The Grid: Reloaded


God of Storytellers
System: Exalted 2.0 (with 2.5 errata)

Storyteller: Lochar


The world is not as you know it. Life is nothing more than a prayer for death. Everything tells you that the invisible sun god does not exist. Believe in what you can see. But a few special souls are disconnected from that reality. They have been contacted by several factions, and at least one faction wants them dead. But disconnected from The Grid, they work endlessly to restore Creation, rescue humanity from it's enslavement, and win the war that has already been lost.


Premise: This is an Exalted 2e (with 2.5 rules), rebooting The Grid for those players, as their original ST disappeared. Unless I don't get all the players to move over (unlikely, but still within the realm of improbability), it won't be recruiting for any new players.

Starting Characters: PCs are currently Heroic Mortals with Awakened Essence and a fairly large amount of XP. They'd like to Exalt, but the slight problem of their Exaltations already being thrown into the Void is a bit of an issue.

What's happening? The Grid is the end result of the Abyssals winning the war against Creation, destroying every living thing. But it'd take millions of years to destroy the land of Creation normally, so the Grid was created to have Creatures of Darkness praying for their own destruction of their world, which slowly (but quicker than the millions it'd take otherwise) empowering the Neverborn to shatter the lands of Creation

Location: Swapping between the 'real world' and the destroyed Creation, as they players grow in power and ability, possibly moving into the Labyrinth itself to recover the world.

Who's accepted? There's already a list of players from the original The Grid. If these people don't come back, there may, I strongly emphasis may, be an opening for new people.


You'll need Core, Scroll of Heroes, and any books that have the Exalted Martial Arts you're looking to have. Players will be expected to post when they can, and I'll be looking at the site at least once a day to update any threads that have been updated.

I'll get them to post over here that they're willing to move.
Hank the holy roller is in.

FYI since I've gone through it, to help get approved you should put some more information in this thread. The idea is that this thread will later serve as a portal to the game for newcomers and other interested in finding new games.
Updated with some more information. Wiz/Miz/etc let me know if I need more in there.
Lochar took a government job that restricts his contacts. He had to drop all his games, in case any of his players were enemy spies.
magnificentmomo said:
So, I saw this dropped off into the archive without a word. What's up?
Lochar requested all his games to be archived in a PM, a bunch of his players were in said PM.
That sucks. Well, I'm probably going to get another game going sometime in the coming weeks. You can be at the top of the list, if interested of course. I'm debating between Heaven's Reach, Exalted Modern, or a strange Heroic Mortals game, featuring NA artifacts.

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