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Fantasy Eternity Rose

Octiven Linthium

Optimistic Dumbo

Eternity Rose

In a distant forest and land far off in the outskirts of France a small kingdom is laid, with a foggy mysterious forest. This kingdom has much to offer but so little show, each individual is kind and cheerful all day. But the forest still drives people away from this humble growing land. It’s the legend or tale that surrounds the forest. A dark myth that is heard as soon as the traveler arrives. Much like beauty and the beast, there is a lovely castle that would have been lovely if there wasn’t vines growing on the gates, a dark mist that surrounds it, constant gray skies, ripped carpet, wilting roses, and the inhabitants.

The Tale as Old as Time

The lore goes, every 10 years a girl would be kidnapped in the middle of the night and never seen again. Only 4 girls are taken though. All that was left was rose petals, a different color for each one. Each year it’s the same color, the petals are supposed to represent the personality of the girl.The townspeople suspect the forest, but who ever dares to travel inside is never scene again. There recently been a spreading of a story about the forest. Inside the castle hidden deep within is 5 seemingly handsome men. Though their personalities are bit off, as well as their legendary appearances. These 5 men are also brothers, but wildly different in each way. Only four girls are chosen due to the youngest unable to chose a girl, he is only able to if a brother decides to pass.

The eldest is a common vampire, he is deceiving,yet kind while at it. He plays with your trust,yet tells you to beware of the other brothers. He enjoys the pain of others but dislikes torture. He his nonetheless but bipolar.

The second eldest is a quiet river boy known as the Loch Ness

Monster. In a large lake that is held behind gates in the castle that is where he stays. He is caring, and listening. He understands people, but is also calm no matter what circumstance. He is also able to go out of water but after 4 hours he must be in water again. He is known to be antisocial throughout the house

The middle child shows himself to be a Nekomata, a Japanese and Chinese demon-like cat with a split tail. He is said to be able to read minds and manipulate fire. This character is a bottle of mischievous actions and sadistic thoughts. He is sly and cold-hearted, a stubborn man who looks down upon everyone. His voice always is filled with glee and a more playful tone, even then he could be silently plotting a death. A Narcissistic bastard.

The second youngest out of the brothers howls at the moon. He is a Werewolf, very protective, noble, and neat. He loves everything that is beautiful and clean. He is very,very protective. He claims people his and his property.Him and his cat-like brother have many fights over the simplest of things, like a stolen cookie, or not flushing the toilet. He is more of a guard dog if anything, but he has OCD.

The youngest is a dragon, he has a mans body but holds wings and a tail, along with fire spitting, sneezing, and burping. He is quite latchy and energetic. He is more than likely to have ADHD.


So what so these handsome men have to do with the story, well this small kingdom is celebrating it’s 100th year of being a kingdom it just so happens that night it is has been 10 years, the folklore is not fake and the 5 men will not stop at any cost to find 4 lucky girls to be eternal with them. Why do these men kidnap girls? Because the first two to truly fall in love will find the Eternal Rose, which turns the man into a human again. This has been a curse in the family for ages and never was cured. Possibly the outcome this time would change.

Day has past and evening has risen. Celebration has disappeared for the 100th year and rituals have been performed in each house. Nothing could keep away the brothers from the choosing. Guards are used to protect a fair princess, but that couldn't stop Kai. He scale-like arms climbed up the tower into the dear Annabella. With as silent swift he took the girl and left blue petals back to the castle where she'll stay in a nice shack near the lake. The eldest, Vincent also toke his prize in the night. Lapis, safe and asleep. Vincent didn't need to work hard, he went through and unlocked window and exited the same way leaving only red petals. Lapis will stay in the mansion, any room of her choosing. Though Vincent decided there rooms will be close. Lance left when the moon was at it's max and in no time came back to the castle with Raisa. He also had enough time to leave yellow petals on her bed. She too will stay in the castle. James flew through the forest slowly and happily. He got to choose for once! It was a happy surprise. He silently stopped and tried to go through a window but it was locked. He then breathed fire and watched it melt. "Sorry." He whispered before taking Luna and leaving white rose petals on the bed. James decided she'll stay with him in the tower, oblivious to the fact it could be taken in the wrong way.

As the next day started Alistar did not get a girl of his choosing, he simply did not want to. But he did want a look at his wolf-like brothers' girl. He silently stepped in the bedroom to see a brown beauty. Silently sitting on the bed near her, he caressed the soft cheek of the girl. It brought back memories, ones he wanted to forget. But suddenly a tug then drag of the back oh his shirt brought him out of the room. He struggled away and whispered in annoyance.

