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Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)


Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

Ron didn't really say much the entire time. Instead, he just followed and observed. Naka did what you would expect someone with her career to do. Be professional. Of course, she threw an unexpected curve here and there but mostly she kept it clean. Once the interview was over and Naka walked over to him, he just nodded towards Bushida and grabbed Naka's hands. "We need to get you a pair of glasses."

Ron and Naka were not done yet. It seemed the guardian researcher still had one more thing on her agenda. So, after making what was Ron's favorite video of all time, they went out to have a calm dinner and tried to sleep before the next day.

Saturday, June 25th, Cinnebar Island, Kanto.

Ron stepped of the plane with a load yawn. He hadn't slept much the night before since Naka had him working over time. Still, he looked damn proud of it too. Luz stretched her legs as she walked on the port. The sun was bright and Ron was not about to start sweating all over. He took off his hoodie and left on the black tank top he had under it. He rolled it up and stuffed it into his backpack.

"Kanto... feels a lot like Johto." Ron waited for Naka to catch up before putting his arm around her hip and pulling her close. "Careful. She's probably watching us already." Ron looked around with suspicion in his eyes. "Stay by my side."

They began walking into town and then quickly into the rocky area that lead towards the gym. After the volcano eruption years ago, the town had reformed and had used the same volcano to create the gym once more. This time, with technology that hopefully would let them know when it was going to go off again. As they started walking up the trail, the sun suddenly became dim. Ron looked up, squinting his eyes. "That's weird. Where did that cloud come from... ah shit! Furia!"

Ron grabbed Naka and pulled her away as Furia emerged from her confines, taking their place. A shower of flames came down on the flaming badger. Ron followed the string of Flamethrower covering his starter Pokemon and finding the source of it. A Charizard.

The orange winged beast was huge, easily bigger than Ron and any human. It flapped its winges furiosly as it kept up the fire attack. The flames slowly turned into a bright purple as the heat increased around Furia and she slowly became visible. Using her own flamethrower, she started to push back on the attack. Ron looked a bit confused, first time she saw her flames turned that color while use fire attacks.

"She's here." Ron told Naka, taking a hold of her hand.

"Enough, Charo!"

The Charizard moved out of the way as Furia's flames blasted in front of it. He flew in circles two times and then landed further up the trail, right behind a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a red short sleeved hoodie over a white top. Her wavy blonde hair tied up into one tail on the side of her head. Her faced carried that same smirk Ron gave at times and the aura around her seemed to carry the same weight when Ron battled.

"Blonde, blueish eyes, really bro? Hello, mommy issues!" She called out followed by a laugh. "Seriously, you have two sister with similar traits, kinda creepy man."

Ron groaned and took a step closer. "Naka, this is my little sister, Maker."

"Honor to meet the guardian researcher." Maker jogged down the trail with her oversized Charizard staying behind. "Wow you're beautiful!"

For a second it seemed Maker was impressed by Naka, but it soon become obvious her attention had shifted to Furia. "Look at you!" The blonde ran over to the badge and began scratching her behind her ear. Surprisingly, Furia was actually enjoying it, her face looking calm for once. "Hisuian Typhlosion? It's perfect for such a queen like you! I bet he didn't even know what you turned into huh? Yeah I can tell."

Maker looked over her shoulder, "You have this poor girl frustrated and your girlfriend is being bombed online. What the fuck guys?"

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic





June 24th, Route 210
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

Altair looked at his traveling companion as they went onto Route 210 from the quiet little archeology town, G said she wanted to head to Harthome for a pokemon contest, he didn't argue much, since it was in the general direction that they were supposed to go down anyways.

"Aska, defog." Altair looked around at the surrounding route while tossing a Pokeball in the air, the travel guide said that dense fog commonly surrounded this area, and judging from the sheer cliffs and waterfalls nearby, the lack of visibility was probably a great hazard in the area. Even with the infrastructure installments nearby, Altair figured it was safer for him and G to clear through the fog as they moved. The Empoleon dutifully sliced through the white mist near the ground, clearing up an area that let the cerulean water from the falls peek through the fog. "Watch your footing, another draw bridge ahead." He called out to G as the airheaded new trainer caused him immense stress in an environment like this. At least it wasn't as cumbersome as Mt.Cornet.

"You catching that Metagross?" Altair responded half-heartedly as he recalled Empoleon after the defog. "I don't know. Maybe it's possible, I could win the lottery tomorrow and ditch you. That's possible too." He added dryly at the suggestion G made. "But Pokemon aren't lottery tickets. If they don't respect you they probably won't listen to you, even if you could catch one." Togedemaru, still out of his Pokeball, climbed back onto Altair's shoulder and puffed up his spikes pridefully. "Yeah yeah." Altair patted the spiky round Pokemon on his head a bit before continuing. "Rollie didn't listen to his original trainer, and didn't listen to me for a long time too. So do you think that Metagross would listen to you?"

"Ice type huh...I thought there was an expert on that in your city already..."
Altair paused for a moment. Like most trainers with decent amounts of experience, Altair had a good understanding of Pokemon types, but giving a suggestion like this out of the blue felt more difficult than he anticipated. "Ice types are weak to...fire...fighting, rock...right, and steel of course...and...hmm." He mumbled to himself for a bit. "Maybe a water type, fire type moves are pretty common...some Pokemon have two types you know, so you can consider one of those..." Altair tried to explain, but never really clarified any of his sentences. "I think it's better to find a Pokemon that works for you though, plenty of people and Pokemon overcome their type weaknesses, you know, gym leaders and the likes. I heard Candice is doing a full match today, maybe watch that and think up of something." Altair shrugged as he kept an eye on the fog, creeping back into the route after defog.

Ramona Serrano1720214017311.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Bewilder Forest > Sandgem Town, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis, Zera Quinn, Eléonor Twdyr
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Absollover77 Absollover77
Pokemon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

Ramona sighed. Well, the girl was already gone, and this prim and proper lady was starting to irritate her. She clicked her tongue, shrugging as she rested her head against her hands, fingers entwined behind her head. She heard what Lewis had to say and considering Rincewind needed to someone to stay with him, Ramona took it upon herself to help out, ignoring the comment Lewis made to her because she wasn't self-aware enough to realize it was her.

