The Lodge

Preston smiled, listening to everything she had said made him think. He was more worried about helping her at the moment and didn't really want to think about the other situation. Preston knew the friendship would be fixed it would simply take some time. "Yeah, sure I can do that." He balanced himself in a half upright position, putting his arm around her again. Preston could feel the skin around the wound tugging itself into place, slowly but surely. He smiled as he maneuvered himself in a way to help her stand. "It's getting there," he said softly to her before pausing, waiting for her help. Preston was simply glad that it was healing and nothing more extensive seemed to be needed. The possibility of he death rang throughout his head when he saw the bullet. Preston glanced at Ivory and Isaac, a smile coming across his face. He was really glad that Isaac was happy and not being harassed by Damon or Cole at the moment. Preston turned his gaze to Ivory, mouthing a thank you as means to not break up the interaction between her and Isaac. He turned his head back to look at Heather, "You ready?"
One of Ivory's eyes opened up slightly when he felt two gazes on her, and she glanced to the side towards where they originated from. They both appeared to be coming from the other pair over there - Heather and Preston. Heather's seemed thoughtful, definitely in a positive way, as she let her gaze rest on her intimate moment with Issac. Preston's gaze seemed . . . thankful. He had a small smile on his lips - in fact, both of them did. She watched the two, but let her one-eyed, brightened gaze dart towards Preston when she saw him do a movement towards her, even though rather small. His lips moved and mouthed a silent thank you over in her direction.

Before she closed her eyes once more, she flashed him a tiny, quirky half smile, both of her eyes opening momentarily. Before she could lose his gaze, she made brief eye contact and shot him a wink - which seemed to just communicate so much more than just a silly little returning gesture. Almost a silent phrase of "Any time" communicated in it, and she then let her eyes close again, relaxing herself back against Issac's chest, letting her mind drown back into the emotion-filled moment.

= - = - =

[ There we go. I couldn't resist just slipping this in real quick. ]
Issac hummed and smiled slightly. "Ivory?" He planted a gentle kiss to her shoulder, rearranging his hands to rest ontop of hers, lacing his longer fingers with her thin ones. "I like you a lot." He whispered, gazing down at their laced fingers with a slight smile. He rested his forehead against her shoulder, closing his bright eyes.

Scott glanced at the vampire, his red eyes narrowing. "What do you want?" He snapped in his lower tone. He wasn't a wolf at the moment, but he was wolfed out, his lips didn't close the entire way because of his oversized canines, his underbite showing.
That familiar electricity arc feeling danced across Heather's skin yet again as his muscled arms slid around her waist in order to prepare himself so he could help her stand. She said a silent prayer in her head that she was so pale at the moment or else her face would have lit up like a neon red carnival sign at Preston's touch. She didn't know why her body continued to react as such around him and frankly it was a bit embarrassing. What if he thought she was some creep with a dirty mind? Because that wasn't it at all! She just felt safe, secure...and loved when around him, and she couldn't help the images of his bare chest that continued to surface every once in a while, no matter how hard she tried to force them to the back of her mind. Her wolf kept telling her that they were made for each other, and at this moment, she was almost tempted to believe it no matter how crazy it sounded.

When Preston asked her if she was ready, Heather nodded timidly in response, clenching her teeth together and bracing herself for the inevitable sting in her side that she knew was coming. "I..I'm ready," she assured him, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Once more she attempted to lift herself from the chair, though this time it was much easier with Preston's careful hands guiding her all the way. She knew if she happened to fall, he would be right there to catch her. A small whimper escaped her lips as a fierce burn leapt across her left side, her sensitive pain receptors set ablaze by the movement of her injury, but she pressed on, determined to at least get back on her feet.

It was painfully slow, methodical work, but Heather finally managed stand up, a bit hunched over as she relied heavily on Preston for support, but standing nonetheless. Looking towards the flight of stairs leading to the second floor, she swallowed hard and tried to figure out how she was going to get all the way up to her claimed bedroom on the second floor.
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"I need you too help me catch hunters that are on their way back too the lodge trying too kill our friends and I can't tell the difference between their scents and yours" Cole said a little annoyed "Now track them please before it's too late"
Scott gave Cole a look. He was in full control of his actions at the moment. "Since when did I have to follow your rules? I don't even know you." He growled lowly, his long claws dragging along the tree behind him. "Go back and warn the others." He said lowly before shoving by the vampire and quickly running off after the hunters scent
As Ivory relaxed once more, she heard Issac do a small hum, which she felt slightly in his chest. Her head started to loll to the side again as she felt herself do a very absentminded smile, feeling like humming herself - it would probably be the best way to express how she felt about these quite loving and tender actions. Her almost luminescent eyes had closed again, and she looked incredibly peaceful in her features, as if she were sleeping, even though she was fully awake to experience the lovely moment - although, admittedly, she was a bit lost in her own fanciful, blissful imagination as she felt the depth and sincerity of each gesture he did.

