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  1. kaatyy

    Fantasy Post-apocalyptic Supernatural RP

    I'm interested to see where this will go.
  2. kaatyy

    Colosseum Wolf Pack: Survival of the Strongest

    Very interested
  3. kaatyy

    Realistic or Modern The Sweetheart Ball

    Interested as well! Unless you have too many people lined up.
  4. kaatyy

    Well this sure looks different...

    Hey there! I'm sure many of you don't know me... It's been quite awhile. But I'm excited to meet some newbies! I don't have much to say about myself. I've missed RPing very much. Love to you all!
  5. kaatyy

    Fantasy Phantom Force Unlimited - Players Needed - Ignore # Messages

    I'm interested but I too would like to know more about it! It looks like it could be cool
  6. kaatyy

    Fantasy Into the Night

    Selene looked back at Red. She smirked and pointed into the crowd. There was a boy towards the center with short blonde hair who she had been eyeing. He looked like he would be a good choice. Fit and muscular with a pretty face. "That one." She crooked her finger at the boy. "You. Come here...
  7. kaatyy

    Fantasy Into the Night

    Selene scoffed at the man who dismissed her plan. Fine then. She would just play along until they realized how idiotic their plan was. No use in trying to strike fear into humans. They did stupid things when they were afraid. Soon enough, they would all leave and tell their friends and then...
  8. kaatyy

    Fantasy Into the Night

    Selene smiled and slid off the bar stool, dropping her martini glass as she went and let it shatter to the ground. She dashed towards the door to her left and reached it just as a man was approaching, his eyes wide with terror and confusion. She posted up against the door frame and smirked at...
  9. kaatyy

    Fantasy Into the Night

    Selene walked down the sidewalk, her head high and her stride confident. Even from here, she could feel the energy of the blood from the club radiating towards her, drawing her in. Her lips twitched up in a smirk. It was tonight. The breaking point for all and the turning point for this war with...
  10. kaatyy

    Into the Night

    I edited her personality and just took out some of it I guess. Better?
  11. kaatyy

    Into the Night

    Name: Selene Amasa Age: 22 (vamp for more than 50) Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Species: Vampire Appearance: Personality: Selene is a give-no-fucks type of girl. Some may even call her a bitch. She has a pretty face and uses that. She's learned the hard way that not...
  12. kaatyy

    Fantasy A Sirens call ( interest check)

    I'll join as a female!
  13. kaatyy

    Realistic or Modern Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)

    ~Anastasia Mehta~ "Why would I help you?" Ana listened to the others speak to the other girl but she refused to take her eyes off her. She might not seem hostile but you never knew. She could be one of those outliers that had resorted to cannibalism. Or so the stories went. She wasn't...
  14. kaatyy

    Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)

    Oh I'm a dirty dirty liar! I'm so sorry all. I've had a hectic few days here and just have not had any time to get a worthy post put together. Hell I would have barely had time to get a shitty one up. I'm moving to college in a week and also a terrible storm hit here and brought floods and all...
  15. kaatyy

    Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)

    Ahhh sorry! I've been away on an impromptu vacay these past few days. Will try to get something up tomorrow!
  16. kaatyy

    Fantasy A New Type of RP

    Sounds awesome! Keep me counted as interested!
  17. kaatyy

    Will you be my friend?

    I'm ISO someone who is at a high level of writing who wants to co-host/co-start/co-whatever a RP with me! I love fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural, and occasionally modern as long as there's action in it. I really want to get a good group of people to make an amazing story and I seem to have the...
  18. kaatyy

    Realistic or Modern Curiosity Killed the Cat (Post-Apocalyptic)

    ~Anastasia Mehta~ "Why would I help you?" Ana chuckled emotionlessly at the girl's expression. So she had minded. Oh well. What's done is done. She looked around at the other two and assessed them. They were all so different. She wondered, as she sometimes did, how they would have...
  19. kaatyy

    Fantasy The Hidden Powers [1 Spot Left! Male Earth!!]

    Kat looked around at everyone. Especially the boy who controlled darkness. She was intrigued by him and she figured it was because he was sort of her opposite. She stared at him curiously. For a little too long she realized and quickly looked away. She cleared her throat softly and looked at...
  20. kaatyy

    Fantasy The Hidden Powers [1 Spot Left! Male Earth!!]

    Kat looked up at the others who had started to gather. They were all so different it was a bit amusing. She looked at the girl Lilly. "I can fix your room. Actually..." Kat focused hard and projected her thoughts towards the room. "There a few orbs there now. I think it'll be lighter. But...