"Hmph, well, I'm gonna escort you two then. I would feel much better if I did so to Jubilife City, just to make sure you're both okay." She shot the two men a smile. "I'm not so concerned about muscle-woman over here, I'm pretty sure she can take on a Legendary with the beefcake of a Lopunny by her side."

With that, she began walking towards the exit of Sandgem Town. "So, make sure we're all packed and ready to head out. If we go through Bewilder Forest again, most of those Stantler will be active during the day, so we can pass through safely if it's night. The main thing we have to worry about at night would be Misdreavus and Murkrow." That was - at least - what she saw on the internet regarding what Pokemon appeared in Bewilder Forest. "But I'm pretty sure we can handle those guys. Those of you wanting to stick with me, let's meet up in an hour at the exit of Sandgem Town." With that, she was off, getting her own self ready and sitting against a tree as she awaited for her group of two men and whoever wanted to join her.

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Date: August 2, 2022.
Location: Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh.
Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic as Ramona.

Rincewind stayed quiet, but huffed as Ramona implied that he needed an escort, taking such low faith of his abilities as a great insult. Eventually, he piped up, grumbling. "You know, I'm capable of taking care of myself. Arceus knows that even at home, I learned a great deal of independence. It wasn't like my family took care of me." He spoke, his voice laced with venom. He was about to continue, until his Turtwig came out of her ball and headbutted his leg. Almost immediately, his venom faded and he took on more of a disgruntled state, as if he didn't want to be a bad influence to his Turtwig. One thing was certain, he may have been overly edgy and attention seeking, but he certainly cared for Pokemon greatly.

The Turtwig's attempts to calm him down was certainly working. They didn't have much of a bond yet, but at least the Turtwig cared enough about it's trainer to want him to be happy. After all, he was the guy who cared for her, and he wouldn't make a good trainer if he was miserable all the time. Lewis, meanwhile, was more than happy to have an escort, perhaps he'd have an opportunity to test his strength with a battle with her! Sure, he wasn't skilled, but part of the reason he took a vacation was to grow as a trainer, and battling was one surefire way of judging one's own abilities, as well as that of their Pokemon! "Of course, company is certainly good! Tesla should be able to deal with the wild Pokémon, it has rather high endurance!" He smiled, his Leafeon huffing with jealousy. She wasn't used to having to share her trainer, and merely gave Ramona the judgmental side eye.

"Do stay safe now, we wouldn't want to see you get in another spot of trouble!" The Scientist chuckled, waving as Ramona went off to go get herself ready. Afterwards, he turned to Rincewind. Sure, they were strangers, but he certainly felt bad for the guy. It didn't take a genius to understand he had some severe family troubles, and he wanted to support him as best he could. "As for you, I'm taking you with me. You're certainly unprepared, so I think it's natural that I get you some supplies." He spoke, walking towards the town. Initially, Rincewind tried to resist, attempting to argue against it, but the Leafeon with him proved persuasive, convincing him to at least let the scientist buy him some potions.

| One hour later... |

Eventually, the two regrouped with Ramona, the two having stocked up on supplies. Rincewind certainly wasn't outwardly joyous or anything, but his mood had certainly improved since he was last seen. Perhaps Lewis managed to knock some sense into him? Rincewind lagged a bit behind, but managed to keep up. "And so we return. Are you prepared? Tesla here seems enthusiastic." Lewis questioned, gesturing at the Magneton behind him, who emitted a vocal cry and span it's magnets in excitement. He looked ready for anything, his belt equipped with a flask, flashlight, and a few other various gadgets meant for a walk in the wilderness. He swapped out his green jacket for one of orange, with a reflective lining. He certainly looked like he was trying to impersonate a construction worker, but at least he'd be able to see easily, even in the dark!

Ramona Serrano1720988629719.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Sandgem Town, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
Pokemon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

Ramona didn't understand why Rincewind got all pissy with her. Maybe he thought she saw him as weak? But didn't he just say he didn't have Pokemon good in fighting?

Either way, she wasn't about to get all uppity with him. It was clear he's got a chip on his shoulder and she caught on that his family never cared for him. He had to be alone.

Which was why she wasn't mad with him.

She smiled as Lewis seemed enthusiastic about it, waving to him as she made her way to the exit, assessing what was in her bag, making sure she had enough. Potions, Antidotes, Awakenings, and Paralyze Heals. Mess kit, bedroll, travel hygiene on the road, blanket, medicine, and first aid. She even got a few berries she got from the outskirts of Sandgem.

An hour later, she spotted Rincewind and Lewis arriving. She smiled, waving to them. It even seemed that Rincewind was in a better mood. She nodded as Lewis asked if she was prepared, giving him a thumbs up. "As prepared as I'll ever be! Though uh..." She squinted at Lewis's wear.

"Why are you so bright? That's gonna attract curious wild Pokemon. Are you doing that because you're afraid you'll get shot or something? Pokemon hunting is illegal and guns are certainly not very common." She rubbed her eyes and then refocused, waving at the Magneton with a smile. She let Lewis speak his piece - and Rincewind maybe - before moving on.

"So, shall we go through the bewildering way or the more common way that won't get us all hypnotized by deer?" She chuckled, pointing at the safer route that wasn't as densely populated with trees and had relatively weaker Pokemon running through.

She then hummed as she looked at the safer way, tapping her chin. "A Shinx might be a good idea. Luxray is pretty paramount for my job as a ranger because of its x-ray eyes..." She mused to herself.


Sandgem Outskirts
Sandgem Town, Sinnoh

August, 2
| 10:05 a.m.


What a charming bunch! Although it had been her suggestion to travel together until Jubilife, the ensuing conversation left no room for Eléonor. Rude, but a small mercy natheless. With a tight smile and a small wave, Eléonor sent off the trio—not that they had bothered to look back. Regardless, the prim and proper lady turned to the remaining person, the muscle-bound Zera. She pinched the corners of her dress and dipped into the slightest curtsy—Cordelia mimicked her to the degree of her tilt.

“I believe this is where we part ways madam, fare thee well!”

