The Lodge

Derek caught Coles words and his fists clenched, his knuckles whitening. He calmly turned on his heel and walked out of the room the Preston was in. Derek rarely snapped, but if his love life or family was mentioned, that was it. He grabbed Cole swiftly by the neck and shoved him against the wall, hard enough to create a dent in the wooden panels. He snarled a low "You don't talk about my personal life. You. Have. No. F*cking. Idea." Derek's voice was low and cruel, he had no issue with tearing this douche's head off, his claws extended and sunk into Cole's cold skin, Derek whispered a low "I just hope you know, this house is made of wood. I can easily tear off a piece and jab it straight into your dead, crumpled little heart." He slammed Cole's head against the wall for good measure, and when he turned his head his eyes were a dark red. He walked upstairs and slammed the door to his room, the sound echoing through the house.
"Damn it..."Selene scoffed as another stray of hair fell out.She needed something to drink and she was determine to get it.Why couldn't she?There is thousands of people down from where she stands;on a roof top of a building,but yet she still stands up there...waiting for the right moment i guess but that wasn't important right now.People now a days are realizing they are real but there is enough people in the world to over power them and make everyone believe differently.She stood up in her leather skin tight black suit with her black leather jacket that went down to her ankles as well to match it all. Wasn't about fashion at all.It was about staying hidden in the dead of night from predators.She walked over to the other edge on the opposite side of where she was standing and jumped down into a empty alley way.She looked up to the sky as a single drop of rain plopped down on her face "Just what i needed"she said to herself.She walked off into the rain and looked around for anyone that might be the victim of her next meal.Once she heard voices she hid in the shadows and watched what was happening."You didn't give me my money!You spent it and now it's time to die!"some rudely aggressive person said.She watched as the other person,probably the one who owed the man money,trembled in fear.She smirked slightly at what was going on.She knew what she had to do and it wasn't like she had a choice either.She walked up to the anger person and stood in front of him"You should be pushing people around like that eh?Pick on someone your own size"she said.The man looked at her up and down"And what are you gonna do about it little girl"he asked teasingly. Selene looked away smiling evilly then back at him quick and in a blink of an eye she was behind him."I'm going to do to you what no one i assume has done to you before."and with that she twisted the guys neck and watched as the other guy ran off.She watched him run cautiously then pulled the now dead guy into the dark alley and sank her teeth into him practically draining all the blood out of him.She took a match and set it on fire then dropped it on the guy and walked away not looking back."Should have just left him alone"she said.She took a secret short cut to the woods where mostly everything laid and found the lodge and jumped from off the tree she was in and onto the roof of the place,squatting down.


Jacob woke up from yet another nightmare and was sweating and breathing heavily.He looked down at his bed which was clawed."Must have been a rough dream.."he said.Jacob couldn't really remember the dreams he had.He just remembered that they were horrible and he didn't want to remember then for any reason at all.He jumped off the top bed and sighed then walked out of the room.He avoided talking to anyone and sat down on the couch trying to think about what just happened.It would be good that he would at least remember something from the dream....a death maybe?He didn't know and it didn't look like he was going to figure it out any time soon either.He just sat there thinking about it.
Ivory felt the tension growing in the room, and she couldn't take it. She felt herself sigh emptily as she decided she could probably use a drink, just to take her mind off of the prospect of helping out, since that was what she supposed to abstain from for the time being. She unwrapped herself from her position, letting her feet touch the ground and standing up. She glanced around at her immediate area and began to stride towards the kitchen, managing to catch a glimpse of Derek taking Scott up the staircase, preston in close pursuit. Her gaze lingered on the forms momentarily before flickering over to a sickly and angry looking Issac - and that's when she looked away. This gave her good reason not to try to comfort him - it might just aggravate him further, and she literally couldn't protect herself against a werewolf in her state of development.

She strode into the kitchen just as Cole strode out of it, but slowed for a moment when her gaze moved from Cole to a towering figure next to the fridge. It was one of the newer guys, Parker. She examined his strange use of the bag of blood, and she felt herself grin dryly as she glanced up at him. She offered in a small tone, a half-hearted smile now taking up her lips, " . . . You sure you don't want a glass for that, hun?" As she offered this, her gaze returned to her opening the fridge door, taking a bag of blood and setting it on the counter as she did her little trek to retrieve two glasses from the tall cabinet - got herself onto the granite, took them out, and lowering herself back down onto the ground.

