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  1. Nellas Eledhwen

    Futuristic To Never Question | Dystopian [OPEN]

    Noemi sat up against the sandbags of the outpost, absentmindedly picking at her armband, which bore the insignia of the Connection. She hadn't heard from Firebrand-5 for hours, the soft drone of radio static her only company. It had lulled her into an odd state of being: aware of her...
  2. Nellas Eledhwen

    Futuristic To Never Question | Dystopian

    Name: Noemi Price Age: 21 Occupation: Domestic Servant History: Orphaned at 10. Has lived with her wealthy aunt and uncle ever since, working for food and board. Only her cousin Lawrence, who is a year older, is close to kind to her. Noemi has always wanted to venture beyond the grounds of the...
  3. Nellas Eledhwen

    Realistic or Modern The Bucket List

    I'm definitely interested!
  4. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

    Raisa, Knight Peony As the newest arrival introduced himself, Raisa felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Nightshade indeed. Something was off about this guy. A hand resting on a dagger at her waist, she dipped her head slightly instead of bowing as Sylvia had so she could still...
  5. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

    Raisa, Knight Peony Raisa had turned at the sound of a male voice, and been pleased with what she saw. "Knight Bramble, it's good to see you," she said, "I'm glad you'll be joining us." She had seen him often in passing, but did not know much about him other than his name. Looking at those who...
  6. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

    Raisa, The Peony Knight Placing the last of her things methodically in her pack, Raisa heaved a sigh, taking in her room, her place of solace, for what might be the very last time. No, she couldn't afford to think like that. Shaking her head slightly to herself, she checked to make sure she had...
  7. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy The Guild's Roster (Les Chevaliers des Fleurs)

    Name: Raisa (Rai) Midnight Age: 19 Gender: Female Knight's Title: The Peony Knight Weapon/Armor: - Throwing Knives are her weapon of choice. Triangular blade, wickedly sharp with black, leather-bound hilts. Has backup dual swords she keeps strapped across her back. - Usually a basic...
  8. Nellas Eledhwen

    Howling At The Moon (Reboot)

    @Telios Sure thing :)
  9. Nellas Eledhwen

    Howling At The Moon (Reboot)

    Whoops, sorry. I will edit that then
  10. Nellas Eledhwen

    Howling At The Moon (Reboot)

    Appearance: Name: Raisa Wescrane Age: Dog: 1 Rank: Warrior Personality: Raisa, when you first meet her, is very quiet and reserved. She isn't one to start a conversation, because she doesn't know what to say. But as you get to know her, she will open up to you, and soon enough you...
  11. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Eternity Rose

    Raisa studied the man standing before her. He was tall, had blonde hair a little on the longer side, and kind eyes. And, wait, was that a tail?! She heard an animalistic whimper come from Lance, and she chose to ignore it, for now. "Raisa," she said, quietly. Picking up her head, she...
  12. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Eternity Rose

    Raisa felt something cold caress her cheek, and she shivered, pulling the covers tighter around her body and turning over onto her side. She sighed, content in her sleep. However, that didn't last very long. The shouts present outside her door woke her from her slumber. "Who would-" she...
  13. Nellas Eledhwen

    Eternity Rose

    When will we start?
  14. Nellas Eledhwen

    Eternity Rose

    Name: Raisa Age: 17 Rose Color: Yellow Appearance: Biography: When Raisa was young she was always happy and carefree. Growing up as a part of the middle class meant she had to work hard but also had free time to be a kid. As she got older she became more and more serious, and a bit...
  15. Nellas Eledhwen

    Kieran Academy for the Supernatural

    Appearance (Place an image, anime Preferred): Full name: Raisa Westlin Age (15-18): 16 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Year: Sophomore Powers (Maximum of 2): Aerokinesis and Flight
  16. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

    A snowflake landed on Raisa's nose, and her eyes crossed to get a look at it. The thing was so small she couldn't see it, and rubbed the area as more gathered in her hair and stuck to her eyelashes. Looking up, she studied the miniature snow cloud she had made above her head. She loved snow...
  17. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

    Raisa heard the Power Control instructor ask them to find a partner, and she stood up. Finally, something to do. Scanning the room, her fiery orange eyes locked with someone's gold. It was a guy, dressed in more formal clothing. 'Interesting,' she thought. His attention shifted elsewhere...
  18. Nellas Eledhwen

    Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

    Raisa was bored in Power Control class. All she could do was shift in and out of her Alphyn form. She didn't really have any special powers. Sure, she had incredible speed, but there wasn't enough room to practice that. For just about the 100th time, Raisa changed again. Her Alphyn form...
  19. Nellas Eledhwen

    Realistic or Modern When the sky falls down (winged people experiment rp)

    Raisa was glad they found Amber, but feeling quickly shifted to worry and alarm as Ryuu collapsed. She knelt by his side as Amber tore off a bit of her shirt. "Great, now we have two injured boys," she muttered. "That will cover it, but it's still too thin to stop the bleeding," she said to...