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Fantasy Cursed Blood

Fenris grinned upon being permitted to take part in the upcoming battle. He no longer whined as he walked. He had his nose high in pride, he wished to show what he was made of but specially to dance in blood of humans last last time. " Don't worry I won't disappoint " he said as he smirked. Fenris's eyes peered looking for the so called danger that Lucian had warned the villagers about. He howled like he always did before going into a battle

( got nothing till the rp moves on)

Leandros followed Lucian's order and started ushering people into their houses. "Come on, move! Move!" It took them a while to finally get into their houses and the only ones that were outside were Azekiel, Fenris, Tasha, him, and others. "I will protect the village, along with the other Hunters."


The guards looked at the lady then at the wolves, then back at her. "
Was I just hallucinatin'?" asked Perseus. "It seems so, but I could've sworn..." Eros trailed off. Leonidas stepped forward, "Excuse me, milady, but what are you doing here in the middle of the woods with wolves?" he asked her. Alexander whispered something two the other two guards as he did so. "If the lady sweet talks him or something, you owe me two glasses of wine." Perseus grinned and whispered back, "So we are betting now, aye? I like the sound of that. And if she doesn't?" Eros laughed quietly, "If she doesn't, you, Alexander, owe us two glasses or wine." Alexander had this glint in his eyes as he nodded. "Challenge accepted." The three guards shook their hands as Leonidaa ignored them and waited for the mysterious lady to respond.

Luna looked at the three men enquiringly, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. Making a huge effort to relax in front of these steel-clad men, she put a timid smile on her face; her acting passable enough for the smile to reach up into her eyes warmly. "I enjoy the company of all forest animals... Away from the loud villages, away from people for the most part. The wolves don't judge." She replied, her timid smile turning into a shy one; as if she had something to hide. She was aware that it was probably wicked, but Luna was enjoying this - lying and deceiving these men. Of course, her actions were probably justified, as they had probably come to cause harm to her pack; but still she felt the stirrings of guilt at her enjoyment. Her face showed none of her emotions, however, and she gestured around at the woods. "Are you lost?" She asked, hoping to herd them out of her territory under the guise of giving instructions.
Lucian's eyes were trained on the permitter of the forest, his muscles tense as he stayed on high alert. He glanced over at Tasha, his usual joking stature far gone. It was business now, he had to keep those 'beasts' away from his people. His eyes flickered to Fenris more than a little amused not that he showed it.

He looked to Leandros as he came running back, "Is it done?"

Lucian needed to make sure that his people weren't in any more danger than needed. His long legs carried him forward, towards the woods once again. He took a long breath, lifting his head towards the sky and closing his eyes. Auburn hair fell away from his face and for a moment he looked younger and more full of life. Lucian's eyes opened slowly a smirk speeding to his lip. He could smell them, still back at the border between lands. He was sure the others couldn't, but it didn't matter to him. He continued moving to the forest, careful not to shift in case they were closer than estimated. He didn't wait for the others to follow, already assuming they were.

His fingers brushed against the bark of a tree, he started to whistle gleefully. Knowing for a fact that he was close enough for them to hear, he taunted them. They had an advantage in these forest while mortals did not have any such advantage. His grin swept wider across his face, looking slightly demented.
Tasha followed Lucian as soon as he started moving. Her muscles were tense, ready to change if need be. Her gaze was focused, scanning the perimeter for any sign of a human or any sign of Fenris taking a run for it. She looks back to see if Nova and Azekiel would be following. They could use all the help they could get if this human thing made a turn for the worse. Her serious face was replaced with a dangerous smirk as Lucian started whistling, knowing he was taunting the humans. It had been a while since she was able to rip anything apart and she needed it, especially after Fenris frustrating her with all his running and taunting.
Nova stayed behind Tasha and Lucian, she heard Lucian's whistle and it was obvious he was taunting the humans. She had a blank expression on her face, neither happy nor sad. When fighting, it is better to have a blank expression so the enemy can not predict the attacks, she had to learn that the hard way when fighting Tasha once. Nova was ready to attack but was cool headed about it. Her foot steps were quiet and almost unnoticeable.
Fenris could not see a single eye gazing on him. He grinned and turned into his human form. Walking slowly not running because of the pain he was baring from the wounds. He smiled as he crossed the tree line and right towards he grasslands that was the boundary wall between the two territories. He could see a few fingers that had the scent of humans. He smiled pulled out a little knife that he ha kept hidden. He smiled knowing that someone would have glanced him by now but would be too fearful to chase, he knew everyone feared yet loved Lucian. He snapped his teeth in air as he got close to the guards," greeting knights." He spoke with a nobleman like charm," why might you all be wandering in this forest I must ask".
Luna, upon starting to hear running feet at the edges of her senses, sighed in annoyance as she heard whistling. "And that would be my lovely brother, most like. Come out to look for me you see, he doesn't like it when I run off into the forest alone." She said hastily to the guards, wishing that the Damned - as by the sound of it, there were quite a few of them - would just leave her alone to deal with it. "Lucian!" She yelled into the forest, perfectly loud enough for the Damned to hear her. "I've just met a few blokes that might be lost, do you think that you could pull yourself together enough to be civil around them?" She asked, her eyes focused on the guards, and she rolled her eyes at them with a grin. Hopefully her words would keep the guards from over-reacting at Lucians rusty entrance, and the Damned from making the whole situation explode and get a whole lot more violent.