She took the blood and the two glasses and strode to the granite next to where he leaned, not averting her gaze up to him as she put the glass next to his position. She the opened her bag of blood carefully before dipping it and allowing the sweet crimson liquid to pour into the elegant wine glass like some luxurious drink - even though it was actually the life support of human beings being poured into it. She then glanced up and to the side towards the sink to artfully throw the now emptied, stained bag into it, raising the glass to her lips and taking a good, long sip before setting it on the counter beside her.

She lurched up, a bit startled upon hearing a slam against the wall in the other room. She stood frozen for a moment, hearing a low, very deadly voice murmuring to someone, before another slam sounded - making her flinch - and footsteps thumped up the stairs once more. She stood there for a second before calming and sighing deeply to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes as she stood quite nonchalantly next to Parker, speaking up to him in a monotonic tone of voice, ". . . Apologies for that. It tends to happen sometimes in this place. Conflict and all that."

= - = - =

[ @oOBubblesOo, haven't interacted with your characters much, so here's a little interaction for Parker. :P ]
Charles watched the interaction between cole and Derek and sighed "you really know how to make a welcome home" he says feeling bad for the vampire slightly "you should all take a drink, emotion is to high right now" he keeps searching for tools and finds some in a drawer "now please don't fight it's noisy and I don't think it's good for the wounded" he senses something or someone but ignores it "speaking of is there even a drink around?" As he looks around the faces he noticed how young he is compared to them "well this is an odd feeling"
Amari watched as Derek came at Cole. There was nothing she could really do about the situation but she knew he kind of deserved it. Amari sighed and walked over to Cole who was no slunk on the floor. "Are you gonna be okay?" She knew being a guy he probably would have some slick retort but that didn't matter. Amari wanted to be there for Cole but she could also feel Derek's pain.

Marina watched everything go down so quickly. Her mind was racing from thought to thought, not knowing what to do or stay. She felt like she was glued to her spot, standing in the middle of the room. Marina was scared that Derek may do the things he threatened, but she could also feel the waves of his pain. She too had had issues in her love life as well as her family life. She took up a spot on the couch, giving Derek time to calm down. She wanted to talk to him. Marina thought she could help him feel better and maybe he;d do the same in return.

Parker turned to look at Ivory, his teeth still in the bag. He retracted his fangs, wiping his mouth before responding. "Maybe for the next one," he said softly. The bag was now nearly empty and the glass would have no point of use at this point. Her drained the bag completely and reached for another. Parker looked back at Ivory, his expression blank. He didn't really have much feeling of any kind, or at least, it seemed so. Otherwise he would feel quite thankful that she was willing to talk to him and even offer a glass. Her followed her lead of letting the bag drip blood into the glass, waiting patiently for it to fill. He didn't even flinch at the noise. "Trust me, it ill happen more than just a few times. e should all probably get used to it." Parker shrugged, offering a slight smile to Ivory before he began sipping his glass of crimson juice.
Ivory felt herself chuckle a dry, singular chuckle at the vampire's observation. She reached for her glass, her fingers wrapping around it's sleek surface, holding it near her lips as she stared ahead. "Trust me, I've already gotten used to it. It'll just happen much more often now." Her lips touched the glass and she lifted it to take another long sip of the sweet blood tinged with the usual metallic taste, and she was half reminded of the overly metallic taste of silver she had to get out of Heather - and shivered lightly at the memory. She glanced to the side momentarily to find the guy now using the glass she had offered, and looked back forward with a tiny grin on her lips, lapsing into momentary silence.

This moment of silence passed before she asked him in a joking voice, " . . . So how are you enjoying your stay at the lodge?" Her tone seemed, in a strange way, teasing, yet also in a slightly sarcastic way, since everything had gone to shit tonight - it was even obvious for Ivory. She never felt the need to be sarcastic or dry or monotonic, as she was being now - all of the mixed emotions were just weighing down on her heart at the moment, and her usual sweet side just couldn't take it, so she has put a rare block up, which was also caused slightly by the fact that she was resisting the urge to comfort Issac and offer her help.

