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  1. The Bushranger

    MTA: Alakhazam!

    Got a bit behind on the old character sheet, trying to catch up now...
  2. The Bushranger

    MTA: Alakhazam!

    *starts humming Carmen's "1955"...*
  3. The Bushranger

    MTA: Alakhazam!

    Still working on an Acanthus dame, myself.
  4. The Bushranger

    MTA: Alakazam! (Pulp genre)

    Gah, sorry for the multiple post. I was getting server errors and it was acting as if it wasn't posting.
  5. The Bushranger

    MTA: Alakazam! (Pulp genre)

    Hmm, possibly interested here, if somebody who's never played Mage before (or, for that matter, anything more than Mortals: The Fleeing) is alright. Pondering an Acanthus Dynamic Thrill-seeker type.
  6. The Bushranger

    The Grid: Reloaded

    :( Shame... I'd be interested in another game if one pops up though. ^^
  7. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Chapter 2.5 - Deja Disconnected

    "Incoming!" Patrick shouts, as the Agent, clearly tired of playing around, opens fire. And he starts jerking the wheel, swerving erratically as he considers his move and the rear window explodes in shards of glass...suddenly jerking to the side and standing on the brakes, intending to cause the...
  8. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Operator

    Gah, thought I'd posted, sorry.
  9. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Operator

    Aw, that's too bad. :( Got smacked around by the hurricane last week, finally getting my head back in things here. Also, sorry I forgot to include the InvisibleCastle link for the dice - I thought I had, I'll triple-check from now on!
  10. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Chapter 2.5 - Deja Disconnected

    As the Marauder's driver grows a spine, Patrick keeps the hammer down - and, for an instant, flashes back to that race he won at Watkins Glen, coming into the esses as another car in front of him got turned around, the resulting melee essentially blocking the track....and he deftly flicked the...
  11. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Operator

    "Just as long as you don't make it turn into a Citroen." :P
  12. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Chapter 2.5 - Deja Disconnected

    Even as mechanical sounds that say If you survive this Lace is going to kill you for what you just did to the car signal the return to Terra of, perhaps questionable, Firma, Patrick doesn't hesitate, his foot flooring the gas pedal as he grabs the wheel tightly once more. ...and then opens his...
  13. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] Operator

    Just as a note, it's a Dodge Challenger, not a Charger. ;)
  14. The Bushranger

    [The Grid: Reloaded] John O'Connell

    (need one, image I had died v.v) ************ Attributes Physical Strength •• Dexterity •••• Stamina •• Social Charisma ••• Manipulation •• Appearance •• Mental Perception •••• Intelligence ••• Wits •••• Abilities Archery ••• Martial Arts Melee • Thrown •...
  15. The Bushranger

    The Grid: Reloaded

    And now I'm here. :)
  16. The Bushranger

    [The Grid] OOC

    Hey, I'd certainly be willing to have you pick it up. Just as long as you don't do anything horrible to Lace. :P
  17. The Bushranger

    [The Grid] OOC

    'AbsentMia' - Miashara. His Ubuntu borked his system. And that's a shame. :( It's been fun. I'd love to pick things up again if you can ever return. In the meantime I'll just assume Patrick makes it back to Lace. :)
  18. The Bushranger

    [The Grid] OOC

  19. The Bushranger

    [The Grid] OOC

    Ouch. :(
  20. The Bushranger

    [The Grid] OOC

    And finally back. The trouble with life is, it be so daily. Also, rolls, whew - I think.