"pstt, um stop please. tch ack, can you even hear me?"

Once out of the room he was thrown on the ground with Lance stand tall at his feet. Lance eyed at him and yelled at Alistar in fury. 

"Now I see why you skipped this year! You wanna play one of your games? Huh?! Yeah, like which one of us can win the heart the of girl. Well obviously I'll win, because you are a selfish, inconsiderate, painless bastard."

As Lance went on a rant Alistar nodded with a smirk as he sat up. He then chose to speak but as usual in his playful, teasing tone of voice.

In this mocking tone he said, "And?"

Lance shook his head. "What do you mean 'and'?"

A chuckle came out of Alistar as he stood up walking towards Lance.

"You've said far worse before."

Lance thought for a bit then replied. "So what if I did? It all means the same thing?"

He was now confused. Alistar then poked his chest with a smile across his cheeks. His sly smile gave Lance the shivers as he felt a finger on his chest.

"That means you're not that mad at me, because you know we're brothers and there's nothing that can change that. Well...Besides this-" The last sentence was said quick as he grabbed Lances shirt and pulled him into a kiss on the lips. A little trick that Alistar has wanted to do for a while. While Lance stood wide eyed as Alistar ran off laughing through the hall. Lance stood there trying to assemble what has just happened. Once he realized what his brother just did a large yell came out of him as he checked his pocket.


What Alistar has done was kiss Lance for surprise just to take the keys to his bedroom. As well as lock him out from the room with the girl.

As for the others, it was all silent. Kai played in his lake swimming and doing trick alone and happy. James still was asleep and Vincent was still sleeping in pitch black. After all, it was still early morning.
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The night that she was taken, Annabella had a dream that she drowning underwater, a scaly blue beast grabbing her by the leg and dragging her deeper and deeper into the depths of the cold waters. Waking up in gasps to take in more air, she could feel her heart race and cold sweat around her forehead. Still laying in the bed, she could smell the water. It wasn't of a bath or of a kettle on a stove, she could tell it was a large mass of water that surrounded her. Faintly, a splash and swimming sound could be heard from outside.

It took a while before she noticed that this wasn't her room, an airhead she was. Looking around whilst still laid on the bed, it seemed that it wasn't like any room in her house. Slightly smaller and not as elegantly decorated. Their was a simple white vanity across her bed and the wardrobe was in the corner of the room, facing the bed so there was space behind it in between the corners. Having studied the room a little more, the rooms main color scheme was light blue and white with dark wood as a boarder. The room was simple, peaceful, but where in the world was she?

'Perhaps I should take a look around..?' Anna thought before getting up from her bed and making her way over to the door. Her steps were soft so the wood underneath her feet didn't creek loudly as she walked. Just her luck, the door wasn't locked nor did it sound any bells or alarms when she opened it. Taking a peek outside her room before she stepped out, she wandered around the strange house. The layout was defiantly different from her own and the smell of water engulfed the house unlike any place she been to before. It was strange that despite all the rooms and space around the house, the wasn't a single soul in sight.
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Was it a dream? The figure of a man... with wings and a tail crawling through her melted window. He carried her, leaving white rose petals behind to a tower. A tall dark crumbling tower. Her dream morphed into fire. Her house burning down and family dying. She stood off to the side with a blankened face from smoke. A scream escaped her as her eyes opened. The room was half dark, only illuminated by a small window.

"Where am I" Luna said quietly to herself. The room was small and round and she laid on a small rectangular cot. "What th-" she stopped mid sentence when she saw a tail peeking from the shadows. She curled up, trying keep as much distance away from the creature as possible. Closing her eyes tightly and mumbling "this is just a dream" over and over again, even though she knew it wasn't.
Raisa felt something cold caress her cheek, and she shivered, pulling the covers tighter around her body and turning over onto her side. She sighed, content in her sleep. However, that didn't last very long. The shouts present outside her door woke her from her slumber.

"Who would-" she started to say quietly, before realizing she knew nothing about her surroundings. The bedroom was much bigger than her usual, and not nearly as well furnished. Peeling the covers away, she stepped onto the lush carpet and walked slowly over to the door.