Her eyes opened half-way when she heard him murmur her name, and her head tilted to the side he was facing a small degree to respond with a very silly sounding "Hmm?" It sounded as if she was either drunk or extremely tired, but it was cute nonetheless. She felt the kiss on her shoulder, and her wistful, delighted little smile seemed to grow further. His hands shifted, and her expression became slightly distressed before it relaxed again once she felt his warm hands now resting on top of hers, his fingers intertwining with hers. This simply made her heart feel even fuzzier - his hands were pretty big compared to her own, yet his touch indicated that he knew how delicate she was, and took note of it with his perfect grip. This made her heart do a weird flip, and she let out a singular, tiny giggle of a laugh just for a very brief second before lapsing back into her blissful silence.

The remark he made very nearly made her chuckle. By now, it seemed fairly obvious that that was the case, yet she didn't mind that he had said that. His head rested on her shoulder, and she whispered back to him in a subtly playful manner, "I like you as well, Issac. Quite a lot." She leaned down and managed a soft nuzzle on his cheek, her smile a bit smaller, yet just as passionate as ever.
Issac simply nodded. He saw Preston and Ivory mouthing to each other and he just inwardly laughed. He probably looked stupid, but it didn't matter. He rose a hand to tilt Ivory's gently. He gazed at her gently, smiling sheepishly before he quickly fitted his lips to hers. His eyes closed soon after the kiss began, his thumb drifting over her cheek softly.
Cole reluctantly did as he was told "Damn werewolf I'll sink my teeth into him yet" Werewolves have a better sense of smell than vampires,but vampires were much faster and in a matter of minutes Cole was back at the lodge. He walked and spoke "Listen up,The hunters heard someone howl and have figured out that the lodge is in this direction. I managed to kill one of them but during my feeding I lost the rest of them,Scott chased after them but we all need too be ready just in case."

Meghan came downstairs hearing the commotion and growled as she could smell the scent of human's near her eye's flashing a pale crystal blue and her canines elongating protruding out of her upper lip for the world to see :I can smell them" she snarled
Preston winced as if he had felt her pain. He knew having her stand would cause the pain to come back once more but it seemed a bit worse. Preston looked at his, making sure she was okay before they went any further. He began eyeing the staircase as they got closer. Preston knew it would be too much for her to support herself up the stairs, even with his help. He looked around for a moment, trying to think of something they could possibly use to help. That's when the simplest idea came to him. Preston looked at Heather, "I'm going to have to carry you," he tried to give her a small warning before what came next. Preston quickly, but gently, shifted his arm from around her back in order to grab her legs with his other arm. He lifted her legs up, still supporting her back. Preston now held Heather in his arms, a smile played across his face. A single vein in his left arm pulsated as he held her. Her weight had almost no affect at all and didn't even come close to testing his strength. Preston began walking slowly up the stairs, looking at Heather after each step, making sure she was still conscious and somewhat comfortable.

Amari heard voices up ahead and she scurried forward through the trees. She came to an abrupt stop when she saw Cole and Scott talking. Scott was almost entirely wolfed out and Amari knew it could be a bad sign for Cole. Though she was intrigued by Scott's build and manner, she was more worried about Cole who could be getting himself into something not worth it. She could tell Scott was upset, which was quite understandable under the circumstances. Amari flinched when Scott rushed off, forcing Cole to start off in the other direction. Amari wanted to head back to the lodge as well but she wanted to see the hunters they were up against. If Cole had killed one, was there really only one left? Or were there more? No matter beta or alpha, Scott may need back up and she was willing to help. Amari made her way, slipping through the trees effortlessly following Scott a short, but safe, distance away.