The rules of courtesy had been observed, thus Eléonor felt comfortable declaring her departure. Her steps brought her to route 202, the stretch of plains and forests that connected Sandgem and Jubilife. It was the most direct path to Jubilife and it was not the path Eléonor intended to take. She was in no rush and between Sandgem and Jubilife lay Lake Shikotsu, it was off route, requiring a detour that would add several miles to her journey, but that was well and worthy. What better place to further her acquaintance with Azalaïs?

It would be a long walk, some 30-odd kilometers away; but, if she got a start and kept a steady pace, then she would arrive at the lake in-time to set camp foor the night.


Sleeping bag
Steel Grooming Kit
Steel File Set
Maintenance Oil
Steel-haired Brush





Cordelia Katia Adelais Anne-Marie Twdyr (Mawile) @Intimidate
Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr Galahad Gredifael Twdyr (Aron) @Heavy Metal
Azalaïs Anaëlle Aurélie Ascelina Twdyr (Piplup) @Competitive



Date: August 2, 2022.
Location: Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh.
Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Merciless Medic as Ramona.

During the interaction, Rincewind just stayed quiet, adjusting his cloak. His TriTech rang loudly, which he answered, his eyes lighting up as if expecting it to be something important. After quietly speaking into the thing, as if to avoid anyone from overhearing, he eventually became angry and hung up, glowering. "Of course they only care about me when I'm gone... Bastards... They don't give a shit about me when I'm there, yet express concern when I leave for another reason? I'm a goddamn adult, they have no right!" He grumbled to himself. Lewis, trying to take the attention away from the Rincewind, simply smiled as Ramona showed concern over his outfit.

"Other Pokemon may be lured to the high visibility, but we will be able to handle them. As it gets dark, visibility may become a problem. Therefore, this jacket is designed to allow you to locate me in the case we somehow get separated. Safety is paramount, and to remain in a group would make the journey quite a lot safer, wouldn't you agree?" He replied. Sure, he may not have accomplished such safety in the best way possible, but at least he was trying his best! Rincewind eventually managed to calm himself again, setting his TriTech to emit a beam of light not too different from a flashlight, as if to showcase his own preparations. "At least if we lost you, any light would light you up like a Christmas tree." He spoke simply.

Rincewind immediately took charge and took off on the easier path, the idea of getting some small Pokémon on his team to boost his own abilities. He was tired of being weak, and if he could at least get a second combatant, he'd be capable of self defense, hopefully. He of course looked back, making sure the other two were following him before continuing. It wasn't long before he encountered a wild Pokémon, who, instead of attacking, simply approached him curiously, not having seen anyone like him. His energy was certainly mystifying, and the creature felt it viable to investigate rather than attack. This proved fortunate, for the creature proved a Vulpix, a species that had fascinated him for quite some time. He crouched down and offered the little fox a berry, who gladly took the thing. "Well... You're certainly cute... Would you like a new home?"

Lewis turned to Ramona and smiled, even chuckling a little bit. "With how much more he gets along with Pokémon compared to other people, I might have thought he's a Pokémon himself if I didn't know any better. You'd have think he was raised by a Mightyena with how he seems to make friends with Pokémon. I guess there's just something about him..." He joked, his Leafeon huffing in annoyance. "It's my job to make friends with the wild Pokémon, damnit! He stole my fucking job!" The Leafeon cursed, though given the look on her face, she didn't look all that angry. While Lewis engaged in conversation with Ramona, it wasn't long before Rincewind returned to the group, holding a Luxury ball in hand with a pleased look on his face. "Judging by how the poor thing acted... I think it's been looking for a new home. Of course, I gave it exactly that." He spoke, a slight smile on his face.
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Ramona Serrano1721068839016.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Route 202, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
Pokemon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

Ramona raised an eyebrow at the strange outburst Rincewind had from his phone call. She pressed her lips in a thin line, figuring that it was more about his parents. This dude's got an inferiority complex, f'real...

Either way she listened to Lewis. His concerns about being lost had her raising an eyebrow. "Well, we aren't going into Bewilder Forest, just Route 202. It's more of a hilly, winding path that has a slow incline with quite a few shrubbery, but the path to Jubilife is clearly paved." She looked at her phone and checked the map, humming to herself. "It'll take fifteen hours to get there if we walk. It's already around noon, so we'll have to camp out. Hope everyone's got comfortable sleeping bags and blankets. Summer nights get cold." She snickered slightly at the flashlight Rincewind pulled up. "Well, at least I can stay safe knowing we have a walking beacon." She gave Lewis a funny look before walking up the path.

Leaving for Route 202, Ramona breathed in the crisp clean air of Route 202. She can smell the electrical discharge in the air from countless Shinx, which meant there might be a small pack of them nearby.

It was then her attention was pulled to Rincewind finding a ... Vulpix? She hummed in thought, raising an eyebrow perplexingly at what she was seeing. "A Vulpix? Here? Weird. Must've got lost or something..." She mused to herself, only half-listening to Lewis. "I'm not surprised, considering he probably wants to be anything other than human." She said quietly so hopefully only Lewis heard, as they were quite a distance from Rincewind.

The Leafeon speaking had Ramona whirling about to stare at the quadruped. She blinked a few times, seeing that she didn't seem all that upset. She sighed, shaking her head. "Riiight, well, it's not like he can understand a Pokemon's speech like you can. You're like a walking translator." She smirked, teasing the Leafeon.

When Rincewind came back, Ramona smiled as he seemed so happy in having caught a Pokemon. She stared at the Luxury Ball, humming to herself. Where did he get one? Those must be expensive...

Either way, she walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Nice one, dude. You'll give them a good place to belong, I just know it." With that out of the way, she walked on ahead, turning around to talk to the two dudes who were walking further back.

"So, got any aspirations or anything? What are y'all doing here in Sinnoh?" She asked. Might as well get to know them while she was at it.

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Date: August 2, 2022.
Location: Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh.
Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic as Ramona.

Rincewind seemed to be too busy with his Vulpix to really pay much attention to what Ramona had to say, brushing it's fur with a brush he picked up while Lewis took him out shopping. Despite having just met him, the little creature seemed to have quickly taken a liking to him. Perhaps it understood that he's also been through some hard times, and as a result, the sympathy already gave them something to bond over. Perhaps it felt the anger he felt during his phone call, and had enough sense to understand people hurt him just as it was hurt. Bla bla bla pad pad pad something something Rincewind is just misunderstood and only wants to be loved.

