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Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)

June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks | Trick Room 2 Turns Rem. | Psychic Terrain 3 Turns Rem. | Hail 5 Turns rem.

Pokémon Con: Abomasnow – Mega Evolved

Weavile fell as was expected. Candice didn’t know what Naka was thinking, but she knew how best to take advantage of the field. Her next Pokémon was locked and loaded, and Candice removed one of the blue hairpins that held up her bangs. As she held the pin between her fingers, it began to spark with power.

“It’s now or never Abomasnow—Mega Evolve and use «Giga Drain»!” The slowest Pokémon on Candice’s team was undoubtable her Abomasnow and with both Trick Room & Psychic Terrain active, Abomasnow would have several precious turns to use its great power with 0 draw back. Candice absolutely intended to milk Nakano’s field set-up to her advantage.

The mega-stone in her hand released a brilliant light as Abomasnow appeared with the roar of a blizzard as its Snow Warning ability activated and set the hail. Giga Drain would be more than enough to finish Swampert and Infernape would be helpless against Abomasnow beneath the power of trick room. Naka had two other unknown pokemon, but Candice was confident things were turning and the Gym Leader held the advantage!

Absomasnow roared, it’s speed falling as it mega evolved and then rising as trick room twisted the dimensions. It’s body flushed with vegetation as green orbs of Giga Drain sought out Swampert to finish it off.

Nakano Saito1715542462819.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice
Mentions: Ron Towers
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene
Furia the Hisuian Typhlosion

Battle: 2 Free Switches; Field: Stealth Rock; Hail: 3 turns

Naka's eyes widened at the Abomasnow's entrance. So, Candice was going for a Mega now? Makes sense.

She pointed up. "Stone Edge!"

Swampert tried to send out a blast of rocky energy up into the air, but the Giga Drain came too fast. Naka returned him.

Sighing, she chuckled. "You know, I didn't challenge you to see if I could win. I challenged you because I thought it was fun and to see where I am. Glad to know I still have a lot to learn." She wanted to at least get that out of the way, knowing people were malding in the bleachers and honestly? It made her feel good to know that her strategies were making them agitated. Because she wasn't trying.

She then prepped her next Pokemon, sending out her Wishiwashi. The little fish pitifully looked at the Abomasnow, then tried to muster up enough of a war face despite her weak expression. The Wishiwashi, unfortunately, fell to the Stealth Rocks, even as she tried to use Brine to destroy some of the rocks to no avail.

Naka knew this was awful and she felt guilty, the shame and guilt evident on her face as she looked apologetically at her poor fish. But, the Trick Room faded and she could now use her Hatterene. Even with the Stealth Rock, she would be at dangerously low health, and the Psychic Terrain was still up.

Sighing, she returned her Wishiwashi and sent out her Hatterene. "Healing Wish." The Hatterene looked serene as she glowed with healing energy. As the Psychic Terrain faded, her body fell as a sparkling light left her body. Quickly, Naka swapped out her Hatterene for her Infernape, who was bathed in this healing light, healing him completely. The Stealth Rocks hit, sure, but he wasn't going to go down to it today.

The monkey grinned at the opponent before him and cheered. Ready to unleash whatever the Abomasnow had as he tightened his Expert Belt.

"Power-Up Punch." Even as the hail buffeted him, he still went in with a glowing orange fist as he charged forward, then bounded to the side to aim for the Abomasnow's side or arm. Naka knew they'd need at least one or two Power-Up Punches so that Flare Blitz could actually do some damage, considering Abomasnow had heightened defense in snow.

Last edited:
June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks | Hail 3 Turns rem. | Aurora Veil 4 turns rem.

Pokémon Con: Abomasnow – Mega Evolved

Candice raised an eyebrow as Naka stalled for turns. When Wishiwashi came in and fell, she casually called for Aurora Veil. When Hatterene returned to the field, Candice thought she’d be up for a fight but then Naka called for Healing Wish—and that could only mean one thing. Naka would send out either Infernape or Ludicolo as they were the only pokemon that could benefit from healing wish. Candice was no genius but she suspected she knew which pokemon was coming out next and even if she was wrong, Naka was basically switching into an attack anyway—there was no down side to Candice. Furthermore, she didn’t have any super effective moves against Ludicolo so she might as well—“«Earthquake»!”

