The Lodge

The wolf successfully tore apart countless campers, it's muzzle splattered with blood and his fur matter in the substance. A wild look formed in its gaze over time, the screams of terror still ringing in its ears as it sped off, leaping up onto a rock, gazing down at the town. It arched its back once more, his muzzle pointing towards the moon in the starry sky. It let out a low, loud howl that surely echoed all the way to the lodge before leaping down and stalking into town.

It invaded multiple gas stations, killing the people working or getting gas there, and, leaving the mangled bodies hanging out of the cars. Soon the wolf was invading houses, killing mothers, children, fathers, babies.. Pets. Soon the Alpha ran back into the woods, in total 7 houses were raided, 3 gas stations and some of the police that were on patrol. The wolf, feeling accomplished let Scott have control. Scott, now a half-naked 20 year old crumbled onto the forest floor, more blood stained his frame that was certainly not his. Soon salty tears were dripping down his cheeks and his voice cracked into a sob.
Ivory watched Preston raise his head to glance at her - and her own frantic features faltered with a sharp pang of both guilt and sadness upon seeing his face. His expression just seemed . . . broken. Pale, and from what she could tell, beginning a slow descent into panic upon hearing her words. This made her own stomach twist into a very uncomfortable knot of guilt that nearly made her cringe, wishing that this event hadn't happened now. This poor werewolf had been through so much that day - just looking into his eyes was enough to tell at least that much and, very sadly, much more. She listened to his tone, hopeless and confused, and could hear the edge of hysteria growing in his voice. He asked why, and even though she probably knew it was rhetorical - maybe, she shrugged and shook her head, just as much confusion reflecting in her eyes.

He stood, and she could just barely make out his fingers twitching. This caused her eyes to widen in alarm, unsure if he was really going to spiral into hysteria or not - and heard his frantic question. She simply kept still, communicating her oblivious answer silently with bright, sympathetic eyes. She watched him question himself before he walked up to her and placed his hands on her arms, telling her to stay with Scott and tell him that he was gone to find Heather. She nodded without hesitation, and he darted out the door, leaving her and an unconscious Scott in the room. She felt herself huff a sigh and went to Preston's bed, settling herself down and watching Scott with intense, concentrated eyes, making sure he didn't twitch or start randomly dying or catching on fire or something - because with all that had happened, it really could seem to happen.

A few minutes or so passed, and she heard a small cry come from Scott's form - which made her twitch and tense into place. She couldn't speak, remaining quiet as he rested back onto the pillow, but then suddenly sat up. He glanced at her - something that, upon seeing the strange emotion flaring in his eyes, made her flinch slightly - and said a very flat, final remark that he was going. She stood slowly to protest and tell him what Preston told her to do, but he was gone before she could speak, leaving her standing with her breath hitched in her throat and quite still. There was silence for a moment before she felt the entire lodge shake with a very, very loud sound of something splintering off of wood. Her eyes widened, and she felt herself bounding out of the room and leaning off of the top of the stairs to check -

. . .

Oh. The door was laying on the ground. Ripped right off the hinges. She felt her eyes widen in shock for about a minute, blinking once or twice in between, before she felt her head shaking slowly, feeling her heart sinking. A werewolf in enough rage to do that - an Alpha werewolf, no less - was dangerous. She had no idea what he would do, but there was nothing that she could do now. He was where she couldn't retrieve him, and she knew she was absolutely no match for him, anyways. She felt herself trudge back to her room and shut her door, sick of people slamming doors in this house, and flopped onto her bed, feeling very overwhelmed by her sadness and defeat and guilt and everything at this point.