However, once she mentioned that they'd be camping out, he looked her with a brief concerned look, which was quickly replaced with his trademark stubborn scowl. "You two may feel free to rest during our travels, however I do not plan on resting. If you so decide to sleep, I'll act as a lookout. I don't trust falling asleep in the wilds here, it would be safer if one of us stayed awake to ensure nobody gets hurt." Despite his apparent lack of wilderness survival, he at least made some sense. They might not be likely to be attacked by wild Pokémon while asleep, the last thing he wanted would be a wild Pokémon taking advantage of three sleeping trainers.

Lewis, meanwhile, simply shook his head, briefly gesturing his bag. "You wouldn't think I'd be willing to travel to another region without being prepared, would you? I'm certainly no stranger to field work, and while this may be my first time camping with others, I have camped out quite a few times before! What better way to help with Pokémon research than to sleep among them? Sleeping in the fresh air tends to help my inspiration flow better as well!" He exclaimed, grinning. The Leafeon, meanwhile just sighed, unimpressed. "I have more use than just translation, ye daft twa-" She cursed, and likely would have continued her insult if Lewis didn't tap her on the head, giving her a disapproving look. "Verdant, she was making a joke. There's no need to curse at her for that. Please be kind." He scolded her, which caused her to roll her eyes in return. "Hmph..."

Rincewind visible flinched as Ramona patted him on the shoulder, nearly dropping the device he was using to ensure that his Vulpix was in good health. "P-please warn me if you're going to touch me. I'm not used to physical contact." He spoke, his voice clearly startled. When the two were asked what their ambitions were, Rincewind was quick to respond. "It's simple. I wish to prove myself to the world. I'm tired of being seen as a nobody, of someone so utterly forgettable that the local hospital lost his medical file. I wish to become a powerful trainer. My goal is to gain all badges needed, and perhaps challenge the elite four. Then maybe people will finally appreciate my efforts." He spoke, determination in his voice. Sure, he had a inferiority complex, but he certainly had some level of planning in his head. Lewis, meanwhile, seemed a bit confused. "Hmm? Did I not claim I was on vacation? I don't have much ambitions, I just want to enjoy my time in another region. I'm thinking of possibly challenging gyms as well, I could certainly use some time to get closer with my Pokémon. Back home, I lacked the time to really bond with my Pokémon, and my knowledge of battle is lacking. But here, I have plenty of time! We're in no rush, right?" He spoke, a slight odd hint to his voice making one think perhaps he wasn't telling the full truth. Though, perhaps Ramona wouldn't notice.

"He's also a massive simp for... Her. He's doing this just so she'll take a challenge from him seriously, all to impress her~" The Leafeon teased, which caused her trainer to blush and spend several moments trying to regain his composure, stuttering like a madman. "H-hey now, d-don't be l-like that! D-don't share that information willingly!"

Date: August 2nd
Locale: Route 202 > Towards Lake Shikotsu
Interaction: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Zera raised an eyebrow at the curtesy, and polite attitude Elèonor displayed. While she by no means was one for flowery or fancy speech or actions she did slightly appreciate it. So she nodded in response and acknowledgement of the gesture. She watched her go, but then tilted her head. 'Wait a second, is she heading towards Lake Shikotsu? Most people who aren't locals don't even know that place exists.' Zera thinks as she gives a final few head pats to her Lopunny.

Lukina watches as her trainer starts to follow the girl that she handed off the toy to. She follows to the side and just behind her trainer content to be out of her ball and enjoying the sun. It isn't often that a leasure stroll isn't accompanied by sprints or other physical workouts. Then again it was supposed to be her rest day wasn't it? Zera did say there wouldn't be training today, and battle didn't count as training. So that could be why she wasn't being told to run while wearing a heavy vest full of sand. It could also be why Zera is carrying the bag containing the equipment and stuff instead of her carrying it like on training days. Now that she thinks about it perhaps she hasn't had a walk with Zera for a long time. It is nice.​

Off Route 202, Sinnoh

August, 2
| 11:35 a.m.

Off-routing was dangerous. Deadly would be an overstatement; however, the further one strayed from established routes, the greater the likelihood that one would encounter Pokémon who were not only stronger, but more unfamiliar with humans. Consequently, they were more dangerous.

Fortunately, the Ranger core ran a tight shift. The wilds beyond civilization were periodically surveyed and had their dangers, inhabitants, and other complications subsequently assessed for travel safety.

The forest up-to and approaching Lake Shikotsu carried an upper one-star rating; a level of danger that a trainer with one or two badges could handle comfortable. It was a bit higher than route 202, but it still much safer when compared to an area like the Bewilder Forest. And it was more than safe enough for Eléonor’s current party.

Despite her lack of badges, the Canalavan's proximity to police-work had toughened her up. A few steps ahead, Cordélia haughtily led the way, the entire swathe of forest ahead Intimidated into supplicative silence. Only the fiercest of Pokémon—those confident in their strength—would approach through her ferocious aura. The others dared not make a squeak.

All-in-all, It made for a quiet walk. She was disturbed sporadically by scrappy Staravia and liverish Luxio but they were hardly her darling Fawfaw’s equals.

More curious to Eléonor was actually,
“Can I help you?”

A glance behind brought Zera and Lukina into focus, the trainer-pokémon pair who had silently trailed behind for who knew how long. What ever could they want?


Sleeping bag
Steel Grooming Kit
Steel File Set
Maintenance Oil
Steel-haired Brush





Cordelia Katia Adelais Anne-Marie Twdyr (Mawile) @Intimidate
Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr Galahad Gredifael Twdyr (Aron) @Heavy Metal
Azalaïs Anaëlle Aurélie Ascelina Twdyr (Piplup) @Competitive



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June 24th, Route 210.

"Well, I think me and my team will feel better if we know we're trying to improve on our weaknesses. Isn't that right, Vanilla?" G looked down at the icy fox. She got a bark in reply before her eyes shifted to the scene around them. "If it weren't for the fact that we are walking over this rope bridge and could fall to our deaths, this place would look very pretty."

G continued to move forward, the words of her traveling companion in her head until they finally reached the end of the bridge. She touched solid ground finally. Letting out a sigh, she sat down on the green grass. "How much longer is this going to take? I need to rest every now and then you know? I can't have my feet getting ugly from all the walking or something."

