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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]Shouldering her way through the crowd in front of combat , Rey Would make her way to Power Use and Control.Seeing a girl and a boy she has never met, Rey would sit on the opposite side of them, shifting her eyes nervously. Shadows warped around her thus making her incredibly hard to see, though she still stuck out her misty hand "Hello. I am Reyon Yukanan"

Dysis would turn to see Reyon, and her hand. Not wanting to shake it she would just give another nod "Er, hello. I'm Dysis." She would say, it sounding slightly awkward for she wasn't one for introductions.
StoneWolf18 said:
Dysis would turn to see Reyon, and her hand. Not wanting to shake it she would just give another nod "Er, hello. I'm Dysis." She would say, it sounding slightly awkward for she wasn't one for introductions.
Drawing back the hand and cocking her head at the girl, Rey would meddle with her ring, making it a coin, chain and small elephant. She'd turn to the boy with her violet, unblinking eyes "hello" and hold out her tattoed hand.

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Haru walked over to a large building where her combat class would be. In there she spotted a bunch of students in a crowd and one person who was sitting away from them all. In that case, she went over to the person and say down next to them. "A complete class on fighting each other," she said to the student," too bad this isn't the type of class that you can sleep in."

Andrew laughed "tell me about." He said "in this class we have to actually participate." He looked the girl over she seemed pretty normal. He then held out his hand "andrew. Shadow demon"

"Ah well hello Andrew," Haru said shaking his hand," I am Haru the Kitsune. I guess that this is the only class where we won't be sitting in chairs for most of the time."

Andrew shook his head and grinned "yeah it looks like we'll be standing most of the time" he said annoyed. He looked back at her confused "kitsune? I've never heard of that"
While the other two were introducing themselves, Dysis would make her way over to the log she had seen. 'Now only 3 of us?' She would think to herself. 'Great, this should be interesting...'

