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Fantasy Cursed Blood

Tasha just stared at him as he grabbed her paw before it finally registered what he had said. She shifts back to her human form, her face was slightly red from him holding her hand. She was also surprised by his concerned tone, a small smile crept across her face at it. "It's nothing... I was just putting that exiled in his place is all. He's got a lot of spirit that's for sure...."
"I'll kill him."

The threat escaped his thoughts and his mouth before he could stop it. His eyes more focused on her hand. Lucian put water over it, wiping away the dried blood so he could see how bad the cut was. His eyes met hers and he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the laceration without taking his eyes off her. He didn't understand why he was being so fricking soft, but his wolf was enjoying her presence so he kept it up.
Tasha smiled at the threat. "I appreciate that but I would much rather keep my toy around. I have plans for him. His tenacity will make him a great fighter for us. And we can always use more of those. He just needs to be broken down a bit and trained properly. He just caught me off guard but believe me I've got the better of him" She bit her lip as a small whimper came from her throat at him kissing her hand. She didn't know why his touch affected her so much. She knew she had a lust for power, her intention when she first joined the pack was to worm her way up to alpha status, taking it over and claiming it as her own. But this was much deeper than that and she couldn't quite understand it. She stares back into his eyes before letting out a nervous laugh. "And here I thought kissing a wound to make it feel better was an old wive's tale..."
Lucian smirked at her comment. Of corse she handled it. He was keenly aware of her need for power, though it amused him that she thought he didn't know what she was up to. He enjoyed teasing her like this though, the questioning look in her eyes. As if she didn't know what to do when he was around her. His smirk widened more as she slowly brought his lips away from her skin. "Maybe I like old tales." He teased her, sending her another wink.
Tasha huffs a little at the wink, she was well aware that he knew how it affected her. She pulls her hand back looking at it now that it was clean, it was healing fairly nicely so there shouldn't be a scar. She turns her attention back to Lucian. "Thank you" She states about cleaning her hand. "you didn't have to..." She looks up at him, her blonde hair covering her golden eyes a bit. She shakes her head to move the hair before getting to her feet. "Are you still angry?" She asks the question gingerly.

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The minute that the guards started to walk away, Luna braced herself for an aggressive streak by Lucian. She hoped that he wouldn't actually hurt her, though she had seen the anger bubbling in his eyes and awaited sudden pain as he was released from his act. At the way he held her up by her neck in the air relieved her some, and she made no move to speak or go after him in response. That method would get her nowhere - as even though she hadn't had much 'bonding' time with her brother, she knew enough about him and his ways to accurately judge the right path of action she should take.

Observing the scene involving Fenris, Luna resisted the urge to rub her neck from the rough handling she had recieved from Lucian, painfully aware of the presence of both Exalted and Damned wolves and knowing she could not appear weak. She also watched the black wolf run after her brother with keen interest. Has he picked up a soft side? She didn't allow herself to dwell on the thought. Luna had keener hearing than most, and when she heard mumbling coming from the point where the guards were, she hastily ran after them, shifting as she leaped into a spring from a running start. Trailing them from the back, Luna heard most of what they had said; coming to the chilling realization that they had seen through her and Lucian's act at some point.

She bothered about the bet not, instead whipping around and high-tailing back to the clearing. Skidding back into the clearing where all the events had occurred, she barked at Aria and Marquis. "It is time to move out. Back to camp, and quickly." To the Damned that remained, consisting of a white and grey wolf (Leandros) and Fenris, she shot another message; not wanting her brother's pack to suffer due to his need to go off and rage. "The guards know. Keep a keen eye out, they'll be back - for werewolves." She said to them shortly before abruptly turning about and setting off at a brisk trot back to her village. "Oh, and Fenris? I wish you the best with your new pack." She tossed back at the ex-Exalted wolf, unsure if she meant it in a cruel way or a genuine one.
" My new pack?" He repeated In a confused manner. Fenris had not joined the pack. He was there because he had no where to be except the filthy damned. He sigh," I am just a toy, a prisoner, just a asset to them it seems. Well thanks to you I have no place to go other then then" he said in a rather harsh and rude manner. Fenris had been exiled by Luna, even though the only evidence was him being near the crime scene in blood. The prideful yet foolish fenris had not said anything in his defence an so ended up exiled. " well you must be happy that I just a toy I some damned now with none of my honour." He spoke before turning around. He was still mad at Luna and his anger towards her had just increased by the recent events. He growled his teeth peeking through his lips, even though he was in his human form.
(Sorry! I just moved into a new house and guess what? No wifi..)