At the sound of a voice from behind her, she registered Fenris' smell with an exasperated smile. Must all her enemies show up at this one precise moment? "I was just asking them the same question, dear Fenris." She tossed back at the ex-Exalted wolf, glancing back at him with a cold expression before turning back to the guards; quickly adjusting her face to be pleasant once more.
" I see, well it is a pleasant surprise meeting you today ", he said with a evil grin. He knew that even his presence would be enough to agitate Luna. He was laughing from the inside but had a tense look over his face. He looked at the knights they had well forged armor and weapons that seemed to me of silver. Fenris had slayed a squad like this one but that was not at all a mote task, Fenris had to track them for days before killing the lost knights one after another, even he would be feeble against more then 2 of them. Fenris sneered as he moved closer to Luna, standing just next to her. Teasing her as he spoke, " Why don't you give these lost men shelter in the village ?". He was indeed talking about to exalt village.
"Yes, it is, isn't it? I haven't seen you in awhile. I hope that all is well with you." She said, more or less genuinely, as she was naturally a compassionate wolf and cared for all - banned, exiled, enemy or not. Luna's bright smile strained ever so slightly as Fenris moved to stand beside her, and she shrugged noncommittally. "I was planning to, if they don't intend to go back to where they came from. From the looks of it, they might not be satisfied with our rather basic village." She said merrily, her voice chiming in the mild wind.

She could trust her pack to not reveal themselves in front of the men, and to treat them civilly enough; the Exalted pack was familiar with strangers - as they were a trading village. Exalted wolves were also decently adapted to dealing with metals, or being around them at least. If Luna could send these men packing after a day or so, there need not be any more trouble. The golden-brown haired girl was itching to chase Fenris off of her territory - kind streak diminishing as he entered her personal space -, but could not do so without looking suspicious, so she held her calm; her inner conflict having no place on her features.
Aria couldn't speak during the whole encounter - it wasn't like she had much to say anyway. There were too many guards for the three of them, armed to the teeth in silver, but the princess seemed to be fooling them quite well. When it seemed like they just might leave after a few more exchanges, whistling and more feet could be heard not too far away. To top it off, the first to officially appear was the man who had saved her prior to meeting up with Luna again. The girl could feel her head start to throb. It was, of course, only when Luna spoke the exiled's name did she realize who her savior was.

What did you get yourself into, Aria? she thought, eyeing Fenris suspiciously while also trying to keep an eye on the knights. I didn't know joining a pack would be this... complicated. The girl shook her head, finally standing up after a moment or two.

"If you two want to insult each other," Aria said, running one hand through her red-brown hair, "Please just do it already."
Lucian leaned against a tree nearby, watching the scene play out before him. He was most amused by this, though the silver was giving him even more reason to rip them apart. Making up his mind, the young Alpha stood up straight, adjusting the black leather coat he had put on before they had left. His bare chest was still in view for all to look at, though he really didn't care. Cracking his knuckles he stopped his whistling abruptly and walked out into the small clearing like place his sister sat at while the guards stood. A bright smile lit up his face, he looked like an adoring older brother from the way he was moving towards the group. He was struggling greatly not to just rip the foolish mortal's apart. But, he needed them off his border and if he needed to put on an act then so be it. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "There you are! I got a little lost, thanks for waiting for me-" He stopped speaking looking towards the guards in fake astonishment. Though, from the look on Luna's face his little acting stunt was going the way he wanted it to. He looked at the armored men with an innocence that sickened him, mentally he slapped himself over and over again for even thinking about doing this.

"What's going on? W-We aren't in trouble are we?" He questioned, adding to the effect by giving out a small stutter.

Keeping true to his big brother innocent act, he strode over to Luna.

"I.....my sister didn't do anything right? I told her and her friends to wait here for me. Fenris was accompanying me, but I see he got here before I did." Lucian chuckled out nervously, a slight look of apology coming to his features as he yet again rubbed the back of his neck, keeping his eyes closed as he laughed.

