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Futuristic The Underground

"You need to learn to speak when ordered Doc. If you continue this attitude, you will meet the butt of my gun. So behave." Cyber didn't reply to Doc's killing kids motto, because who knows. The underground might actually have kids in their ranks, he has killed a few of them on other missions. "Well, we really have no current leads on these terrorist. So we should let our strategist do the planning for now."
That's better than nothing. Of course he wouldn't make a newbie go at it alone. The thought crossed Ravyn's mind and she mentally kicked herself for letting it. She knew better than to think like that, but then again, common sense had always been an issue for her. Thankfully it was only mentally, so it never showed, and she wasn't held back because of it. She listened to the petty jokes that were emitting from Sir and somehow managed to keep a straight face. This is gonna be interesting she thought as she crossed one leg over the other, allowing a small smirk to dance across her face.
"You really know how to inspire loyalty, I'm absolutely shocked that you're not the boss of the office, really, I am." Thomas rolled his eyes, "Stupid bucket of bolts." He got up and walked out of the room toward the medical offices with his aid bag.

"What in the world is that guy's problem? Was he beat up as a kid?" Thomas walked into the stock room and grabbed a few aspirin pills and took them without water. He changed out some of the supplies to match the squad he was with. "Suits is probably the only one worth saving, if Cyber were to get hurt I might jog a little slower to him... and if the.. other... one were to get hurt Im not entirely sure I could fix him. I'll have to ask him if there is anything specific I need to save if he were to get badly injured... or broke.. whatever happens to him... her? It? I dont even know if it counts as a person.. Lets see.. quick clot... tourniquets, everything a trauma specialist needs."
Pyro nodded at the idea of Ravyn coming with Sir and him. He'd be able to see her fight, and see if she could hold her own in the heat of battle. He glanced over at her, thinking. One more operative on this front of the attack could make all the difference later. Who knows? Maybe the rookie will end up carrying the entire operation? Fredrick chuckled at this and moved on to another thought topic. When are we getting out of here? He thought, looking up at Sir. I'd like to go and get my stuff together to prepare for the raid, not sit here and listen to Visher jokes. Well, they are sorta funny.... he thought, looking over at V's grumpy face.
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"He has a point, you know, not everything can or will be solved with bullets and weapons, and if we plan to work even at half efficiency then we should value each other's opinion" Edward said, looking at Cybergeist and crossing his arms.

"United we Stand, Divided we Fall." Edward quoted "And a fall from this high will get us all killed"
Fisher had been sitting there in silence. Well guess everyone doesn't like V and I together. He chuckled and looked at Pyro. "I'm the prick huh?" He laughed and looked at him with cold eyes. He thought Pyro's jokes and comments were childish. But he was an essential part of the raid he can't deny that. So he wouldn't leave him to die. He hated that Pyro immediately attacked him. He laughed and looked at V.

"If you want to talk about plans. I'll buy you a drink V. And I know you don't like being "Shipped." Neither do I." He nodded and turned towards the door. "I'll see you all later. May we all get out of this alive." He open the door and walked out. Excited to finally see some action.
Watching Fisher walk out, Caspar realized that everybody seemed to be just standing around, and realized with a jolt that he hadn't properly dismissed them. "You may leave to get prepared at any point. I want everybody at Exit 15 in around an hour. We will be waiting for everybody to arrive before setting out, but if you take too long I will find somebody to replace you on raid." He said, waving the recruits away. "Pyro, could I get you back in around half an hour? I want to go over the generator plans. Also, I want Ravyn to stay here." He added, gesturing to the New Recruit stay seated.