Nova decided to act on her own and pursue the men. Knowing the many possible consequences that could occur if she got caught, she decided to go anyways, she thought she could do some help. She was curious to know where they were going, what they were planning so she followed quietly, in human form of corse. Hearing their conversation, but barely, she realized that they knew we were wolves. '.. they said earlier they were hunting.. it's true, they are hunting, but not bird or deer. They're hunting.. us! Surely, they will return, but for now, I must continue to follow..' These thoughts trailed threw her mind as she crept behind trees and bushes. Nova was no spy, but she was swift and small which was why she always won games of hide and seek when she was younger.
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Aria flinched at Lucian's rough handling of Luna, but dared not to act against it. She was not an idiot, and she knew that trying to stop him - or even looking at him - could mean the death of her. She let out a breath she did not know she had been holding when the princess was release, but kept her head down until the alpha Damned had left. Winters nodded at the orders following, but did not carry them out immediately.

"Fenris." the girl said in hopes of making him turn around, speaking only when the princess and the man had finished. "I did not recognize you before, and for that I am sorry. But, as for what you did... I wish to thank you." Aria Winters, a wolf not known for her honor, bowed her head in respect for the exile. She did not know this man personally, nor the specific details concerning his banishment, but she felt grateful for his actions. Standing straight, she stepped forward, her voice so low only the two of them could hear. "You saved my life. I may not understand why, but you did. I wish to repay you."
Fenris slowed down before stopping, it seemed that someone had called out for him. The very moment he heard his name he did not wish to stop but keep on walking, but he could feel sudden weight over his feet. He could no longer move forward, he was intrigued to what might someone wish to say to a exile like him. He tilted his head, Fenris's ear faced the direction from which his name had been called out. His long dark hair flowing with eh wind. He grinned as the girl spoke, it was the same wolf that Fenris had saved. " Being honored in this pathetic state, what a shame " he thought, his leg partially in air, Fenris had been placing all his weight over his right leg to prevent the pain. Fenris turned around, Looking towards the girl, still possessing the devilish grin he spoke, " And how might you repay me little girl? " he asked.
Aria didn't falter when addressed as "little girl", but she didn't like it all the same. Instead, she smiled without any sort of meaning other than to remain polite. "Where I come from, men were quite the wrathful cowards. They'd want each other dead, but never had the guts to do it themselves. I was a lone wolf without food, money, or family. I did whatever I could to get by..." she trailed off, shaking her head. "My point is, I want to repay my life with another; do you understand what i'm saying?"
Fenris just smiled and being to laugh. He looked back at Aria, finding out that she was serious. " If someone needs to be killed, I can myself condemn them to hell if need ", He told her, slowly walking towards her. He soon asked out of curiosity, " what if i was to say the whole world is my enemy, Would you kill everyone there is? What if I was to brand your alpha as my enemy, would you be willing to kill her ". Fenris laughed at the naive girl's attempt to repay him, she seemed to not understand that honor is just a illusion and nothing more. The more you have the less it stays. Fenris waited for a reply but was expecting a few moments of silence. He did not expect the girl to still kill anyone he told her too.
"Killing the world requires more than one life." Aria said simply. "And the Princess... She took me in when I had nowhere to go." She turned away from man, kicking at a rock with her foot. "I don't doubt your abilities, Fenris, but I thought that something was holding you back. If I could condemn someone to hell, I wouldn't allow myself to become the chew-toy for a Damned dog." Winters looked back up at him, her smile replaced with a frown.

"Your pride is what got you into this mess, and your pride is what is preventing you from getting out of it." she said, her voice harsh and her eyes sharp. "I want to help you, Fenris. You can do great things, but you are being held back. Do you want to be kept on a leash, or do you want to be free?"
Fenris looked at her with a look that seemed rather serious and angered. He heard all that aria had to say, all her comments and her wish. Fenris laughed at what she said. He glared at her with sharp eyes as if seeing right through her." Pride and honor are just words to you right, little girl you are still in your youth and so oblivious of this world's works. I might be nothing more then a leashed dog now, maybe even worse but at least I still have my honor. I am still a wolf of his word, even when my miserable life's fire is put out I would be remembered as one who kept his word, even if a single person is known to my tale I shall neither have a regret nor will I resent anyone cause my legacy is still alive." He sighed after he ended, to him tho Aria wolf was just a little naive girl. " till you don't know the value of honor don't commit or accept to be in one's debt, I saved you because I desired to, you owe me nothing but if you still wish to help me then answer.. How can you do that? Eh little girl? How do you intend to free me from the damned? How do you intend a exile hunted by both packs survive?" He bluntly blasted the questions at her. Maybe fenris's pride did not wish to for him to accept any help specially not from the pack that branded him of a crime that he was never proven to be guilty off and so maybe he was throwing such questions because he wanted to get rid of her
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Aria grinned at his anger, and couldn't stop herself from chuckling when he started throwing questions at her. "You are not just the fool I thought you to be - it seems that you are more than arrogant, as well." she said, turning from him once again, however now she intended on leaving. "You won't be remembered for your honor, old man. If anything, you'll be remembered for murdering your pack leader."

