The Lodge

(Not really. If its silver someone should've taken out the bullet and then it'll start to heal. It shouldn't take more then a hour. Scott is already healed and he got nailed by multiple silver bullets coated in wolfsbane. She should start to heal at least.)
[if it was a normal bullet yeah. And yes the silver's pretty much filtered from her system now but frankly I really don't have much else to have her do right now. :P Lol. So I'm dragging it out a bit. It's almost healed now, it's just a little raw still. Haven't you ever had to take a hot shower after a cut had just recently scabbed over? It still stings like hell for a while. xD The blood on the bandage was from earlier when she was bleeding. I've mentioned a few times now in my posts how it's been healing... The bleeding stopped a LONG time ago.]
Selene bit her tongue and turned around to the guy"I'm Selene and i DON'T have an attitude thank you very much"she said then turned back around to look out the window.She sighed softly and walked past the guy and hopped up on her bed to think about some things that were running through her mind.At this point she didn't really mind what the boy said but he seem sort of...nice...she though.He was awfully cute as well but she couldn't think about that right now.
[Anywho, gonna post another reply, adding on to my previous post. :3 Still trying to make sense of everything that just happened while I was gone. @ - @ I felt that my previous post would have been too long if I tried to cover everything in that one reply.]
He obsessively dusts himself off once again then looks back at her "yes growling at me totally doesn't show an attitude." He watches the sky as she gets in her bed "you think hunters are still out? I shouldn't travel I'd they are, my wolf form sticks out" he looks directly at her "penny for your thoughts
Heather spent forever, simply soaking in the elegant white porcelain tub, her head lolling back against the edge and her breathing a slow, resting pattern while foamy white bubbles swirled around the water's surface. Minute by minute, her skin began to gain its light tan color from the sickly pale it had been before. The color of her soft lips melted from the bluish purple they had been back to their normal light rosy pink. Any dust and grime she'd picked up from the meeting with the ground from their mad escape from the hunters washed away, leaving her skin clean and clear.

Heather's deep chocolate brown orbs shot open, however, as gunshots suddenly rang out through the forest, carried by the breeze. Hunters. They must have followed us...! Her mouth went dry as guilt built up within her, creating a tight knot in her throat. What if someone had gotten seriously injured because of her? Because she didn't pay more attention to her surroundings at the waterfall?

Taking a shaky breath, Heather lifted herself from the tub, still weak but in much better shape than she had been only a half an hour before. Glancing down at her side, a relieved smile crossed her lips as her bullet wound had completely closed. It was sore to the touch, but finally it didn't send a jabbing pain through her side when she stood. It wouldn't be long now before she wouldn't feel anymore pain at all. She was jerked from her thoughts once again, however, as a pain howl tore through the air and racked her ears painfully, the guilt coming back to her ten times worse. She quickly dried herself off and rummaged around in her bag, managing to score a plain, loose fitting t-shirt and some pajama shorts as well as an extra pair of undergarments. Slipping into those, she quickly exited her room, her bare feet making no noise on the carpeted floor as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen where most of the commotion was coming from.

When her eyes landed on a beaten, bloodied Scott lying on the kitchen table, her stomach churned and threated to send back the orange it had so gladly taken a while before. "W-what...what happened?" she croaked, her vocal chords seeming to have stopped working all of a sudden. Her eyes watched carefully as Derek disappeared up to the guys' section of the rooms upstairs, Preston following right at his heels. Rubbing her arms she swallowed hard at the scene she had just witnessed.
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(I'm just jump when Sam and Ren come back cause he still hasn't replied. Will that be fine???)
[bored, gonna post another reply since I missed the drama of Scott and stuff. xD ]

Seeing as no one was in the mood to explain what happened, Heather bit her bottom lip, assuming the worst. What if..Scott was dead? After all these terrible years of thinking his best friend was dead, Preston finally was able to reunite with essentially his pack brother. And she may have just killed him all over again.