It was so that as Hatterene returned to her pokeball, Abomasnow prepared to greet whoever Naka sent out with a free, on-the house earthquake. To Candice’s delight Infernape was sent out and despite the healing wish, Candice knew a few earthquakes would decimate the fire monkey. She wasn’t even sure she’d need her patented anti-fire type strategy.

So, without even bothering to defend, Candice went for the throat. “Once more «Earthquake»!”


Nakano Saito1715544894040.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice
Mentions: Ron Towers
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene
Furia the Hisuian Typhlosion

Battle: 2 Free Switches; Field: Stealth Rock; Hail: 2 turns; Hanu: +1 Attack

The Infernape screeched as the Earthquake damaged him, but he was still in the game. As another Earthquake started, the Infernape giggled as he began using the huge snow tree monster as something to hold on to, preventing him from being attacked by another Earthquake.

"Brick Break!" Infernape screeched as an orange arm came down on the Abomasnow, also breaking the Aurora Veil.

Hanu knew this was a dangerous game he was playing, those snow trees on Abomasnow's back were not decoration and was careful as to not accidentally hit something that could hurt him.

June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks | Hail 1 Turns rem.

Pokémon Con: Abomasnow – Mega Evolved

Climbing Abomasnow was a good way to evade Earthquake, but it also meant Infernape had no chance at dodging their next combo. Candice waved, “«Blizzard» into «Earthquake»!”

This farce was all but over. The bristles on Abomasnow’s body shook as a violent wind erupted from its body with enough force blow away InfeInape and its lumbering arms raised to slam the ground and catch the monkey pokemon with an earthquake as it fell. It was an easy one-two that was sure to fell Infernape if it landed. Although Brick Break had shattered Aurora Veil, the physical defense boost from snow still allowed Abomasnow to weather the hits and retaliate.


Nakano Saito1715545604635.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice
Mentions: Ron Towers
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene
Furia the Hisuian Typhlosion

Battle: 2 Free Switches; Field: Stealth Rock; Hail: 1 turn; Hanu: +1 Attack

"One last hoor-ah, Flare Blitz!"

It might have not been enough, but she knew Infernape wasn't going to take that combo move sitting down.

As the Blizzard made him roll off the Abomasnow, he grabbed onto the earthen arms of the Abomasnow and cloaked himself in flames before lunging into the Abomasnow's chest, screeching defiantly.

Naka knew the Infernape was going to get knocked out from this attack, but she wanted to chip this Pokemon down enough, so she can send out Furia safely.

June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks | Hail 5 Turns rem. | Aurora Veil 5 Turns Rem.

Pokémon Con: Alolan Ninetales

For a moment Candice struggled with indecision, but she knew Abomasnow couldn’t be allowed to take hit after hit like that. A +1 Flare Blitz would undoubtably finish off her Mega and that couldn’t be allowed. Or…could it? Rather than finish Infernape, Candice could for Protect. Was that worth leaving Infernape with another turn or two? Ultimately, Candice decided against it. Abomasnow wasn’t her only once ace and Ludicolo was hardly a threat with it is current health.

Recoil and chip damage would be the end of Infernape and Candice was just fine with that. Abomasnow’s mega evolution broke as Hail ended and Candice returned her pokemon. Her next choice was—"Dazzle them Ninetales—«Aurora Veil»!”

An Alolan Ninetales emerged from Candice’s second to last pokeball, it’s snow warming once more chilling the weather as she landed and restored Aurora Veil.


June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.

G was more amazed by the steel dragon Pokemon, she barely understood the idea of Goomy being there. Until the word Hisui snapped her back to reality. "Huh? Hisui? Yeah that's like ancient Sinnoh. That picture, I've seen it in my school textbooks. We learned in school some Pokemon were different back then, you know, back when we were settling here."