G laid down on the grass while her Vulpix sat down next to her. "Besides, we need to hydrate and eat a snack, don't you think?" She looked up at Altair with pleading eyes. "Maybe challenge a trainer to a battle or something so I can learn stuff."

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products



Ramona Serrano1721519932850.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Route 202, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
Pokemon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

Ramona raised an eyebrow as Rincewind seemed to get irritated at the idea of resting. She scoffed, crossing her arms, giving him the same energy back. Lewis seemed pretty confident that he could handle sleeping out here, which was fine, and she completely ignored Verdant for now. It didn't matter now if Rincewind wasn't used to physical contact, she felt like he needed to learn that he needed rest like everyone else.

Sure, he wanted to prove himself, as she listened - and hilariously to Lewis's idea which sounded like he wanted to impress a girl - but Rincewind's thoughts were more pressing on the matter. She huffed, stopping dead in her tracks. "Well, Rincewind, if you keep trying so hard and not give yourself rest, you'll die as a nobody. Hell, I'm sure Rincewind ain't even your real name the more I think about it. So get your shit together before you end up working yourself into an early lonely grave, because I sure as hell won't be able to put your correct name on your tombstone." Sure, it was harsh, but it needed to be said.

She looked back at Lewis, sighing. "Also, if your entire thing is to get stronger and be closer to your Pokemon to impress her, sounds like she doesn't see you as being impressive, since that's what every other trainer half your age had started doing. You wanna be careful with those types, because if you aren't, you'll be spending an eternity reaching a high bar you won't be able to feasibly achieve, even if you did get amazing with where you want to be or if you're already there now."

The concern in her tone sounded rather aggressive for Rincewind and marginally less aggressive for Lewis, but still pretty aggressive sounding. Her Charcadet popped out of his PokeBall, staring pointedly right at her. All of these points were things she should be doing now that's she's preached them. She seemed to be missing the point though, as she raised an eyebrow at him. "What, do I got something on my face?" Her Charcadet sighed and shook his head, instead opting to walk with her once she started walking again, her body turned back around.

Date: August 2, 2022.
Location: Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh.
Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic as Ramona.

Rincewind continued to scowl as he was disrespected for his idea, turning away from Ramona. He muttered to himself briefly before turning back to face her, clenching the handle of his bag enough to turn his knuckle white. He was about to go off and lecture Ramona on his ideals and rant about such things, until his Vulpix smacked his leg with a paw and crying out loudly, as if trying to scold him for returning hostility with hostility. He sighed and turned up his collar to cover the lower part of his face.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand. As a matter of fact, I don't need as much sleep as others. I've survived many long nights without sleep, and I'm still alive. As I was saying, it's going to be safer if one of us stay to guard. Due to my unique lack of need for much rest, I'm very well suited for staying awake past the night. I'll be spending the night meditating, naturally." He spoke, his voice containing a bit of venom. However, it was clear he was making a conscious effort to remain civil, as while he didn't enjoy being insulted, the last thing anyone wanted would be a physical altercation between the two. He would have made a comment about his name, but chose it wasn't worth the effort.

Lewis, on the other hand, took her words rather well, chuckling as he chose to ignore the clear conflict between Rincewind and Ramona. "Oh, trust me, I know the risks that come with such a thing! She's certainly not the only reason I want to get stronger. I feel as though my relationship with my Pokémon isn't the greatest, as while they respect me well enough, I haven't spent nearly as much time with them as I'd wish. To gain a stronger relationship with them will be the natural result of training with them, building mutual strength! Perhaps when I gain enough power, I'll be able to go back to Unova and challenge her, to show not just her, but those who believe in me just how far I've come! I surely don't wish to become champion level, but once I have a strong bond with my Pokemon to the point where we don't need words to communicate our feelings, I'll know I'm progressing!" He exclaimed. If anything, he was certainly optimistic, to the point where it was almost contagious around him.

His Leafeon, at least for the time being, went quiet, simply giving a condescending, judgmental smirk. To try and change the topic, Rincewind sighed and spoke again, trying to avoid eye contact. "What do you plan on doing when we reach the town? I'm... Not quite sure, to be fully honest. I certainly doubt I'd be able to take on the gym." He spoke. "Pix! Vu! Vulpix!" His Vulpix spoke up. He looked at it directly, shaking his head. "No, I don't think it's a good idea to battle with you, Renarde. I only just caught you, I'll need a few battles before I feel confident on challenging a professional. Last thing I want would be for you to get hurt from overconfidence." He spoke, a slight bit of disappointment in his voice.

Ramona Serrano1722030409688.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Route 202, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac
Pokemon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

Ramona couldn't give a fuck if Rincewind was offended. Honestly, his 'poor me' attitude and 'tough guy' act was rubbing her the wrong way. His first comment irked her, and honestly didn't believe that meditation could do such a thing. She'd have to consult her Ralts to see if he was lying.

She was definitely not a spiritual or even mentally sound person, she rarely ever heard of meditation - as she only thought it was a Pokemon thing - and honestly it sounded like an excuse to run away from the fact he shouldn't care for himself, no matter how good the reason actually was. The venomous tone wasn't missed. She waited for Lewis to finish before speaking to Rincewind. She just scoffed. "Yeah, well, regardless of how good meditation does for stuff like that, it's not a good idea to hurt yourself. Honestly, I find your defensiveness and hostility over me making sure you don't run yourself into an early grave rather idiotic and poorly placed." She winced as her Charcadet kicked her ankle, glaring down at her Pokemon for doing so.

At least Lewis was having a good time about all of this. There was obviously some tension between herself and Rincewind, so having a palate cleanser was a good idea. She didn't really have much of a comment for what he said, aside from saying "cool".