'I officially disgust myself.' He thought, opening his eyes to look over at his sister. Slight horror flashed across her features and he let the corner of his mouth droop down in an angry sneer for a millisecond before he was back to his cheerful act.
If she had been in wolf form, Luna would have flicked an ear at Aria in annoyance, but as it was she could not. Turning around she smiled at her pack member, not looking at Fenris. "I prefer not to bring personal matters into dealings with strangers." She said levelly, looking pointedly at the guards. At Lucian's voice, Luna was further agitated, and she wondered if Fenris and Lucian would be trooping back to the Exalted village if the guards chose to go there. She supposed so, to keep up the act. Lucian's convincing acting skills did not surprise her in the least, and she smiled back at him when he entered the clearing.

"There you are." She said, with a sister's patience that is mostly lacking. Listening to what he said, she crossed her arms she snorted at him. "Me? In trouble? No, brother, I'm pretty sure that you'd be the one in trouble, if anything." She said with a charming grin, though at his announcement that Fenris was with him she was tempted to bristle - though her lack of fur made this impossible. Seeing that he was trying to get up her skin, Luna felt that she should return the favor, and as he strode over she grabbed his arm and pulled him over, flashing a sisterly look of adoration at him that was completely faked.
He gave out a playful scoff that would have been convincing to anyone who didn't personally know him.

"How you wound me my dear sister. Here I was minding my own business when I come back to find you with a bunch of finely dressed guards." He pouted before quickly throwing out a dazzling smile of his own. "I'm just so happy you're alright!" His smile dropped as he looked at her. "Didn't I tell you before that father would put my head on a pike of you were hurt?" He instantly smiled brightly once again, ruffling her hair as if it was a inside joke between family. He made his way over to the rest of the small group of wolves. When his back was turned to the guards, the ruthlessness and anger swept his face as he glared at Fenris. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed the stupid pup he wouldn't be putting on this little act of his. However, the second he moved the cheery and relaxed look was back on his face. His body language never changing back to his usual rigid posture and commanding aura. To outsiders he looked genuinely like a concerned brother, but under the mask he was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off at any second.
Luna was finding the whole situation increasingly comical as she watched her brother and his brotherly act, tempted to laugh at Lucian though she kept her mouth shut. Such is the sibling bond that we'll probably never share. She thought to herself, more to subdue the urge to laugh rather than to actually pity herself by it. At the statement about the head and the pike, Luna raised an eyebrow mockingly at him. "Such is the price to pay upon having such a brilliant sister." She tossed back, a teasingly smug smile briefly adorning her features before promptly fading away.

Seeing Lucian glare at Fenris started to evoke Luna's curiosity as to what was going on with the ex-Exalted wolf; he had been exiled, but by the looks and smell of it he had been taken in by the Damned, though Lucian seemed not to be on good terms with him? It was all rather confusing. Her gaze turning back to the guards, she wished that they would just speak already and relieve them all of this act. Now she was wishing that she had simply torn them apart, rallying some sort of attack, for this venture had become increasingly painful to uphold.

((Nyaaa, school was suspended. But now, I have to go to another "school" earlier D;))

Perseus laughed quietly. "
We win, Alexander." Said person sighed in defeat and waved his hand dismissively, "Sure, sure. I'll give the drinks to you and Eros." Perseus and Eros shook hands with a smirk right after Alexander said that. Leonidas then stepped back when the lady asked the same question. "No, milady, we are not lost. We are on a hunt, actually." The other three guards then looked looked at the man-the lady's sister- when he entered the scene. They watched the brother and sister interact with each other. "We... will just be going now..." said Leonidas slowly before turning to another direction and walked away with the other three guards. "Bloody hell, did you see those wolves? They looked like they would tear me apart!" whispered Eros.

Perseus nodded. "But werewolves actually do that without a second thought." Alexander shuddered at the thought of being ripped apart by wolves. "I do not think I will sleep well tonight." Leonidas chuckled and said, "No one sleeps well nowadays, my friend. There are no exceptions except maybe, the werewolves themselves."

Lucian glanced at Luna, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Brilliantly a pain in my ass." He growled under his breath, knowing that she heard it. He folded his arms across his chest, looking at the guards in a cheerful manner. "I do apologize good sirs, and I do hope you all find what you are looking for." He paused a moment before watching them walk away. In his mind he was trying to judge how many he could take out by himself before getting stuck with a silver weapon. Not that his cursed blood would allow him to die so easily. His wolf, who was absolutely mortified by his friendly act, wouldn't be put down that easily either.