Parker had managed to fall asleep after his quick bag of blood. He had slipped off into his overwhelming dreamworld and nothing had disturbed him yet. Parker's dream began to progress from a simple, happy dream into a nightmare about the family he once had. The reoccurring images of his mother being slaughtered alongside his father in a battle brought him quickly back into the reality. He flickered his eyes open noticing the fancily dressed man standing in the doorway. Eyeing him for a moment, the suit and top hat seemed a bit much but style was different for him, Parker figured. He stood up from the chair, clearing his throat. "May I.. Help you?" He spoke in his deep, smooth tone to the man.

Marina waited for the majority of people to leave the room before standing again. She as worried about a lot of things and the only person she knew may have the answers was Derek. The guy who had practically saved her life without knowing it and hasn't really said much. Marina wandered over slowly towards Derek, glancing around the room. She turned her gaze to look at him before stopping a few feet away. Marina didn't know where to start with any of her question but she hoped he may be more open to expressing the answers when she did muster her words.
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Ivory felt one of his hands unlock from one of hers, and her eyes glanced down to follow it up until she felt his fingers tilt her chin up towards him delicately. Her eyes seemed to open just a bit wider, her shimmering pools of gold liquified and bright, her expression becoming innocently curious, yet content all the same. He flashed her a sheepish grin, which she was about to return in her own strange way - that is, before her lips were occupied with his own.

Her eyes widened for a moment, her body having an automatic reaction of shock. She blinked once, his blue eyes remaining open for a moment, staring quite intensely into her own. After a few seconds had passed, her emotions came back into control of her physical reactions, and her gaze began to calm, almost seeming to melt into a strange, content serenity with the action. Her own eyes closed along with his, feeling his thumb tracing lightly across her cheek. His lips seemed to just shape perfectly to her own, and she found him to be a pretty good, smooth kisser - which was something she had never quite expected from a silly boy like Issac. Yet . . . she was slightly grateful that he was. Glad that he was.

She felt her free hand raise up slightly to rest on his hand intertwined with her other, and she enjoyed the kiss. It seemed that her senses were kind of just . . . melting into the moment. His scent was most prominent, a scent which she noticed smelled faintly of cinnamon within the woodsy traces; his warmth just saturated her cold temperature; even his lips seemed to feel nice on hers. She let herself fade from the reality surrounding them and just kissed Issac, unaware of what else was going on around her, almost intoxicated.
Heather paused her actions to peer up at her guardian as he seemed to also be evaluating the situation. She didn't even have time to process his next suggestion before suddenly she found herself being lifted effortlessly into Preston's strong, protective arms bridal style. She couldn't help feeling like a small child, gazing up at him from the position she was in, her eyes wide as her brain finally registered what had just happened. As he had carefully yet surely swooped the girl up into his arms, the blanket had slipped from her shoulders, but frankly at the moment she didn't care. Smiling warmly, she shivered as the cool air drifted across her now bare stomach and she curled into Preston, pressing her forehead into his chest while gripping the folds of his shirt with her nimble fingers much like a child would hold on to her mother's skirt.

"Thank you... To tell you the truth, I was drawing a blank when trying to figure out how I was going to get up those stairs," she chuckled in his mind, her eyes now closed as she let his warmth seep into her once more, "I'm sorry, I hope I'm not a bother! I feel so...helpless right now."

Heather crinkled her nose cutely in frustration when she thought about her current situation. She may have been shy but inside, but she hated appearing weak, like she couldn't handle herself. Opening one deep chocolate eye, she peered up at him, hoping he didn't feel like he had to babysit her.
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Charles starts twirling the cane, he looks around the room "sorry about the broken window I was in a hurry" he looks at the man speaking to him "names Charles, pleased to meet you, I was being hunted and this looked safe so I decided to well, drop in, or dive in is a better term for it. Seems the hunters stopped following but I might have led them here." He inspects his attire for dirt
Preston smiled and shook his head. You're certainly not a bother at all. If I didn't want to help, would I be? He turned his eyes to look at her, a smirk on his face. They reached the top of the stairs soon after and Preston bent down to help her stand again. Preston looked from door to door. "Which one is yours?" He kept his arm securely around her waist for support. Preston hadn't exactly thought about her getting dressed without help but she should feel okay by now. He certainly didn't want to offer help and make her think he has different intentions. Preston looked at her before gesturing for her to lead the way. He thought for a moment about his failing gesture, seeing as how she couldn't really lead. "Ignore that..." He chuckled, rubbing his free hand on the back of his neck a bit awkwardly.

