Pankrator's Cestus/Solar Hero Form

I can't find a direct definition in the Exalted books or through minimal Googleing. Is it just a fighting gauntlet? Halp!

Edit: Let's make this a two-fer. When in Solar Hero Form it says you can spend a mote to count successes twice in step 7 for determining damage does it mean the successes left over from your attack roll that are added to (str+damage)?

Edit2: For shits and giggles, do you think that when armor is allowed in a form it includes power armor?
Cesti are a primitive sort of leather boxing glove. Sometimes studded with metal.

See here.
magnificentmomo said:
When in Solar Hero Form it says you can spend a mote to count successes twice in step 7 for determining damage does it mean the successes left over from your attack roll that are added to (str+damage)?
Yes. Each of these additional successes adds two to the pre-soak damage.
magnificentmomo said:
For shits and giggles, do you think that when armor is allowed in a form it includes power armor?
Never says it doesn't.
Flagg, I know what a cestus is, but I was curious about the pankrator's cestus that is mentioned in tandem to cesti.

The form weapons for this style
still include the mundane and artifact versions of the cestus,

the fighting gauntlet, the khatar, the tiger claws and the

pankrator’s cestus, as well as any improvised weapon
Question now: I think they were some stat of the fighting gauntlet, but there were no stat for pieces of armor you can hit people with IIRC, shouldn't they be some kind of stat for a punch/kick while wearing armor ?

Cause a piece of metal thrown in the face hurts more than bones.

Well actually since this is exalted, I guess you could just say "there is more blood from the wound" or "this one will leave a mark for a few weeks".
magnificentmomo said:
Flagg, I know what a cestus is, but I was curious about the pankrator's cestus that is mentioned in tandem to cesti.
The form weapons for this style
still include the mundane and artifact versions of the cestus,

the fighting gauntlet, the khatar, the tiger claws and the

pankrator’s cestus, as well as any improvised weapon
In case you haven't found it, Pankration is an ancient Greek martial art (  I have read elsewhere that cestus were used with that style so I suspect that it was just the author throwing in a point of reference to the type of equipment being referred to, even if it wasn't then picked up as a term in the Equipment section of the book.  I honestly suspect that the repeating of the term cestus, was a mistake that made it through editing.
Possibly, but to further my confusion while searching on the interwebs I found references saying that pankrator's cesti are the mundane equiv of smashfists. But in the 2e Source it seems that fighting gauntlets are... Lemme see if I can scrounge up a copy of 1e from a friend.
After a quick phone call, it isn't in 1e. But through the machinations of my brain decide that pankrator's cesti must be a reference to a leather version of a fighting gauntlet because it is also a grappling aid (pankration aide if you will... sounds dirty). The fact that fighting gauntlet's are also mentioned is either WW being thorough in it's descriptions or lacking in it's editing.
When in doubt, the latter is the safer assumption.

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