Lamb had listened to the briefing quietly, smiling at a few of the crude remarks, but otherwise staying in the shadows. Once she was dismissed, she made a round-about and walked out; wondering what she would need for the raid. She hadn't been on one for awhile, so she had forgotten what had been on her routine checklist. Looking around for Frost, deciding that she would ask how the other girl wanted to deal with the side of the policebase they had been assigned, she waited around the entrance Sir's office; keeping an eye out for her temporary partner.
Ravyn sat in a seat next to where she had been leaning against the wall in slight confusion. What could he possibly want with me? I don't think I've done anything wrong. She sat silently as she watched everyone else leave and thought about everything she's done since she's gotten here. After wracking her brain for anything she could have possibly done wrong, she came up with nothing she didn't already know about. Crossing her arms, once again, over her chest, she took a deep breath and waited on the explanation for why she was just singled out.
Seeing the slightly concerned look in Ravyn's eyes, Caspar shook his head. "You aren't in trouble. I just have a few protocols that I like to go through before sending any agent on their first raid." He elaborated, sitting back down. "You might have noticed that there is a considerable lack of interviews and tests when getting into the Underground; most of them take place before you are sent back up on a raid. This is one of those times. Besides, dead bodies are messy and hard to clean up after, and so I'm naturally going to be wary before sending a newbie up." He added, his eyes tracing the agents as they filed out of his office. "And just for good measure, I'm thinking of assigning Madame as your trainer, so you have reason to wait for her; since she'll probably show up here first." He finished, leaning his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his clasped hands.
"But what if she doesn't?" Ravyn asked as she looked at Sir's mask where she was certain his eyes were...if he had any. She couldn't even be completely sure he was human, but that didn't stop her from just going along with it. Relaxing in the chair, she racked her mind of what exactly he meant by tests and protocols. I'll find out when the time comes. Now that she thought about it, for the Underground to be such am elite group, it was pretty easy to get in, but things such as this are all rainbows and unicorns. She knew deep down that there was a catch and she thought she just found it.
Shrugging at the question presented, Caspar racked his mind for trainers that might be available. "Then I'll look for somebody to promote to trainer, since the two other trainers are both preoccupied." He responded after a moment's hesitation. "Or I'll train you myself, it has been awhile since I took up any newbies." He added as an afterthought, the last person he had trained being Flamboyant a year or so ago. It all depended; the man had learned that he had to be exceedingly flexible when running this type of operation - the situation was prone to change from moment to moment. Pulling a drawer from under the desk, he rummaged through it for a second before pulling out a file with the name 'Ravyn' printed on it. He neglected to open it until the others had left, as he didn't want the agents snooping at any of her personal information.
"Either way I'm happy," Ravyn admitted as she looked around the room. "Although if it were up to me, I'd want to be trained by the best," she added, sending a slight nod towards Sir to indicate she meant him. Turning around, she noticed there were still others in the room. She sighed internally and turned back around, noticing the file he had pulled out that had her name on it. She quickly looked down and stuffed her hands in her lap, trying to keep her cool. She would rather not have her life story explained on a piece of paper for someone she barely knew to open, although she knew he most likely already had. Taking a soft, deep breath, she looked back up, knowing she had to trust him with her life.
Edward waited for Cybergeist to talk but was interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello? Oh hey Jason, no i just wanted for you to deliver something from my apartment to the office. What is it? It's a 2011 Jeroboam Of CHÂTEAU Mouton red wine, its in the wine room under a label that says "2011" sharing a spot with a white wine, alright, thank you, good bye" Edward hung up and finished the rest of his water bottle. Fixing his tie and making sure everything was in check for a second time, he always wanted to open that wine bottle, maybe today will be the day he does. But if he does he is only sharing it with one person.

The wine itself is a product of his expensive habits and intrest in old world items. And while this one isn't that special compared to anything he has or tasted, it holds a significant value for the fact that the year it was made. And Edward loved symbolism.
Pyro got up, walking out of the room. He left Sir's office, navigating back down the obstacle course which was ocnsidereibly easier going down than up. From there he continued his walk down the corridors of the facility until he arrived at his little room. He opened the door, heading inside and closing it behind him. He headed over to where his equipment was, hanging from the wall. He pulled the bulky Fire-proof suit off the wall, and began to put it on.

Once he was inside the suit, he grabbed his helmet the last piece of his armor. HE pulled it on, and looked around, finding the next and final piece of his equipment, the trusty flamethrower. He connected it's hosed to the nozzle of the 2 large gas tanks on his back, and gave the trigger an experimental squeeze. The gas sprayed out, until he pulled his finger off the trigger. He grinned, knowing everything was as it should be. He headed back up to Sir's office as the 30 minutes would soon expire. He began climbing the obstacle course leading up to Sir's office, going much slower than he did before because of the suit.
"I've worked with better people than the two of you. I've been given highly trained operatives, willing to do everything and anything I will tell them. You two are obviously some sort of down grade. However, I hope that you two will realize how dangerous this mission really is, because these terrorist won't have such a light heart like you guys. I've seen men die from these savages, the innocent being killed from their doings. If you see the chance to kill one of these sick fucks. Then you listen to my orders and try to kill them, no matter what kind of age." He let out a large breath through his nose and angrily started to re-check his weapons again. He is obviously very passionate in killing these people.
(Sorry for such a late reply! I've been gone to a friend's house.)

