Dragon-Blooded breeding like rabbits..!


Elder Member
What the hell is the damn roll to see if your kid Exalts? I can't find it anywhere in the fucking rulebook.
What the hell is the damn roll to see if your kid Exalts? I can't find it anywhere in the fucking rulebook.
As far as 2ed is concerned, I think that is one of those annoying little rules references that have been left in, but the rule itself was either dropped or hasn't been published in a 2ed book yet.

IIRC the original rule was in the 1ed Dragonblooded book.
I'm almost certain it's in the DB book. I'm in a different city to my Exalted stuff though, so I'm not sure.
I don't have my books here to look up the rules for children of DBs exalting, but I remembered someone posting a summary of them to the WW forums a while back.  A few minutes hunting and here is the post I remembered:

Posted to WW forum by Thoth on 26 Oct 2007 03:17

have been playing around with a similar storyline except that it was a group of solars that created a Dragons Nest Manse and small city around for the sole reason of breeding a Dragon-Blooded mini-army.

Unfortunately there has been no update rules wise to my knowledge regarding the given chances of a union producing a child that exalts as a Dragon-Blooded.

I have been going off of the table in the First Edition Dragon-Blooded book.

Patrician + Random Person = Exaltation on a roll of 1 on a 1D10

Two Patricians = Exaltation on a roll of 1-2 on a 1D10

Terrestrial + Random Person = Exaltation on a roll of 1-3

Terrestrial + Patrician = Exaltation on a roll of 1-4 on a 1D10

Two Terrestrials = Exaltation on a roll of 1-6 on a 1D10

If either one or both of the Dragon-Blooded parents have the Breeding Background of 4 or 5, then add the +1 or +2 bonuses as noted.

If you are using the Merit called Legendary Breeding, which is effectively Breeding level 6, it gives a +3 to the given parents dice modifier.

As previously stated the Manse Power: Dragons Nest gives bonuses on this roll as well. +1 if the child is concieved in the manse, +2 if the child is concieved and brought to term in said manse, as well as the childs Elemental Aspect matching that of the Manse.

The only catch is that a roll of 10 on the 1D10 mean automatic failure to Exalt as a Dragon-Blooded. But somehow if you add everything up, you can have a roll of 1-14 on a 1D10 to exalt as a dragon-Blooded, but a roll of ten fails.

Apparently a Neomah can work its flesh crafting mojo to add a +1 to said roll as well, but there is alot of debate about if this can be stacked with the others.

Finally there is a fair amount of evidence that Dragon-Blooded breed more powerful when cross bred with Elementals of moderate power of a matching aspect. But as of yet there is no canon rules for such things. Though I have been hoping that the newly released Role of Glorious Divinities volume 1 would shed some light on this but alas while I do not have the book yet, I have not heard any spoilers or random information to suggest this is covered in that book.

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