G leaned a bit closer towards the Goomy, still keeping her distance. "Poor little guy. Well now I feel I have to make sure you do things right." She stood up straight and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's settled, we are now a team. If you want more information about past Sinnoh, while this is a great place to do some snooping around, you might want to consider the Canalave Library. Now, for steel types, there's also the famous Iron Island. I heard lots of steel type Pokemon made their home there. So, if you need some sort of special metal, that's probably the best place to go."

G smugged proudly of the knowledge she just blurted out. "I might not have a direct answer for you, but I know for a fact those places will provide some good insight on your situation. Besides, I'm starting to like steel type Pokemon, maybe I can get one on the way. Anyways, let's go find a cheap hotel, then we can leave our stuff and go sight seeing!"

With enthusiasm, G took off ahead, her Snom clinging to her backpack like some sort of accessory, while Vulpix and Sneasel ran after her. After locating a small house that had two rooms available, ran by an elderly couple and their Numel, G dropped off her backpack, feeling relieved of not having that weight on her anymore. She left Snom in her room and went outside to check out the scene while she waited for Altair to come down. Spicy the Sneasel seemed excited by G's new attitude, slashing at the air and trying out different tactics while she got cheered on by Vanilla, the Alolan Vulpix.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products



Nakano Saito1715547963226.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice
Mentions: Ron Towers
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene
Furia the Hisuian Typhlosion

Battle: 2 Free Switches; Field: Stealth Rock; Harsh Sunlight: 5 turns; Aurora Veil: 5 turns

Naka was stunned. Did that really do it?

Huh... Returning her knocked out Hanu, she really only had Furia left. Ludwig would go down to the Stealth Rocks and if that Froslass comes out using Destiny Bond and Furia does go down, Naka would at least secure a win as one of her Pokemon would still be up.

Sighing, she sent out her next Pokemon. "Brace for the rocks." She gave Furia a bit of a warning. The Hisuian Typhlosion came out and was damaged by the Stealth Rocks. The badger shook her head and then roared, purple fire erupting from her neck as she gave the Alolan Ninetales - a dainty little thing - a mean glare.

Furia had to be one of the strongest Pokemon Naka's ever commanded before, even beating her Sceptile in raw strength.

"Sunny Day!" Risking the Ninetales setting up, Furia roared as light shone from her and then went up, dissipating the hail. They needed to get rid of that snow's buff.

June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks | Sun 4 Turns rem. | Aurora Veil 4 Turns Rem.

Pokémon Con: A-Ninetales

A Hisuian Typhlosion was entirely out of Candice’s expectations, but as Naka called for Sunny Day, Candice was quick to react with a grin. “«Encore»!” The snow-fox’s tails billowed as it cheered for the fiery sunny day and sought to lock its opponent into a now-useless move. It was a real shame that Typhlosion wouldn’t be able to show its moves, but for the next two turns there would naught it could do but receive a beating. “Now focus with «Calm Mind» and «Extrasensory»!” Once it’s opponent had been thoroughly de-fanged, Ninetales could leisurely settle its mind and begin its all-out-assault. Naka was in trouble now!

If Candice’s estimations were correct, she could simultaneously stall out the sun and chip down Typhlosion’s health. The Calm Mind would give Ninetales some much need firepower and bolster its defenses so it could withstand a flamethrower or something of equivalent strength. Thankfully, stealth rocks did a decent chunk to something rock weak like Typhlosion and by the time Encore ended a move like Eruption would be less painful than flamethrower.




June 23rd, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"Yeah, Hisui, I thought someone who grew up in Sinnoh would know more about it." Altair replied. "Those are just called regional forms, we learned about them too, they're everywhere you know. Sinnoh is special though, since there seems to be a time part of it too." He added, though she did fit the criteria of 'grew up in Sinnoh', Altair wasn't super sure how much he trusts her academic senses despite his own shortcomings in that department.