An hour away. A raid; a dangerous mission, was only an hour away from starting. As she left, though, Enna saw Flamboyant waiting outside the entrance. Waiting for her? "Oh, hey." She said, stopping beside her. Flamboyant had been quiet for most of the briefing, and Enna didn't even see her leave. She was almost sure she wanted to talk due to the fact they were partners. "So, I guess we're partners for the raid?" She began, unsure of what her partner wanted to ask. Whatever it was, it couldn't take too long; she had to prepare for the raid and still be on time. She eyed the girl as she waited for a response, noticing the intricate details of her mask. It was much prettier than Sir's, who's was rather creepy in her opinion. She'd grown used to it, but it was still unsettling to look at. It didn't feel like a human was underneath it, though she knew there was. But the question is, who was it?
Edward waited a bit thsn stared down at his feet. He then stared into Cybergeist where his eyes would be if that helmet was not covering it. And spoke each word slowly with increasing agitation.

"The fact that you are here with us in a small squad proves otherwise, This is not a normal mission and as so will require abnormal people like you and Doc, Andy, and Me." He stopped and looked at Andy before going back to Cybergeist. Edward now began to speak in a normal matter now.

"You are our leader in this mission, and i take it you were a leader on other missions, you yourself should know that a effective team will require cooperation and threatening your allies WILL not be anyway to gain cooperation. Now when we all leave this room we will all act as if we have just met each other" Edward said loudly at the end, hoping to have Doc hear it "And we will finiah this mission without a hitch, after that we can all go our merry ways of not having the displeasure of seeing eachother"
Cybergesit grunted at Edward's little speech, and decided to stay quiet as he was correct in the terms of working together and countering every argument was not going to help. Every bit of his being wanted to stand up and beat the crap out of Edward, as any regular mission, no one would ever talk to him like that. However, deep down encoded inside of his mind, it was set into completing every mission with haste and working together with these sad bunch of soldiers would have to do. He stood up and shrunk his weapons into smaller form and started putting his sniper on his back, shotgun on his left side, and assault rifle on his side. "Hrm. Fine. What will be the first plan of action Strategist?"
Edward tried his best to conceal his smile, he really did but it was obvious.

Edward looked down and closed his eyes.

"We have 3 options. "He finally said opening his eyes and looking at Cybergeist and Andy.

" Option A:The worst option, we wait for The Underground to strike again and get there as quickly as possible. The only pros to this are that we do not have to waste any resources, the cons are we have to be alert at all time, they might get away, and we will end up with another wrecked power plant or something of similar intrest to The Underground and their allies" He said, took a second to think again and finally spoke out with a heighten intrest

"Option B: We search buildings that have extremely low electronic signal, even condemned and abandoned buildings have a electronic signal, if they were cautious they would eliminate it or scatter low electronic signals in different cells around the city, I think one of the other police stations specializes in electronics and its not near HQ for some reasons."

"The pros are that we go on the offensive. We have a chance to catch them off guard, and would help eliminate any doubt in areas and allow us to focus more resources into a more central and direct area as more and more gets eliminated.

The cons are is that a lot of old buildings have a low electronic signals. And nothing is stopping them from abandoning their base for a while to reclaim it while we're gone."

Edward thought over the last option, it was more of a wildcard put in to give something more than two choices.

"Option C:We flood all the sewers and underground facilities under the guise of a the start of repairing them, we can talk with the government higher ups but they'll say yes if it means a higher voting outpoot for them and some TV time."

"The pros are we don't have to get out hands dirty and only have to explore a few buildings, the cons are they'll expect us if we flood and they aren't hit, and the amount of resources this will take will give The Spider an migraine" Edward said, until a few last gears started moving again

"We could combine the last two, while the flooding happens we can search buildings who fit what we're looking for"
Cyber growled under his mask when he started to see Edward smiling and wanted to punch him yet again, but resisted the urge. He listened to the plans and obviously plan A was a horrendous plan, but B and C did sound quite good to his ears. "I would say Option B sounds like the best result for the time being as we need to start somewhere. However, we can pin Option C onto the board as if we can raid their main base, and drive them out. We can flood the sewer making the most obvious place to hide almost inaccessible and slowly get the rest of the survivors one by one. Basically combing plan B and C, but we search first and find their base, then flood the sewers if their base is actually there and hunt down the rest.

