Collins Academy

Caricon then sat down and got his applications out. This women had a sent, something was wrong about her. He set down his papers and straightened his toga. He looked at the brief case and signed. He probeley wasn't going to get this job. He then looked up waiting.

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In a matter of moments a girl with short brown hair and a pair of glasses walked in. She had a suit type wear, much like the other woman and in retrospect looked like her except she had brown hair framing her face as apposed to the other woman's dark black long hair. She smiled warmly and closed the door behind her. She was a vampire too, they were siblings her and Mary.

"Hello Sir, Cricorn, my name is Mindi Collins, I hear you needed a job interview?" She threw her hand out for a shake from the elf. She was about as tall as Mary (She stands six eight or so) and entirely just as sweet. "Please excuse the lateness of my arrival, I was busy getting people situated in the dorms. I know you should be heading back soon so shall we get this on a roll?" She took a seat in Mary's chair smiling and reached out for his resumé and whatever else he had to hand her.
He smiled as he handed her his remise' the only thing black was his age. There was no way he would put anything that would involve his past. He then looked out the window. "You know it's a beautiful day. Not as best as it is at Rome, but its nice." He then looked at her. "You a vampire aren't you." He saw her teeth when she smiled. (She did that right?) His eyes then went wide. "Not that there is anything wrong with vampires." He then smiled painfully.

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{Normally my vampires assume a human form (Except Mary She assumes her vampire form all the time, only her eyes change colour) So normally no, when they smile you would not see their fangs but since I have not found a suitable picture for Mindi as of yet I will accept it.}

Mindi started looking over the resumé "Ah, I s-" She paused her vampireness being brought into the light, her smile faded instantly and she placed the resumé down. "Sunsets are nice in rome, a bit warm for my taste, I prefer Northern anywhere personally." She said and looked at the man, something about him seemed off, Mindi was not sure what it was, a distant past? Something was blocking her vampire powers and though she was educated not to use them on a creature without their 100% knowledge on the fact they were using them, so she did not push it.

"It seems you have forgotten your age, this is important that we know this, Mary will not be able to heal you properly without this knowledge if you were hurt, we understand confidentiality but we need to know at least that, and it seems other then that there is really no other person more qualified for the job, except Zephyr but he is like a 7 year old child. As for the vampire thing, yes I am one. It does not matter though our coven for years has been drinking a blood supplement. So you are safe" She was wondering if that was right to state, right to mention he would be safe or not when technically he did not have the job as of yet.
Caricon smiled when she talked about Rome. He then frowned when she asked his age. "I am the last elf in existence. I can take care of myself." He then put his hand to his head."I remember the time when vampires drank blood." He then signed. "If you must know I am somewhere around 2,000 years old. He then rubbed his head as Heart came flying in. She landed on his shoulder and Caricon smiled. "I am 2013 years old if you must know." He then smiled, acting like a different person. "Know where were we?"

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Austen walks up to the school "Collins Academy? What kind of dumbass name is that?" Already he starts to hear the thoughts if the weaker minded people and he puts his headphones in to shut it out. "At least the uniform isn't that retarded."'he walks inside the office examining the room then walking up to the desk "Austen C. Sky, where am I supposed to go" he asks impatiently
Capricorn grumbled having enough with the boy already. "Shh shh. The immortals are talking." He then turned to the vampire and smiled. "So do I have my job." As he said this heart flew off of Caricon's shoulder and around the boy. Before landing back on Caricon's shoulders. Looking at the boy.

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"Ah, well, I assume so. Tomorrow the school will be opening at 7 sharp in the morning for the day class students. I assume most if not all the supposed night class students will skip but they are vampires that cannot be helped sunlight tends to weaken us." Mindi smiled and though the man seemed distracted she threw her hand out to shake, she knew that Mary would handle the less then deserving child up front if it was her, she would have hurt the boy and she knew it so she let Mary handle this.

