The Lodge

Charles walked into the kitchen hearing a commotion. Three wolves 1 badly injured and the fresh blood scent was quite strong "what happened" he asked still smiling as if he didnt notice someone was bleeding to death "did you bite off more then you could chew" he spins his cane once more moving in closer
Ivory, to say the least, was very startled when two things happened very, very quickly. A faint, yet distinct howl ripped through the air and was caught by her hearing, and before she could react, Issac was gone. His lips departed from hers and his hands were snatched from her own as he sprinted out the door with the other newcomer, Derek, she thought he was called. She stared ahead blankly for a minute, a full minute of simply staring ahead with a good bit of surprise before she blinked twice. Her euphoric emotions had all began to be replaced with a very deep disappointment, her eyes dimming down considerably, her expression falling. She scolded herself for feeling that way - if Issac found the call important enough to rush out, then so be it. She couldn't blame him.

Perfect timing.

She brushed the annoyed thought off and slumped back into her chair, curling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. There was silence for about a minute or two before she heard two other roars sounding from far off - and she shivered lightly. She didn't want to know what those hunters looked like right now. Mauled beyond comprehension, she guessed. But she kept silent, a strange anxiety gnawing on her stomach as she awaited the return of her werewolf, hoping that he was safe - in fact, begging that he was safe.

Not a few minutes passed before the door flew open, making her spin quickly towards it, her body tensing, before she saw not two, but three had returned - Issac, Derek, and a very injured looking Scott. Her hands flew up to her mouth, her eyes widening in horror as she found the man riddled with bullets. Issac looked terrified, even though Derek looked calm, and the three rushed into the kitchen. After Ivory's moment of shock passed, she blinked once, snapping back to her senses and standing herself up quickly as she followed after the three, peeking her head into the kitchen and watching with widened eyes as Derek picked out the bullets in the Scott guy - all silver.

She watched this scene go by until all of the bullets were out, and felt her heart being stabbed as she saw Issac's look of worry and grief. Her gaze faltered for a moment - it was as if she could literally feel what he felt, just by seeing the protective agony in his features. She was silent and still for half a minute before she stepped slowly into the kitchen, feeling hesitant and actually a bit scared. She didn't know how they would react to what she was about to offer, but she sucked up her fear and, with a deep breath, asked her offer to the two who were up.

" . . . Does he need the silver extracted to heal?" 
[ I've gotta go to sleep now. I'll be back tomorrow. ]
Issac twitched at the sound of Ivory's voice. Derek's smooth tone was the one to answer her tho. "We already extracted the bullets, now we just need the healing process to begin." Issac had eventually stopped his frantic circles around the wounded boy and settled on sitting on the ground with Scott's head in his lap. Scott was like a brother to Issac and Issac didn't think he could bare to lose anyone else. His mother, Erica and his abusive father were enough losses he could muster up the strength to cope with.

Derek watched the lengthy, curly haired boy circle Scott's limp body before resting on the ground with Scott's head in his lap. He examined the small quirks that Issac did when he got nervous. Lip Chewing; Check, Fiddling with his Fingers; Check, Tapping his feet; Check.... The list went on. He sighed and walked over to the kitchen, he sat down next to Issac, glancing down at the body with a frown. "He'll be fine." Derek mumbled, rising a hand to lay a single, awkward pat on Issac's shoulder. It was his own sign that he cared, and it was enough to make a small smile brace Issac's face before quickly fading away.
Cole watched as the whole scene happened "I knew I should've went with him" he thought he felt bad even though he didn't like the werewolf,Nonetheless he was still apart of this 'family" Cole shewed on his nails contemplating whether too say anything or just stay quiet
Ivory listened to the small moment of silence before she got an answer from Derek - a surprisingly calm one, actually. She had expected something harsher and more one of dismissal, but he was very collected as he responded to her, and for that she was grateful. Her gaze flickered over to him, and she watched him carefully as he spoke before assuring herself that he wasn't angry, and nodded in response, her own stance and expression calming down somewhat. Issac still seemed incredibly nervous, and she felt herself hesitate in turning and leaving, her gaze remaining on him while her body remained half turned to walk away.

