'll take care of you. Humans are in the vicinity and they mean a lot more harm that I do. You don't want to be traveling these woods now anyways." She runs over to Azekiel."Could you be kind enough to keep watch over my pet. Nova obviously can't do it alone." Before waiting for his response she took off and over to Lucian. "I'm at your service Lucian. I'm ready to tear apart those vile humans" She states with a snarl in her voice.
Fenris felt like a weak fool on being with left back with people like Nova, to make it more shameful he even had been assigned a babysitter by Tasha. She had asked her to become a warrior, to gain back his lost pride and then giving him a care taker as if he was a child. Fenris grinned his teeth is rage. He knew he might not be of much use in his broken self but he could at least fight. The very thought of a conflict with humans reminded him of his last encounter that he had with one. It was some knight that branded himself someone very mighty and as a wolf slayer. Though what Fenris remembered him was for providing the most delicious blood ever, that he ended up drinking from his open skull. He Forgot about Azekiel as he rushed towards Tasha. He did not may much heed to his leg, what type of man was he if he could not bare a little pain. He howled as he came behind her, Fenris seemed to be filled with guts. " You asked if I wished to regain my honor, I doubt i ever could but what i remember is that a true warrior never hides from a fight specially if it is going to be bloody " he said with a grin over his face.

Nova was sitting across from Fenris the whole time. From the time he woke up and freaked out, to the time he broke down her door. She just sat in her seat as she watched from her house what happened out. "Honestly.. I don't have time to deal with my door." She spoke with a long sigh. Today was a stressful day for Nova, and everyone also. Standing, her knee cracked from not moving for a long period time, she walked outside to pick up her door and put it inside. It had seemed that the idiot Fenris started to run from Tasha but it was common sense that Tasha would catch up with him.

Hearing Lucian's rage when she was outside, she quickly paced herself to him, bowed on one knee to him, "What shall I do?" asking in a serious tone, rather than cheery and happy. Normally when these things occurred, Nova sat on the roof top of her house and attacked people with throwing knives, needles, and long ranged artillery. Than when someone got injured, she would brought them inside, off of the battle grounds, and tend to their wounds.
Tasha looks back at Fenris as he follows her over to Lucian, a little surprised by it. Her demeanor was quite different around Lucian, she wasn't as authoritative or aggressive, it was of course still there but muted down a few notches. She had no desire to make Lucian angry with either of those traits radiating out of her. Lucian was one of her few weaknesses and other members of the pack knew that and occasionally used it against her. She looks over at Nova as she makes her way over, a little irritated she managed to let Fenris take off in the first place, not that it was completely her fault. She turns her attention on Fenris nods approvingly before looking up at Lucian. "I suppose if we were going to test his worth, now is as good of a time if any...."

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