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Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)


Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

Ron didn't really say much the entire time. Instead, he just followed and observed. Naka did what you would expect someone with her career to do. Be professional. Of course, she threw an unexpected curve here and there but mostly she kept it clean. Once the interview was over and Naka walked over to him, he just nodded towards Bushida and grabbed Naka's hands. "We need to get you a pair of glasses."

Ron and Naka were not done yet. It seemed the guardian researcher still had one more thing on her agenda. So, after making what was Ron's favorite video of all time, they went out to have a calm dinner and tried to sleep before the next day.

Saturday, June 25th, Cinnebar Island, Kanto.

Ron stepped of the plane with a load yawn. He hadn't slept much the night before since Naka had him working over time. Still, he looked damn proud of it too. Luz stretched her legs as she walked on the port. The sun was bright and Ron was not about to start sweating all over. He took off his hoodie and left on the black tank top he had under it. He rolled it up and stuffed it into his backpack.

"Kanto... feels a lot like Johto." Ron waited for Naka to catch up before putting his arm around her hip and pulling her close. "Careful. She's probably watching us already." Ron looked around with suspicion in his eyes. "Stay by my side."

They began walking into town and then quickly into the rocky area that lead towards the gym. After the volcano eruption years ago, the town had reformed and had used the same volcano to create the gym once more. This time, with technology that hopefully would let them know when it was going to go off again. As they started walking up the trail, the sun suddenly became dim. Ron looked up, squinting his eyes. "That's weird. Where did that cloud come from... ah shit! Furia!"

Ron grabbed Naka and pulled her away as Furia emerged from her confines, taking their place. A shower of flames came down on the flaming badger. Ron followed the string of Flamethrower covering his starter Pokemon and finding the source of it. A Charizard.

The orange winged beast was huge, easily bigger than Ron and any human. It flapped its winges furiosly as it kept up the fire attack. The flames slowly turned into a bright purple as the heat increased around Furia and she slowly became visible. Using her own flamethrower, she started to push back on the attack. Ron looked a bit confused, first time she saw her flames turned that color while use fire attacks.

"She's here." Ron told Naka, taking a hold of her hand.

"Enough, Charo!"

The Charizard moved out of the way as Furia's flames blasted in front of it. He flew in circles two times and then landed further up the trail, right behind a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a red short sleeved hoodie over a white top. Her wavy blonde hair tied up into one tail on the side of her head. Her faced carried that same smirk Ron gave at times and the aura around her seemed to carry the same weight when Ron battled.

"Blonde, blueish eyes, really bro? Hello, mommy issues!" She called out followed by a laugh. "Seriously, you have two sister with similar traits, kinda creepy man."

Ron groaned and took a step closer. "Naka, this is my little sister, Maker."

"Honor to meet the guardian researcher." Maker jogged down the trail with her oversized Charizard staying behind. "Wow you're beautiful!"

For a second it seemed Maker was impressed by Naka, but it soon become obvious her attention had shifted to Furia. "Look at you!" The blonde ran over to the badge and began scratching her behind her ear. Surprisingly, Furia was actually enjoying it, her face looking calm for once. "Hisuian Typhlosion? It's perfect for such a queen like you! I bet he didn't even know what you turned into huh? Yeah I can tell."

Maker looked over her shoulder, "You have this poor girl frustrated and your girlfriend is being bombed online. What the fuck guys?"

@Merciless Medic





June 24th, Route 210
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

Altair looked at his traveling companion as they went onto Route 210 from the quiet little archeology town, G said she wanted to head to Harthome for a pokemon contest, he didn't argue much, since it was in the general direction that they were supposed to go down anyways.

"Aska, defog." Altair looked around at the surrounding route while tossing a Pokeball in the air, the travel guide said that dense fog commonly surrounded this area, and judging from the sheer cliffs and waterfalls nearby, the lack of visibility was probably a great hazard in the area. Even with the infrastructure installments nearby, Altair figured it was safer for him and G to clear through the fog as they moved. The Empoleon dutifully sliced through the white mist near the ground, clearing up an area that let the cerulean water from the falls peek through the fog. "Watch your footing, another draw bridge ahead." He called out to G as the airheaded new trainer caused him immense stress in an environment like this. At least it wasn't as cumbersome as Mt.Cornet.

"You catching that Metagross?" Altair responded half-heartedly as he recalled Empoleon after the defog. "I don't know. Maybe it's possible, I could win the lottery tomorrow and ditch you. That's possible too." He added dryly at the suggestion G made. "But Pokemon aren't lottery tickets. If they don't respect you they probably won't listen to you, even if you could catch one." Togedemaru, still out of his Pokeball, climbed back onto Altair's shoulder and puffed up his spikes pridefully. "Yeah yeah." Altair patted the spiky round Pokemon on his head a bit before continuing. "Rollie didn't listen to his original trainer, and didn't listen to me for a long time too. So do you think that Metagross would listen to you?"

"Ice type huh...I thought there was an expert on that in your city already..."
Altair paused for a moment. Like most trainers with decent amounts of experience, Altair had a good understanding of Pokemon types, but giving a suggestion like this out of the blue felt more difficult than he anticipated. "Ice types are weak to...fire...fighting, rock...right, and steel of course...and...hmm." He mumbled to himself for a bit. "Maybe a water type, fire type moves are pretty common...some Pokemon have two types you know, so you can consider one of those..." Altair tried to explain, but never really clarified any of his sentences. "I think it's better to find a Pokemon that works for you though, plenty of people and Pokemon overcome their type weaknesses, you know, gym leaders and the likes. I heard Candice is doing a full match today, maybe watch that and think up of something." Altair shrugged as he kept an eye on the fog, creeping back into the route after defog.

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