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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

Aouli let out a sigh and stood up on the branch. "I-If I miss...gu-guess I won't miss." He mumbled before jumping from branch to branch till he landed on he ground. "Wow! I actually did it!" He said happily as he smiled victoriously.
She'd have to take up Zadock's offer later, because as of right now, they had business to tend to. Seeing Andrew ever so eager by the door, she hurried up to his side, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Zadock was, in fact, coming! Dysis' murmuring was lost in translation, and didn't even register in her ears.
"Oh...uh..." Sighing Dysis would walk by the door, she needed to say something but she didn't know when. "Nothing.." She would quickly finish, not quite ready.
Andrew squinted at her not believing her "sure ya didnt" he said sarcastically he then left the building "so who knows where to go?"
Zadock chuckled and follows them he looked at Dysis nodding in agreement. Zadock followed Alexa happily and silently.
Alexa shrugged, having no idea where the principal's office was, but figured that it couldn't be fair. Usually important offices are fairly central. "I'm not sure exactly." Stepping out into the sunshine, a faint breeze made her long dark mane and feathers dance in unison. The fresh air was a comfort, inhaling deeply to ease her nerves before doing something like breaking into an office!
Dysis would exit the building, the cool breeze wafting scents of the forest near. Inhaling, she longed to be there instead of breaking into an office. But she went with the others anyway, having nothing else to do.
Clutching her schedule in one hand and a flask in the other, Rey would stomp around in her large black boots glowering. "Why am I so lost!?" followed by a bunch of cursing in Egyptian.
Andrew stepped outside with the wind blowing and sniffed the nice smells in the air and sneezed "stupid nature. Its so unnatural." He said annoyingly "so who's leading?"
Peaceswore said:
Aouli jumped when he heard someone yell directly behind him. "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed as he crouched down and held onto his hood. @Zaffre Blue
Cutting herself off in the middle of a particularly nasty swear, Rey would glance at him " Oh, hello. Your the kid I fell over, I never found out your name "
He peaked from under his hood and looked at her. "I'm Ao-Aouli H-Hale." He mumbled quietly as he shakily stood back up. He looked at her quietly and tried his best not to shake or quiver, but was doing a terrible job since he had never met this girl, hell he forgot her name.
It would seem like Alexa was going to lead, which was fine with her. Moving around Andrew, she's come to the front of the group and glance around, first heading towards a group of buildings off to the right. "Maybe it's over here!"
Zadock silently followed obserbving everyone and how they were acting.
Andrew followed the group when he thought he was being watched he stopped and looked around but no one was there 'hmm i dont like that feeling' he thought and then ran up to follow the rest of the group
(Just... Skipping the reading since it'd take too long, though I did get to the point where the time skip happened with what I did read.)

A whole month now... They've taught me so many things I didn't know... Yamai thought to herself, once more wandering without a single soul knowing what she was doing. Yami and Hikari were still with her like always, the girl's actions unknown to any but herself and the snakes. She was once more in the forest, headed through the trees in a path of which if anybody were to spot her, it would seem like she vanished afterwards because of how perfect a path it was for such. Yamai herself didn't know she seemed like some kind of island ghost to some though, not knowing her path was basically one to make her seem as such.
At first, her steps were light and bouncy, seeming excited be doing SOMETHING other than jumping off rocks and making the wind blow enough to blow out a flippin birthday candle. It wasn't until the bunch grew closer to their destination that her footfalls grew quieter, slower, talons digging into the dirt below. Approaching the side of a building, she'd hover in the shadows, peeking around the corner to see if anyone was walking about. So far, everything looked clear. "Alright, let's split up to find the right office. Stick to the shadows, and we'll signal each other if we've found something."
Peaceswore said:
He peaked from under his hood and looked at her. "I'm Ao-Aouli H-Hale." He mumbled quietly as he shakily stood back up. He looked at her quietly and tried his best not to shake or quiver, but was doing a terrible job since he had never met this girl, hell he forgot her name.
Rey cocked her head. "Ao-u-li. I like that. I'm Reyon Yukanan but calling me Rey is more efficient." Holding out her hand confidently, she tilt her head towards it "go on ,shake it"
Andrew laughed "sticking to the shadows is what i do best" he then disappeared into the shadows. He then reappeared in one of the offices and started looking around and digging through papers
Dysis would nod then creep into a room that had an unlocked door. Oddly

making no sound with whatever she was doing. Shifting papers wouldn't rustle, the opening of drawers wouldn't squeal, not even the squeak of her shoes on the floor. It was quite an odd sight to see and hear.
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]Rey cocked her head. "Ao-u-li. I like that. I'm Reyon Yukanan but calling me Rey is more efficient." Holding out her hand confidently, she tilt her head towards it "go on ,shake it"

Aouli slowly extended his hand and shook hers. "N-Nice t-to m-meet you Reyon." He muttered. Before withdrawing his hand in fear that he may shock her. "I think that's the first time I've shaken someone's hand since I came here." He muttered quietly as he looked at his hand before apologizing.
Watching the other two dart off, she rounded the corner, with not nearly as much stealth, and headed towards the next building. A jiggle to the handle proved it was locked, and with a curse under her breath, closed her eyes. With enough focus, a long claw began to stretch from the tip of her finger, one she could insert into the lock, and eventually work it in her favor. "Ah ha!" A whisper of success and the door creaked open, exposing a dark room with filing cabinets and desks. One by one, she began searching, occasionally peering over her shoulder.
Peaceswore said:
Aouli slowly extended his hand and shook hers. "N-Nice t-to m-meet you Reyon." He muttered. Before withdrawing his hand in fear that he may shock her. "I think that's the first time I've shaken someone's hand since I came here." He muttered quietly as he looked at his hand before apologizing.
Rey smiled, the gesture looking odd on her face. "That's good ! The first thing you need to work on is eye contact and a firmer handshake wouldn't hurt, though good first effort" Seeing the way Aouli would look at his hand, she would hold out her hand again "Here, shock me. See what happens"
Peaceswore said:
Aouli shook his head, "I-I may hu-hurt you. I'm sorry." He muttered before backing away from her slightly.
Rey would give him a strange, little smile. She pulls out one of her earrings and looks at it, bored, the earring straightens until it's a stiff,thin 6 inch long rod. She picks it up and impales herself right in the middle of the chest.

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