Parker shrugged at the man. "Not exactly my window to worry about. I'm sure we'll fix it at some point." He watched as Charles twirled the cane around. "My name's Parker," he said before taking a step further out of the area of the chair. "The hunters tend to come around more during the week of the full moon. Though the week is almost over, they may be around for awhile since the incident earlier." Parker turned his gaze to look out on the land, scanning the treeline. His gaze floated back to Charles, not sure if he should turn his back to the man.
I see, there are many scents here. How many live in this home" he begins to walk threw the house not bothering to watch the man "it's a rather nice place" he sits on a chair and leans in making himself at home "mmmm comfy.... How do you get to live here? Is there a spot open?" He's very direct for a stranger in others home.
"I suppose you have a point now, don't you?" That mischievous reflection in her eyes was back as Preston effortlessly carried her all the way up the stairs. Once she had her feet firmly planted on the ground once more, she glanced up and down the hallway, using one hand to brush her hair out of her face. The more time she spent with Preston, the better she seemed to feel, wound and all. Though her body still looked quite thin from not having had enough to eat before coming to the lodge, her face was beginning to regain some color and her mood even lightened somewhat. However, she did feel a bit dizzy and gladly hung onto Preston.

"I believe it's down at the end of the hall. I didn't really know any of the girls when I first moved in here so I chose a solitary room instead of one with roommates," Heather explained, motioning down the hall with her free arm. When he gestured for her to lead the way but then quickly retracted his statement, she couldn't help herself and laughed, even though it jarred her wound, making her wince on the inside. "Sure, making the bullet wound victims the tour guides now are we? Some host you are," she joked, shaking her head and tsking her tongue. Her eyes gave away her failed attempt to try and look serious.

Little by little, they shuffled down the hall, though Heather's steps were definitely getting better, her strides lengthening as the wound had finally stopped bleeding. Once they reached her room, she pushed open the door, having not closed it all the way last time she left. Making her way to her bed, she allowed Preston to lower her down to a sitting position on the soft comforter and she sighed in relief. "Made it," she exclaimed softly though triumphantly. Swiveling her head and bending over, she grimaced, however, when she saw the blood soaked bandage. The gauze definitely needed to be changed and her injury probably needed another round of ointment to help with the sting.
(okay so is nobody acknowledging the fact that cole just otld everyone hunters are on the way or is everyone in different rooms?)
(Everyone's in different rooms but I think Scott's supposed to be taking care of the hunters; for now.)

Parker looked at Charles, "There's twenty one of us, including myself. There isn't a waiting list or anything so if you'd be interested in living here I'm sure you can just.. Find a room." Parker shrugged, walking in behind the man. The man's build was a bit softer than Parker's was but he supposed it could be because he was a werewolf. Parker leaned against the arm of the couch, "It's composed of vampires and werewolves, both. Sorry if that disappoints you." Parker almost urged the man to say something against vampires in his head. He has been wanting to get into action with someone for awhile but he figured Charles would be too proper.

Preston smiled, shaking his head. "I'm sure Amari wouldn't mind another roommate. Although, you'd be sharing with Dahlia." He paused for a moment thinking about what he said. He didn't think Heather had met Dahlia yet and hoped she didn't, to be honest. "She's a ruthless vampire," he said jokingly to Heather. As the walked to her room he listened to her voice more intently. It was soft, gentle, calm; It made him feel safe. He turned to look at her, a look of mocking awe on his face. "How dare you!" He said, jokingly poking her shoulder gently, "I'm a wonderful host." Preston smiled as they reached her door. "You'll be okay now, right? You can just borrow something of Amari's if you need. I'll mention it to her." He loosened his grip around her waist slightly, checking to see if she would be okay to stand on her own. "I can wait outside if you want, just in case."
Those blood sucking leeches?" He says with a fake angry voice then winks "just kidding, I have no issue with anyone, I mean look at me, I'm weak nothing string about me. Why would I argue when I don't have the strength to back it up?" He says almost mockingly but he doesn't let on his true tone. Something about what he said was a obvious lie, he didnt appear that strong, but he sure had alot if confidence for someone as weak as he says. "I would love to stay," he reaches into his pocket in his jacket and pulls out a flask made of silver and took a drink he then lifts it up towards the man "cheers? I'm sorry what was your name againL
[Alrighty guys, I gotta get some sleep now. I'll be on tomorrow though! :3]

Tilting her head to the side, Heather considered his proposition about being roommates with Amari. She'd already met the sweet girl, and they seemed to have gotten off on a great start, chattering on about boys and other girly things she normally hadn't had the opportunity to talk about with anyone. "Yeah...I would like that," she answered, a positive expression written on her face, though she chewed on her lip nervously hearing that she'd also be sharing a room with a vampire. Dahlia...she was sure she had heard that name around, probably because she was popular at the lodge.

