Search results for query: *

  1. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis von Lichester. At least for Alexis, while she was inexperienced, something to her made her extremely resistant to possession and other means of communication, even when essentially walking between the 'spirit realm' and the...
  2. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis von Lichester. Alexis simply nodded, giving an unsure smile. "Of course. I'll... Let you know if it gets too much for me. I've had to deal with... Worse things." She replied quietly, having a definite tone to her voice that...
  3. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region. User: Valko Medveyev. Of course, Valko never meant to potentially kill a man. The shock caused by damage to his cybernetic spine was entirely beyond his control, and he only hoped that the police would understand such things. His eyes...
  4. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis von Lichester. Her eyes glowed with a newfound determination when she was asked if she was okay, giving a nod. The suffering of the spirits gave her motivation to keep going. Sure, she was anxious. Sure, she had doubts in her...
  5. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region. User: Valko Medveyev. As the two creatures collided, their attacks struck with a great force, knocking both beings back with moderate damage. Fortunately, the Arcanine, as if experienced with close quarters combat in a situation where...
  6. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)

    Location: Bewilder Forest. Date: August 2nd. After the fight was dealt with and the rest of the team decided what to do, Rincewind stayed quiet, trying to make a deal out of reviewing the footage he took for some reason or another, fiddling with his tri-tek for a while. He idly followed the...
  7. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region. User: Valko Medveyev. As his words fell on deaf ears, the veteran frowned and a look of determination filled his face. When they spoke English, he shook his head, realizing it was unlikely they spoke his native language. He was...
  8. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: OOC Thread

    Oh, yes, it's currently active. I was making a little joke regarding what's going on. You'll have to ask @Merciless Medic if you wish to join, however.
  9. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis von Lichester. She sighed quietly as Reggie vouched for his haunter, shaking her head as if she wasn't convinced. "I... Don't have a sense of humour. A-and besides, th-this mission i-isn't a joking matter. W-we need to take...
  10. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: OOC Thread

    Depends on what you classify as alive, considering we're going through the 'I speak to dead people' arc.
  11. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region. User: Valko Medveyev. Ah. Johto. The climate was generally warmer than Stahlblatt, and certainly not as mountainous, but it seemed the perfect place to explore, and to learn more of the world. Which was exactly the intent of Valko...
  12. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis von Lichester. Eventually, she let go of her pendant and hit it back beneath her robes, taking deep breaths. She still was incredibly uncertain, but she listened to his words. He certainly had wisdom, and while she certainly...
  13. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Character Sheets

    Stahlblatt Trainer Registration Form. The following is information for use within the Stahlblatt trainer system, following information is sensitive. Not to be distributed without direct permission from the regional government. Non-permitted distribution is grounds for up to a 50,000$ fine...
  14. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)

    Location: Bewilder Forest. Date: August 2nd. While Rincewind stayed back and merely observed the fight, having detached one of the screens of his tri-gear and pointing it towards the fight, using it as a sort of camera to record the fight, Lewis was fully invested, his Garvantula helping to...
  15. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis von Lichester. She stayed quiet as he spoke, taking in his words with a curious intent. She was still frightened, but he didn't prove to be a threat, so she simply stayed quiet and observed him. She placed her hood back over...
  16. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis. After introducing himself, Alexis took a few moments of silence, processing his words in her head, and trying to regain composure. She attempted to calm herself, and only managed to do so after great difficulty. It didn't take...
  17. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th, 12:30. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis. She was unaware of the stranger who was on their way to her location, and instead continued to attempt to contact the spirits. Her Umbreon seemed to get distracted by... Something and began running around in circles...
  18. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Unova (Roleplay Thread)

    Date: July 9th, 12:30. Location: Celestial Tower, Unova. Character: Alexis. It has been a few months since the terrible event that lead to her freedom. The trainer in red robes stood in route 7, standing before the Celestial Tower. By her side stood an Umbreon, who had a concerned look on her...
  19. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)

    Character: Rolande Albert. Location: Bewilder Forest. Date: August 2nd. While Eleonor believed Rincewind could handle himself, in reality, he could not. His Umbreon and Gardevoir were strictly non-combatants, striving only to interfere if he were in risk of ending in his deathbed. With his...
  20. Frostecs_Lianuac

    Fandom Pokemon: Fractured {Medieval AU} (OOC)

    Could be that they're just busy with other things and can't make the time to roleplay here. Maybe other people have their attention. Could also be a case that they've lost interest.