"Canalave Library? Where is that- right, Canalave City, duh." Altair flipped through the Sinnoh map again and narrowed his eyes at the location of the city mentioned by the other. "Well, looks like we ended up on the wrong side of Cornet for that. Time to head back in, unless you got a better idea, locale wiz." He shrugged and gestured at G, although there were likely methods of transportation around Sinnoh too like the other regions, it would probably still take a day. Besides, both of them were rather tired from the journey from Snowpoint, maybe it's not the best to rush to another far off place immediately.

"Sightseeing...huh..." Altair got downstairs from the hotel G has found, he looked around the small town for a bit, there wasn't much going on here it seems like, other than the ruins in the center of town. "The ruins, I guess? And maybe if you're a superfan of the Sinnoh Champion, there might be something for you, but that seems pretty obnoxious..." Altair sighed, he looked a bit bored of the quaint little town already. He eventually decided to go check out the ruins first, if Hisui is Sinnoh of the past, maybe relics like that could provide some useful information.

The ruins depicted the legendary Pokemon of the Sinnoh region, which Altair, frankly, had little interest in. There was a painting inside of the not-too-large ruins, with a few academic looking people doing some research and observing on it. Altair introduced himself as a former student of Mesagoza Academy for a little bit of extra credibility, but it seems like that the ruins of Celestic Town was about the three spirits that guarded the three lakes of Sinnoh, it wasn't directly linked to drawing out the ancient Hisui region's powers in Pokemon. Ultimately, it cycled back to suggests similar to G's, about the Canalave Library, Iron Island, though there were some interesting theories about rare Pokemon seen in the Grand Underground of Sinnoh as well.

The trip took the better part of the day, the sun has began to glide across the horizon and sunk a bit below the distant mountain ranges.

"I suppose there isn't that much of a lead here, we might need to head over to the West of Cornet soon." At the door of the hotel Altair looked and G and broke the news, although he wasn't really sure what she wanted to do in particular either, she said something about being a trainer, or a coordinator or something. "We could head off as soon as tomorrow morning, if you're good with that. You're not interested in archeology by any chance, right?" He asked jokingly, as Altair was definitely not expecting G to be interested in that stuff.


ID No.


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Lv -

- Name -

Lv -

- Name -

Lv -


Cordelia's Moves

Fawfaw's Moves

???'s Moves

Tuesday, August 2nd — 9:50 a.m.

Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh Region

Cordelia snicked in response to Rincewind’s declaration. Eléonor just rolled her eyes. Okay, so Rincewind was far from as capable as she assumed. That was fine, she had not expected that much from him anyways. Regardless, “If that is the case, then why not leave? We have what we came for, we have no reason to fight this Torterra…”

Whatever their reasons, Eléonor was more than content to watch the battle unfold from a distance where she was more than safe. In fact, she felt safe enough to steal a quick scan of Ramona’s Turtwig as it revealed Grassy Terrain. It was a rare move, and it made her curious. Did her own Piplup have any egg moves? No, before that, her Piplup still needed a name… Hmm...

Eléonor treated all her Pokémon as members of her family and that, in turn, meant they followed the traditional Kalosian naming style and adopted her last name. In old Kalos names were given in parts, usually at least 3 or 4. Their given name came first, followed by the name of a godparent, then a beloved relative, and pen-ultimately a baptismal name as they came of age. That was how her own name was derived: Eléonor Evelyn Maëlys-Amelì Françoise Twdyr!

Of course, it was a bit tricky when it came to Pokémon. Godparents and relatives weren’t as easily determined nor would they necessarily have names she could use, but Eléonor had done her best with Cordelia and Fawfaw. To further complicate the naming process, Eléonor also intended to balance the origins of her Pokémon’s names, splitting them evenly between names of Kalosian and Galarian origin.