@Shog @Zaffre Blue
Aouli quietly walked up to the class where he was in ear shot of what the teacher, but he was partially hidden by a tree he usually hide behind. "I-I ho-hope I-I'm not late." He muttered to himself quietly. I honestly don't think a single person would give a damn if you were late gone or dead. So shut up. And stay hidden like the cowardly lizard you are. @StoneWolf18 @Zaffre Blue @Shog
Lost in thought Dysis would only partially catch the shy one's voice. Looking around she would try and figure out where the voice came from. Ultimately unable to locate It she would answer a reply "Come on out, you need to be a little more social and less shy..." Hopping it didn't sound too...harsh, Dysis would stand moving toward the border of the glade where she assumed he was.
Aouli didn't come out instead he sat behind the tree and gripped his hood. "S-Sorry." He mumbled as he brought his knees to his chest. The only people he would speak a full paragraph to was Andrew or Zadock, anyone else was just him apologizing or one stuttering sentence.
Peaceswore said:
Aouli didn't come out instead he sat behind the tree and gripped his hood. "S-Sorry." He mumbled as he brought his knees to his chest. The only people he would speak a full paragraph to was Andrew or Zadock, anyone else was just him apologizing or one stuttering sentence.
Growing slightly annoyed she would locate the source of the sound. Walking over to him she would look to him, hugging his knees. "Question, why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong.." 'Besides being shy as hell' she would add silently. Sitting down next to him she would lean on the tree sighing.
Aouli jumped a bit and moved away from her. All he knew about her was that she was Andrews friend. He had never talked to her before and was kinda frightened. Okay this is F-ing ridiculous! Why are you scared of this b*tch!? "So-Sorry. I-I th-thought I-I bothered yo-you. Tha-that why I apologized." He stuttered out keeping his head down and his hood up.
Peaceswore said:
Aouli jumped a bit and moved away from her. All he knew about her was that she was Andrews friend. He had never talked to her before and was kinda frightened. Okay this is F-ing ridiculous! Why are you scared of this b*tch!? "So-Sorry. I-I th-thought I-I bothered yo-you. Tha-that why I apologized." He stuttered out keeping his head down and his hood up.
As he jumped and moved Dysis would begin to feel sorry for the thing, being scared shitless and all. "Your ok, I'm fine." Dysis would angel herself so she was looking at his hooded face. Her expression softening she would ask in a voice as if she were talking to a child. "Can you tell me your name?"
Hahahahaha! She is treating you some brat! Hahaha! This is F-ing hilarious! Hahaha Please tell me you aren't actually going to F-ing answer her. Tell her you're not some stupid ace brat! "I-I'm Ao-Aouli H-hale." He mumbled as he held onto his hood. Damnit! You dense moron! Now she will see you as som- You know what! F it I don't care! From how he was sitting it was impossible to see anything above his nose.
Having no luck in finding what she needed, the harpy was about to head to the next building when Andrew popped in behind her. Screaming at the top of her lungs from fright, she glared at him. "What the hell are you thinking sneaking up on me like that!!" Great, class is about to start! Just like magic, there was her schedule! POOF! And she picked it up to read it over. "Power control? Ooh great, so I can learn how to blow out more than one flipping birthday candle just by looking at it." With a roll of her eyes, she'd walk towards class, figuring that there was nothing better to do. @Penance @Anyone
Peaceswore said:
Hahahahaha! She is treating you some brat! Hahaha! This is F-ing hilarious! Hahaha Please tell me you aren't actually going to F-ing answer her. Tell her you're not some stupid ace brat! "I-I'm Ao-Aouli H-hale." He mumbled as he held onto his hood. Damnit! You dense moron! Now she will see you as som- You know what! F it I don't care! From how he was sitting it was impossible to see anything above his nose.
Continuing in this manner Dysis would say "well I'm Dysis. Nice to meet you Aouli." Choosing her words carefully she would say "Can you tell me why your being so shy?"
"...Wolves in sheep clothing." He mumbled quietly before standing up. He still held onto his hood as he walked toward the class. He didn't get close to any of the others, but found a nearby tree and climbed it. He sat on the second lowest branch and brought his knees to his chest as he waited quietly, hope to god he wouldn't be called out for anything.
Peaceswore said:
"...Wolves in sheep clothing." He mumbled quietly before standing up. He still held onto his hood as he walked toward the class. He didn't get close to any of the others, but found a nearby tree and climbed it. He sat on the second lowest branch and brought his knees to his chest as he waited quietly, hope to god he wouldn't be called out for anything.
When he said this and walked away Dysis would sigh. Standing she would mutter "At least I tried" while walking back to the log that she had been originally sitting on.
Peaceswore said:
"...Wolves in sheep clothing." He mumbled quietly before standing up. He still held onto his hood as he walked toward the class. He didn't get close to any of the others, but found a nearby tree and climbed it. He sat on the second lowest branch and brought his knees to his chest as he waited quietly, hope to god he wouldn't be called out for anything.
Seeing Aouli look terrified as he met Dysis, Rey was confused.nSure the girl was a little intense, not as much as her of course, but she still wasn't scary. Taking off her long necklace, she would look at him reasurringly "What's your favriote animal or food ?"
Aouli looked up and gave her a questioning look (though with the hood it as impossible to tell). "M-My fav-favorite a-animal? I-I guess a sn-snake. And f-for food, r-raw meat preferable s-steak." He mumbled quietly. After a moment of silence he pulled in his knees closer. "S-Sorry I forgot t-tp ask y-you what's y-yours?" He asked quietly. @Zaffre Blue
Dysis would be sitting on the fallen log that bordered the glade. Deep in thought she would be unaware of Rey and Aouli talking. 'Wolves in sheep's clothing..' Dysis would think. Though she knew only partially what he meant, Dysis couldn't help but take it somewhat literally. In a way that's what is was, if you count a fox as a wolf and the sheep's clothing as looking human. Shaking her head as if to clear it Dysis would push it to the back of her mind, not needing to dwell on it. But still it was there, haunting the deep corners of her consciousness. Looking up she would see Rey and Aouli talking. 'Shy people are so confusing' Dysis would think trying to keep her mind off the previous subject.
Peaceswore said:
Aouli looked up and gave her a questioning look (though with the hood it as impossible to tell). "M-My fav-favorite a-animal? I-I guess a sn-snake. And f-for food, r-raw meat preferable s-steak." He mumbled quietly. After a moment of silence he pulled in his knees closer. "S-Sorry I forgot t-tp ask y-you what's y-yours?" He asked quietly. @Zaffre Blue
Rey scratched her neck akawardly, there was no way she'd tell this frail boy hat she was a cannibal. "Well I really like caramels and my favorite animal would probably be the hyena" yeah, cannibals and grave digger just like you,you freak. flowing the necklace between her fingers, Rey would concentrate on making the body and the scales, that wasn't even the hard part.Looking at the 2ft gold snake with determination, it slithered over to Aouli and circled around his feet until it would crawl up his leg, flick out its tongue then wrap herself around his thigh. Rey hoped all this would make him happy.
Aouli backed away a bit afraid that she was actually mad at him and was about to attack him. But when the snake came over to him in an non threatening manner he calmed down and looked at with curiously. He stiffened when it began to climb up his leg but soon relaxed and a small smile crept up to his face. "Y-You can manipulate gold?" He asked as he hesitantly grabbed the snake. He let his legs go to one side of the branch and placed the snake on his lap. "Th-This is really cool." He said quietly. @Zaffre Blue
Peaceswore said:
Aouli backed away a bit afraid that she was actually mad at him and was about to attack him. But when the snake came over to him in an non threatening manner he calmed down and looked at with curiously. He stiffened when it began to climb up his leg but soon relaxed and a small smile crept up to his face. "Y-You can manipulate gold?" He asked as he hesitantly grabbed the snake. He let his legs go to one side of the branch and placed the snake on his lap. "Th-This is really cool." He said quietly. @Zaffre Blue
Rey would smile shyly, being complimented was rare. "It's not really useful, unless I'm in Alaska or something. my main area of expertise is in small amount of geokinisis and shadow manipulation" Letting the snake slither trough his fingers and aroun them, Rey walked a bit closer to him and leaned agaisnt the trunk of a tree before sitting down on the grass and closing her eyes. "what are you're powers ?"
He played with the snake trying to be gentle with it, as if he were afraid that if he was rough the snake would turn on him. "M-My po-power is kinda b-boring." He mumbled as he focused on the snake. "I-I'm an e-electric/lightning d-dragon." He mumbled quietly. @Zaffre Blue

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