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Futuristic The Underground

"Its up to Cybergeist, those options seem all good, I'll go call the Govenor and the Waste Management Department. So we can flood the underground before the hour's end when we get there" Edward said, pulling out his cell phone and walking into a corner to not disturb further conversations. And checked his watch for time.

It wasn't until now Edward truly looked at each one of his team members, they each had a very special set of skills from a wide array of powers, it didn't matter if The Underground used the best technology and numbered the Government 1-100,they had no hope against the 4 man squad right now.

It was hard for Edward to trust something as much as he did now but its harder for the Government to trust something as well. And they wouldn't trust 4 members to undertake such a massive operation if they did not believe they could do it.

And that made Edward ecstatic.
"Don't worry, I know what you mean. I specialize in medium to long range attacks; throwing knives, archery, the usual." Enna said, meeting her partner's stride. "And I see what you mean. It could be a little...unorganized if we used different strategies." She continued. She thought for a second about Flamboyant. What was she good at? Enna realized she had no idea what the girl specialized in. "So, what about you? What weapons you use, I mean."

As she talked she heard dull thuds coming from Sir's office. What could he possibly be doing that would have to happen right after they all left? he was a mysterious man, that was for sure. Sometimes she had to wonder just what he was thinking, but it was impossible to tell since his facial expressions were always hidden.
"Actually, that is quite a few problems - considering you have died a decent few times already." Caspar didn't loose any concentration while talking, and remained steady and alert. Watching Ravyn jump off his desk, he knew what was coming, but instead of ducking to avoid it, since that wouldn't teach very many lessons, he decided to go with it. The mask protected his face from the impact against the wall, and he twisted violently in Ravyn's grip; using his free arm to keep himself from bashing against the wall again. He didn't draw anymore knives, seeing as this had turned into an unarmed fight, and would remain so until Ravyn decided to draw her swords again. "With training, you'll learn to skip the desk and go straight to the wall for the jump, and get faster doing so. As it was, I saw the attack coming, and could have avoided it." He commented placidly, staying strictly on defense as he waited for her to do something else.


Nodding in appreciation, Lamb digested the information readily. At the question, the girl's shoulders shrugged, and she grinned sheepishly. "I'm one of those types who is decent at most things, but is not particularly excellent at anything." She said, not really answering any questions. "That is why I asked you, so I could customize my weapons accordingly. Otherwise it is a bit of a mad scramble for weapons." She added. "I'll probably get my bow out, that way we can shoot together. I hope it doesn't, but if it comes to close combat I'll bring nunchucks I guess." She commented, running the likely situation over in her mind. "We'll probably get a lot of action at the back door, especially after V and Fisher start at the front." Her voice was grinning, though her expression was thoughtful.
"It wouldn't surprise me if you did, but I'm here to learn and help get rid of those controlling bastards," Ravyn managed to say as she pulled her swords out. She knew he could predict her moves, so she let him go and stepped back a bit.
Enna smiled. "Ah, we're lucky. We get to deal with the useless members who don't stay to fight. And if close range is necessary, I'm sure my throwing knives could be useful." She said, thinking about how many would take on Fisher and V and who would run for cover. There were many outcomes as to what could happen, and none of them seemed more likely than the other to her. "I think our best bet would be to stay near the back and make sure no one escapes, and leave the close range combat to those who take the front door." She thought aloud, hoping Flamboyant would agree with her assumptions. The plan seemed to be simple enough, easy to execute, and would be helpful overall to the main goal; taking out the base. Of course, there were other options as to how they would attack, but Enna felt like this would be the most reasonable plan. "Of course, if you have an idea, I'd love to hear it" She added quickly.
The masked man snorted softly, shrugging his shoulders. "The controlling bastards that you speak of could be a whole lot more dangerous than I." He said, slipping into a Shakespearean language of sorts, unimpressed at the girl's attitude. Seeing the glint of Ravyn's steel before he heard the distinct hissing noise that often accompanied such weapons, two knives appeared in his hands - one longer, thicker knife, another a small throwing one. He had a particular technique that he used with the knives which enabled him to perform both offensive and defensive actions with them - as crossing them together, bigger knife behind the smaller could make a metal shield that was durable for as long as he had strength.

As he drew his knives, an internal alarm went off in the man's head, realizing that it was nearing the half-hour later that he had commanded Pyro to come in at. "It looks like you will be coming with Pyro and I. Once he arrives, we can go over the generator plans." He tossed at the New Recruit lightly, eyes narrowing at the fact that his plan was breaking apart before the raid had even started; but otherwise not reacting as he spoke. Deciding that he had taken enough of Ravyn's offense, Caspar sensed the beginnings of a bloody nose from the bash against the wall, he abruptly slashed forward with his longer knife, aiming for a millimeter off of the girl's head with his stroke.


