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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

Finally, Alexa would find her way to this class he was supposed to attend, and it was clear that she wasn't happy at it at all. "Such a waste of time..." she'd mutter to herself upon finding a spot to settle on, a fallen log which was covered in moss that was quickly torn up from talons scratching at the surface. Perching like a vulture, her gaze wandered between the other students in attendance of this power class.
Dysis would glance to the side, seeing Alexa sitting on another log just a bit away. Looking around the clearing she would sigh "Whens the class going to start?" She would mutter to no one in particular.
While Dysis wasn't talking to anyone in particular, Alexa shrugged in response and answered anyway. "I don't know, but it better be soon. I have things I'd much rather be doing."
FieryAngel said:
While Dysis wasn't talking to anyone in particular, Alexa shrugged in response and answered anyway. "I don't know, but it better be soon. I have things I'd much rather be doing."
"Don't we all..." Dysis would reply, she would rather be doing a number of other things than sitting here waiting for a class to begin.
A tall and lanky man with a gaunt face walked up to the Power Control class. "Hello class, how about we get started? Today is going to be easy as long as you focus. It will be harder for some of you than others so please be patient. We will start by shifting into your monster forms." He shifted as well. It looked like he was loosing muscles and organs and his skin shrunk to mostly just bones, His hair turned grey and wiry and his eyes grew dull and faded back in his sockets. Ivan shifted and waited for something interesting to happen.

@StoneWolf18 @FieryAngel @Peaceswore @Zaffre Blue
Aouli looked up and listened he let out a sigh and carefully held the onto the snake as he jumped down. He didn't even need to concertrate it seem so easy for him to change, and in an instant he changed. He sat next (A few feet away but still closer than he usually would)) to Rey and waited.
An-Li was deep in the forest hovering over a pond. On her antlers there were various birds of all shapes and sizes resting. The fish in the pond were cycling around her creating various patterns of color and movements. An-Li took a deep breath inhaling all the peace, balance and patterns in the forest. Her reach stretched throughout the forest she could feel every blade of grass, every insect and everyone in the forest. Her third eye was so much stronger in the past month. However, she had yet to discover what her combat abilities were or what was her iconic power. She could hear voices in the distance it was some of her classmates. It seems that there are others venturing around the forest today, or maybe even further, how far has my reach grown? Ah, what time is it? I am almost late to class. I should go greet the other students.

She smiled as she thought and stepped down onto the water. She didn't even make a ripple when her feet touched the water. She took a few steps and nearly vanished as she began to run towards the the sounds. When she reached them she stepped out and looked to the others and nodded to them in greeting, then turned to the teacher. "I apologize for being tardy"

(edited :P )


(Nobody tags me for time skips, I had to go through like 40 pages of stuff (=3=))
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Shog said:
A tall and lanky man with a gaunt face walked up to the Power Control class. "Hello class, how about we get started? Today is going to be easy as long as you focus. It will be harder for some of you than others so please be patient. We will start by shifting into your monster forms." He shifted as well. It looked like he was loosing muscles and organs and his skin shrunk to mostly just bones, His hair turned grey and wiry and his eyes grew dull and faded back in his sockets. Ivan shifted and waited for something interesting to happen.
@StoneWolf18 @FieryAngel @Peaceswore @Zaffre Blue
Watching the guy that was apparently the instructor shift was unsettling. Dysis had attempted to shift multiple times, all ending in her either blacking out from how much energy it took to attempt or leaving her conscious yet exhausted. Dysis would see Aouli and Ivan shift. Sighing she knew she needed to at least attempt. Though she waited for a moment, a worried look plastered on her face.
A man with black hair and an average build walked into the large gym-like area. "Greetings," he said with a slight British accent. "Today we will be going over the basics again. I know it's repetitious and boring, but until we have it locked in muscle memory actual combat will be a lot harder.. Line up as usual."