But she liked it in the kitchen where she was. The guy next to her had a pretty smooth, calm feeling, even though if a bit emotionless - it still made her feel a strange sense of escape from everything else out there. He was acting quite normally, and that alone seemed to help her at that time. She just held the glass of blood now, finding no real need to set it down, staring ahead, yet feeling the looming, yet collected presence of the vampire next to her the entire time, deciding she might as well hang around the kitchen for a little bit.
Cole laughed at Derek's childish reaction then turning his gaze too Amari "I'm fine honey. I'm no Alpha,but I'm pretty smart and I know how too kill a werewolf rather quickly if need be" Rae's eyes glinted with malice as all fo the dozen's of ways too kill and torture a werewolf popped into his head one after another his malicious smile growing larger with each idea. Cole flicked his gaze over to Amari realizing that she was also a werewolf "She's a wolf too I almost forgot" he thought too himself and his expression changing completely "The guy needs too learn his place and if I'm the one too do it then so be it" Cole drank the last few drops of blood out of the bag throwing it away in the garbage
Parker nodded in agreement. The best part about this place was the little action that they got to see. It always interested him how much more aggressive the werewolves were compared to the vampires who seemed more laid back. He smirked when she asked about his stay. "It hasn't been nearly has blissful as it is tonight," he took another gulp of the liquid, setting the glass back down on the counter. Her leaned back against it, stretching his arms over his head. Parker let his eyes wander over to her. She was petite, very small compared to him. Parker knew she was probably stronger than she looked but he could also tell she was still quite fragile. "So.. You and Isaac, huh?" Her picked up his glass, raising it yet again to his lips. His eyebrow lifted slightly, creating a questioning expression. Parker swallowed the bit of liquid, waiting for Ivory's response.

Amari shook her head, stepping back a bit. "Why do you feel the need to be so aggressive and overbearing?" Her voice was raised slightly, her bit of her anger showing. Amari didn't like that he was so confident in his threats towards werewolves. She didn't trust that, in anyone, not even Cole. "I don't see the need for you to try and be a hero. There's no one who needs saving except two werewolves who have been severely hurt. Their alpha is the one they need, not a vampire who thinks that his words towards their kind, my kind, will only offend one of us. Anything you say or do to hurt their alpha affects all of them and it actually makes you look worse than already assumed." Her anger towards everything began growing, becoming more noticeable as she spoke. Amari's eyes flickered from their natural color to a darker, deep yellow. It was safe to say her buttons had been pushed and Cole just happened to be the one to trigger and receive the outcome.
"If he wasn't so aggressive I wouldn't feel the need to be aggressive back" he said flatly. Cole thought that the situation was rather simple. He wouldn't let the vampires be under minded because they were a more platonic species all they wanted to do was feed and chill unless they were new borns then they were probably worst than werewolves. He did notice Amari getting angry so he just let her vent "If you want to hit me then go ahead if it'll make you feel better,I won't retaliate
"You do realize you started this with your little remark?" Amari laughed out of pure anger, "Why would you even think I'd hit you? Besides, your retaliation would be harmless. You're clearly all bark and no bite," she turned and walked back over to the couch. Amari didn't feel like she was going to get anywhere by yelling at anyone. She felt better after what she had said but her anger still remained. Amari bit her lip, hard, trying to calm herself down by thinking of other things. She almost got up to run outside and lose herself in the wilderness, but then she remembered the hunters.
(@ForgottenBlood you came in in a bad place, everyone is busy right now.) 
Issac, not wanting to talk to any vampires sulks away and sits down next to Amari. He stared at the floor with a quiet "Hey."

He didn't want anyone angry, he was beginning to calm down and he wanted to make sure Amari did too, even if he didn't know her very well. He was just like that. "I'm Issac." He gave her a weak smile, a curl falling into his face.
Ivory couldn't help but allow her lips to twitch momentarily with an amused grin. Even though she didn't exactly agree that all of this contention was blissful, she found his tone and wording just made the response funnier in a weird, almost dry way. She felt herself roll her eyes as she mumbled, "At least someone's feeling blissful." She raised the glass to her lips once more to take a sip before lowering it back down, her gold eyes brighter than normal with the rush the human blood gave to her system. Once again, this intake of human blood wouldn't affect her diet of animal blood - she had practiced much too long and much to hard to have it be ruined so quickly. It'd take a constant diet of the blood to get her hooked - and that wouldn't happen anytime soon. She always went on hunts with the other werewolves and took the blood while they took the rest. She wouldn't give that up for anything.

She lapsed into silence, feeling Parker's gaze resting on her. She couldn't say she minded - she was a tiny woman compared to the guy. She had never looked quite as vampiric as she was, but there was also a pretty appropriate explanation for that as well, considering her underdevelopment and the process of maturing that she was forced to undergo. She honestly didn't mind it too much - these looks could provide a pretty good meal, and they had before, if she used them deceivingly. A moment of silence ensued both herself and the vampire next to her, and she stared straight ahead blankly, her vision unfocused with her drifting thoughts.