Lamb grinned, mask shifting on her lifted cheeks. "Yes, but they would probably also be the smart ones... I would think that our reputation proceeds us, it is unlikely that common guards would face even two of us if affronted." She said, her logic kicking in, before shaking her head. "We'll probably also get the weak ones too though. It is going to be an interesting fight." She decided, shaking her head as Frost quickly amended her statement; asking if Lamb herself had any ideas. "No, I'm good. Your plan seems pretty logical anyways." She assured her companion, thinking over the attack. "Wait. We are supposed to go to Exit 15, right? Which one was that?" She asked sheepishly, forgetting her exits. It is either the rooftop or the sewer... I think.
"That sounds fine and all," she said before standing straight up and added, "but why have a newbie, that still obviously needs much more work, tag along like a little pup." She watched the knife fly by her head as she sighed internally. She swept her leg under both of Sir's to drop him then brought her sword down to his neck, stopping a couple centimeters away.
An eyebrow raised from behind the mask. "If you want to stay here and train like an obedient puppy, that is fine with me." He commented dryly, using the same comparison that she had to a dog. "You are the only new recruit at the moment, and one of the only ones at the training hall at the time when I called the raid. So I figured why not? It helps with experience and whatnot." He said fluidly, regaining his feet seconds after them being swept away from under him with a well-practiced bounce that nearly sent his neck into Ravyn's sword before his hand hastily shot out, clasping onto the girl's and slamming her hand down on his desk, using the momentum to grab her other hand, staying her other sword from any other attack. For many, the close distance would be unnerving, but Caspar had long since forgotten all the rules about personal boundaries and was well-versed in getting too close to people for comfort.

((My apologies if Caspar seems like an all-powered super ninja here, but I'm not going to let him get beat up by a newbie. xD He's had a few years intense training and constant raids, that is my excuse.))
Pyro walked into the office, his suit on and his flamethrower ready. "I"m here." He said, taking a seat. "Now, what's the plan to take down the generators?" He asked, seriously. Now wasn't the time for the prick jokes he had made earlier. Now was time for battle plans that could win or lose the raid. "And where are we going to get the explosives?" He asked.
Ravyn pushed Sir off her when she heard the door open and stood up straight. She brushed herself off and put her swords back in their sheathes. "Fair enough. One of the best ways to learn in experience," she said simply, a blank expression on her face. She made her way over to the wall and leaned against it, running her fingers quickly through her hair. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited in complete and utter silence.
Hearing the office door open, Caspar's eyes picked up the shape of Pyro in his suit, and he nodded briefly. Releasing Ravyn's hand and wrist, his small throwing knife disappeared back into his cloaked figure, he said nothing more - sensing the agent's serious mood. Moving away from the new recruit, he opened a drawer in his desk once again, slipping Ravyn's file into it and withdrawing another drawer. Taking a file labelled in neat, precise print labelled 'Aboveground Police Base. Generator Plans & Additional Information', he flipped it open and withdrew two fully labelled, accurately sketched plans. Spreading them out on the table, he beckoned to Ravyn to take a seat. "Madame hasn't shown up, I think Ravyn is coming with us." He told Pyro briefly, before tuning his attention back to the plans. "The one on the left is the plan for the electricity generator, on the right is for the backup generator. There are two backup, and both have the same plan." He said, smoothing the paper flat over the table-top.

"The quickest way to disable them is to disassemble them and cut the wires depicted here", he pointed to a small set of wires at the middle of the machine, "though I would imagine setting fire to them would be just as effective. However, we don't want any alarms to go off at first, so we'll be tackling the electricity generator first, and disabling it by hand. After the attack commences on the front and back quarters of the base, Pyro can set both backups aflame and set off as many alarms that he wishes. At the very least, the fire will melt the metal if the temperature is cranked up high enough", Caspar threw an inquiring look at Pyro, seeing as the agent was the specialist in fire, "and will at least burn through enough material for the wires to be cut without much difficulty." He said, finishing his general briefing. "If that makes sense, I can go into the details about disabling the first by hand." He said, looking up at the two agents.
Enna thought, trying to recall any knowledge of the base. "Uh, I think it's the rooftops? I'm not sure though. Before we leave, we might have to ask Sir." She said, trying to remember if the rooftops were exit 15 or 12. If she was right, they could easily take the parkour route and jump in unnoticed. But if it were the sewers, they would enter from below and possibly have a safer and more obvious route. Personally, Enna thought that the rooftops would be more fun, but she'd be fine with either.

"Oh, we only have half an our left. I'm gonna go get ready." She said, and quickly jogged to her room. She put her hood down to reveal her hair, and gathered it all together into a ponytail. It would be bad if her hair got chopped off in the middle of a fight. She already had her throwing knives on her, but all other weapons were here. She quickly grabbed her quiver and put it on, and took note to get the bow before she left. Should I bring my machete? She wondered, picking it up. Close range combat wasn't likely to happen, and she wasn't to good at using it, but she decided it would better to be safe and sorry. Enna put the machete in it's respective sheath and put her hood back on. She grabbed her bow, which was metal and had an odd, spiked shape to it, and sighed. It'd been forever since she'd been completely geared out. Enna hoped it would be worth it.

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