As her starter, Cordelia held a balance of names both Kalosian and Galarian; then, her first capture—Fawfaw—had been entirely Galarian. The Aron, currently resting in his Pokéball, had a mighty and illustrious name taken from the courts of the legendary King Arthur! He was Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr Galahad Gredifael Twdyr—or Fawfaw, for short.

All that simply meant Piplup’s name would need to be Kalosian to even things back out…

But what would be a good name for a Piplup…? Aimée? Agnès? Chhristèle?

Decisions, decisions…

$2,500 | Pokéball x3

Sleeping Bag
First-Aid Kit
Metal File Kit

June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.

"Hey, the day is not over yet." G began walking backwards, looking at her steps as if counting them. "We still have some time to mess around." She stopped after a few meters away with a smug smile. "Now, let's battle! I am prepared to become even stronger so me and my team can be top coordinators! Spicy, I choose you!"

She tossed the Premier Ball into the air and out popped the Sneasel. She looked at her claws and then over at Altair, taunting the trainer to engage combat. "She's my strongest battler, so you better not go easy on us!"

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products





June 23rd, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"Huh?" Altair paused for a moment after G's request for a battle, it came out of nowhere frankly, but she did seem pretty fired up about her whole Pokemon training business before. He shrugged off the slight confusion after a few seconds, she was right that there was still some time left in the day, and it's not like they were as tired as the previous day anyway.

"I'm gonna let you know in advance, I don't know anything about being a coordinator, so I prolly can't help you on that front," Altair replied half-heartedly to G's exclamation. "I at least know they do battle sometimes though, so if that's what you want, I can indulge you a bit." He added.

"Fine then, if you say so." Altair had originally planned to bring out Goomy and have her battle against the novice trainer, but G seemed rather insistent on not getting the beginner treatment. Altair, well, was obviously still going to go easy on her, though now he's aware that he can't make it too obvious. "Come on out, Psi, let's play with her for a bit." He said calmly without reaching for a specific Pokeball.

With a burst of light, Psion the Klefki popped out of his Pokeball on his trainer's request, jingling his keys excitedly.

"This is my first Pokemon, we've been partners for more than 15 years." He replied to G. "He's not much of a battler in the most surface level sense, but don't take that as us going easy on you."

June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.

"Your first Pokemon?" G look surprised for a bit, but her competitive look came back around quickly. "Good, then we're going to give it our all, Spicy, Quick Attack, but look cool!"

Sneasel turned to face her trainer, nodding in understanding before turning towards the Klefki. She ducked her head a bit and started dashing in circles around the field. She would suddenly stop to pose, crossing her arms, winking at the fair steel type, waving at G, then finally she went for a straight line towards Psi. After, she jumped backwards into the air.

"Ice Shard!"

Spicy smirked as four small ice daggers formed around her and shot in a bullet like style towards her opponent.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products





June 23rd, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"I suppose we are doing this, aren't we?" Altair sighed and waved his hand half-heartedly at the Klefki.

The girl sent out her Sneasle, it was a Pokemon that Klefki had an overwhelming type advantage over, but it had one thing in its favour. As a dark type, Sneasle would be unaffected by the nasty little surprises boosted by Psion's prankster ability. It wasn't a huge issue though.


A shining barrier went up around the key Pokemon, so rapidly that it was even faster than the speed of an attack like quick attack. The barrier deflected the quick attack from the dark-type Pokemon, parrying most of the damage. Though the Sneasle and G didn't give up, as they used another move that was known for its speed and fast wind-up time. They were indeed fast, but the prankster ability allowed Klefki to keep up with the speed when it comes to reacting to the assault.

"Iron defence, Psi." Altair said calmly as the ice shards began to pelt down. The steel exterior of Klefki shimmered a bit as the Pokemons defence was raised sharply before the strike.

"Fast, but you're not going to inflict much damage like that." Altair crossed his arms and watched the battle casually.

"Come on Psi, you can shake those attacks off. Draining kiss."

The Klefki jingled its keys a bit and shook off the bits of ice and snow that previously pelted it, the steel body underneath still shimmering. It then lunged forward while being surrounded by a slightly rosy light, charging at the Sneasle to get in its attack.