She blinked from her trance upon hearing the man speak Issac's name, and her head tilted to the side to glance up at him, her lips quirking into a small half frown. She felt herself nod and respond in a casually flat tone, "Yep. It was bound to happen after a while, actually. He's a really sweet boy - I honestly prefer him high over people like Cole or Damon." Her gaze returned forward and she paused to take a long sip of the sweet crimson liquid before licking her lips and continuing in a wistful tone, "I never expected myself to be with a werewolf, though. I've always had this . . . this connection with him, which is weird to have between a werewolf and vampire, of all species. But I really do think I love him." She flashed an awkward little half smile up at him before returning her absentminded expression back forward, taking another small sip after a safe pause.

= - = - =

[ I just realized that I've never seen Parker's appearance before, and I've noticed that your picture on the sign-up thread for him isn't working. xD ]
(Oh? Well that's not good xD I just changed it so hopefully it works now...)

Amari glanced over at Isaac who had taken a spot next to her. "Hey..." She spoke softly, looking down at the ground as well. Amari sighed and leaned over, putting her head in her hands. She rubbed her face a bit, attempting to soothe herself. Amari removed her hands as he spoke again. His voice was actually rather kind and calm. She sat back into the couch, "I'm Amari," she spoke up a bit. She had managed to calm herself quite a bit, she just hoped nothing else happened tonight to cause issues.

Parker kept his gaze on her, turning away after a moment. He did feel quite blissful, to be honest. This type of petty drama didn't truly phase him in the least. He smiled a bit when she spoke of Isaac. It was almost as if she began rambling about him, but it was nice to actually talk to someone else, even if they were doing all of the talking. Parker drank the blood down until about half the glass was left. He placed it back on the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ah... Well I'm glad to hear that some of our kind has that kind of feeling left." He thought for a moment about the losses he had suffered and how they still showed no affect on him. Parker sighed, still maintaining a small grin.
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Charles shrugs off annoyed with all the drama "at least the place is nice" he senses something on the roof for a while now and decided it may be time to check it out, he crawls out the window and onto the roof peeking first and seeing a female vampire"oh I see" he climbs all the way up "hello there" he says to the woman "can I help you?" He gives a charming but sly smile
(I really do feel like I'm in a tv show so intense I love it)

Cole scoffed at her remark "You have no idea what I'm capable of" with that he turned on his heel walking out of the lodge once again ignoringthe completely mauled remains of the hunters

Meghan walked over too Amari and sat down on the other side of him "Don't be so upset with Cole I can tell he's the type that get's defensive all the time probably because of something in his past"
Amari turned her gaze to Meghan. "I have the right to be upset and I'm going to be. He has no right to say such horrible things to someone who has clearly been through a lot more than Cole has, or any of us for that matter." She clenched her fist beside her thigh, looking back to Isaac. Amari instantly began to calm down again. Isaac's presence seemed to give her a sense of comfort, maybe it was because he was another werewolf like her.
"You have no idea what he's been through" she said quietly getting up and walking away. Meghan walked into her room slamming the door shut

(How long till the sun comes up?)
Selene looked at the boy and backed away a bit."No not really.."he said standing up straight trying to view the boy more.She jumped down from the roof and walked inside the place.She took a bit of time to look around and same some people that were like her and some that were very different.She sigh and went into her room.She walked up to the window and looked out it.She could sense the sun coming out in a little while "Great.."she said.Oh how she hate staying inside but it was either stay inside during day hours or get killed.
Charles follows the woman "hey wait" he says catching up. "I'm Charles, you are?" He was becoming annoyed with everyone's attitude "why can't people be friendly" he thought "humans are better to talk to"
[ Holy shit, he's a hunk. o - o Oh, and question - does Parker have a roommate yet? I think it might be pretty cool to have the two as roommates if not. :D ]

= - = - =

Ivory heard him respond, and she felt her heart pang with the emotion put behind his words. There was a hidden meaning behind them that she managed to pick up at the smallest amount - yet trying to explore what it meant only made her hurt. She glanced up towards Parker, expecting something negative in his features, yet he only held a small smile, even though it did look a bit strained. Her lips quirked into a sympathetic half frown as she glanced back forward, deciding to let the topic drift away with the passing silence that began to ensue. She didn't want to pry, even though she did want to help somehow - but it seemed like a private matter, and she understood how those were.

