Lunar Mates


Junior Member
Lunars and Solars were intended to act as mates/partners (whether this was marriage, sexual relationship, or platonic partnership is, as near as I can tell, up to the pair involved).  But how did they pair up castes?

Did Twilights get paired with No Moons to act as sorcerous partners?  Dawns and Full Moons as commander/executive officer teams?  

Or did They pair differing castes in order to cover each other's weak points?  I could see a Full Moon serving as a Twilight's protection as he casts spells, etc.
wondered that myself... theirs no indication as of yet, that they CONSIDERED which caste to pair to which...

Its even POSSIBLE remember that a lunar might be full moon this incarnation and a wazing moon next half moon that new moon next, as lunar shards have no inherent caste...
Given that, as Pteorak tutor mentions, that Lunar shards don't appear to be pre-programmed for a specific caste and that the solar/lunar bond appears to be carried by that shard, (thus allowing that bond to transcend the lifespan of any given holder of the shards) I'd say that there certainly isn't any 'in-game' specific pairings now.

On the other hand, if you were asking about the first set of lunar and solar exalted, I would guess that it depends on when the bonds were created.  If they were created with the shards and already existed when the bearers of those shards exalted than I doubt there was any specific pairings.  If the bonds were 'initialized' so to speak after the first bearers exalted it would open the door for the possibility that there might have been some specific pairing being done.

For myself, I'd say that there wasn't any specific caste match-ups...learning to get the most out of the bond-pairs would be a matter of adapting to each other which strikes me as something that Luna would like to throw into the mix.
Personally, I'm not sure there was any pattern at all. I mean... Lilith, (originally) a Waning Moon, was with Desus, not-so-nice Eclipse fellow, and then we also have Leviathan, Full Moon angst boy, also paired with an Eclipse, one Kendak, if that's possible, then there really is no way of saying. It's probably relatively random...I've never really worried about it personally.

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