As Rincewind spoke of the gym, she spoke up. "Jubilife City doesn't have a gym. Oreburgh City to the east through a cave has the Rock-Type gym. North of Jubilife City through a cave and a forest has Eterna City, with a Grass-Type gym. West of Jubilife City over some water leads to Canalave City with a Steel-Type gym. I'm gonna go to Oreburgh City, because Terretuga is pretty good against it. The gym leaders go easy if it's your first couple of badges and they match the overall experience of your Pokemon, as they're expecting you to understand how type matchups work." She shrugged. "Jubilife City is just a hub for entertainment, the home of the Poketch, and is a very dense urban place. Just try not to get lost, and it's also the city with news reporters and such. It's also got a contest hall." There was an idea running through her mind, if she ever wanted to do some contest work. Honestly, sounded like good fun to get some practice in and get more suited on how to be flexible with a Pokemon's moves.

Then again, it sounded like it would slow her down instead of help her, so she decided against it for now.




June 24th, Route 210
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"Whateve makes you feel better." Altair shrugged as G didn't even seem to take his suggestions seriously, it wasn't like he was giving them seriously either. That girl was hopeless as a student,, though he had to admit it's not like he's prime candidate to be a teacher.

"How much longer it'll take will depend on how many breaks you want to take," Altair replied to the girl's question dryly. "...And you care about how your feet look? Are a lot of others looking at them?" He mumbled under his breath as the two walked across the bridge.

"It's still best if we move faster though, the place isn't going to stay defogged forever." He hurried along the bridge as the wood gently swayed side to side a bit.



June 29th, Route 218
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"...Right, here we are."

After a few days of travel, Altair managed to drag himself and G through the majority of the Sinnoh region, with little to no hiccups after the initial trek of Mt. Cornet. G did get them signed up for some strange contest when they passed Hearthome City though, and Altair can't help but feel that he did a lot of the work, when it came to battling at least.

"Canalave should be just beyond here, after we cross all the water." He glanced at the map and looked on towards the sea and the few islands that dotted the watery horizon, there were a few boats coming in and out on the ocean, letting the city live up to its reputation as a port city.

"Come on Mobi, let's move." Altair tossed a Pokeball in the air to release one of his aquatic Pokemon, Dhelmise, into the water route toward Canalave. "You're coming? Or you prefer taking a boat?" He turned towards G and asked, before another pop and burst of light emerged and Altair's Gholdengo jumped out of its pokeball, exerting out a few coins from its body to form a surfboard and hopping on the water.

Date: August 2, 2022.
Location: Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh.
Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic as Ramona.

He gave a dejected sign. He certainly didn't need Ramona's approval, nor did he care how she felt about how he was living his life. "And would you rather me go off alone? I could more than easily leave your group and go off on my own way." He replied, crossing his arms. "You may not have faith in my abilities, but I do. I never needed your validation to go through with things. I've lived this long with the current lifestyle I live, one more night isn't going to result in my death." He finished, going completely silent.

Lewis wasn't miffed by the lack of response towards his goals, and continued to smile. "Which is fortunate. Even though I lack much experience with battles, I know enough that fairies are the bane of dragons. And I don't blame them, I've met a few fae in my time, and they're rarely beings you can trust." He smiled. "Lewis... You know there's a difference to the stories they show on the news and real life, right? When they focus on trainers getting hurt, of course it'll look like all fairy types are deadly, sadistic creatures." The Leafeon piped up, causing her trainer to grumble. "Well, yes, I'm aware of that. Overall, my experience with the fae have been... Less than ideal. They seem to enjoy making a mess of our laboratory, and not just the cats."
Milliana Barlowe, Unranked, Approaching Sandgem Town from Route 202 (Bewilder Forest), August 2nd

Mentioned: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Ramona)

It's been a long month and a half, having spent most of the time in that range traveling. Duraludon had been in training, as Milliana had been reviewing her type chart and learning about how her Pokémon work. During that time, she saved some money and got a TR in her last town visit. That TR was for Dragon Pulse after she sat down and made a phone Call with her mother and one of her teachers back at the academy.

When she arrived to the outskirts of Sandgem Town, she had remembered Shiro's advice, Follow the Staraptor. The teenage girl had been walking with her Duraludon, this Pokémon being twice as tall as she was. As she kept an eye on Duraludon, the Pokémon looked around to see people, and immediately stood, waiting.

"Duraludon? You see something?"

The Steel and Dragon Type gave a roar of affirmation as the young girl looked at what her Duraludon had seen. Some people had been seemingly talking. One had red hair and a yellow streak in their hair. Duraludon looked over to Milliana, giving a nod similar to an Alolan Exeggutor, without hitting her. Duraludon then booked it for the people, as Milliana followed, keeping an eye on her huge partner so he didn't scare the crap out of the people.

June 24th, Route 210.

G was looking at the Poke Ball in her hand, the new addition to the team, Bananan the Psyduck, slept peacefully inside of it. However, she was snapped back to reality by Altair's words. "We have to cross the water?" G looked around. "Nobody has thought of making a bridge? Seriously?"

The streamer walked over to the edge and looked into the water. "Well, it does look pretty deep. But, maybe Banana will like this." She set down the Poke Ball in her hands and it opened up to reveal the Psyduck. The yellow duck Pokemon looked around for a bit, before diving into the water and disappearing. "Um, is he going to be okay?" G peeked into the deep waters once again, trying to locate her Pokemon.

After a few moments, she saw her Pokemon pop out of the water up ahead and then dive back in. "Oh! There he is! I guess he's okay, I got worried." She jogged over to the Dhelmise. "Excuse, Mobi, I'm getting on."

Once she was well positioned on the anchlor Pokemon, she kept her eyes out on the water around them, pointing out every time she saw her Psyduck show itself.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products



Ramona Serrano1723504716482.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Route 202, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis, Milliana Barlowe
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6
Pokémon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

Ramona huffed as Rincewind deflected again, taking his question as an insult to her character. She raised an eyebrow when he said he didn’t need validation, which confused her. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “You just met me a few hours ago, I wasn’t expecting you to want my validation. I’m just saying it’s not healthy. And if I did wish you to go off alone, it would ruin my point that I actually do care about your well-being, wouldn’t it?”

She left it at that, just very done with the conversation. She gladly switched topics towards what Lewis was talking about. She was confused about why he had to say he knew the basics - which was one Type relationship. That… At least told her he knew of one immunity, but the way he said it made it sound like he didn’t know enough of the type chart.

He was older than her and she memorized that damn thing for extra credit in the actual classes she had taken within the Ranger academy. Was he less learned or was she reading too much into it?

