Into the Night

Major Cinnamon Bun

Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager
Hunters are human, however they are a bit stronger and faster, so that's why I made them their own category.

Also, I put some rules in the OOC, because I am too lazy to request a new tab. So if you all could take a look at those, it would be rad.





Species: (Hunter, Vampire, Human)

Appearance: (pictures or gifs if at all possible)


Back story: (doesn't need to be long. If your a vamp, how did you get turned, if your a hunter why? human can be basic stuff.)


*optional stuff*

Theme song: (because its cool OKAY?!)



really anything you just want to add
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Name: Kate Lanore, to most vampires she is known as Red.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Vampire


Personality: Kate is not entirely stable mentally, in fact, shes pretty freaking psycho. She tends to be sadistic, a bit kill crazy, and very unpredictable. She does things for no apparent reason and is completely impulsive with no regard for collateral damage. She tends to latch onto certain people and become obsessed and very protective of them. In her moments of sanity, (which normally only happens when she's alone) she is surprisingly logical and actually a pretty chill person. Just because she chill at that moments doesn't mean she wont kill you.

Back story: When Kate was a senior in college she went to a party and happened to catch the eye of a vampire. She was a pretty quiet person and definitely not the vampire type, so this vampire took it upon themselves to turn Kate into the vampire type. Over the next two or three years this vampire slowly killed the people that were close to Kate, several of them in front of her. And to finish it all off they turned her on her 23rd birthday. Of course, by this time, Kate had started to go insane. So as soon as she was able, she turned about and killed the Vampire that turned her. She enjoyed the power that came with being a vampire though, so she embraced her new self and started going by Red instead of Kate. Only when she is alone, or in very small groups does she revert back to her old self.

Other: She has been a vampire for about 3 years

Theme song:
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Name:Klem Mavriks




Species: Vampire

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.89916a389f21c23259409a944298396e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.89916a389f21c23259409a944298396e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:He's sarcastic and doesn't have any filters for his words. He's rather a pain in the arse for other men and loves to piss them off.

To girls he acts kind and tries not to be vulgar.

He's rather clueless about anything supernatural. He's rather picky on friends as we'll and he tends to cling on them for comfort.

Back story: As a child the boy never really had a family to begin with. To begin with his father passed when he was two and his abusive mother was at work most of the time working two jobs. He went through the same routine for most of his life. The same old thing every child of America has to go through, but it changed a soon as he hit senior year. He met a girl with supernatural beauty and simply they fell in love. One day when he was visiting her at her house and caught her feeding. Naturally he scream like a five year old girl and ran off, but some weird magic happened and baboom vampire girlfriend was on top of him. And then some stupid things happened...and now he's a vampire..oh and did I forget to mention some mad lady drove a stake into vampire girls heart...yep happened so yeah... Backstory!

Other:He been a vampire for two months.

*optional stuff*

Theme song: (because its cool OKAY?!)Panic At The Disco: Nicotine

Likes: Classical music, The violin, sweats and Arcade Games

Dislikes: Crowds, Loud music, and

vegis.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.642d3cce113c02369136b14b7d466cab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.642d3cce113c02369136b14b7d466cab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kimi (Kim) Nykron

Age: 20 but a vampire for 5 years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: (Hunter, Vampire, Human) Vampire

Appearance: (pictures or gifs if at all possible) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/images.jpg.6e479364029084a9cbc50d61b9f35669.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/images.jpg.6e479364029084a9cbc50d61b9f35669.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Quiet, shy, intelligent, caring, and honest. Kimi has always been very shy around people she does not know but will act normally when around people she trusts and is comfortable with. She is very caring and likes to make sure that everything done is for a good reason. Hurting others is a last resort but when provoked to become angry, Kimi will unleash her wrath until calmed in some way. She always feels guilty after getting angry, constantly apologizing for it.