Taking a deep, shaky breath she ventured up the wooden steps to the upper floor, turning down the guys' side of the hallway. Creeping down the elaborately decorated hallway, she made her way down to Scott's bedroom. Seeing the door was partially cracked open, she peered inside. What she saw twisted and tugged at her heart, threatening to rip it right out of her chest. Preston sat on the bed directly across from the one his dear friend lay on, his body riddled with ugly bullet holes. Preston's hands were clenched into tight fists and he simply sat there, his forehead resting upon them. She couldn't tell if Scott was breathing or not but by the look on Preston's face, it wasn't good.

A brand new wave of guilt hit her like a train and the large knot in her throat returned with a vengeance. I did this... Clenching her eyes shut, she let her hand slip away from the door frame and she took off running down the hallway. How can I be his mate? He almost got shot and now his best friend is dying all because of me...! Her wolf didn't even have time to respond before Heather shoved it back into the depths of her subconscious. Her side ached at the sudden strain but she hardly noticed it, all her thoughts on Preston. Fleeing the lodge, she dashed into the woods, tripping on sticks, stones, and fallen tree branches that scraped up her legs, but she didn't care. Her thin body began to transform, morphing into her furry lupine form as tears clouded her vision. In mere seconds, the lodge was no longer in view as the forest swallowed her whole.
Ivory felt a funny little smile light up her features. The guy seemed pretty nice, actually. She had never really had much of a chance to speak to him - he always kind of sectioned himself off from the rest of the world, and quite truthfully, it seemed to be working too effectively. She sometimes forgot that he existed, and she felt really horrible for that now. She had always been with the two sexual chatterboxes, Damon and Cole, and never exactly had much of a chance to have a normal conversation with a normal acting vampire - even though he was larger than any other vampire she had encountered, possibly larger than even some of the werewolves. He really was a great guy to talk to, and she felt . . . comfortable around him. She felt herself nod, and respond in a small, yet very honest tone, "I'd like that." She then allowed herself to turn and slowly walk back out to the living room, her glass of crimson blood still in hand, managing to catch one last glimpse of him before he disappeared from sight.

The door had just shut - somebody had left for the day. She felt herself shrug, guessing it was one of the werewolves, and wandering over to one of the empty chairs to settle herself down, setting the glass on the table next to her chair and folding her legs up Indian style. Her hands folded in her lap, and she fell into a very quiet, still silence, the other two people in the room seeming to remain the same way - Jacob and Amari, Amari being one of the newer arrivals. Jacob was a veteran at the lodge, but she hadn't spoken to him often. She remained in her quiet, still state, reaching over to take a sip of her drink at times before setting it back down onto the table. The silence saturated the rest of the area around her and the others, and she enjoyed it after a very long, very strenuous night of much tension.

The silence was cut into by somebody rushing in a labored manner down the stairs, and Ivory's gaze instinctively turned to glance at who was coming down. She felt her breath hitch in her throat when she saw Heather - her expression just sliced straight through Ivory's heart. She was about to stand to catch up with her, but she had already burst through the door and past the boundary of sunlight that kept Ivory enclosed in this place. She was standing there, simply staring at the closed door, millions of thoughts flying through her mind. Why did she leave? What should I do? What happened? Who should I-

Before her thought even finished, she was dashing up the stairs and bursting into Preston's room. She saw him in a tense position on his bed, a healing Scott on the other, and as the door swung open, she called to the awakened werewolf urgently, "Preston! H-Heather - she just ran out!" Her golden eyes were wide and bright with worry pulsing through her, her breathing even starting to become heavy as she stared at Preston, hoping to get some type of reaction out of him. Even though she did feel bad about pushing another thing onto the both mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted werewolf, she couldn't just let the information of his mate leaving slide and disappear from existence. She didn't have it in her to do that.
Issac soon found himself in a club packed with people. Thank god for fake IDs. Issac was crammed in a crowded dance floor, intoxicated and lost in the lights and music. The loud beat of the music echoed in his ears and he felt the vibrations of the song directly in his chest. He gazed up at the black ceiling with lidded eyes, the multi-colored lights reflecting off of the walls. His pupils were blown wide, only a small line of blue circling it which at the moment was sparkling with excitement.