Oh well, she let it drop for now. Apparently, Fairy-Types weren’t ones you could trust, which irked her. “Tell that to my Ralts…” She huffed, eyes narrowing, not letting his Leafeon handle it herself. “Some Fairy-Types are predatory in nature like Shiinotic, but the majority of them just want to keep their territory under their control and protect their family. If you’re injured but follow their rules, if they have any, they’ll help you. They’re not as malevolent as the media outs them to be. Some are also tricksters.”

Was this a bad idea to get herself involved with these two? She didn’t want to leave now that she told Rincewind she wouldn’t want to so she can continue proving her point, but she was realizing how little she gelled with them.

That was when they heard thumping coming from behind them as they continued to walk through Route 202. The ground shook and her Charcadet twirled on his heel and confronted the apparent danger. Raising an eyebrow, she turned to see a towering metal dragon thing. She pulled out her School Styler, nerves hitting her, only to realize there was a girl chasing after this giant thing. “Oh. It’s owned.”

With a sigh, she put away her School Styler as the two approached, relaxing her stance as her Charcadet slowly calmed down. “You good? You need anything? Seems like your Pokémon was quite eager to meet us.” She looked at Rincewind and Lewis, her eyebrow raised in confusion. “We’re heading to Jubilife City right now. It’s gonna take about fourteen hours to get there.” She wasn’t sure if this girl was needing to go the same direction, but that was fine. She actually wouldn’t mind another tagalong.

Milliana Barlowe, Unranked, Approaching Sandgem Town on Route 202, Sinnoh, August 2nd

As Milliana got Closer, Duraludon stopped right in his tracks, towering over a nearby Charcadet. He just looked at the Charcadet and the person as his trainer finally caught up to see what he had found. She heard someone say something. Milliana prepared a response as best as she could.

"D-Duraludon i-is Very F-Friendly, I-I a-am looking f-for the P-Professor's L-Lab in S-Sandgem T-Town, I-I C-Came all the w-way from S-Snowpoint C-City, L-looking f-for a s-starter t-that i-is or e-evolves into a S-Steel T-Type, M-my n-name is M-Milliana Barlowe. I-I was w-worried m-my Klefki w-would c-come out."

Duraludon looked at Milliana, the giant Steel Dragon giving a happy look for a Giant Steel Dragon that looked like a living Building. Milliana hoped that this person could be of help. She wanted to confirm how close she exactly was to Sandgem Town, trying to answer another of her questions, which starter was a Steel Type, and by extension, The Professor's Lab.


August 6th, Sunyshore City
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"Ughhh......W-what was that."


Altair rolled out of bed, literally, and fell on the floor. The floorboards creaked a bit due to it being the cheapest variety, even in a city like Sunyshore, it was good that those still existed. The sudden sound from his phone jolted the young man awake. Altair doesn't keep his phone on mute or do not disturb, mainly because he's never seen the need to, but the days since he parted with G made him consider it. He looked at the message. Oh right, she was going to Alola for the Pokemon Contests there.

- Girl, it's like 4:00 AM in Sinnoh, aren't you jetlagged? -

He typed while trying to not get any of the goo from his Sligoo, who was sleeping beside the bed in its newly formed metallic shell, onto the screen. Despite the early wake up, Altair didn't feel too tired...or more tired than he usually is. The sun was already rising, thanks to the summer times and the relatively northern position of the Sinnoh region. He gazed at the white-bellied sky of the Sinnoh sunrise for a moment and tried to take in the air. It was clean, fitting for a city filled with solar panels.

"Right...let's get to that thing...today."

Altair stepped outside, the hotel apparently didn't let "large Pokemon" on the upper floors, he could've lied about his Archaludon's ability being light metal, but he had a feeling that wouldn't go well. With a red flash, he let out his other Pokemon that evolved in Sinnoh, thanks to its vast mineral deposits and underground mining industries and cultures. "Here, take this." He handed the dragon type a red, feathery-looking herb. "Just do your best, okay? I know it's not the best thing for this...we could take the other route if the situation calls for it." Altair tried to comfort the somewhat restless Pokemon as he patted some polish onto its head. Sliggoo was curled beside the larger Pokemon, taking a breather after rolling its shell around on the pavement.

"I know, I know, we're gonna try to win, but..." Altair sighed and rubbed his temples. "...Sorry, it's just...rather early right now, my bad for getting you all up this hour." The dragon Pokemon waved its body in the morning sunlight slightly, trying to nudge its trainer as best as it could with its stiff body, before getting down on the ground and assuming a bridge-like form, a bit of electricity cackled around it.

"Of course, I know you're nervous. We'll do our best, alright? Psi and Asago will back you up, you trust Psi, don't you?" The distance sound of jingling keys can be heard as the trainer spoke. With another red flash, Altair's Gholdengo popped out and hopped onto the the bridge-like dragon type's back, "Hey, it's really early for-" The clashing metals made nearly no sound due to Gholdengo taking care to use its ghost typing to an advantage. A few gilded coins circled the coin Pokemon, it was somehow where a pair of black sunglasses.

"Hey- Those aren't your's...I know Lily isn't coming to this battle but-" Many Gholdengo, this one included, seemed to have a penchant for fashion. Between Altair's Pokemon it often results in his taking the black glasses of the dark type on his team, the Kingambit Lily, that rarely appears in regular 3v3 and 4v4 battles. "...Fine...just make sure you grab your item when the time comes, alright?"

"When do Sinnoh gyms even open...I'm not sure if I did get the earliest slot..." Altair muttered as he walked around the somewhat deserted streets of Sunyshore, due to it being early morning. It'll be a few hours before the gym do actually open.

"Heyo-" Strolling into the gym nonchalantly, Altair looked around at the staff who've probably just arrived at their workplace. "This place open now? I'm the challenger, the doubles challenge one, first-morning slot?"

  • Sunyshore Gym
    Sunyshore City, Sinnoh

    Saturday, 6
    August | Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

    The sound of a sharp ‘tsk’ punctuated the silence. The aged receptionist didn’t even glance up at Altair, much too focused tip-tapping away at their keyboard. For a moment it seemed the challenging trainer would be entirely ignored until, “Altair Prasiola? Yes, the Gym Leader is waiting. Go right ahead—down the corridor and to your left.”