= - = - =

[ I'm sorry about the non-descriptiveness, I'm in a bit of a hurry. ]
[Gotta get to bed now guys but I'll reply first thing tomorrow morning! I would have posted one more tonight but the internet app on my phone crashed right in the middle of my reply and I lost it... :( So I'll try again tomorrow.]
[sorry @oOBubblesOo ! Didn't mean to lock up Preston! It's just really hard to type on my phone, especially when it keeps crashing and I keep losing posts... :( :( So go ahead and have him respond to Scott if you want! Heather's a histerical mess anyway so I doubt she'd go anywhere if Preston told her not to. xD ]
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(Aww mama mcall :(

Meghan heard the enraged howl's that could only belong to another alpha,but decided against responding seeing as how this was not her pack therefore none of her business)
(Ok guys, the rules of this role play are more then 3 sentences. @Ian Drake every post you make is a one liner. I may be stressing it a bit but I personally can't stand them. Adding detail to your posts always seems to help me.)
(@Sock i was away for ages cus it wasn't giving me the updates so i'm only getting back into it again and before i had started using the 3 sentence rule when i had)
[QUOTE="Ian Drake](@Sock i was away for ages cus it wasn't giving me the updates so i'm only getting back into it again and before i had started using the 3 sentence rule when i had)

(Then that gives you the opportunity to write longer posts. I'm not gonna rant its just a pet peeve of mine.)
The way Heather huddled underneath the giant rock would remind you much of a small mouse, afraid to come out into the open. A pitiful mess she was. Her eyes were red and puffy while hot, salty tears stained her cheeks.

Finally after several moments of deciding what to do, a small, thin hand extended from beneath the overhang and slipped into Preston's larger, rough one.

"I suppose hide and seek is really what I do best," Heather answered timidly, trying to hide the quiver in her voice. However, she really only succeeded in causing more tears to overflow from her deep brown eyes. Stumbling to her feet with Preston's help, she furiously rubbed her eyes with her fists, trying to combat the onslaught. They just kept coming, though, and finally the wolf girl just buried her face into Preston's chest, crying softly.

"I'm sorry, all I ever seem to do is mess up..." she sobbed softly, her voice muffled by his shirt.
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Scott slowly stood from his collapsed position on the ground. His dark eyes were lightly bloodshot and lined with red. He bundled up his fists and lifted his hands, using the knuckles of his index fingers to swipe away his tears. He slowly limped to the waterfall, sulking under the water and squeezing his eyes shut, letting the water wash away the blood that was splattered over his skin. Soon he felt his chest and throat start burning from lack of air and he stumbled to stand up, once he surfaced he look a deep, gasping breath of air.

Scott wandered helplessly back to the lodge after his 'bath'. Bullet holes from the hunters were still slowly closing, but the pain was numbed by the cold water and his self-pity. He walked into the lodge, keeping, his gaze dimmed and distant until he opened the door to his room, tearing off the bloody blankets and laying, completely soaking in his bed. His back rose and fell with his quivered, silent sobs, his wide hands covering his face from the world.

After a few moments of sobbing Scott willed himself up. He put on a baggy white v-neck and some blue plaid pajama pants. He made his way down the stairs and hesitated when he heard his phone ringing. He glanced at the kitchen counter where he had left it and stepped off of the last step. He made his way over and put the phone to his ear, leaning against the counter, his eyes trained on the floor.

Is Scott McCall present? This is the police.

"Yes.. Scott McCall is present."

There were attacks of a wild animal in town tonight and I'm terribly sorry to say that your mother, Ms. McCall was one of the victim's.

That was enough to crumble the walls of Scott McCall's world down. He let his phone slip from his fingertips and fall against the wooden flooring with a soft 'pang'. He stared at the wall with his lips parted until a tear snaked its way down his cheek. He heard the police call out his name multiple times before the dial tone rang. Following the first tear were multiple others before he snaked down the wall and onto the floor, his hands rising to cup his watering eyes, his short nails digging into his head as the first, cracked sob left his lips.