Giggling softly, Heather nodded. "Of course you are," she answered to his remark about being a wonderful host. Folding her hands in her lap, she gazed up into his worried expression and smiled. "Yes, I think I'll be alright. Though, I probably will need some more gauze to re-wrap my injury," she explained, glancing down to the dirty crimson bandage. When he offered to wait outside, she blushed slightly at his protective nature, never having had someone hang around to make sure she was alright for some time. It took her way back to when she lived with her caring parents...

Quickly shaking off the sad memories, she tucked her hair behind her ear in that nervous habit of hers and she looked up at him thoughtfully. "I'll be fine. I feel a lot better already. Though I would like to...ask a favor if you don't mind," she began, "That orange you gave me earlier really made me realize how hungry I actually am. But I think I'm going to need some substantial meat as well. It will help the healing process if my body has the nutrients it needs." Reaching up, her gentle hands guided his face down to hers and her soft lips caressed the warm skin of his cheek in a grateful kiss. "Thank you, by the way....just...for everything," she whispered, allowing her chocolate brown eyes to meet his gaze once more. Her thumb drifted across his jawline sensitively and her lips formed an appreciative smile. "I really...don't know what I would have done without you."
Parker looked at the man, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ah.. I suppose that would make sense." He could tell something was up with this guy from the moment he had arrived. Parker didn't know exactly what, but there was something he didn't like. When he pulled out his flask and raised it, Parker watched it go into the air from the corner of his eye. "Parker," he said smoothly. He refused to let the guy and his intentions affect him, for now. Parker wished for a split second that he could taste again so he could have a drink himself. Though, he could still drink. Damon did all the time, sometimes even within the same vicinity as Parker when they were both drinking. That was probably the closest thing to friendship either of the two had.

Preston smiled, feeling reassured that she was okay. "As long as you think you'll be okay..." Feeling her lips against his cheek sent a warm feeling through his face. His cheeks flushed a bit, as he took a step towards the door. "I'm not exactly much of a cook, but I can make a pretty good pizza," he chuckled, "I used to work in a shop so it comes pretty easily by now." Preston shrugged, cocking his head a bit to the side, waiting for a response. He was always glad werewolves could still taste food. After all, that is one of his favorite things. Preston leaned against the doorway looking at Heather. "I can ask Ivory to fix you up whenever she's no longer so busy," he said with a wink.

(I should head to bed too. Goodnight everyone! :3)
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Well Parker I hope we can have a wonderful friendship" then he grinned, something about that one grin was strange, like he caught a glimpse of a dark intention but it quickly shifted to a happy carefree smile "well I should introduce myself to others" he takes off his coat and hangs it up then goes searching for others to introduce himself to, and examine. (Goodnight, sooty for short posts they'll get bigger when I get more into the rp)
Scoot by now was wedged by multiple silver bullets. The pain only made him more angered. His eyes flashed red and he barred his teeth, roaring in outrage before slicing his talons along a hunters throat. 2 down, one to go. He huffed and scent out a desperate howl as he began to grow light headed. He stumbled and soon fell roughly to the ground. The last thing he heard was two angered roars echoing in his ears before he fell unconscious.

Issac parted the second he heard the howl and sprinted out the door, quickly followed by Derek. The alpha was wolfed out and pissed by the time they entered the woods and soon Issac was too. The two roared in sync at the sight of Scott on the ground, nearly bathed in his own blood. Together they mauled the remaining hunter and Issac was quick to grab Scott's limp frame. Derek had calmed, his human features returning but Issac, due to being so freaked out still had golden eyes, similar to 'his' ivory, extended canines, claws, slightly wolfed features and hair sprouted on his cheeks. He carried Scott to the lodge, Derek ushering him to the kitchen, Issac set Scott down and Derek began to use a claw to dig out the bullets that were well imbedded into his system. Once Derek removed the silver beeds Scott's caramel skin began to twitch to attempt to heal. Issac hovered over his friend like a mother hen while Derek washed his hands and slumped back into his chair with his hands covering his eyes.

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