She felt this strange pull towards him. As if she had some kind of duty to stay with him, especially now. The second she took another small step, a strange knot quickly twisted in her stomach, making her feel very uncomfortable. She watched the young man sit with his friend's head on his lap, and her expression became even more indecisive, thinking on what she should be doing, what would be right. She saw Derek attempt to comfort him, but it didn't seem to do much good . . .

She felt herself do a small sigh as she took small steps back towards where he sat, and lowered herself down next to him, watching Scott and feeling the knot disappearing from her stomach, her conscious satisfied with her choice. She remained still for a moment before she reached over and very carefully took one of his hands in both her own keeping it next to her and keeping it in her cool grasp, squeezing and rubbing it in a hopefully comforting manner. Her gaze remained on Scott as she felt herself smile earnestly, and she half whispered over to him a promise.

" . . . If Derek says he'll be alright, he will be. It's okay." 
[ Erm . . . I'm pretty sure your character would evoke a negative reaction from all three of them with such a comment from him, actually. It's a really tense moment - it's only understandable that they focus on Scott. ]
(Most likely but that's the point wouldn't you notice if a stranger was standing over your wounded friend?)
[ Well, Ivory's job as of now is to comfort Issac, so don't expect much of anything from her. ]

= - = - =

Ivory, after a moment of silence, felt her head incline up upon noticing that the three of them weren't alone. There was a strange man who she had seen enter the home and be shown around by that Parker guy - another newbie. She nearly sighed at the thought of all of the new people that had come - it was so exhausting to have new people in the lodge, even though she was never one to voice such a nibbling annoyance. But she did feel a much more noticeable annoyance at the man, who was too close for comfort to a healing Scott. Her gaze seemed to harden just slightly from it's once comforting, liquified state as she glanced up at him.

She turned her head to Derek and leaned behind Issac to speak to him quietly, "Derek. Would you mind taking care of . . ." She paused for a moment before discreetly motioning to the close newcomer, and continuing quietly, "Issac probably doesn't need a stranger barging in on everything right now." Her lips quirked into a half frown before she leaned back up and continued to gaze at Issac's hand steadily, continuing to gently massage his palm with her thumbs.

= - = - =

[ For @Sock and @Crowsky. ]
Seeing the weirdo hovering over Scott Cole walked over grabbing him by the olar and threw him into the living room "Do you want too be mauled by an angry alpha?" he said sarcastically huffing and making himself comfortable on the counter.
[ Oh man, it's a bit complicated right now, @ForgottenBlood. I'm not the person to ask for re-caps, I'm sorry. ; - ; All I know is that Scott, Derek, Ivory, and Issac are all in a room, with Scott healing from a hunter attack and Issac, Ivory, and Derek watching over him. Charles just got moved into another room by Cole, Preston is with Heather, Amari, Marina, and Parker are kind of just standing around (Parker's become the welcomer of the house xD ), and . . . that's all I know. No offense to the people I missed, I've only just actually started getting back into the roleplay and writing more frequently in it. > . > ]
He was examing a bullet when he grabbed and thrown "how rude" he says as He gently moved with the force he was thrown catching himself and dusting himself off. "I honestly don't care who's an alpha there's no excuse to be so violent especially with how expensive these clothes are, you wrinkled my shirt" he twists the silver top of his cane watching the movements of the others
Issac's gaze hardened as he heard Cole act out his usual douchy act and throw the new comer into the living room. His frame tensed and his eyebrows knitted together. He already lost so many, and Scott already once. He stood with Scott in his arms and walked out of the kitchen in silence. He made his way to a more quiet area in the back of the house and slumped over against the wall, staring blankly down the hallway with Scott resting on his lap. He began to chew on the inside of his cheek, flinching when the metallic taste of blood flooded over his tongue. He cringed but kept a closed mouth.

Issac gazed down, hoping to see some sort of healing on Scott's chest, he felt dread fill his stomach and he called out a quivered "D-Derek!" Derek perked his head as his name was called and he stood, walking down the hall, he glanced at Scott's chest, his gaze hardening when he saw the blood that leaked out of the wounds turn black. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath. "Okay." He muttered, "There must be wolfsbane in his system."

Issac stared at Derek, his lips parted, before his hands rose to his face. Wolfsbane was used to kill werewolves, and was very effective with the use of silver. Issac twitched as Derek sunk his claws into Scott's chest, muttering a gruff "Gotta trigger the healing process." Issac stared at the image of Scott's chest with claws sunk into it, his blood coating and staining his chest. His face mimicked one of those who was completely horrified before he scrambled to his feet and made a mad dash to the bathroom before he released the contents that used to be in his stomach all over the floor.

