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Realistic or Modern The Bucket List


falling for you™
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

her last wish

Six years has passed since high school graduation. Everyone's lives have changed, most for the better but some for the worst. Contact disappeared within the first two years of graduation. There was no reason to stay in touch. It could only bring back painful memories. The funeral had long since passed, but their hearts were still clouded with tears as they continued to live a life they thought she'd be proud of. Despite this pain, the group still found themselves standing on the familiar warm pavement, tasting salt on the breeze, the sun gently warming their backs. It had been years since they had stepped foot on the island, yet they were back. They were home.

Lim Ara was the jewel of the town. Her bright personality and aura was one that completely rivaled that of the sun. She was such a gentle soul that it was seemingly impossible to hate her. There was nothing but love in her heart, and she managed to connect the most unlikely people and create a group of friends that made the whole island look upon them affectionately. Ara never took no for an answer and managed to do the impossible, making life seem manageable, and if you walked alongside her, you were destined to have a wonderful time. Of course her greatest achievement was the group of friends she made, and how they all worked together and stay close, despite not always getting along.

She was the heart, the soul, and the glue of the group. She was the center that kept them all grounded and close together. They felt connected and at peace with each other, especially when she was around. Everyone wanted to keep Ara happy. Seeing that smile fade and melt into tears was more painful than anything they had experienced. So the group learned to work together, despite being the lost pieces of completely different puzzles. It had been the summer of their first year of high school that they all ended up meeting for the first time. Ara had dragged along her current friends and introduced them to her new ones. A few of the boys had scratches and bruises on their hands and faces, looking like they had just gotten into fights. Yet the small Ara was happily holding the hands of her friends, smiling brightly as she happily declared they'd all be friends.

Innocence was the only thing that could describe the girl. She had this sparkle in her eyes that made a person feel guilty for even cursing around her. Yet she wasn't troublesome and never hurt another person. She was always there to help someone back onto their feet, holding their hands as they got used to walking alone again. That's why it had been so surprising when she passed away. It was a shock that had caused many angry screams and tears to be released into the humid air. THere was nothing anyone could do. Ara couldn't be brought back.

She had drowned in the ocean after being swept away by a particularly strong tide. It was just bad timing. Many of her friends blamed themselves for not getting there in time. But there had been nothing anyone could do. For a week it rained and was cloudy on the island. Two years dragged on and the group had slowly broken up. They were angry, depressed, and suffering every day they spent on the island. The majority moved away, leaving two on the island, as they were unable to completely forget their home. Everyone had known that even though they were leaving, they'd come back within the next ten years. They had all promised Ara after all. There was no way they could go back on their promise.

"A bucket list for when we all come back to the island after graduating. In six years, we will ALL come back home and complete everything on the list. Okay? It's a promise right?" A promise was made that day, and Ara, with her pink sparkly pen wrote down everything on a large piece of paper. Everyone contributed to the list, and they all made sure they'd come back. Which was why, exactly six years later, they were all back on their island. They didn't plan on leaving until the entire list was completed. They took time off their work, their lives, just to be there. They were going to properly fulfill their promise to their precious Ara and say goodbye, properly this time.


Hello one and all. So this is my first rp in literally forever, but in honor of vacationing to an island, I figured it was time to finally take this plot out of the dungeon. Yes, I have been mulling over the idea of posting this roleplay since good ol' 2015. This roleplay was originally supposed to take place on Jeju Island, or an island in South Korea in general, but hey, I know not everyone is down for that. But whatever, I'll probably make a poll lol. Anyways, here are the rules so please check them out and everything! If you have any questions or comments, don't be afraid to tag or PM me tbh.

- This is NOT first come first serve when it comes to the characters.
- I am thinking of having EIGHT (8) to TEN (10) characters for this roleplay so spots are limited
- Characters will be in their 20's so keep that in mind for FCs
- Keep things PG-13 please. No steamy steam up in this house
- I don't want this to be insanely angsty as I want this to be a bit of a lighter rp, with an angst undertone due to Ara's death
- One liners will not be accepted, so you are expected to post around two paragraphs when posting for the IC
- Only realistic face claims will be accepted, and since I'm currently unsure if I want to keep it in Jeju (depending on the interest) I don't currently have a preference for any ethnicity
- The bucket list will be constructed VIA discord with all the accepted characters
- Romance is allowed and encouraged, just don't necessarily turn it into a reality show or anything because I want this rp to stay true to the main plot goal
- This will have to be relatively character driven since the plot itself doesn't have a lot of crazy driving parts to it. That means colorful and strong characters will be appreciated
- ALSO make sure you make your characters different and colorful because this group is a bunch of misfits that manage to fit together in some weird way~!

