Search results for query: *

  1. B

    Are enlightened mortals still mortals?

    Doesn't that section of Abyssals say that ghosts should be considered "mortals" for the purposes of Abyssal Charms which effect "mortals"? I took that as more of a "we don't want to have to say 'only effects Mortals and ghosts' everywhere so treat them as mortals for these charms" thing than an...
  2. B

    I'd like feed-back on this city.

    Pretty decent...especially as a place that could prove interesting and/or have hooks for PCs. The write-up itself has a few rough spots as far as readability, but is in no way unreadable. I would be interested in a ball-park figure on the population of the community.
  3. B

    The size of Mt. Meru?

    I couldn't agree with you more...on both counts ;)
  4. B

    The size of Mt. Meru?

    DotFA kinda throws a hitch in that since IIRC the city of Meru is described as pretty much covering the entire mountain. Throw in the Zenith ring being fairly close to the top and a lot of underground parts of the city and I at least start to find the 600mile high figure harder and harder to...
  5. B

    Dragon Lines

    AFAIK, beyond those handful of geomancy rituals you mention, they have no mechanical impact on the game. In-game-wise, my recollection is that all demesnes in Creation form along dragon lines and at their intersections (whether that is mentioned in their description or not).  Those demesnes...
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    Lunar Mates

    Given that, as Pteorak tutor mentions, that Lunar shards don't appear to be pre-programmed for a specific caste and that the solar/lunar bond appears to be carried by that shard, (thus allowing that bond to transcend the lifespan of any given holder of the shards) I'd say that there certainly...
  7. B

    (Yet Another Set of) Awesome Charm Cards!

    These are VERY nice.  Ultimately, what I'd love to see is the information stored in a database (or the equivalent) so that I can specify which charms I need for a given character, then receive the xml for those charms and then use xslt to configure the information how I want it to print... ;)...
  8. B

    Artifact advice if you'd be so kind...

    I'd be tempted to tie the number of forms to the wielder...maybe equal to their permanent essence.  If someone else attunes the weapon the learned forms are wiped and they start over. As to how it learns the forms, this is a moonsilver artifact which says to me that it was originally designed...
  9. B

    EXALTED NPC DATABASE that sort of thing really should be in a database with a nice search tool.  That way the info can be accessed more ways easily...for example: * Want to know who that person in a picture on a given page is?  Look up the book and page and see who is listed as having that as a reference...
  10. B

    "Backing" questions

    I generally take Backing to indicate a combination of Rank and 'official' authority within that organization.  Depending on the organization it can provide  benefits similar to other backgrounds, but they are not yours and thus may come with significant strings attached.  The type of...
  11. B

    2nd Edition Charm Cards

    Yeah.  The B/W ones I remember seeing are huge two to a sheet of paper IIRC.  I like the small style like yours and the ones that WW put out this week.
  12. B

    So my players despise the Social Combat rules...

    Unless he is literally folding the two systems into each other.  In other words, making a social attack at the same time as a slashing at your opponent would be a flurry of the two actions with the usual rules applying. You might be able argue for tracking different sets of DV...
  13. B

    Celestials Style?

    Heaven's Dance Style? Could be interesting.  The idea doesn't really 'sing' to me, but that doesn't mean it couldn't end up working out well.
  14. B

    So my players despise the Social Combat rules...

    The social combat rules haven't come up much in my game.  The couple times I have used it weren't terribly complicated and were oriented more toward introducing the concept to my players that to actually put it through its paces.   We found that it worked pretty well, especially for giving a...
  15. B

    [Exalted 1st Ed] Consequences of altering dice rolling

    The chance of a botch 'stabilizing' around 2% was interesting.   Regarding a roll where you are just looking for a success (the number you get doesn't really matter) the thing that I noticed was that as more and more dice are rolled, you appear to end up either succeeding OR botching.  Just...
  16. B

    How to run a good pbp game ???

    I haven't done a lot of PbP, though I have enjoyed reading through some very long ones and have done it couple times (mostly as a player). From what I have seen the really long posts can certainly work (and may get across more of what you are trying to depict which is good).  The big thing I...
  17. B

    Pankrator's Cestus/Solar Hero Form

    In case you haven't found it, Pankration is an ancient Greek martial art (  I have read elsewhere that cestus were used with that style so I suspect that it was just the author throwing in a point of reference to the type of equipment being referred to...
  18. B

    Artifact armour mechanics

    With the whole charges on the shield and recharging routine it may be more complicated than I would use for any of my current games, but as a suit for 'spelunking' and fighting the dark critters that prowl the underside of Creation it definitely sounds cool.  I can see where it is at least...
  19. B

    Dragon-Blooded breeding like rabbits..!

    I don't have my books here to look up the rules for children of DBs exalting, but I remembered someone posting a summary of them to the WW forums a while back.  A few minutes hunting and here is the post I remembered: Posted to WW forum by Thoth on 26 Oct 2007 03:17
  20. B

    Dragon-Blooded breeding like rabbits..!

    As far as 2ed is concerned, I think that is one of those annoying little rules references that have been left in, but the rule itself was either dropped or hasn't been published in a 2ed book yet. IIRC the original rule was in the 1ed Dragonblooded book.