After vomiting Issac sat on the floor next to the toilet, raising a shaky hand to flush it. He pulled his knees to his chest, extending a foot to kick the bathroom door closed. He rose his hand to brush his hair back from being stuck to his forehead. Sweat glistened on his skin and he draped his arms around his legs, resting his forehead on his knees. 
Issac's gaze hardened as he heard Cole act out his usual douchy act and throw the new comer into the living room. His frame tensed and his eyebrows knitted together. He already lost so many, and Scott already once. He stood with Scott in his arms and walked out of the kitchen in silence. He made his way to a more quiet area in the back of the house and slumped over against the wall, staring blankly down the hallway with Scott resting on his lap. He began to chew on the inside of his cheek, flinching when the metallic taste of blood flooded over his tongue. He cringed but kept a closed mouth.

Issac gazed down, hoping to see some sort of healing on Scott's chest, he felt dread fill his stomach and he called out a quivered "D-Derek!" Derek perked his head as his name was called and he stood, walking down the hall, he glanced at Scott's chest, his gaze hardening when he saw the blood that leaked out of the wounds turn black. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath. "Okay." He muttered, "There must be wolfsbane in his system."

Issac stared at Derek, his lips parted, before his hands rose to his face. Wolfsbane was used to kill werewolves, and was very effective with the use of silver. Issac twitched as Derek sunk his claws into Scott's chest, muttering a gruff "Gotta trigger the healing process." Issac stared at the image of Scott's chest with claws sunk into it, his blood coating and staining his chest. His face mimicked one of those who was completely horrified before he scrambled to his feet and made a mad dash to the bathroom before he released the contents that used to be in his stomach all over the floor.

After vomiting Issac sat on the floor next to the toilet, raising a shaky hand to flush it. He pulled his knees to his chest, extending a foot to kick the bathroom door closed. He rose his hand to brush his hair back from being stuck to his forehead. Sweat glistened on his skin and he draped his arms around his legs, resting his forehead on his knees.
Preston had ventured downstairs to prepare food for Heather. He was really glad that she was okay and doing much better. When he reached the bottom of the steps, Preston noticed Scott wasn't there. Preston hurried over in search of Scott, finding Derek in the back room. "What happened to him?" He bent down, putting a hand on his friends stomach. Preston wasn't worried about any reaction he may cause at this point. He just wanted to make sure his friend was alive. Preston took his hand off of his stomach after feeling his shallow breathing. He was alive, at least, but that didn't mean this was okay. Preston let his eyes wander over the holes in Scott's body. He could tell they had gotten quite deep but someone had retrieved the bullets already. Preston sighed and leaned back against the wall, covering his face with his hands. He dropped them down only to look back at Derek. Derek must have started the healing process as the wounds were closing up already. He noticed Isaac was curled up on the floor beside a gathering of vomit, which didn't truly surprise him.

Amari heard the shots from a decent distance away. The noise frightened her heavily and she turned to run back to the lodge. A bullet or two managed to miss her, lodging into surrounding trees. Her adrenaline began pumping steadily and she ran even faster to the lodge. The hunters were slowly falling behind, which was a good sign. She made it to the lodge in minutes, forcing herself to calm down before entering the lodge. Amari looked around at everyone around. She noticed a new male with Cole and a bit of blood on the floor. Scott must have been lying there although she didn't know where he was now.

Parker simply nodded in response to Charles. He didn't have much else to say to the man, or anyone else for that matter. Parker watched the scene involving Scott intently. Being a vampire, his worst worry was always the stake. For werewolves, there seemed to be more dangers but they were a bit harder to take down. He hadn't seen many others with the same wounds, at least, not before he came here. Parker wandered over to the fridge to get another bag of blood, sinking his teeth in. His eyes wandered over to Cole who had snatched up Charles.
Cole watched as little Isaac emptied the contents of his stomach and Derek trying too trigger the healing process,realizing it wasn't working the way it should he spoke up "Why don't you have one of the vampires suck the poison out of his blood stream.Even if you don't trust me Ivory or damon could do it" Cole spoke rather calmly and his usual douchy attitude wasn't there
Ivory was startled once more when Issac suddenly just stood and left. She watched him walk away, and that's when she decided that this wasn't her business. This was a werewolf thing, and she was a vampire. She felt herself sigh and stand to walk out into the living room, finding a spot on the couch and curling up with her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, her usual position. She did that a lot, and actually found it as quite comfortable, despite how tense it looked. She lapsed into silence, her gaze remaining straight ahead as she tried to push away the events from her mind, knowing that this wasn't her business and she shouldn't be involved.