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boop be doop this has more interest than i thought it would get lol
You caught my eye with the name, because of the movie of the same name with Morgan Freeman in it lol
But actually, I really think the premise is nice and I am actually interested in taking part ^w^

her last wish

Six years has passed since high school graduation. Everyone's lives have changed, most for the better but some for the worst. Contact disappeared within the first two years of graduation. There was no reason to stay in touch. It could only bring back painful memories. The funeral had long since passed, but their hearts were still clouded with tears as they continued to live a life they thought she'd be proud of. Despite this pain, the group still found themselves standing on the familiar warm pavement, tasting salt on the breeze, the sun gently warming their backs. It had been years since they had stepped foot on the island, yet they were back. They were home.

Lim Ara was the jewel of the town. Her bright personality and aura was one that completely rivaled that of the sun. She was such a gentle soul that it was seemingly impossible to hate her. There was nothing but love in her heart, and she managed to connect the most unlikely people and create a group of friends that made the whole island look upon them affectionately. Ara never took no for an answer and managed to do the impossible, making life seem manageable, and if you walked alongside her, you were destined to have a wonderful time. Of course her greatest achievement was the group of friends she made, and how they all worked together and stay close, despite not always getting along.

She was the heart, the soul, and the glue of the group. She was the center that kept them all grounded and close together. They felt connected and at peace with each other, especially when she was around. Everyone wanted to keep Ara happy. Seeing that smile fade and melt into tears was more painful than anything they had experienced. So the group learned to work together, despite being the lost pieces of completely different puzzles. It had been the summer of their first year of high school that they all ended up meeting for the first time. Ara had dragged along her current friends and introduced them to her new ones. A few of the boys had scratches and bruises on their hands and faces, looking like they had just gotten into fights. Yet the small Ara was happily holding the hands of her friends, smiling brightly as she happily declared they'd all be friends.

Innocence was the only thing that could describe the girl. She had this sparkle in her eyes that made a person feel guilty for even cursing around her. Yet she wasn't troublesome and never hurt another person. She was always there to help someone back onto their feet, holding their hands as they got used to walking alone again. That's why it had been so surprising when she passed away. It was a shock that had caused many angry screams and tears to be released into the humid air. THere was nothing anyone could do. Ara couldn't be brought back.

She had drowned in the ocean after being swept away by a particularly strong tide. It was just bad timing. Many of her friends blamed themselves for not getting there in time. But there had been nothing anyone could do. For a week it rained and was cloudy on the island. Two years dragged on and the group had slowly broken up. They were angry, depressed, and suffering every day they spent on the island. The majority moved away, leaving two on the island, as they were unable to completely forget their home. Everyone had known that even though they were leaving, they'd come back within the next ten years. They had all promised Ara after all. There was no way they could go back on their promise.

"A bucket list for when we all come back to the island after graduating. In six years, we will ALL come back home and complete everything on the list. Okay? It's a promise right?" A promise was made that day, and Ara, with her pink sparkly pen wrote down everything on a large piece of paper. Everyone contributed to the list, and they all made sure they'd come back. Which was why, exactly six years later, they were all back on their island. They didn't plan on leaving until the entire list was completed. They took time off their work, their lives, just to be there. They were going to properly fulfill their promise to their precious Ara and say goodbye, properly this time.

Interested and committed.
I’ll get the threads up sometime this week. I’m traveling all day today and tomorrow so it’ll be awhile before I’m able to commit to getting everything ready.
Okie dokie, I’ll get a thread up ASAP so be patient with meeeee pleeaaaassseeee
Whale whale whale. Looks like I was productive. Anywho, the threads are up and all that jazz so have at it

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