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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

StoneWolf18 said:
"Over exertion." Dysis would say "As I am exhausted as it is, if i were to pass out in the middle of the process I probably wouldn't be waking up. By you putting me out that would release all tension in my body thus having enough energy to stay alive."
Rey would look at her apathetically "If you die, I can bury you. No pressure".
"Aye aye that I can do. Would you like to wake up refreshed? It's a new thing I was trying and now is a good time to use it."
Penance said:
Andrew cocked his eyebrow in confusion "a qilin?" He asked "i dont think i've ever heard of that. What is it?" He asked naive to what it really was
An-Li could feel the power swell up in her chest and nearly burst out of her skin. She tried her hardest not to turn. 'He's not a sinner, he is a good soul, demon or not. Just stay calm.' She took a deep breath and sighed. She assumed that as long as he didn't touch her, she could keep her cool. She smiled at him "it's a Chinese creature, similar to what Americans call unicorns. They are guardians to those with pure souls." She mumbled under her breath, "and a destroyer of all demons and sinners."
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]An-Li could feel the power swell up in her chest and nearly burst out of her skin. She tried her hardest not to turn. 'He's not a sinner, he is a good soul, demon or not. Just stay calm.' She took a deep breath and sighed. She assumed that as long as he didn't touch her, she could keep her cool. She smiled at him "it's a Chinese creature, similar to what Americans call unicorns. They are guardians to those with pure souls." She mumbled under her breath, "and a destroyer of all demons and sinners."

'Destroyers of demons huh?' He thought 'so she's basically an enemy of mine, hmm but i dont think she'll harm me' he laughed "destroyer of demons?" He said "geez i might need you to go easy on me" he joked not really caring about what she destroyed
Bull looked at Rey, a look of concern on his face, "She'll be fine. What about you though? You look shaken up too." He said offering her one of his massive hands. "You gonna be okay?"
Airagog said:
Bull looked at Rey, a look of concern on his face, "She'll be fine. What about you though? You look shaken up too." He said offering her one of his massive hands. "You gonna be okay?"
Rey was touched by his concern but she didn't show it. "I'll be fine, this form just messes me up. I'm hideous". Taking his hand, she would shy behind him, suddenly ashamed of her height. Rey would turn her head sideways and glance up at him with a curios and almost adoring look "Why are you so nice ?".
She would shake her head "I'm fine, thanks though." Looking between the two, Dysis would nod, exhale then began. As the familiar uncomfortable feeling enveloped her she would frown but kept shifting. After a few moments it unexpectedly became painful, though she had an idea of how this would feel it was nothing to this extent. For Dysis hadn't ever gotten this far in the process, grunting she would continue to bear the pain. Then the physical stuffs started, her skin rippled and rust red fur grew out of her pores, bones shifted and cracked moving to various places, her face grew longer forming a muzzle while her teeth became sharpened fangs. Dysis would become taller, reaching a towering

6' 5". After this various other things would happen as in her hands becoming paws and claws forming, ears moving to the top of her head, tail forming etc. Once it was compleat, this had taken a few minutes, Dysis would collapse. The energy it had taken wouldn't kill her but she wouldn't be awake anytime soon.

@Zaffre Blue


"Cool." Zadock licked his lips and his eyes glowed brighter and he rubbed his hands taking a step towards Dysis.
Penance said:
'Destroyers of demons huh?' He thought 'so she's basically an enemy of mine, hmm but i dont think she'll harm me' he laughed "destroyer of demons?" He said "geez i might need you to go easy on me" he joked not really caring about what she destroyed
An-Li looked up at him surprised. He didn't seem to mind that they were enemies. 'If he is okay with it then so should I.' She closed her eyes and let her worry vanish. Her antlers and tail formed once again and her skin illuminated, her hands and feet turning a bright white. She laughed a little and smiled "maybe you're right." She looked at him, "but don't worry I won't attack you."
He laughed "whew thank goodness" he said then looked at her glowing "pretty" he said "how come you glow like that?" He asked

An-Li blushed a little surprised. She tried to hide her face. An-Li wasn't used to the complements of otheres she didn't know what to do.

"How come you glow like that?"

She realized that he meant her hands and felt a little bit relieved. She looked at her hands and shrugged. "I don't know. I think it's like a purification light or some kind of healing energy. I tried it out earlier and I know I can heal plants and animals along with banish evil spirits with my touch. But...." She looked at him worriedly, "I don't think you should touch it. Just to be safe." The last thing she wanted to do was send him flying or worse explode him. She still hadn't made peace with the Kitsune she had aggravated the fist day.

