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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]An-Li nodded, her tail wrapped around her leg as as she spoke. "Thank you, I'll go easy on you as well." She thought about what she said for a moment and scratched her head "that's not right is it? Ummm...." Her calm was quickly fading away as she began to grow more nervous. Consequently along with her calm fading so did her strength.

Andrew laughed "don't worry it's fine" he said "I wonder when we'll fight someone"
Penance said:
Andrew laughed "don't worry it's fine" he said "I wonder when we'll fight someone"
An-Li tugged at some of her hair and nodded. "It's the waiting that's the worst. In my opinion, although I am certainly not ready for a battle." She gave a light laugh and regained some composure.
Airagog said:
Bull looked at the two who were having problems, eyes immediately on An-Li. He ran over to her, putting his hand on her back, "Easy there parted, I'm here. Just relax. You got this." He offered her a reassuring smile before looking at Dysis, "Though you ain't the only one having problems. Just breathe in and relax." He said nodding to her before going over to Dysis, holding her up, "You alright there? Need some help?"
"...that...would...be...nice" Dysis would say wearily between breaths. She suddenly looked extremely exhausted.
Andrew grinned "yeah i guess thats true. Waiting just makes you more nervous." He then looked her over "i dont believe we've met." He held out his hand "im andrew, shadow demon"
Bull placed one of his large hands on Dysis's front, steadying her. "Woah there ma'am. Relax. If you're at your limit, ain't no shame in admitting so. Just take a deep breath and let's get ya seated." He said picking her up carefully and bringing her over to the log, sitting her down, still holding onto her, "Deep breaths. In and out. You got this."
Airagog said:
Bull placed one of his large hands on Dysis's front, steadying her. "Woah there ma'am. Relax. If you're at your limit, ain't no shame in admitting so. Just take a deep breath and let's get ya seated." He said picking her up carefully and bringing her over to the log, sitting her down, still holding onto her, "Deep breaths. In and out. You got this."
Dysis would do as she is told, deeply breathing in and out. Her breathing soon evened out and her body had some tension released. She still ached everywhere and was still slightly dizzy but this was better than nothing. Looking to bull she would say "thanks" with a nod.
"Well Kitsunes," Haru replied," well as you can see from me, we are fox spirits, though we are alive. Kitsunes work as messengers-". She stopped as the teacher came in. With that, she lined up with all the other students.

Penance said:
Andrew grinned "yeah i guess thats true. Waiting just makes you more nervous." He then looked her over "i dont believe we've met." He held out his hand "im andrew, shadow demon"
An-Li looked at the hand for a moment, 'he was a demon?' She didn't know what to make of that, he seemed so kind. 'As a Qilin should she shake his hand? What would happen if she did? Would she by some divine power know if he was a sinner? If he was, what would happen?' The thoughts raced through her head mudding her calm until she lost hold of it altogether. Her antlers burst into tiny blue particles, her tail vanished and her skin stopped glowing. She rapidly gave a polite 45 degree bow to Andrew "i-it's n-nice to meet you, my name is An-Li." Her face was bright red as she spoke.

(Qilin are relentless towards people with impure souls. Demons specifically)
"Good, now because this is a much more individualized class you will have most of the time on your own" the power control teacher said. "What I want you to do today is either on your own or with one partner practice a power you have learned over the past month. I will go around and offer any pointers I can." He stopped and waited for people to respond. Ivan didn't need any prompting to go off on his own. He started freezing the area around him with his ice breath.


"Get in line and we will go over some drills" the combat instructor said. "After that we will try some actual sparing. It will be light contact, but I figure it will be a nice change." He then crossed his arms and waited for them to form a line.
Andrew laughed at her behavior "dont worry the demon part is just my powers. Everything else about is nice and fun." He said grinning widely. He then got up in line with everyone else "so what are you?" He asked