It had been a while since Issac actually went out, and he felt over the roof in his drunken state. He couldn't be anywhere in the club without someone touching, grinding or talking to him and he loved it. He was claimed to be a 'cutie pie' by multiple people and he just scowled and snapped back with a slurred 'no I'm sexy'. A girl had given him pills--blue ones to be exact and he was too drunk to care what they were. He popped them into his mouth and soon he was seeing colors he didn't even know existed. With his mouth parted slightly and his eyes buldging he stumbled around the club, soon being grinded against. He went with it and smirked with a low laugh as he began to hallucinate, swirls of color fogged his vision and soon the DJ looked like a unicorn, the purple lights turned rainbow and his beer looked like icecream, so naturally he insisted on a spoon and began to poke pointlessly at his beer bottle.

Issac stumbled out of the club, his blonde curls sticking to his forehead, lip stick smudges on his cheeks and neck from multiple girls who decided that sucking on his skin was fun. His shirt was untucked, eyes tinted red, leather jacket hanging loosely around his shoulders, pants unbuttoned and a drunken grin masking his face. He slumped into Derek's camero and drove back to the lodge, he swerved and blasted the music from some electronic station as he went and got back to the lodge successfully. Once he got in he grinned sheepishly and made a slurred "I met a unicorn." Before almost all at once, puked, laughed and passed out. It was simply goregous.
(Omg somebody gave him "the blue pill?!" xD )

Cole came back too the lodge greeted by the horrible mess that was Isaac he sighed "Oy ve!" Cole bent over picking the little boy up and placing him on the couch. He decided to leave the vomit where it was vomit wasn't his thing and retired to the love seat and resting his eyes
Ian came down the stairs and looked around "what happened here?" He looked at Isaac and at Cole, Then at the floor, then back at Cole.
Cole opened one eye and spoke "Underaged drinking,Kid passed out,Helped him up,Don't do vomit" and closed his eye again
Preston heard the door swing open in a quite dramatic manner. His hearing was a bit off but he was almost positive that it was Ivory saying something about Heather. Ran out? Why would she do that? Preston lifted his head from his hands to look at Ivory. His face a bit paler and his eyes teary, he shook his head. "I don't know what to do. I have to be here with Scott but I can't... Why did she run out?" Preston felt his chest tighten slightly. He had no idea why she would even think about running out, especially after what happened earlier. "Did someone tell her I was with Scott?" Preston felt his hands begin to twitch. No, not this. I can't do this now. He could feel a panic attack coming on but he couldn't let himself give in to this. Not this time, he needed to let it pass. Preston stood quickly and began pacing in front of the bed, his hands placed on top of his head. "How could- What should I-..." Preston dropped his hands and walked quickly to Ivory, placing his hands on her upper arms. "I need to go. Stay here with Scott, please. If he wakes up tell him I had to save her. Let him know I was here." He rushed out of the room, past Ivory, and hurried downstairs. Preston looked around furiously before running outside. He shifted into his wolf form and began charging across the yard, through the woods; trying to pick up her scent. Preston couldn't manage to catch her scent so he started trying to reach out to her. Heather... Heather where are you? Frustrated, he barreled through the trees stopping to shift into human form. Preston cupped his hands around his mouth yelling for her.

Amari watched as Isaac came stumbling in. He was clearly drunk and talking about unicorns was the telltale sign. Amari looked around, seeing if Ivory was observing this. All the lipstick... Is that a hickey? It must be a bruise. Why was he drinking? Amari saw Cole carry the unconscious, young werewolf to the love seat. She stood up and went to the kitchen. Amari wet a paper towel and carried it over to where Cole and Isaac were. She bent down beside them and began working to wipe off the lipstick smears. "I don't want Ivory to see this," she spoke softly, not bothering to look up to Cole. She would apologize to him later, for now this was more important.
Hot salty tears clouded Heathwr's vision but she continued to run. Her swift white paws pounded the mossy forest floor, flicking up chunks of dirt behind her as she waved expertly between the trees. She had been running so long her lungs began to burn but she pressed on, determined to get as far away from the lodge as possible where she couldn't do anymore damage.