His charm fell away just like that, with a blink of an eye he turned to Luna. His hand wrapped around her throat tightly as he lifted her into the air, though he was making sure not to actually choke her. "You. And I. Need to have a talk later. Sister." He spat the last word with as much hatred as he could muster before promptly letting his grip go. His anger turning towards Fenris, with three short strides he was in front of him and grabbing his ear. "You ever put me in that position again, mutt, and I will not hesitate to rip out your throat." He snapped, glaring down at him before letting him go.
Tasha watches the whole scene play out, a look of shock crossed her face at Lucian's little display before it was quickly replaced with her usual facial expression of coldness. She was ready to shift and attack at a moment's notice. Tasha makes her way over to Fenris after Lucian scolded him, giving him a glare for upsetting Lucian before turning her attention to Lucian. "I apologize Lucian. I should of had him of a shorter leash. I'll make sure it doesn't happen it again. He needs some discipline, apparently the exalted let their members get away with much more than we allow...."
Lucian, completely unamused with Tasha kissing his ass, sent her a glare as well.

"It. Better. Not." He growled out, a muscle in his jaw twitching as he headed off towards the village. His anger completely boiling over, he was about to blow. If he did, he couldn't promise the safety of anyone around him. "Take. Everyone. Back. The Village is still under warning. Make sure things are contained by the time I get back."

Lucian ordered Leandros before walking off deeper into the forest to cool down. He had never in his life been so disgusted with himself as he was with himself at that moment. Moving off a few meters, he slammed his fist into the side of a large oak tree. It splintered under the force of his punch, a dent permanently imprinted into the poor tree. He continued moving, heading towards the small river.
Tasha shrinks a little at Lucian's glare, she should've just kept her mouth shut. She went overboard, she watches Lucian take off, swallowing a bit as he slams fist into the tree. Tasha looks back at Fenris, a drop dead serious look on her face. "Make sure you find yourself back to the village or you'll regret it if you act up. I've just been playing with you before now...." She turns her attention to the direction Lucian went, she may be on a complete suicide mission but she wanted to try. She shifts into her wolf form and followed after, once they were deep enough in the forest where it was just the two of them she ran out in front of him. She circles around him like an idiotic puppy and bends her front half down and barks at him, attempting to get him to chase her.She knew it could end badly but a run could calm any temper, at least she thought so. Walking around and fuming didn't seem like it'd be healthy.
Lucian watched as Tasha barked at him, she circled him reminding him of a puppy trying to make up to it's master. He stalked towards her, shedding his coat as black smoke started to engulf him once again. The last thing he needed was a perfectly good shredded leather coat. With his wolf form activated, Lucian prowled towards her keeping his pace slow and even. Then suddenly, he took off in a sprint towards her. His gold and red eyes trained on her startled reaction. A snarl escaped him as he leaps onto of her, using his front two paws to pin her down. Lucian looked down at her, an amused look in his eyes though it was obvious the anger was still there.
Tasha watched closely as Lucian prowled towards her, her ears moving back against her head, unsure of what he was up to. She hunkered down as Lucian sprinted towards her, expecting to get tackled/pinned and knew she couldn't out run him. She lets out a small startled whine as he pins her but made no move to get out from under him, showing him submission. She was expecting teeth or some kind of pain but at seeing him just staring down at her she tilts her head. She reaches a leg up and gently paws at him with it before lifting her head up to ever so gently nip his nose.
Lucian smirked wolfishly, narrowing his eyes at her as her teeth grazed his nose. He pinned her down a little harder, leaning his head down towards her he licked the side of her face. Giving a triumphant smirk, he winked at her before getting off. He shook out his fur before moving towards the small river just down the little hill they were sitting on. He heard her follow him though he did nothing about it, his mind going blank as he leaned down to drink some water. His muscles relaxed a little more, his temper boiling down ever so slowly.
Her breath caught in her throat as he pinned her down harder, thinking she went too far. She jumped a little as he licks her face, she wasn't expecting that. She quickly got to her feet as he moved off of her. Her tail wagged slightly at her own triumph; she got some time with Lucian after all. She laid down near him as he went to drink some water, she licks her paw that Fenris had injured earlier, losing the bandages Nova had applied during her shifts. It was only bothering her slightly at the moment but it was caked a little with dried blood.
Lucian glanced at her, noticing the cut on her paw he moved closer to her before shifting back to his human form. "What happened?" He asked, taking her paw in his hand and in inspecting the wound. He was genuinely concerned, it wasn't every day that a pack member got hurt under his watch. He felt his heart constrict slightly, looking at the wound. He hoped that she hadn't hurt it while she was playing with him.

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