June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.

The screen went black and a blue strike crossed like lightning. K O~! The words appeared before G as her Sneasel fell to the ground unconcious. "Hmp!" She took out her Pokeball and aimed it at Spicy. "Spicy good job, return! Go, Vanilla!"

ROUND 2, F I G H T ~ !

The Alolan Vulpix landed with a loud yelp as she announced her entrance on the battlefiel-er street. "Come on, Vanilla, show them your Baby-Doll Eyes!"

The white fur fox shook her head rapidly and then look directly at the Klefki, her eyes becoming big and watery with a cute effect in the air. "Awwww, I mean, Powder Snow!"

Vanilla jumped on to her four legs and her tails spiked up. A breeze of chilly air brew from behind her, swirling around the field and then going directly towards Psi.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products


Location: Bewilder Forest.
Date: August 2nd.

While Rincewind stayed back and merely observed the fight, having detached one of the screens of his tri-gear and pointing it towards the fight, using it as a sort of camera to record the fight, Lewis was fully invested, his Garvantula helping to distract the Torterra. The Torterra slowed, it's focus tied between the Garvantula and the Lopunny. How it was still standing was a mystery, but now having to fight on two fronts, it's combat effectiveness was drastically reduced, and it's attempts at attacking both weren't so effective, especially given the grassy terrain making it's earthquakes less effective.

Lewis silently nodded as he noticed the Ranger use her stylus to the rampaging Torterra and gave a few silent gestures towards the Garvantula. He had little skill with a battle, but he had at least taught his Pokemon nonverbal callsigns and other such methods of communicating without words, typically used by the police and military. They proved effective, as the Garvantula began to make a conscious effort to avoid the Torterra as it distracted the child. "Keep up the effort! According to my analysis, the threat should be neutralized swiftly!" He called out, raising his voice to be heard over the heat of battle.

It wasn't long before the Torterra was pacified, however the relentless assault from the Lopunny lead to the creature attempting to retreat with it's child. It collapsed to the ground, defeated, but clearly alive. The Grotle, concerned over the parent, rushed to the side of the defeated turtle, no longer interested in the fight. The Garvantula then returned to Lewis, the electrically charged fur on it's carapace bristling. "That was... Intense... You lot preformed optimally. Threat neutralized." Lewis spoke, returning the electric tarantula. "Is everyone okay? I have some medical supplies if needed, though I myself only have basic first aid training. I'll check the vitals of the Torterra before we go, I'd rather not be responsible for the death of a being who only wished to protect its young."



June 23rd, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"Ah...Maybe I should've told Psi go to easy on her after all..." Altair muttered to himself.

Although draining kiss was not the most powerful move, it was still a super effective one against dark types. Klefki, being a Pokemon with the ability prankster, gets shut down by dark types easily, but coincidentally, dark type Pokemon are weak to its fairy moves in the first place.

"Your Pokemon move well, but your move choices need some work." He responded, trying to seem as calm and collected as possible while G sent out her second Pokemon.

Psion spun around a bit, freshly rejuvenated from the healing effect of draining kiss while hovering above the white fox Pokemon. The fox Pokemon glared up at the fairy key ring with watery eyes, it was a move that activated quite quickly, but Psion's prankster ability allowed it to keep up with the move. The Klefki quickly pulled away from the Vulpix and its watery expression.

"That would only work on attackers using closer ranged physical moves." Altair commented on the choice of using baby doll eyes. "Unfortunately, that's how now Psi fights. All we need to do is keep our distance."

"Metal sound."
Altair commanded after the Vulpix fired off a powder snow. The key ring Pokemon hovered up and began to form screeching sound waves from its body directly into the flurry of snow, slurring and deflecting the chilling attack and also attempting to throw off the Vulpix's focus with the noise.


ID No.


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Lv -

- Name -

Lv -

- Name -

Lv -


Cordelia's Moves

Fawfaw's Moves

???'s Moves

Tuesday, August 2nd — 9:50 a.m.

Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh Region

Athénaïs… Aurélia… Aurélie…? Azélie…?? Cunégonde.... Étienette…

However would she determine a suitable appellation? What was she seeking in a name? Principally, it had to befit Piplup. Their time together was brief, and Eléonor’s grasp on Piplup’s comportment had a ways to go; however, the penguin Pokémon were known for their pride. And that had been plenty apparent in the way Piplup introduced herself. Therefore, whatever name was chosen for Piplup needed to be something classy, royal perchance? Ergo, Aurélia…? Was that not a lovely name? Sweet, noble, the syllables rolled softly off the tongue… Azélie would work as well. Piplup would take four given names, so Eléonor was hardly pressed to favour one over the other. Howbeit, did Aurélia and Azélie flow, were their articulations altogether pleasant and harmonious? Aurélia Azélie? Aurélie Azélie? Azélie Aurélia? Auré—wait, had someone said something?

Eléonor blinked. The fight seemed to be…over? Why was Rincewind recording? What were those noises coming out the other guy’s mouth? Why were they here again? Oh, right! Eléonor rather wanted to avoid another ‘distraction’; accordingly, the toy being in her possession was for the best. Her eyes found Zera.
“Kindly part with that toy, I must return it to the owner.”

The trip could have been smoother, but natheless that side-quest was accomplished. However…


The girl stared blankly at the group which had somehow ballooned to five. To leave abruptly would be tremendously rude, so instead Eléonor remained silent and let the others divulge their intentions… What if she named Piplup Azalaïs?

$2,500 | Pokéball x3

Sleeping Bag
First-Aid Kit
Metal File Kit

June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.


The artic fox cried out as the Metal Sound reached her ears. The Vulpix backed away a few steps as her trainer covered her ears and tried to figure out what to do. "Go, Vanilla, Tail Whip!"

The Alolan Pokemon stood her ground. Her icy blue eyes set on the keychain terrorizing her as her tails began to sway from side to side, faster and faster until they sent a soft wave towards the prankster Pokemon. "Now, Ice Shard, again!"

Vanilla crouched as low as possible then sprung into the air, the pointy ice figures materializing around her quickly and then shooting foward towards Psi.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products





June 23rd, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

Altair looked at G and the Vulpix, as well as their movements. It was clear that G seems to employ some very specific moves, oftentimes with style over substance. The small white fox whipped its tail around as a distraction before launching another fast attack in ice shard.

"Reflect." A lightened barrier went up around the Klefki once more as the reflection shielded the already solid steel type from the ice shards that were hurled toward the Pokemon.

"It seems like she doesn't have many attacks that can affect Psi well." Altair said to G, referring to the moves of her Vulpix, with an emphasis on the word attack. "Those other tricks are getting annoying though." He glanced at the Klefki who was occasionally distracted by the other Pokemon's movements. "Psi, taunt."

Shaking its tendrils, the keyring Pokemon waved the steel rods aggressively at the fox Pokemon in front of it.

"Let's shut those moves down."

June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.

"Hey!" G cried out as her Vulpix fell for the taunt, baring her fangs at the key Pokemon. "Fine, let's spam that Ice Shard!" The young trainer called out, not knowing what to do anymore.

Vanilla once again gathered pointy shards around herself, running from side to side, shooting them at Psi. The shards barely got through the barrier though, disminishing their already lower power.

"Enough!" G called out, making Vanilla stop in confusion. "I get it, we're out of your league. Come on back, Vanilla." G returned her artic fox back into the comfort of her Premier Ball. "You win. Can we just go to sleep now?" G said with little enthusiasm in her voice.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products




ID No.


Click Me!










Lv -

- Name -

Lv -

- Name -

Lv -


Cordelia's Moves

Fawfaw's Moves

???'s Moves

Tuesday, August 2nd — 9:50 a.m.

Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh Region

Athénaïs… Aurélia… Aurélie…? Azélie…?? Cunégonde.... Étienette…

However would she determine a suitable appellation? What was she seeking in a name? Principally, it had to befit Piplup. Their time together was brief, and Eléonor’s grasp on Piplup’s comportment had a ways to go; however, the penguin Pokémon were known for their pride. And that had been plenty apparent in the way Piplup introduced herself. Therefore, whatever name was chosen for Piplup needed to be something classy, royal perchance? Ergo, Aurélia…? Was that not a lovely name? Sweet, noble, the syllables rolled softly off the tongue… Azélie would work as well. Piplup would take four given names, so Eléonor was hardly pressed to favour one over the other. Howbeit, did Aurélia and Azélie flow, were their articulations altogether pleasant and harmonious? Aurélia Azélie? Aurélie Azélie? Azélie Aurélia? Auré—wait, had someone said something?

Eléonor blinked. The fight seemed to be…over? Why was Rincewind recording? What were those noises coming out the other guy’s mouth? Why were they here again? Oh, right! Eléonor rather wanted to avoid another ‘distraction’; accordingly, the toy being in her possession was for the best. Her eyes found Zera.
“Kindly part with that toy, I must return it to the owner.”

The trip could have been smoother, but natheless that side-quest was accomplished. However…


The girl stared blankly at the group which had somehow ballooned to five. To leave abruptly would be tremendously rude, so instead Eléonor remained silent and let the others divulge their intentions… What if she named Piplup Azalaïs?

$2,500 | Pokéball x3

Sleeping Bag
First-Aid Kit
Metal File Kit

Aug. 2nd, 0951 hours.
Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Zera hummed the battle seeming have ended with a final powered up punch knocking the overgrown turtle's lights out. With a slight huff she snapped her fingers and Lukina who was primed for another punch stopped and bounced over to her master. "Good job Lukina." She reached over and gave the pink rabbit Pokémon pets on the head causing a small smile to appear on said rabbit's face. "To think it only took two punches. You really are getting so much better. The gyms won't stand a chance."

The praise was cut short however when a voice pulled Zera from rewarding her Pokémon with her full attention. She did still have the toy in her hand didn't she? She looked from it to Eleonor and to Lukina who looks less than pleased from her praise being interrupted. At least this girl was more tolerable than the other one. Zera's eyes looked to Ramona and then back to Eleonor before moving over and giving over the doll to the darker skined girl. "Here, take it... far more trouble than it's worth." She gave Ramona another subtle glare before moving back to her Lopunny to resume rewarding her.​

Nakano Saito1719101482687.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice
Mentions: Ron Towers
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene
Furia the Hisuian Typhlosion

Battle: 2 Free Switches; Field: Stealth Rock; Harsh Sunlight: 5 turns; Aurora Veil: 1 turn

Her face immediately crumbled almost comically when she saw that Encore hit. Furia's growl was interrupted as she felt her body being forced to use the attack, being forced to go through the motions again. It didn't prevent her from moving about the battlefield, at least, but it was still annoying. Furia glared back at Naka, as if blaming her for not having the foresight, but she saw the frustration and exasperation on her face, too.

No need to get mad at her for that.

Puffing out some smoke from exasperation, Furia used Sunny Day as the Calm Mind was used, and then Sunny Day again as Extrasensory was used. Furia did her best to try and dodge it, but that was a rather sad attempt. Furia growled, absolutely peeved that she couldn't do anything about it.

"Alright, one more time, Furia!"

Oh? Already?

Furia gave a mocking grin, utilizing another Sunny Day, which would be the last of her Encore nightmare. She would have to do a new move quickly before she got caught with Encore again.

"Flamethrower!" She wanted to test it out, see how much damage it dealt. She knew how bulky an Alolan Ninetales could be, especially after using Calm Mind. Speaking of, she'd have to get Furia to use Calm Mind, too, but they already lost precious time with that Encore.

Furia roared, blasting out a blistering stream of fire at the Alolan Ninetales, helped by the Sunny Day. It was so hot it even blistered the very ground as it passed right over it.


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