Mary smiled at the boy "ah well it seems we have a room for you," she pulled out a paper looking down the list and saw Maximus was to be roomed with him. "So Maximus here will be your roommate, ah, Sirius." A boy with silver hair walked into the room: he was pulling at the collar of his jet black with red decades uniform like it was too tight when normally this time of night he would be shirtless. He glanced up his ice blue eyes less then wanting, it almost seemed as if this boy inherited the traits of anyone he was around. Right now he was feeling malnourished from blood and bored.
"Would you take these boys to their room?" Mary questioned the boy who seemed he was less deserving then her. {sorry!!!}
Austen looks around the room half listening to what is being said to him "whatever get it over with my time is being wasted" he starts scratching his head "damn the idiots voices are braking in" he turns up his headphones to drown them out "ill never be able to sleep in this hell hole"
Sirius having been fed up with the boy seconds after entering the room, he picks the boy listening to music slinging him over his shoulder and begun walking to the door motioning at Maximus to come with him. He then smiled at Mary boy slung on his shoulder and nearly yanking like he was tiered instead of what he really was which was bored. {currently the guy playing Maximus is AWOL.... So... I shall resort to a bit of godmoding even though technically it is in my rules not to do that; I will kick myself in the rear.... On a later date.}
Austen was at first surprised at the random action of the person now carrying him then he was annoyed "I suggest you let me go" he says in a very not caring voice while he looks threw his music playlist "or at least carry me better, you rather bad at it" he says now with a bit of a taunting tone in his voice not helping his situation at all
Sirius growled at that moment and lifted the boy like he was smaller then paper. "Boy, if you complain one more time I'm going to throw you from a two story window and pray you don't survive now quit being a (insertcusswordhere) and be happy you were requested to join this academy or getting out alive will be least of your worries." He bared his vampire fangs at the boy to both show his irritation and anger in the boy.

Now he tucked the boy under his arm and motioned to Maximus to keep going. "Alright boys rules are as follows, no one goes to the girls dormitory, it is technically three stories high, blah blah blah." He passed under the schools arch and walked to his right to a set of spiral stairs. "All you have to do is no fighting in the dorms and be nice to eachother, you hear that?" He asked addressing the boy under his name. "That requires you to not be (instertwhatevercusswordyouenterederilerhere) okay?" Sirius set the boy down in front of the second story of the males dorm hall on the first door.

{it's night in the roleplay I have no idea what to do...Flynn is supposed to be role playing with me but he went AWOL and I don't have any female characters...}
You could always make one) Austen chuckles hearing him "if land safely" he decides to enjoy the free ride and actually listens to the explanations "fine, fine" he wouldn't challenge the authority just yet he should analyze everyone more. It might even be possably that this school might be interesting
{Ahhhhh ~thinks~ I'm not sure which character to choose from... ~Has literally a hundred characters (technically a hundred and one) what kind of girl would be perfect for your character? Respond to this in the registration page please?}
Caricon had had it. He was insulted. And you don't insult a Roman, elf or not. His eye started blinking as he pulled out his sword and broke it in half. (Sorry if it's god moddy. He only does it when he is mad and doesn't have anything else to do.) He then turned to the vampire and smiled painfully. He out his sword back in two peices, as Heart took off. She flew to where the boy was and landed on his head before pecking it, twice.
Hunnyhelp said:
Caricon had had it. He was insulted. And you don't insult a Roman, elf or not. His eye started blinking as he pulled out his sword and broke it in half. (Sorry if it's god moddy. He only does it when he is mad and doesn't have anything else to do.) He then turned to the vampire and smiled painfully. He out his sword back in two peices, as Heart took off. She flew to where the boy was and landed on his head before pecking it, twice.
(I'm not sure who's this is for, sword?)
So this is the lame school they decided to stick me in now, huh? Flynn thought to himself as he entered the academy. If it had been his choice, he wouldn't have bothered. He was 18, shouldn't he make decisions for himself? He let an aggravated sigh and stomped into the main office. Damn. I hate this place already.
He glanced at the guy who had talked to him. "Like I'd want your help." He said, a rude condescending edged to his voice.
Caricon was outraged. He got up with a evil glare in his eye looking straight at the boy. "You have no idea who you are talking to kid." Heart then came screeching in landing on Caricon's shoulder. "Now both ancient being we're looking at the boy.
He looked at you with a lazy expression, as if he didn't care who you were. "Tch. Is that all? Man I've seen cats who are scarier than you." He said, leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. He was not in the mood to fight right now, because if he did, his foster parents wouldn't let him hear the end of it.
"If I were you I would bow, because you are standing in front of one of the few immortals alive." Heart then landed on the boys head and pecked him. "Now tell me what you need, in a polite way. Then we can move on." He then looked at the kid annoy. Nobody makes fun of a roman. He then ripped the boys jacket off and ripped it in half. "Now. Are there still cats scarier then me!!!!!"
He couldn't help but laugh. He hated that jacket anyway. "Gee lemme think.....Yes." He said sarcastically. Pissing people off is what he did best, and it wasn't easy to piss him off in return.

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