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Fantasy Phantom Force Unlimited - Players Needed - Ignore # Messages


A Minion to the Judgement
Alright. So I had this idea running through my mind and I was thinking. Hey, might make a good rp.

ANYWAYS This rp is about a group of humans and ghosts (6-8) who go on adventures and plan stuff in the hideout. The group is separated between the ghosts and humans, and are set into pairs for their specializations and abilities. One ghost, one human as partners, but they all tie back to the main group.

I'm just looking for an interest of 5-7 different people who are willing to be dedicated to this rp, and with a fair amount of writing skills. (E.g. I would like to rp with a group of people who will have a paragraph or two. However preferably not 7, as it can overwhelm others and discourage them)

Just write a reply to let me know if you are interested and any suggestions you may have for this rp, and yeah. Thanks for checking this out :D
Sounds interesting, though you'd have to specify a little more exactly what they're doing. Are they crime-fighting superheroes, supernatural detectives, or is it just day to day life with some spookies thrown in? Is each player in control of a human and a ghost pair, or just one or the other of the two? I'd probably be interested if given those details, and anything else you might think important for your players to know. :)
Ah yes of course. To be completely honest I'm not exactly sure what kind of things they would be doing, and I was hoping for a few ideas and I suppose a vote on what to do, but I felt that each person would only control one character, either a ghost or a human, but I am lenient to one controlling both, but not in the same pairing of ghost/human, but only if there is not enough interest or a new character would add to the rp. If you understand what I am getting at that is.
Yeah, totally get where you're comin' from. As long as you have an idea of where it's going, sounds like fun. I'd be up for a ghost charrie, if you're taking reservations already.

Couple more quick questions, how do the humans see the ghosts? Is it just these few people or is it by the ghosts' choice? What's the backstory for how this group was started (obviously we don't have character specifics yet, but just a general idea)?

Just picking your mind to see if the details are all there too, so hopefully you don't feel like I'm being critical of your ideas. :)
Hehehe of course not! Hmm how about a backstory of 'bad' supernatural hunters?

All of the ghosties can be seen by the group, but not always by the general public. Because of the humans of the group's relationship and 'closeness' to the ghosts, they can easily see, hear, and tell when one of the groups' ghosts are in the room. The ghosts however have the ability to hide their visual and auditory presence from other humans who aren't exposed to the supernatural (At all or often)

As for a group backstory? Well this is more a 'not figured completely out' but along the lines of hunters. The main idea is that a few ghosts hate when their fellow ghosts or creatures like demons etc. prey on humans and that some attempt to create a genocide of the human race. These ghosts decided to let only a few worthy humans know about the dangers coming ahead, and the group was formed to attempt to stall or stop the demons / 'bad' supernaturals from destroying all of humanity.
Awesome, a lot better than what I had thought out for myself xD welp, as I said, I'm in, I'd love to take a ghost for a spin. You'd have to come up with limitations for the ghosts' abilities, there may be some powers that are given, like going through walls and possessing inanimate objects (or certain kinds of ghosts, eh?) poltergeists and such)

An idea, why not make it specific kinds of ghosts? Poltergeists, banshees, phantoms, etc, for the players/ villains, might be interestingx just for consideration, use it how you wish. :3
Mm good ideas xD Different types of ghosts and stuff! I will certainly consider that! Thank you for your help with this rp
Yeah, no prob :D I like helping out where I can, making up worlds is fun :D
xD Awesome! The ghosts appearance is up to the player! (So long as they are noticable as a ghost of course)
So guys, since no more people seem to be interested, I hate to ask this, but could you guys try to recruit some who might like this, or do you just want to start this with a slightly different plot line?
Well, Sulf, you could always start it up slowly and we could add in other players as they come to us :D I'd be glad to advertise for ya, but I also get that the hype dying down can be a bit discouraging. But don't give up, I'm sure there will be a few other players who are interested :D About how many are you thinking you want to join?
I am interested but I am really hoping you could establish morestory and specifics, like what is the setting\timeline and is this more horror\drama or light hearted adventure with humor?

The premise of humans/supernatural investigation or 'heroes' isn't exactly new, so you will have to think up something to make it interesting.

Here is my suggestions, you are free to throw them out the window haha.

How about we set this in a fictional modern city, something like a mix of Tokyo and New York maybe?

Some humans are picked by a higher council of supernatural body to be ghost\demon hunters and are assigned ghosts as partners.

They will be given some low powered abilities to help them do their job, and there could be drama and characterization between the human and the ghost partner.

And as suggested there should be ghost 'types'.

As for the plot I think we could jump straight into a certain case, maybe an unusual murder in a fortune telling shop?

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