Back story: Being a shy girl in college, Kimi only made a few close friends. Two of these friends (one boy and one girl) were vampires and one had taken a liking to her. When this vampire told Kimi what they were, she did not mind and still loved her friends. Sadly, Kimi didn’t understand that this friend told her their secret because they planned to turn her too. One day, walking back from night class, the vampires set their plan in motion. The boy was walking back to the dorms with Kimi while the girl was wearing a disguise. The girl chased Kimi and her friend behind the library, where no one would be at that time of night, and then turned her. She woke up the next and felt the marks on her neck. She wasn’t angry, just disappointed that she was tricked by her friends. Kimi now takes longer to trust people and has more defenses to keep others from getting too close so she is not taken advantage of again.

Other: Kimi’s favorite animal is the panda. She wishes to gain close friendships again but is always wary. She isn’t afraid to be herself, and has decent control of her powers when she isn’t angry.

@The Akolite love how you ended your backstory lol



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Name: Selene Amasa

Age: 22 (vamp for more than 50)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Vampire


Personality: Selene is a give-no-fucks type of girl. Some may even call her a bitch. She has a pretty face and uses that. She's learned the hard way that not everything in life is fair and she makes sure anyone she encounters learns that too. She isn't vain or selfish although it may seem like it at times. She merely has learned that if she doesn't look out for herself, no one will.

Back story: She was turned one night after having too much to drink. She had passed out on the way home and vaguely remembers a dark shadow looming over her before everything went black. She really doesn't remember much about the night except for pain. When she woke up, she was turned.
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Name: Isono Miyogoshi

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampire


~ Cute

~ Scared

~ Nervous

~ Confused

~ Giggly

Back story:

Isono was always liked to act cute to attract attention.

Until one day, she attracted the attention of a male teacher.

He tried to rape her but she ran.

She was cornered on the roof of her school.

She threated to jump off the roof if the teacher came closer.

But she stepped too far back and fell over the edge.

She would've died if not for Matthew.

He turned her into a vampire.

Theme song: Headbangya! by Babymetal

Name: Matthew Helix

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampire


~ Strong

~ Quiet

~ Brave

~ Easily irritated

~ Sarcastic

~ Angry


Matthew was turned when he was fifteen.

He was out late one night, when he was cornered by a vampire.

He was turned then and there.

He's been reasonably angry since then.

Except when he's around Isono.

She's very special to him, like a sister.

He's doing the best he can to look after her.

Theme song: Coffee Shop Soundtrack by All Time Low​
@Fallen from Heaven you're accepted.

@kaatyy It's okay, but the personality it kind of general. Like, she doesn't give a fuck but then she also is nice and wants to make other people stronger? I think you need to simplify a bit, because there isn't really room for any character development there.
Name: Aella Night

Age: 398 (looks 21)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampire



Personality: Aella's day to day life, she's a regular "human" person who lives in an expensive condo. She's kind, funny, as honest as she can be. Because Aella is such a strange name, she uses the name Jamie Night as a alias, keeping her last name the same. But her true self is a calm, noble, wise elder vampire. She doesn't think of herself as an elder vampire, because there are many even older than her but many have called her an elder. She, of course, doesn't act like it. Usually, at night, you can find her in a bar drinking her sorrows away, either through an alcoholic drink or human one to keep her rabid side at bay.

Back story: She was born in Italy in the year 1625. Walking home late one night, someone attacked her. The next thing she knew was she was a vampire. She missed being in the sun and going for horseback rides. She then ran from home in fear. She was left to learn on her own. She nearly died her first morning as a vampire by the rising sun. As the years went on, and she grew bored, she started playing mind games with those she preyed upon for fun. But even after years of that, she's grown bored and is longing for a place to stay, a home she doesn't have to leave and run from again.
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Name: Lucius Blackwater

Age : 522



Intro: Lucius has just arrived in this foreign land and unwittingly stumbled into this fray. His ultimate goal is to find a galleon and once again sail the seas. For now, however, he is unknown to the recent fledglings . He was turned by a pirate commodore he once held near. He carries several flintlocks and dual cutlasses( nor nostalgic fashion mostly.). He has always been compassionate for other vampires like his wife, who died, burned at the stake, centuries ago in a small town, burned at the stake by an evil mayor who refused to let her live regardless of his pleas. he lives in a cave outside of the large city, biding his time.