Cole heard something fall to the ground with a loud smack,getting up and seeing it was Scott he went to go find Derek. He walked up to the mans room and knocked on the door "Derek,are you in there? Something wrong with Scott and I don't know what to do"
Derek grunted a low "Hes not a child. He can take care of himself." Derek had his arms behind his head, his eyes closed and his frame sprawled out over the bed. He didn't care about the drama, and he surely didn't want to go downstairs to get crammed in the middle of it. "Hes not in my pack." Derek added simply, yawning lowly and standing to eye the window.
"oh okay" Cole was conflicted he wanted too help,but his last encounter with a werewolf wasn't a pleasant one and so he decided to leave it be. Meanwhile Meghan was on her way downstairs to get something too eat only to be greeted by an incapacitated young alpha. She bent down to him shaking him a little bit "Are you okay?" She knew he wasn't obviously ,but she didn't know what else to say
(Dude, when anyone is just figuring out that its their fault that their only parent died will not want to be talked to or touched.)
(She doesn't know that,and the guy is sprawled out on the kitchen floor even if it wasn't me somebody was going to ask him what happened lmao common sense)

Noticing the boy not budging Meghan just kind of left him there "He's a werewolf so whatever injuries he has will heal soon enough" she said walking into the kitchen and beginning to cook
Preston wrapped his arms around Heather. "Don't say that.. You haven't done anything wrong." He closed his eyes and kissed the top of her head. Preston turned his head, looking off into the woods. He could smell something... off. Preston couldn't manage to decipher what the smell was but he soon felt an overwhelming feeling take over. He pulled Heather close to him, still scanning the trees. "I think we need to head back now," his voice was softer, a bit shaky as well. Preston didn't want to worry her anymore but he did know he needed to get her out of the woods. More feelings had started to bubble over, almost as if trying to cover up one another. Preston soon felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest. He released Heather from his arms, grasping at his chest with a hand. The pain remained steady. He pushed in with his hand, releasing it when the pain calmed. "Something's not right." Preston knew he hadn't been shot; the pain was something he had encountered before. Almost like a second degree wave of something that someone else was dealing with. Preston realized then that something was seriously wrong. He grasped Heather's arm, tightly. "Scott.." he whispered before turning towards the lodge.
Heather's entire body shook slightly but as soon as Preston's arms wrapped her up in his tender embrace, her sensitive nerves seemed to calm and she relaxed, leaning into his warmth and comfort. As he told her it wasn't her fault, she gave up protesting and simply nodded, her nimble fingers still clutching his shirt. After Preston leaned forward and kissed her comfortingly on the forehead, she melted into him and rested her head in the nook of his shoulder at the base of his neck and sighed deeply, letting her soft lips gently graze the skin of his neck.

The peaceful moment didn't last long, however, when suddenly Preston stumbled backwards and doubled over, clutching his chest and groaning. Heather's eyes widened and she lightly grasped his shoulders, concern written all over her gently features. "Preston..? Preston, what's wrong?" she exclaimed worriedly, praying that it wasn't the Hunters back for revenge.

When the male werewolf reached out and clutched her hand, instructing her that they needed to go, Heather didn't protest and nodded quickly. "Of course," she agreed. She knew what he meant by something feeling off. Last time she'd felt something weird, there had been a Hunter hiding out in the bushes. she wasn't taking any chances this time... Clutching his hand, Heather quickly followed Preston back in the direction of the mansion.
Preston glanced over at Heather as they headed to the lodge. "I don't understand what I'm feeling I just know it's not right." He tightened his grip on her hand a bit, walking forward more rushed. Preston felt as if the feeling was there and becoming more intense. The feeling, although growing stronger, was beginning to calm more often rather than stay steady. Preston stopped walking and leaned against a tree. He didn't want to get caught by any surrounding hunters so he pushed on forward. When they reached the front of the lodge, Preston hesitated. He looked over his shoulder, left to right, and continued only after making sure nobody was around. Preston took a deep breath before resting his hand on the door knob. The feeling had become more persistent and he was well aware that something here was the issue.

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