@ whoever is in that class
An-Li lined up next to Andrew, making sure to keep a few steps away so she doest hit him with her antlers. She took a deep breath and calmed herself, the negativity of others was starting to bother her again. She took a few more deep breaths before looking straight and waited for orders.
Yamai sat in the corner of the gym, relaxing alongside her snakes. This was the usual for the girl, never really participating in classes much, and seeming to not know anything at all. She had things down pretty well though, but today would be another day she didn't do anything. She thought so, at least.
Rey turned pink and looked at the man "My monster form-it isn't very pretty". Turning to Aouli, she would whisper "Please don't be scared, I'm still me". Reyon's body stiffed as her skin started vastly losing color until it was a bluish-gray, opposite from her usual olive coloring. Her tattoos stood out greatly against her skin as they turned blood red. Rey's violet eyes widened, her nails and teeth grew curved and sharper. Finally her ears lengthened and folded back. @Peaceswore
Aouli didn't scream shake or anything like that. He sat there and looked at her for a bit before smiling and facing the instructor still playing with the golden snake.
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Bull wandered into the class, looking around at the people sitting on the logs outside, waving to the others. "Morning Aouli, Dysis, Rey, Alexa, Haru, Ivan, Andrew, Alexa." He said with a stretch, moving towards Rey, recognizing most people from the past month. "Looks like a lot of people get to beat up on me." He said smiling. "How ya doin this fine morning miss Rey?"
Airagog said:
Bull wandered into the class, looking around at the people sitting on the logs outside, waving to the others. "Morning Aouli, Dysis, Rey, Alexa, Haru, Ivan, Andrew, Alexa." He said with a stretch, moving towards Rey, recognizing most people from the past month. "Looks like a lot of people get to beat up on me." He said smiling. "How ya doin this fine morning miss Rey?"
Rey cocked her head and blinked profusely "Excuse me, your name as skipped my mind. Have we met ?". Still remembering her manners, Rey would smile and say "I'm doing great, how are you ?"
Raisa was bored in Power Control class. All she could do was shift in and out of her Alphyn form. She didn't really have any special powers. Sure, she had incredible speed, but there wasn't enough room to practice that. For just about the 100th time, Raisa changed again.

Her Alphyn form was a slight alteration of her body. The skin from her fingertips extending up to her jawline turned to hard scales, and the backs of her arms as well as her back were covered in a short layer of reddish fur. Fingernails had sharpened into hooked claws, her eye color changing from a calm blue-grey to a vibrant orange-gold. Her ears had extended to look almost wolf-like, and a long amber tail sprouted from her tailbone, tied in three consecutive knots.

She looked around, enhanced eyesight picking out every detail in the room. She loved when she could be in this form for an extended period of time, but when she changed back Raisa was always very tired and slept for a little over a day.
Zadock sighed deeply from next to Alexa. "I would much rather read than basically change wardrobe. " Zadock sighed and then changed his clothes changing from a graphic tee to a gold dress shirt with a black vest and tie, his jeans turned into dress pants and his socks seemed to become even whiter and Zadocks eyes changed fully to gold. Zadock scanned the class and noticed someone he had never seen before he contemplated going over and talking to her since she seemed a little alone. @Nellas Eledhwen @FieryAngel
Penance said:
While andrew was standing there he noticed the girl with antlers seemed what looked to be nervous "first time fighting someone?" He asked @The Suspicious Eye
An-Li turned to him and blushed a little, in embarrassment. She didn't think she was so transparent. "Well, yeah I'm not really fit for combat. I don't know how to deal with such situations." She shuffled her glowing feet nervously, her tail swayed a little as well.
Andrew chuckled "yeah the first time is always hard. Dont worry if we fight i'll go easy on you." He said grinning
Bull smiled laughing, "Call me Bull. I like it. Real name Robert." He said looking at the teacher, "Sorry I'm late professor, but it looks like I'm ahead of the class." He said looking at his already transformed body .
Dysis sighed, seeing as everyone else had shifted was to as well. Standing she would breath outward then start the attempt. The familiar uncomfortable feel flooded her as she continued to shift. A few moments later when Dysis wasn't far into the shifting process she began to feel lightheaded, Dizzy, and Nauseated. Gritting her teeth as she continued. Then it became too much, swaying on her feet she fell back onto the log releasing the shift, reverting back from whatever had happened Immediately. Cussing under her ragged breath Dysis would close her eyes, collecting herself.
Penance said:
Andrew chuckled "yeah the first time is always hard. Dont worry if we fight i'll go easy on you." He said grinning
An-Li nodded, her tail wrapped around her leg as as she spoke. "Thank you, I'll go easy on you as well." She thought about what she said for a moment and scratched her head "that's not right is it? Ummm...." Her calm was quickly fading away as she began to grow more nervous. Consequently along with her calm fading so did her strength.
Bull looked at the two who were having problems, eyes immediately on An-Li. He ran over to her, putting his hand on her back, "Easy there parted, I'm here. Just relax. You got this." He offered her a reassuring smile before looking at Dysis, "Though you ain't the only one having problems. Just breathe in and relax." He said nodding to her before going over to Dysis, holding her up, "You alright there? Need some help?"

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