There was silence for a moment, murmurs from around, until she heard somebody running very quickly into the bathroom, and her head turned to see someone slam the bathroom door shut. Her eyes widened for a moment, letting herself go silent, and she blinked twice as her mind pushed away the thought of helping from her conscious. None of her business. None of her business.
Dahlia turned her head to face Cole. "I could do it," she said, standing to look at Derek. "I know you don't know me, and neither does Scott. But I do know how to do this sort of thing." Dahlia kept her gaze trained on Derek. He was the alpha so she knew he would have the most say. She wasn't too worried about Preston's opinions but she did know about Scott through him. Dahlia walked to the doorway of the room they were in, waiting for a response. If anyone was able to do this sort of this, she would be the one. Only so many vampires can be successful and it truly depends on the vampire's skill and development level. Personal connections seemed to help in this case as well.
Derek flicked his gaze to Cole. "F*ck off." He said simply. Issac emerged from the bathroom, he looked quite pale and sickly, but his eyes instantly flicked to Scott. He then gazed at Preston. He didn't know why he was mad at Preston, he just was. In certain ways this was Preston's fault, at least in his mildly stuffed state of mind. His eyes flashed amber and soon he was curling his lips, barring his now wolf-like canines. "Maybe you should go." He snapped towards Preston, his hands balling at his sides.

Derek mildly flicked his gaze to gaze at Issac. He dismissed it and watched as Scott's skin began to slowly extend over the wounds, fading to a pink. "Its working." He said numbly. He picked up Scott's limp frame, draping him over his shoulder and walking upstairs with the smaller Alpha dangling over his torso. He set Scott down on one of the beds in Preston's room before lazily traveling downstairs and slumping over in his chair.
Charles looks out the window sniffing "hrmm well since I'm not wanted right now ill inspect the outside may as well examine the remains" he says going outside towards the blood smell. It was farther distance in his human form but he wasn't interested in being in a hurry to get back. He reaches the spot and grabs the guns that arnt damaged and as much other killing items he could find "this will come in handy" he looks to the moon "might not be a good idea to entrust my safety to these people" he starts walking back to the lodge, when he gets inside he doesn't bother with the others and goes directly toward an empty room dropping the loot on a bed "two guns only? Shame." He sets his cane down along with his hat and looks around for tools.
Preston flashed his eyes to face Derek. "Don't even think about blaming this on me. I had no idea what was going on," Preston's voice turned into a low growl, "You can be as pissed as you want to but I'm going to stay by his side. My best friend needs me and I'm not about to let him go, again." Preston felt his heart beat begin to fluctuate. He was already angry at himself for letting this happen, although, it truly wasn't his fault. Preston turned to look at Dahlia, simply shaking his head trying to tell her that it wasn't going to fly with Derek. He followed as Derek carried Scott to his room. Preston sat on his bed across from the one where Scott was no laying. He didn't want his friend to wake up alone. Preston knew what that felt like and he didn't want him going through it.

Dahlia didn't wait for a response from Derek before returning to the chair. She had gotten the feeling from Preston's gesture that it wouldn't help either way. Dahlia should have figured the angry alpha would turn things on everyone else, rather than himself for letting this happen. It was quite obvious what the situation really was about but she wouldn't say anything about it. Dahlia sat in silence in the chair, watching Scott be carried upstairs.
"God he's such a selfish bastard no wonder everybody he loves leaves him" Cole said walking away and grabbing a bag of blood and sinking his teeth in.. HE then walked over too Amari draping an arm around her and nuzzling into her incredibly warm body still sipping on the coagulated liquid
Amari looked at Cole as he sat beside her. "This is clearly a rough time for their pack. Try not to intrude, it's for the best." She spoke calmly although her insides told her to scream at him. The rudeness between the two was disgusting and she didn't want Cole putting himself in the middle of this. Amari sighed and let herself lean into Cole a bit.

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