    That seemed to be as much as he would get as the receptionist busied themselves with what was presumably an important task.

    A lazy yawn escaped the Gym Leader. The first morning slot…which busybody had actually booked a gym challenge first thing in the morning? Damn kids…

    Still a doubles challenge was a rarer request, so Volkner found himself nonetheless looking forward to the challenge to come. Any minute now the Challenger would enter and take their position, after which the referee would go over the rules of the battle: four Pokémon each in doubles format, the battle would end when all of one trainer’s Pokémon could no longer continue, or they forfeited.



June 24th, Canalave City
Interactions: G (@Hectoro )

"Well, this is the place." Canalave City was a port city with many waterways, naturally, this lend immense use to a Pokemon capable of surfing, but the constant passing of various types of ships made it difficult and dangerous for Pokemon and their trainers to surf through. It appears that the closer one got to the city, the more prominent actual ships were being used as transportation.

As discussed prior, the two headed towards the famous "Canalave Library", it was a place that recorded all sorts of information on the region, even the ones that were thought to be lost. "Hmmm...this one about 'the relationship between people and pokemon in ancient times', you think this one might be it? Could be about Pokemon trainers, right?" Altair looked at G before checking another book in the area. "Let's see, 'There once were humans and Pokémon that marri-' Okayyyyy, I don't think it's this one." The young man quickly slid the book back into place.

"A qwilfish that's...almost 3 meters wide? I suppose that would be intimidating indeed." Altair muttered quietly to himself as he perused the books about ancient Sinnoh. Although they have gotten closer, there was quite a few books on the ancient ecology of the region, many of which were quite a bit too academic.

"Um...excuse me." A bit resigned, Altair decided to ask some staff at the library for any information on what they're looking for. "I'm trying to find more information about a type of Goodra that lived in Sinnoh..."

"Yes, I've been to Kalos...yes for real."


"Yes it's the one with the shell."

"Oh, and we're looking for Pokemon from the Beldum line- Actually, maybe just the Beldum."

"No. No Mt.Cornet. We just got out of there."

It seemed like it was a slow day at the library since the librarians there looked like they had infinite time to explain every minute detail about the questions Altair had. It was only until one relatively younger-looking staff member walked over and recognized something.

"You two...you must be trainers right?" The librarian looked at the two visitors. "I think you might find what you need on Iron Island. It's an abandoned mine converted to a training area, those from the gym here even goes to train there, so I'm sure you can find something there useful to you." They continued. "Doesn't seem like you're here for the reading anyways, hehe."

"Is that another...mountainous...cave...area...thing? It sounds like it." Altair asked rather expressionlessly, remembering their little stint in Mt.Cornet. After getting the confirmation, but also 'it's much smaller though, and sometimes the gym trainers hang around there', Altair looked over at G. "You're good with that? Going to that island place?"



August 6th, Sunyshore City
Interactions: Leader Volkner ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon )

"...Some customer service." Altair muttered as he looked at the receptionist's busy demeanor, he didn't know if the gym leader has a hand in hiring any of the gym staff, but the way they acted sure made him think so. Klefki, who diligently floated behind him shook the keys on its body vigorously at the receptionist before its trainer walked on.

Altaired walked down the corridor as he kept on thinking about the logistics of Pokemon League HR, and came to the conclusion that it was probably pretty awful considering it once hired someone like his father, before even reaching the end of the corridor. Sunyshore City's gym leader Volkner...right, that was the guy G said was one of her favorite gym leaders or something. Maybe G had a thing for bad customer service, Altair didn't want to think about it much.

"Dude. Your receptionist sucks. Good thing I've done this shi- stuff before." The young man looked at the gym leader, who honestly also looked pretty unenthused to be where he was. It certainly made the atmosphere immensely bizarre for a gym battle. "No wonder Miss. Shantal wrote that weird book about you, is this how the Sinnoh League does things, or is it...just you?" Altair didn't read any more of Shantal's books, that one was for school.

Altair's expression didn't really change as he stepped up onto the battlefield, he didn't really think much about the battle. Let's see...Electric is one of those types...there's a lot of synergy between the moves and abilities I saw him with his Electivire in the travel pamphlets a lot so there is probably some motor drive - discharge - volt absorb synergy going on here Electric is also a last type on average and more specially offensive steel type moves aren't very effective but when was the last time I even used them for offence-...

"Oh, are we starting then?"
Altair was aware he probably missed the rules explanations, but since all the leagues got standardized into the same rule sets he already figured it out, for most leaders that's just a formality now and he doubt that Volkner of all gym leaders cared if he listened or not.

"Psi, you're up." The trainer waved his hand, and the Klefki who was formerly hidden in the corridor's shadow floated up to the battle arena, probably more menacing in its own imagination than in reality.

"Kita, it's time." Pulling out a Pokeball and tossing it, Altair's newly evolved Archaludon emerged in a flash of light. There were times where Altair would wait to see the gym leader's chosen lead Pokemon before he chose his, but since the purpose of this battle was already set in the minds of both him and his team, he didn't see a purpose in doing that anymore.

The intimidating (not the ability that's not legal) looking dragon type timidly (that's not its nature) gazed back at its trainer. "Don't worry about it too much, I'll be here. Just do what you can."


  • Sunyshore Gym
    Sunyshore City, Sinnoh

    Saturday, 6
    August | Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

    "Haha! Cut her some slack, I tend to be a...difficult Gym Leader." The strongest of the Sinnoh Gym Leaders, the elusive and aloof Volkner—renown for his lightning offensive and occasionally blowing up the Sunyshore City electric grid. Truly, being his receptionist was not an enviable position.

    Nevertheless, from a wall nearby a tray of four Pokéballs extended. Volkner picked two, expanded them with a click, and gave them a lazy toss. From the light came his Pokémon—Raichu and Jolteon. Volkner clapped and his pokémon blurred into motion.

    The speed of lightning, the roar of thunder—Raichu targeted Fake Out into Klefki while Jolteon lit up the battlefield with Discharge! Raichu's tail twitched, the Lightning Rod ability allowing it to siphon off it's partner's attack to increase it's special attack by one stage. Jolteon's attack appeared just a bit stronger than it should've been, a keen eye would notice the Life Orb dangling from it's chest.


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