"There will be a time when your life will depend on the help of others, but there will be no one to aid you. Your silly 'pride' and 'honor' means nothing anymore. You are blind to how the world is changing and are unaware as to how it works anymore." Aria said, her grin slowly shifting into a frown. "And for that," she said, walking away, "I pity you."
Fenris heard what the she wolf had to say. He remained silent as she bluntly like the rest of her clan branded him the murder of the leader. Fenris could be a rush, a charge of anger rushing through his body. He knew that he was just standing next to the line that divided the borders. Fenris was well aware if he was to cross into the territory that had been pronounced forbidden to him by the new exalt leader Luna, he would surely be hunted before being killed but these thoughts never surface his mind. All he could hear were Aria's words, " you'll be remembered for murdering your pack leader ". The words that punctured deep into his thoughts and were repeating themselves over and over, just agitating Fenris as they did.

Fenris grunted as he saw Aria walk away, ending her conversation by saying, " i pity you " but Fenris could not hear a word she said, all he listen to were the echo of the sentence she had given to him earlier. Fenris transformed into his wolf form as he rushed towards Aria. He tackled her from the back causing her to fall. Fenris stood over her, maybe a minor triumph for him. He bore his fangs in front of her face before snapping them next to her eye. " I DID NOT KILL HIM! " he yelled, his claws digging into Aria slowly, his eyes filled with rage and blinded to reason. Fenris had stepped into exalt territory. " Well if I had killed him, I doubt I would face a moral conflict in slaying you..." he spoke lowering his face, ready to pull her throat out.
Aria fell to the ground hard, landing face first and barely having enough time to roll onto her back. She flinched at Fenris's every action, wincing as he dug his claws into her, and she shook from the pain - but not once did she feel any fear for her life. She didn't even think about letting her wolf take over. Winters only looked at him with pity.

"I never said you did." Aria told him, her voice shaking. "I never said you killed him, Fenris. I only spoke the truth."

Gently, the she wolf placed a hand on his chest as if to ask him to allow her to sit up. "Once people believe something, they won't even think about another possibility." she said. "As long as they find a suitable truth, they won't listen to what you have to say."
Fenris growled as Aria spoke, curious to why she was not scared? why was she not begging for her life? Fenris could still feel the rage propelling through his veins, he was surely tempted to just rip Aria's head off that very moment but his curiosity stood like a barrier protecting her. Fenris could soon feel a palm placed over his chest, for some reason he could feel his heart slowing down. His anger was washing off as he heard Aria speak. Fenris knew that what she said was true, his pride is the reason of his downfall but he treasured it too much to let go. Fenris got off of Aria but growled as he did, it was a warning to her that he would still not give a second thought about killing her. He turned into his human body as he spoke, " So am you think I did not kill the leader eh? and what makes you so sure that i won't kill you? " he asked so because he could find no reason for a girl like her for not being scared of losing her soul other then knowing that he would not be taking it.

((I iz in Hong Kong FOR SOME ODD REASON.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.db81106c7d1bbdca4004097693393189.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.db81106c7d1bbdca4004097693393189.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Perseus felt like he was being watched. Probably those wolves that the lady were with. Or he was just crazy after the encounter. "Leonidas, where so you think we shall go? My senses aren't currently acting quite right." he told him while gripping his lance tightly. The said guard did the same to his weapon and replied, "I do not know. Perhaps we should just--" Eros cut him off, "If you are thinking about going back, you might as well forget it. Forget you ever met the lady with the wolves and let us fulfill our current task. Werewolf extermination." Alexander chuckled and slapped Eros on the back. "Aye, we did come here for a reason, and we will not waste our time." he said as he started walking to another direction, unknowingly about the enter the Damned territory.

Perseus sighed at his fellow guards' statements. "Let us be on our way then."


Leandros stood tall, ready to defend the other Damned. He may not be in a battle position but determination was clear in his eyes. Suddenly, the wind blew to his direction and he balled his fists. This will not end well.


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'Werewolf extermination' rang through Nova's head. It was obvious these men were trained to kill us, 'I need to report to Prince Lucian!' she thought as she scrambled to her feet as quietly as she could. Sniffing the air to find Lucian's scent, she slowly began backing away from the men. A distance between them slowly formed larger until she turned around and started to run. Leaves and branches brushed her face, scrapping her skin a tad bit, but not painfully. The dirt and dead bark on the ground made her foot steps crackle with every step, hopefully the hunters would not hear of her presents.

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