Stumbling and almost crashing to the ground, Heather finally slid to a stop, her thin legs wobbling so bad it was a miracle she hadn't crashed already. Pitiful whines and canibe-like whispers came from the female wolf's tired lungs and she slumped to the ground, crawling beneath a nearby rocky overhang.

It was only then that the poor wolf transformed back into her thin Human form. Curling her knees up into her chest, she buried her face into them as silent sobs shook her body. She could feel Preston's mind trying to reach into hers but only stifled cries would meet his ears. She lifted her head slightly as she heard him call out her name but she couldn't bring herself to reply verbally. I d-don't want...t-to hurt you...a-anymore... Look what h-happened to Scott because of me...! she whimpered mentally in reply.
Preston shifted back into his wolf and continued running through the woods. He had caught her scent but it was very faint. Preston came to a stop when he heard her reply. You haven't hurt me. You got hurt because I wasn't paying attention. Scott's hurt because of me. I should have stopped and spoken to him about all of this. He knows what he can do with his power and if he gets pissed he goes wild. I can't let you stay out here and get hurt, again. I'm sorry I've already screwed this up. Preston tilted his head down, a few whimpers escaping. He caught her scent again, slightly more prominent this time. Preston began walking towards the scent, hoping to come across her. He could tell she was stopped somewhere but he didn't know exactly where. Preston just hoped to get close before she took off again.
Listening to his voice seemed to calm Heather's mind somewhat and she breathed deeply, peering out from beneath the shadowing overhang. She could hear his frantic footsteps as he charged through the woods, looking for her. For her. She chewed on her bottom lip as guilt crushed her heart in it's grasp once more. Now she'd made him worry even MORE because of her irrational actions.

"I...I-I'm here, Preston," she called out softly, knowing his sensitive wolf hearing would be able to pick up on her voice, "In the hollow rock..." She really was a pitiful mess. Her eyes were red and puffy while her soft cheeks were stained with ears.

I'm so sorry...f-for making you worry... I just saw you with Scott a-and...I didn't know what to do.
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Scott soon came out of his daze, his dark gaze narrowing in a squint. He began to sit up only to be forced back down by pain shooting up his spine. He let out a short cry of pain before his eyes flashed red, quickly fading back to dark brown. He let out a huff, taking in his surrowndings. He let his head fall back against his pillow, staring blankly at the ceiling. Preston was there before, Scott knew that from scent and he knew that Preston probably ran out after Heather. He felt a tinge of anger boil in his stomach and he slowly crawled out of bed. "I'm going." He said simply to the vampire in his room. He walked out of the bedroom, still shirtless and covered in blood but he didn't care. He shouldn't have even come. He clenched his fists, not completely paying attention to where he was going and he soon found his foot in something squishy which he quickly realized was Issac's puke. That was enough to set the young Alpha off.

His eyes flashed red and he let out a low growl before opening the front door and slamming it hard enough to send it cracking off its hinges and falling onto the ground, Scott couldn't give less of a shit, his claw marks were scraped along the door in the process of his slam and he silently walked off into the woods. He was pissed and didn't plan on returning until he cooled down. Preston had a mate now. He was envious, he had Allison who died right after she tried to kill him. The one he gave his virginity and claim to tried to murder him. He snarled low in his throat and slashed his claws across the trees surrounding him. Soon a large dark grey wolf was arched up in a low, raged howl. With hackles risen, claws extended and canines barred the Alpha took off into the forest. Scott let his wolf take over, the blood thirsty animal that he constantly contained going free. His wolf had been raging inside of him since Allison and he had been holding it back in the mental cage of his mind since, now the blood thirsty, angered wolf was let to do as it pleased.
Preston shifted back into his human form when he heard her voice. He walked a bit further towards her, dunking under a low branch. Preston crouched down in front of the hollow rock. "Playing hide and seek?" He forced out a smile before reaching out a hand to her. "I'm only worried because I care. Don't kick yourself for the crazy things I do." Preston tilted his head to the side slightly, waiting for her to grasp his hand. He looked up, observing the rock. "This doesn't look very safe." Preston turned his eyes back to look at Heather. It was a bit hard to see her, curled up in the back of the space.

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