Personality: Caring yet rational


Sharp witted and sensible

Knowledgeable in the ways of vampirism

Theme song: dead horse ( sea shanty)
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@Arabella Rosewood Could you make her personality change a little less drastic. Unless you want to make her have a split personality or something along those lines. It just is a little much to go from an honest and kind person to someone extremely sadistic.

@captain saxxy accepted. This is in modern-ish times though, and it's set in a small city. For lack of a better real life example, its like Toledo, Ohio.
Name: Kayleigh Williams

Age: 17 going on 18

Gender: female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.a19e08ffccdc7c251328133a7dec4efe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.a19e08ffccdc7c251328133a7dec4efe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shes smaller than the average girl.

Personality: Shes a very soft person. Giving people the love and care they need. She'll go out of her way for someone if she has to. She gets distracted easily and goes off into day dreams quite often. However, dont let her gentle side fool you. Shes a fighter, and will fight back if she disagrees with something thats not right. She'll give all that shes got before deciding to give up on something.

Backstory: She grew up with a wealthy family, not filthy rich, but they had money. Her family didnt flaunt it, they would even contribute to the less fortunate and organizations and charities. She didnt have anything special in life, just a normal girl, a senior in high school, a daughter, a friend. However, shes heard of rumors of vampires, but thought it was pretty stupid,"Theyre not real..." She keeps saying, and shes very surprised with how serious people are taking the rumor.

Theme song:

I May Fall by Jeff Willams


(It really goes with her cx)

Likes: cold weather, sweet foods, rain

Dislikes: the dark, being alone, rude people



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Kiana Louelle











Kiana is a laid-back gentle soul with the belief that there is good in everyone. This is part of a naivety she has about the world which is odd considering the fact that she’s grown up in the foster care system but many people have just assumed it’s a coping mechanism from when she was little that she’s never snapped out of. All the same, Kiana is a friendly girl who floats around different groups of people fitting in anywhere and everywhere but at the same time never truly belonging, not that she cares at all, she likes it, it makes her feel free.


Let’s see shall we, orphaned at age 4 and shoved into the foster system. Bounced around across 7 homes in 13 years total. Kiana has been at the current foster home for around 5 months now which is a good record, not amazing but still quite good. What else is there to say? Not much to tell really.

Theme Song:

Battle Scars - Paradise Fears

Name: Freya

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human


Personality: Freya is animal loving girl, often spending her time outdoors. She doesn't like to get involved in too many social activities and often keeps to herself. Finding it hard to trust anyone, she often blocks out people. But if something piques her curiosity, you can count on her to jump right in. She can be a bit stubborn at times however if someone accuses her of something she knows is true. She believes in the supernatural highly and has basically no fears. Only a small phobia when it comes to guys, although she finds them interesting.

Back story: Her parents died in a car crash when she was 12 years old. Ever since then she has been living with her brother Cayden.

Other: Her relationship with her brother is very close and she trusts him completely, and she was almost raped when she was 15 so shes not too keen on being close to guys.

Name: Cayden

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Vampire


Personality: Cayden is very kind and loving towards his younger sister. However, to others he can come across as a bit rude. He has a bad temper and just about anything anyone does pisses him off. Whenever he's infuriated he often leaves the scene to avoid fights. He keeps headphones on pretty much all of the time he's not at home to drown out everything. He hasn't truly accepted the fact he's a vampire and he doesn't have too much control over his urges concerning feeding.

Back Story: Cayden always felt bad for never being around home when his parents were still alive, so he wants to take this time to repay to his sister. He was traveling through the bad parts of town when he was 19 and was attacked and bitten by a vampire. Since then he has kept the secret of him being a vampire from his sister. All he wants to do is keep her safe, which is often why he doesn't take the time to focus on his own personal relationships.

Other: He's an amazing cook

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