(Thats gonna make this conversation really awkward xD )
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StoneWolf18 said:
Dysis would do as she is told, deeply breathing in and out. Her breathing soon evened out and her body had some tension released. She still ached everywhere and was still slightly dizzy but this was better than nothing. Looking to bull she would say "thanks" with a nod.
Bull looked at the instructor and shook his head, "Hey I'm gonna stay with Dysis here until she feels better, sorry professor. I think it's for the best anyway. Even though I'm safely limited at 16,500 pounds, I could still bring this place down and I don't have the cash to pay for it." He said patting Dysis on the back softly. " he heard her pipe up and smiled, "Way ahead of you. I ain't leaving a friend when they could use a hand."
Airagog said:
Bull looked at the instructor and shook his head, "Hey I'm gonna stay with Dysis here until she feels better, sorry professor. I think it's for the best anyway. Even though I'm safely limited at 16,500 pounds, I could still bring this place down and I don't have the cash to pay for it." He said patting Dysis on the back softly. " he heard her pipe up and smiled, "Way ahead of you. I ain't leaving a friend when they could use a hand."
A smile touched her lips as she nodded. Dysis wanted to try and shift again, she wanted to prove to herself that she could. Sitting for a moment she would sigh then slowly get to her feet.
"I heard you aren't feeling well Dysis what's wrong?" Zadock said from right next to here he had again approached silently and mostly unnoticed. He was fully transformed and his gold eyes seemed to be trying to lull her to sleep.
Rey stood in a corner and shook, her mind raced. This form did something to her, reminded her of all the bodies her should as been crammed into over hundreds of years "I-I used to be beautiful, now I'm this". Slowly but steadily the ground began to shake.
An-Li stood up straight and looked at him. She was greatfull she had spent most of the month dulling her sensitivity to negative energy, but she could still feel it. She felt horrible here was a normal person who has been nothing but kind, and she was judging him. She felt her Qilin powers swell inside her, she could feel herself grow more serious. She shifted her weight and looked at him worriedly, 'if he knew what she was would he attack her? I guess I'll have to risk it. ' She took a deep breath and spoke " I umm, I'm a Qilin."

Drumonkey said:
"I heard you aren't feeling well Dysis what's wrong?" Zadock said from right next to here he had again approached silently and mostly unnoticed. He was fully transformed and his gold eyes seemed to be trying to lull her to sleep.
Turning she would see Zadock, when Dysis would look him in the eye her vision would blur. Thus not feeling anything from his attempt to lull her into sleep. "Zadock...I'm fine, just a failed shift attempt" she would half mutter.
"It's all about... wait are my eyes doing that thing again? Whoops sorry sometimes I don't have any control over it. Anyways the key to a successful change is the emotions going into it or the thought going into it. For me it was emotions but now it's all mind over matter." Zadock smiled and his eyes dimmed slightly no longer so sleep inducing.
Rey would lay down, unaware of the cracks that spread the earth. Calling her metal snake back to her and turning it back into a necklace, Rey realized she hasn't ate in a while. Pulling out a flask and some candy, she would hope the teacher wouldn't notice. The ground beneath her feet started to slowly cave in.
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Dysis would look thoughtful for a moment then glanced from bull to Zadock and back again. Even though she was exhausted she wanted to try again. "Ok, I want to attempt this again. If anything seems like it's going wrong" she would look to Zadock "try and put me out, But I don't think you'll be able to but just try." Dysis would say, waiting for a response.
StoneWolf18 said:
A smile touched her lips as she nodded. Dysis wanted to try and shift again, she wanted to prove to herself that she could. Sitting for a moment she would sigh then slowly get to her feet.
"Easy there. No one is expecting to give more than you got." Bull said gently as he steadied Dysis. "As for you, this is her show, let her stand partner. Sometimes a person's gotta do things. Go ahead and get yourself ready. I'll watch her." He said nodding to Zadock
Airagog said:
"Easy there. No one is expecting to give more than you got." Bull said gently as he steadied Dysis. "As for you, this is her show, let her stand partner. Sometimes a person's gotta do things. Go ahead and get yourself ready. I'll watch her." He said nodding to Zadock
Crawling over to the Bull, she kept one eye on Dysis and one eye on him. Reyon would say in a shaky voice "What is she doing ?"
"Good sir I am ready and Dysis I will try to put you out if it comes to that, but for continuity sakes what do you define as wrong?"
Drumonkey said:
"Good sir I am ready and Dysis I will try to put you out if it comes to that, but for continuity sakes what do you define as wrong?"
"Over exertion." Dysis would say "As I am exhausted as it is, if i were to pass out in the middle of the process I probably wouldn't be waking up. By you putting me out that would release all tension in my body thus having enough energy to stay alive."

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