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  1. Crowsky

    My big fingers press all the buttons -.-

    My big fingers press all the buttons -.-
  2. Crowsky

    Collins Academy-Registration

    Okay so I didn't get any alerts from this rp -.- sorry did I miss anything?
  3. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    (Still waiting for reply)
  4. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    He obsessively dusts himself off once again then looks back at her "yes growling at me totally doesn't show an attitude." He watches the sky as she gets in her bed "you think hunters are still out? I shouldn't travel I'd they are, my wolf form sticks out" he looks directly at her "penny for your...
  5. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    It would depend what kind of bullet wouldn't it?
  6. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Oh god
  7. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Charles follows the woman "hey wait" he says catching up. "I'm Charles, you are?" He was becoming annoyed with everyone's attitude "why can't people be friendly" he thought "humans are better to talk to"
  8. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Charles shrugs off annoyed with all the drama "at least the place is nice" he senses something on the roof for a while now and decided it may be time to check it out, he crawls out the window and onto the roof peeking first and seeing a female vampire"oh I see" he climbs all the way up "hello...
  9. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Charles watched the interaction between cole and Derek and sighed "you really know how to make a welcome home" he says feeling bad for the vampire slightly "you should all take a drink, emotion is to high right now" he keeps searching for tools and finds some in a drawer "now please don't fight...
  10. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Charles looks out the window sniffing "hrmm well since I'm not wanted right now ill inspect the outside may as well examine the remains" he says going outside towards the blood smell. It was farther distance in his human form but he wasn't interested in being in a hurry to get back. He reaches...
  11. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    He was examing a bullet when he grabbed and thrown "how rude" he says as He gently moved with the force he was thrown catching himself and dusting himself off. "I honestly don't care who's an alpha there's no excuse to be so violent especially with how expensive these clothes are, you wrinkled...
  12. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    (Most likely but that's the point wouldn't you notice if a stranger was standing over your wounded friend?)
  13. Crowsky

    Collins Academy

    (I'm not sure who's this is for, sword?)
  14. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    (So are we ignoring the fancy stranger in the kitchen?)
  15. Crowsky

    Collins Academy

    You could always make one) Austen chuckles hearing him "if land safely" he decides to enjoy the free ride and actually listens to the explanations "fine, fine" he wouldn't challenge the authority just yet he should analyze everyone more. It might even be possably that this school might be...
  16. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Charles walked into the kitchen hearing a commotion. Three wolves 1 badly injured and the fresh blood scent was quite strong "what happened" he asked still smiling as if he didnt notice someone was bleeding to death "did you bite off more then you could chew" he spins his cane once more moving...
  17. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Well Parker I hope we can have a wonderful friendship" then he grinned, something about that one grin was strange, like he caught a glimpse of a dark intention but it quickly shifted to a happy carefree smile "well I should introduce myself to others" he takes off his coat and hangs it up then...
  18. Crowsky

    Collins Academy

    Austen was at first surprised at the random action of the person now carrying him then he was annoyed "I suggest you let me go" he says in a very not caring voice while he looks threw his music playlist "or at least carry me better, you rather bad at it" he says now with a bit of a taunting tone...
  19. Crowsky

    The Lodge

    Those blood sucking leeches?" He says with a fake angry voice then winks "just kidding, I have no issue with anyone, I mean look at me, I'm weak nothing string about me. Why would I argue when I don't have the strength to back it up?" He says almost mockingly but he doesn't let on his true tone...
  20. Crowsky

    Collins Academy

    Austen looks around the room half listening to what is being said to him "whatever get it over with my time is being wasted" he starts scratching his head "damn the idiots voices are braking in" he turns up his headphones to drown them out "ill never be able to sleep in this hell hole"