She stared ahead once more, taking another long sip of her drink quietly. The silence was lasting a bit longer than before, and she found it as a bit nice, personally - but she knew that it was probably awkward seeming. She let her mind file through the topics she could bring up, her gaze wandering around the place as she did so, finally resting on one of the windows. There was a very dim light beginning to stream through the blinds, and she felt a mixture of happiness and sadness - the coming of a new day and the end of her freedom that she didn't have the chance to use. Human blood would have to sustain her until this next night came.

She stood herself up and glanced over at Parker, saying, "Well, it really was a lovely chat, Parker." She paused for a moment, giving him a genuine smile as she ended with, " . . . Thank you. I needed a little normality." She had her glass in hand, planning on going out to the living room, which seemed to have calmed down a little bit.
Issac slowly traveled his gaze along the floor. He felt like he was slipping back into the blocked off guy he was when he was first bitten, and for some reason that didn't faze him. He welcomed it.

He patted Amaris knee before standing to change out of his pajamas that at the moment where splattered in blood. He made his way upstairs and tugged off his clothes once he was in the privacy of his room. He pulled on a grey v neck, his old leather jacket and some dark grey jeans. He combed his fingers through his hair and eyed himself in the mirror before making his way downstairs and out the door. There was no way he was going to stay in that house. He slid into Derek's camero with a grin, this was so happening. He grabbed Derek's keys from his back pocket, he had grabbed them before he left and drove off after of course revving the engine.
[Hey sorry for not getting on earlier guys! Usually no one's on until way later so I didn't expect to have about four pages to read when I finally got on. xD I'll get to replying here now, but I apologize if I don't acknowledge some things that happened while I was gone. I did my best to skim over the general idea of what happened but I didn't go too in depth. ^^;] 
Giggles sprouted from Heather's lips and she leaned back on the bed, nodding. "Yes, it seems she was a little preoccupied now wasn't she?" she responded, her mind floating back to the images of Ivory and Isaac caught up in their innocent moment of passion.

Her gentle eyes lit up when he mentioned pizza and she nodded frantically. "That sounds wonderful, Preston," she told him, "Thank you so much." When he did finally turn on his heel and leave the room, closing the door behind him, the atmosphere immediately felt empty without him. Shivering slightly, the wolf girl rubbed her arms but smiled gently at the giddy feeling he had left in her stomach.

Comforting herself with the thought that she would see him later, she hesitantly began to undress, her face twisting into a cringe as the movement agitated her wound. Little by little, she peeled the blood garments from her still damp skin, rolling them up neatly and placing them into the laundry basket so she would remember to wash them later. How she made it to the room's connecting bathroom without Preston's help, she didn't know but she managed somehow and turned on the hot water, letting the small wash room fill with steam. The next part she dreaded...but she knew she had to do.

Her shaking fingers carefully and very slowly began to unwrap the bandage, the process getting harder and more painful the more layers she unwrapped. The what used to be white but now crimson stuck painfully to her bloodied skin but after what seemed like an hour, she had managed to remove it completely. She then eased into the bathtub full of hot water, not being able to stop the heart-wrenching whimper that echoed off the bathroom walls as the scalding water invaded her bullet wound. It wasn't long, though, before her skin adjusted to the water's hot temperature and it actually began to soothe her injury rather than irritate it. Sighing deeply, she rested her head against the back of the tub, closing her eyes and allowing herself to relax.
Parker turned his gaze back to Ivory. She seemed to be quite happy and cheerful, that was different. Parker picked up his glass, swirling the liquid around a bit. He kept his eyes locked on the moving liquid for a moment. He heard her thank him and his eyes raised back up from the glass. "Sure, no problem." He smiled a bit before continuing on, "Maybe we should do it again sometime." He didn't usually enjoy talking to most people but Ivory was a nice change. Parker finished off the glass, placing it in the sink. He wondered for a moment if anyone would be do the dished at some point, but let the thought fade since it didn't seem to be anyone's priority.

Amari watched Meghan wander off, slamming her door just as so many others had recently. She sighed, shaking her head. Amari felt gentle patting on her head, realizing it was Isaac, and she smiled at him just before he headed off as well. She sunk back into the couch, feeling quite alone at this point. But, she needed to relax and maybe being alone was good, for now. Amari hoped Cole was doing okay outside, although, being a vampire meant the hunters wouldn't even think about disturbing him. They have nothing against him, or maybe they're just afraid for whatever reason that may be. This was the reason, whether they like it or not, the vampires were needed to keep the hunters away from werewolves.

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