Literate 1x1 Partner(s) Please?


New Member
This thread is now closed, as I have found all the partners I wanted.

I really shouldn't be doing this. I really have my hands full already. I really want more RPs though. D:

The need for more roleplays has conquered over my common good sense! However, I'll probably go in over my head before long, so I'm going to be asking for a maximum of two roleplay partners. First come first serve. :3

You'll probably want to know more about me though, so here we go.

Preferred Genres





-Science Fiction (sometimes)

Rules & Notes

-You must be able to post at least six sentences per character (regardless if there is dialogue happening or not). And it has to be quality writing, not just a bunch of space-fillers. xD

-You must have decent spelling/grammar. The occasional mistake is fine, but that is what the 'edit' button on your post is for. ;)

-You should be able to post at least once a week. I probably won't be the most active of roleplay partners myself, since as I said, I have my hands full already; but I will do my best to reply once a day if you do the same. :3

-It should be noted that I like to play more than one character. Most of the time, I do roleplays where both players have two characters, but I also like creating hundreds of characters and going on crazy character-creating sprees. xD

-It should be noted that I am only comfortable doing MxF romances. :)

-I am capable of doing roleplays ranging from PG rating to 17+, it all depends on what the roleplay is going to be about haha.

-I have no plots in mind, but if you have any ideas, I'm all ears. I like working with my partners to create a plot that we will both enjoy. c:

1x1 Post Example

(This is a pretty long post - I don't expect this much writing. But just to prove that I can do an obscene amount of writing... Viola!)

The pleased smile that spread across Ceana's features would have melted many a heart. As it currently was, however, the viewer made no reaction at all, if only to nod expectantly. The owl girl had gone on a quick trip to the blacksmith's before leaving on her assigned trip to pick up some of the lead 'pebbles' that she had ordered for her sling. Rolling one between her forefinger and thumb, the glossy surface of the perfectly shaped oval slid across Ceana's long, slim fingers effortlessly. The lead shone, and the reflection of her piercing yellow eyes bore into what was now a stone as if her gaze could crack it in half as she stared intently. "They are perfect." She pronounced at last, and the Minotaur that the Summer Court called a blacksmith grunted in agreement, not pausing for a second after her words before starting to shamble away; the dark brows lowered over the heavy-set eyes as he was already thinking of his next project.

The speckled girl watched him leave, the hooves scratching against the floor on his every other step due to an injury from years past. Her yellow eyes took in the bulky figure once more, marveling again at how such a seemingly clumsy beast could create an item as perfect as what she now held in her hand. Turning away, Ceana drew a sling out of a small thatched bag that she carried and slid the newly created lead stone into the band that she called a weapon. She felt how the weight of the lead balanced in the cloth, and she nodded to herself as she carefully brushed the rest of the lead projectiles - there were ten that had been made - into the same bag as before. She kept her sling in hand, now wanting to try it out. However, inside the walls of the Summer Court was no place to attempt at weapons, so she did not play with casting her sling.

It was noisy in this section of the court; the ringing clang of steel hammers filled the air, the sound of work and progress. It was not Ceana's favorite place to be, as she would have preferred an outdoor space, and decided that it would not do to dwell in that place for any amount of minutes longer. Walking through the archway - doors were seldom used by the Seelie unless necessary, as many creatures (similar to Ceana) preferred open space - the owl's footsteps were light and made little sound. Her pace as she moved out of the area could not have been described by any word; it was not slow enough for a walk, yet not fast enough for a stride. Her long fingers seemed to flow with her movement, and indeed she seemed willow-like. For a short statured girl this was an accomplishment. Her nearly feathered hair pushed past air, not seeming to move at all. The area Ceana had emerged in was a quiet one, as it was one of the more underpopulated areas of the Summer Court.

“Cee....aaanaaa! Sier ... waiting .... gate!” The distant cry reached the owl's ears in fragments, and if it weren't for the girl's enhanced animal hearing, Ceana would not have chanced hearing it. Drowned by the mummers of the Court, the words were nearing incomprehensible. However, as it stood, the Scheuntbel did hear the call and reacted instantly. She disliked keeping anybody waiting, and while she had thought that she had enough time to pick up her lead balls on the way to the gate, Ceana realized that her time judgement had been off. Reluctantly replacing her sling and the final lead pebble into her bag, she embarked upon a relaxed race to the gate. Ceana could often not be explainable this way; having gaits that could not be described, and actions that were fine examples of juxtaposition.

Gliding among the corridors and brushing lightly past any obstruction, Ceana made good time and arrived at the gate in less than a minute after she had heard the cry. She saw no sign of the messenger, though she sensed that it would have been the same satyr-fawn that it usually was. The owl had not taken the time to remember the girl's name, though she should have. Making a mental note of this fact for the next time she was in court, Ceana continued picking her path to the gate. The crowd was more dense here, and required more caution, though she still moved at a fast pace. Sier's crimson hair was soon visible, as was his horse. As the owl ran closer, she raised her fingers to her mouth and began to whistle loudly. The sudden, shrill noise drew attention from beings residing close by, but she paid it no mind.

Soon she sidled up to the gate, slipping through. Her breath came slightly heavier now, and her heart raced so that it bordered on uncomfortable, though she was otherwise unaffected by her dash to the entrance - or exit, depending on your view - to the Summer Court. "My apologies" Her brief words were addressed to Sier, and she peered back into the Court with her keen yellow eyes, as if waiting for something. Seconds later, it became apparent what she sought; awhite horse was picking its way through the crowd of creatures, all of whom drifted out of the way. A good many stared, but a few were used to this and simply stepped aside as the animal crossed the courtyard. The animal, named Agate, had been roused by Ceana's whistle and now moved over to her, snorting gently in the owl's ear.

Smiling at the creature, Ceana patted her horse's neck and whispered words into her ear; the two were close friends, companions of many adventures. The horse was neither saddled nor bridled - as Ceana, being part animal herself, had an acute control over domesticated beasts and needed none of it. Looking back to her winged escort, the owl offered him a smile before vaulting onto her horse. She did not make a move to start the venture, as she had not exactly studied their destined trail, and took the moment to study Sier. She had, supposedly, got over his good looks awhile ago - though she still used the time to gaze at him. She was not intimidated by the sidhe like most were, and she sensed that this would be key for the venture set before them now. Sier's dislike of the Unseelie was painfully well-known, and as this would be a diplomatic endeavor that could be a problem.
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Lol, okay. I was gonna say xD in any case, I'm up for grabs if you need a partner.
If you're familiar with Animorphs and open to it I'm wanting to do a RP based on the series. It's kinda fantasy/ scifi. Pm me if interested. It'd definitely require us playing multiple charcters.
Unfortunately, I have no experience with Animorphs whatsoever, sorry, so I think I'll have to pass on that one. xD

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