Turning the ornate knob, she pulled. Locked. She tried again, pushing this time. Locked. "Hello?" she said, knocking lightly. "Is anyone there?"
What a wonderful dream Lapis was having. She had been transported to a world of candy where she helped a group of rebel gummy bears take the kingdom back from the army of rottten vegetables. She was then crowned their queen and lived her days dancing with Prince Gumball. That is until she was stolen away by the mysterious thief Dark Chocolate who courted her to become king of the candy people. It was a beautiful dream. Everyone was so delicious.

As the first rays of light hit her face, she opened her eyes groggily and took a brief glance at her surroundings. This wasn't her room . . . "Oh," she whispered. "I'm still dreaming . . . Good night." Her head fell back onto the pillow and she continued to sleep for a bit.

The next time she woke up, Lapis was a tad more lucid. Enough so to know that this wasn't a dream and that this wasn't her home. Odd. She was sure she went to sleep in her own bed last night. Her skin still felt scratchy from the loose straw that stuck out of her mattress. So how did she get here . . . ? Had she been kidnapped? But why would someone take her? Her parents couldn'tpay any ransom and she was hardly anything worh taking. Maybe her parents found a genie and made a wish for them to be rich like they were before Lapis was born? Except why would they choose this awful decor? Her mom had better taste than this, right? This room alone seemed to be filled with useless bobbles somehow meant to look good. And sure it did, but what was the use of some of these things? Lapis couldn't even recognize half this stuff.

No. Lapis wasn't sure why she was there exactly, but figured it'd be best to try to find some answers first. Hopping out of bed, she tiptoed toward the door, having entered "stealth" mode. Lapis. The rogue. The phantom thief. Off to find answers. Why was she here? Where was here? Was there any food around here because honestly, she was getting a bit hungry.
Kai could hear the creaks of the girls steps underwater, he knew she was awake. He went into half human form and swam back and forth in front of the house. Patiently he waited, but also grew bored. He started to lightly lift his tail out and into the water, getting carried away he started with tricks and such in front of the house to keep him entertained.

James covered himself with his wings creating the perfect blanket as he still slept. His tail moved side to side, it wasn't long until he heard the rustle of the bed. He then retracted his wings away from him and sat up peacefully stretching his arms with a wide yawn. "Mornin' lady!" His yellow eyes sparkled in the shadows as he took a torch and lit it on fire with his breath. Placing it on the wall he stood up wiping of anything that was on his clothes. "Be lucky I gave you the bed, my back hurts a ton. By the way whats your name? Hold on let me do this" He opened window and push aside the curtains. "Ain't it pretty?" He rested his elbow on the side with his hand cupped by his hand. A sense of serenity came of him, but it was interrupted by a bird resting on his shoulder. "Hey there fella, how's your wing?" The bird extended it's left wing as if it understood James. "Doing pretty good I see, don't break it again okay?" The bird nodded and flew off. He then turned towards Luna. "So, name?" Each one of his sentences were said happily and quickly with a hyper enthusiasm.

Lance heard the creek of the girl he chose, in a panic he tried to look calm and leaned on the side of a rail in front of the door. With an obvious fail he a small whimper came out his mouth. His ears dropped and his tail sagged. "I'm Lance, and your my chosen one." He said almost apologetically, looking at the girl he felt like he didn't deserve her. Also he was quite scared of her reaction. The girl that stood in front of him was Raisa, he didn't know that thought. He just chose the first pretty girl he saw. "If I would do the honor of answering... What is your name?" He looked down at her with full focus and understanding. Trying to get a good look of who she is by looks.

On the other hand, Alistar still ran but soon went on all fours like a cat. His hand slipped causing a crash to the side and the opening of a door. He was at the feet of his eldest brothers chosen love. 'Not bad, congratz. She seems worthy of him.... not unless if I take her.' He silently thought to himself thinking of a way to make her his in a subtle way. But his mind went blank, 'Possibly Lance was right... I am a sadistic man..' He then went on a long thought train of all the horrible thing he as done. Yet again his mind went blank. 'Nope, I am an innocent angel.' Looking back to the girl he went to put on an act for her. "I'm terribly sorry mam'." His ears twitched. "I lost balance when trying to run away from my mean younger brother. He has quite the temper. Could you help me up?" He said holding out his hand acting as if the other hand went limp.

The eldest still slept quietly waiting for morning to past and the sun to break dawn. Only on rare occasions does her wake as early as the others did.
Annabella could hear the faint sound of splashing once more, could it possibly from outside the house or from a bath? Either or, it wasn't of someone that she was acquainted herself with yet. Taking her time around the house, she finally made her way to the bottom floor, finding the front door rather quickly, which was unfortunately locked. At this point she grew rather frantic, the thought of being stuck within a strange house, not knowing of where she was began to finally scare her.

