
Creepy smile
Hello all, I was wondering if some of you had been working on some NPC database for exalted.

We are currently working on a similar project with the french community, and I'd like to know if, like Zaramis, some of you had constructed an official NPC database, or if you'd be interested in constructing one.
Are you refering to characters from the books that are mentioned but not written out, or stuff made up by the ST for their own game?
Are you thinking of something that would have offical stats, or just blurbs on each one with page refs?
A little description (age, sexe, location, 5 lines of background tops), and of course page refs, I just can't violate WW's intellectual property (even I crave to do so ^^).

Kind of a quick tool to find who's who, where, to help build campaigns and to know who the players are (or could be).
That sounds like a good project for one of the wikis.
Already been done, I think. Lot of 'em aren't completed or updated to most recent (Ahn-Aru doesn't have mention of the comic in the Sid book, I noticed), but it's a start anyhow.

Unfortunately, it doesn't have page references, either.
It has some page ref, and is a good start really, I'm kinda impressed.

I wouldn't want to compete, but it seems that they mix official and unofficial characters in the content, and I can't but encourage everybody to add some help and add to references and sources.

I was searching exactly for this model, but with only canon npcs.

Do you think it's worth building another wiki with only official npc with page refs & only official stuff, or would you rather contribute to this wiki ?

[EDIT :  I mean there are a lot of the official exalted npc the wiki forgot about (Demetheus, Filial Wisdom and others named in the caste and aspect books and comics). My purpose was to see if people were interested in an strictly official database, to help them use and access quickly the npc ressources Exalted offers.]

As we French don't speak english fluently most of the time (though we should ^^), I think we're gonna build one in French, but if some members of the ECR are interested, we could build our own.
I recently set up a database to do that sort of NPC index, but its never gone past that first step due to lack of time, lack of hosting resources, laziness :wink: and so on.

I've seen some of what's been done on wiki's, but to me that sort of thing really should be in a database with a nice search tool.  That way the info can be accessed more ways easily...for example:

* Want to know who that person in a picture on a given page is?  Look up the book and page and see who is listed as having that as a reference.

* Want to find all House Tepet people ever mentioned?  Search for Tepet as a part of character name or keyword and get them all plus page references and so on.

The db structure I was playing with was intended to serve as kind of an index of NPCs, Locations, Events.  It allowed for multiple page references, specific page references for where stats for an entry can be found, a brief summary/explanation and so on.  Since I don't want to step to hard on WW's IP either I was trying to make it more of an index to help find the information rather than a replacement for having the books.
*confused* The link I posted is all only official characters. They also have a page for characters in general, sorted into groups, with fan-made ones and all...but the link I provided is all Official Characters from the books and splats. O.o I will grant it's a little annoying that it also lists animals and nameless NPCs such from the back of core, but none of the ones on that page are fan-characters...

Did you only want the Signature Characters or something?
Actually I was more searching for signature and official characters.

With the same classification they used:

Exalted, Mortals, Gods and Spirits, Demons, Undead etc etc
Ahahaha. It's an issue of how its organized, then, I take it? Can get all the sig and official charas, but only as an alphabetical list, not classified into groups. I think I begin to understand.

Either way, if you're interested in doing something like this, and in french, I don't see what the issue is. *shrugs* Nothing wrong with doing so for people who don't speak english. I'm usually too lazy to contribute overmuch to projects like these, so I'm not really the best judge, but I don't see where it would be an issue...otherwise, people who don't speak english are getting to play with babelfish, and that can lead to...interesting translations. *chuckles*

If you make your own Wiki-thing, you can also organize it how you wish. I'm not sure it's as easy to do so with the official one...they're huge on alphabetization being the major organizer for just about everything.
No no, the issue was "are people interested in building such a database in english ?", I'm doing it anyway in French.

Point was to collect only official datas and organize them for STs, by type of characters, location etc etc.

In order for them to have a quick search engine of who's who, where, and what who's all about and to lead them to the books.
*shrugs* I don't care either way. I wouldn't be any more helpful to it than to the one that exists on the Official Wiki, so I'm a bad person to ask that question, I guess. *chuckles*

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