Andrew looked at her and grinned "come on it probably won't hurt that bad." He said. He felt a little adventurous besides what's the worse that could happen?
Ivan was perfectly content on his own and we getting a bit carried away. He was practically making a fortress of ice! He had four connected walls around him eight feet all and an average of two feet thick. When he realized just how far he had gone he decided to take a break and sat down. He faced one of the walls and began carving intricate deigns with his claws.
Alexa watched, nearly mesmerized as Zadock shifted, unable to miss how nice he looked in his Sandman form, and stared like an idiot with her jaw nearly to the floor. Quickly, she turned away, a faint rosy hue to the curve of her cheeks. There was also some envy, watching as some shifted so easily, while she still hadn't figured out how to take back her human form. Instead of partaking in class activities, she simply watched from her log, like a hawk watching her prey. @Drumonkey
Zadock looked over at Alexa and winked almost as if he heard her thinking about him then gestured from her to come over to where he was.
It was like he could read her thoughts, which only made her blush even further. Had she begun to daydream and not even realize it? With the harpy, it was always a possibility. She spent many hours a day imagining her life going in different paths. At his gesture to join, her wings lifted lightly and a gentle breeze began to blow, talons dug deep into the log before pushing off. In a rather large leap, she landed gracefully at his side. "What's up?" @Drumonkey
Penance said:
Andrew looked at her and grinned "come on it probably won't hurt that bad." He said. He felt a little adventurous besides what's the worse that could happen?
An-Li looked at him in shock and worry. "What? No! I don't wanna hurt you!" She pull ed her hands back over her chest, "I mean what if you explode! You're a demon afterall." She took a few steps back.
"It's less fun admiring you from afar. Also Dysis finally changed and she is napping now so if she can master a change I'm sure you can too." Zadock whispered in her ear so only she could hear, "you're so smart I'm sure you can do it if you concentrate and use an emotional trigger."
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]An-Li looked at him in shock and worry. "What? No! I don't wanna hurt you!" She pull ed her hands back over her chest, "I mean what if you explode! You're a demon afterall." She took a few steps back.

Andrew sighed disappointed "aw i won't explode I'll probably just catch on fire" he said jokingly "just kidding, you don't have to" he said waving his hands "still might be fun you never know"
Now her face nearly appeared purple as she blushed so hard, and even had to avert her gaze to try and hide it! The gentle breeze that blew around her warmed up the brighter her smile grew. Biting into her bottom lip as his feint whisper brushed across her ear, she offered a nod with a heavy sigh. After all, how hard could it really be? Everything so far had been tied to her emotions. "Alright, I'll give it a try." Anger is what made her this way, so it was suddenly obvious a positive emotion just might change her back. With eyes closed and head bowed, she began to think of things that might make her happy, content, but it wasn't enough. It only made her skin tingle, as if the shift was about to happen, and then stopped. Grunting with frustration, her eyes popped open, disappointment written clear across her face. @Drumonkey
Aouli jolted awake and looked around. "Ah! I fell asleep! Sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too! What did I miss? I'm sorry!" He exclaimed as he stood up and looked around. @Anyon
Zadock grabbed her hand and held it in both his. "You are only part harpie. Just because harpies have been given a bad reputation in myth doesn't mean they are bad, you aren't bad you are the best of both harpie and human. Keep that in mind and please try again?" Zadocks eyes seemed to grow brighter and warmer not hypnotizing just sharing encouragement and good hope.
Bull smiled and shrugged, "Dunno. I just am. Figured probably was my upbringing. I was taught to always respect others and help those who need it. I go by that rule and always do my best to help."
Alexa's heart began to flutter when he grabbed her hand, which she didn't fully understand why! However, it made her happy, and his encouraging words were a comfort, and a puzzle. With eyes closed again, focusing on the moment here and now, she felt the rippling of her skin grow stronger than it was a moment ago, and then there was a shift. Slowly, those talons began to shrink, until completely disappearing, leaving her feet looking human, and a tad dirty. Those elegant wings began to lose their feathers, and shrank into nothing. Little discomfort was displayed upon her face, finding the shift bearable, and almost pleasant! Lastly, her skin began to lose it's bluish hue, and faded back to a beautiful olive, and as her eyes popped open, what once resembled ice was now the color of the sea on the sunniest day. A smile as bright as the sun grew upon her lips as she sighed with relief. "I did it!" She was happy, and proud, and...still holding Zadock's hand! @Drumonkey
"See I knew you could. All it took was some hope and positivity." Zadock let go of her hand rather slowly then winked at her and said so quietly she was unsure she heard it "Still beautiful."

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