Checking all the bottom floor windows and doors, they were all locked and she couldn't get a single budge out of them. Racing up the stairwell, she checked all of the windows once more as she did with the bottom floor. It was only when she checked the last window that it finally opened for her. A wonderful view could be seen from this angle, a vast mass of water covered the land and it seemed that the sun was barely rising. "Water.." she mumbled, this was defiantly where the smell had come from. This smell and scene brought unpleasant memories which made Anna more or less troubled but that was something that she just had to push aside for the meantime. The cold air of dawn made her shiver, it didn't help that it was breezy either.

Getting on the ledge, she was rather uneasy about how high it actually was. The drop was into the lake but their was a tree branch extending near enough that she could possibly grab hold of before she actually dropped into the waters. Who knows how deep the water actually was, but from her view it seemed deep enough for her to be unable to touch the lake floor. No wonder the person left only this window open, it would be rather stupid for someone to jump from this height but she would take the risk. "If I just jump and grab onto the branch I'll be fine.." She motivated herself, looking down at the water and fearful of her possible death.

Anna sat on the sill, her fingers clenching onto it and sweat formed on her palms, she stalled as all the unwelcoming thoughts of how terrible the plan could go if she were to go through with it. Sitting at the very edge, she swayed back and forth as her feet dangled, unknowing of whether to go for the plan or not.
Raisa studied the man standing before her. He was tall, had blonde hair a little on the longer side, and kind eyes. And, wait, was that a tail?! She heard an animalistic whimper come from Lance, and she chose to ignore it, for now.

"Raisa," she said, quietly. Picking up her head, she repeated, "my name is Raisa", louder this time. She stared up at Lance. "If I may ask, what do you mean by 'chosen one'?" she asked, and suddenly the answer came to her. Last night had been ten years since the last supposed "kidnapping". She never imagined she would be taken.

She looked around her, studying the grand house. "So this is where they all go," Raisa murmured quietly. Gaze shifting back to her captor, she shivered in her thin nightclothes. Wrapping her arms around her body to keep herself warm, she took a deep breath.
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Lapis jumped when the door suddenly opened and a man appeared at her feet. A secret assassin?! A very bad one it seems. Lapis could almost laugh at the pitiable man. Only an amateur would be so bad at concealing his presence. But still, if he was an assassin, he was probably sent to kill her. As he began to move, Lapis threw up her hands as if in self-defense. But when he turned his face up to her, something she saw made her drop her defenses almost instantly.

He was a kitty! Lapis liked kitties. Most animals really, but kitties were pretty high up on the list.

But it was weird. Why'd this kitty have a man face? There was no fur or whiskers. No soft paws. What a strange kitten.

Lapis took Alistar's hand with a smile and helped him up. However, in the brief second it too to help him up, her face shifted into one of horror. Ma'am? Ma'am?! Did he just call her ma'am? Did she really look that old?! She was only 16! Was it her hair? It must've been. It can't be natural for a young girl to have old lady hair. Once Alistar was up, her own arm went limp. She stumbled back until she was leaning against the wall with a slightly blank stare in her eyes. A ma'am. She was a ma'am now. Might as well go retire in a small house on the outskirts of town and adopt a whole littler of cats.

No. No! She was not going to let this bring her down! Lapis perked up almost immediately, a cheerful grin on her face erasing any evidence of the little moment of distress she had just a moment ago. She looked up at Alistar curiously, more focused on his ears then his face though. "So, Mr. Kitty. Can you tell me where I am? I need to get home before my parents wake up or I'll be in trouble again."
Luna watched the scene go down. The boy wouldn't stop talking... and to a bird half the time... when he turned to her, asking her name she hesitated before quietly saying "Luna Nueva..." in a shy tone. "W-Where am I?" She asked the boy. His eyes, were beautiful. The colour of a sun flowers petal. A tiny smile touched her lips as she slowly sat at the edge of the bed "I wanna go home... my horse needs to be fed" Luna said gently as she tilted her head a little studying him. He would seem scary to most people, but she actually kind of liked his wings... the tail was a little weird though.

Luna stood as her stomach growled and quickly crossed her arms over her stomach as she looked at him "is there anything I could eat or drink?" She shrugged looking down, "plus... you know my name but I do not know yours." She peaked out the window trying to avoid looking at him. The view was pretty... the farm was better though.

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