Andy heard the plans proposed and immediately began to juxtapose the plans needs and requirements with his capacities and abilities. After half a second of analysis, Andy stated,

"All practical options indeed. You should have a brief summary of my abilities under the mission briefing data that Spider gave us. I have the authority to access basically all public service databases, including surveillance. I can cover a huge area by hijacking the electronic database associated with the area. All camera feeds can be fed to my A.I. in current time, and the A.I. can easily assort through important periods of time and notify me of shady characters. Of course, this renders me unable to effectively be on field duty, but if scouting out locations is the problem here, then my abilities can be used quite effectively. My large range will render your search scope to become much narrower and will thus increase our chances of finding potential nests. My network hijacking can be used effectively with all three plans in a variety of ways."

The mask shook a little as Caspar moved. "Best is a very relative term, especially down here. Everybody has their own skill set. And I wouldn't call myself the best, I would say with most experience." He amended her statement, a tone of disapproval interlacing his words, but impressed to some extent at Ravyn's initiative. Seeing that all of the agents had trickled out of his office, he flipped Ravyn's file open. Noting her discomfort, he raised an eyebrow from under his mask - though the action, was, of course, invisible to the girl sitting opposite him. "This whole organization is based on a foundation of trust. I trust you not to rat and get us all killed, you trust me to lead you into exceedingly dangerous situations and handle your personal information. Do know that I take secrecy extremely seriously, however, and I will be the only one reading your files."

Flipping through the papers briefly, to remind him of who exactly she was - Caspar ran a steadily growing operation, it was hard to remember backstories - before promptly closing the file. Right. Armed and unarmed combat, archery. Should be easy to test. The man thought for a few seconds, knowing that the best way to test abilities was to go straight for it at a random time. It would also allow him to see how the girl handled stress and the unexpected. A knife appeared in his hand, and he flung it at Ravyn, aiming for a centimeter above her head. "Lesson number one; never trust anybody." He said, getting to his feet - clearly turning the interview into a training exercise.


Lamb smiled at Frost as the other girl stopped beside her, nodding at the question presented. It was pretty obvious that the other agent had read Jackie's intention to talk to her, and she gestured forward. "We might as well walk and talk, its more productive." The dark-haired female said, starting to stride away from Sir's office. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to have some sort of coherent attack plan. I mean, it might be more effective if we coordinated our weapons, right? If one of us was planning to go long range, and the other short, it might not pan out all that great." She said, her explanation probably not coming across very clearly; Lamb had never been the best at explaining things. She didn't know very much about Frost, otherwise she would have simply customized her weapons to fit the other agent's - as Jackie was very flexible when it came to weapon choice -, but as it was she didn't know enough to make an accurate guess as to what the other girl frequented in doing.
"Ravyn watched the knife barely miss her head. On the inside, she had panicked, but only slightly, and she knew she couldn't let that show. She stood rather quickly and pulled out her swords. Never trust anyone. The words rang through her head as they were true. Nodding in compliance, she tightened her grip slightly as she calmed herself with slow, deep breaths. Thinking momentarily, she put the swords back in their respective sheathes and looked at the mask with a blank stare.
I think that is a pass in the terms of meeting the unexpected. Cold, calculating eyes were the only distinguishable feature showing from behind the mask. Another knife whistled passed Ravyn's head as she stood up, drawing her swords. "Too slow." He said, standing lightly on the balls of his feet in wait of an attack on his figure. Another knife was thrown as Ravyn put her swords back into their sheaths. "Lesson number two; once you make a decision, stick with it." He said, his voice projecting easily within the otherwise still room. Not sure whether to approve of the blank stare he was being given - as it would be good tidings if her intentions were to conceal her thoughts from him, but useless if she just didn't know what to do - another knife flew through the air, impaling itself on Caspar's office's wall. "Lesson number three; don't hesitate." He said, hands shifting towards his sides where more concealed knives could be found.
"No problem," Ravyn said simply, her expression unmoving. Keeping herself in a tranquil state, well as much as possible, she suddenly leaped onto his desk then to the wall, her right foot landing on it with a barely-audible tap. She pushed off with enough force to catapult herself at Sir, tackling him in the process. This is gonna be fun she thought as she twisted his arm behind his back and hurled him face first into the wall, satisfied with the dent that remained.

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