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Fandom Pokémon: Sinnoh (Roleplay Thread)

June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks | Sun 1 Turns rem. | Aurora Veil 1 Turns Rem.

Pokémon Con: A-Ninetales

Candice was more than ready for Encore’s end, and with two stacks of Calm mind, she was certain Ninetales could take whatever Typhlsion could throw. That’s why as Naka called for Flamethrower, the gym leader narrowed her eyes and called for—"Encore! Then Disable!” Ninetales bathed in fire, but it’s sharpened mind allowed it to grit its teeth and launch it’s moves.

Disable lasted four turns, while Encore lasted for three—not that Candice intended to let such turns pass. With its offenses doubled and Typhlosion already weakened by stealth rocks and an earlier Extrasensory, plus neutered once again, this battle was as good as over. Now she would use Extrasensory to rip Typhlosion’s mind to shred—two or three should more than vanquish the beast.


Ramona Serrano1719132332397.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Bewilder Forest, Sinnoh
Interactions: Rolande Albert, Lewis, Zera Quinn, Eléonor Twdyr
Mentions: N/A
Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon @Absollover77
Pokemon Team:
Luchamar the Ralts
Terretuga the Turtwig
Lanuda the Minccino
Menaje the Tandemaus
Cabadura the Charcadet
Psijaro the Flittle

While Rincewind - who began recording at some point - and Eléonor stood back, Lewis and Zera and Ramona were trying to work together in getting this Torterra to calm down. They did manage to pacify the Torterra after Zera's Lopunny beat the crap out of it and got it to turn away. Sighing, Ramona zipped the disc back into her handheld device and smiled at Lewis. "Thanks!"

She did overhear something behind her, Zera speaking to Eléonor about something. It had her face scrunched. She wasn't that bad, she just... Yeah, okay, that muscle-lady had a point, but still.

She looked back at Lewis and smiled, shaking her had. "Nope, I'm good. I don't think Rincewind got hurt and uh... Given how combative that lady is, I don't think she'd want any..." She said, grumbling as she spoke about Zera. "The Torterra has retreated and they are capable of using photosynthesis to heal. I think it'll be okay. It's not knocked out or anything."


They traveled back to Sandgem Town - well, they meaning anyone who wanted to trail after Eléonor. She noticed the prim and proper lady didn't speak first, so she huffed. "Here, kiddo. Took a troupe, but we got your friend that toy back. You should've seen the size of the Torterra that we found, too! It was so huge! This little Sailor Moon doll really had the adventure, huh?" She giggled. "Take it to your friend, I'm counting on you." She said in a playful, sing-song voice.

She then got up and stretched, her hands resting behind her head as she looked over at Eleonor, expression flat as her tone was hushed. "Yo, you gonna say anything? Kinda rude to be silent after you gave the toy to her..." She was starting to wonder if this girl was just lost in her own world.


Nakano Saito1719178745928.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice
Mentions: Ron Towers
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene
Furia the Hisuian Typhlosion

Battle: 2 Free Switches; Field: Stealth Rock; Encore: 2 turns; Disable: 4 turns

Naka knew this was bad. She might as well forfeit. She saw the Encore and Disable combo, and while the Flamethrower look like it did hurt, she knew it would take a few more of those, but now? Now, all Furia could do was use Struggle.

She had a weary expression, letting Furia roar in futility as she was unable to use her fire attack, but can't use another move. Still, she was quite strong physically-speaking, and Alolan Ninetales' Calm Mind can't stop that, and Naka swore she saw the Aurora Veil vanish. "Struggle!" Furia roared and charged, body glowing as she utilized all she could in the attack as her struggling body went to smash into the fox. Its recoil was painful, but she should have a bit more juice left in her for another one.



ID No.


Click Me!










Lv -

- Name -

Lv -

- Name -

Lv -


Cordelia's Moves

Fawfaw's Moves

???'s Moves

Tuesday, August 2nd — 10:00 a.m.

Sandgem, Sinnoh Region

Azalaïs Anaëlle Aurélie Ascelina Twdyr… Mmm, yes! Most delightful! Eléonor was all smiles as Piplup’s—Azalaïs’—name was settled. Elegant, smooth, she’d even managed to fit in a series of alliterations. Most delightful indeed!

Eléonor’s jubilation was interrupted, and her brow furrowed as she listened to Ramona’s question. Her first response was raised eyebrows; then, she gently shook her head. After receiving the toy, the pitter-patter of steps were already fading into the liveliness of the city. Eléonor had no desire to keep the child any longer than was necessary and, since Romana had taken the initiative, there was no need to repeat things. Instead, Eléonor folded her palms neatly over her skirt—Cordelia mimicked, her own hands folded over her hakori-like body—and cleared her throat softly to catch the groups attention. Cordélia rolled her eyes, jaws snapping with an unmistakable sound.

“Yes, thank you dear.”

“It has been a pleasure meeting you all, but I must be on my way. What plans might you have? It would be safer to travel in a group, non? Surely, we must be going in the same direction—at least until Jubilife?”

$2,500 | Pokéball x3

Sleeping Bag
First-Aid Kit
Metal File Kit
June 24th

Snowpoint City Gym, [Snowpoint City]

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Mentions: N/A

Field Conditions: Opponent Stealth Rocks

Pokémon Con: A-Ninetales

It was a hard-fought struggle, but ultimate with her options limited, the fire-type couldn’t outlast Candice’s Ninetales. The psychic onslaught was relentless and with the added recoil of struggle… well, it was only a matter of time. This match was all but over, although Naka still had a few Pokémon remaining they wouldn’t be doing much after stealth rocks had been triggered. It would be for the best if Nakano forfeited, but that wasn’t the Gym Leader’s call to make.

Nakano Saito1719345070974.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Candice, Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

The Struggle didn't do as much as Naka hoped for. That Ninetales was surely tough, and unfortunately Furia didn't have a lot of juice left. She returned Furia before the last Extrasensory could knock her out, and then bowed, signaling her forfeiture. "I know when I've been beat. That was an amazing battle, Candice." She smiled wide. "I'll have to come by some other time when I'm more prepared and try again." The thrill of the battle was intense and it helped to dull the crowd's presence.

She turned and left, waving her hand as a signal of farewell. She didn't want to stay for too long anyway, she was starting to slowly realize a major oopsie that she had.

She didn't even come in here with her own Pokemon, but of Ron's. That was a major problem, especially within the eyes of the battlenuts.


When she returned to the Pokemon Center and got her Pokemon team plus Furia healed through the machine, she went to see if she could find Ron anywhere. Probably at the bar, to which she headed towards to hand him Furia. She can feel the disdain flowing from the PokeBall, but it could've been worse. She could've been beaten by an Ice-Type and Furia would never let Naka utilize her help ever again. Still, Furia would be salty about it for some time.

Looking through her phone, she was assaulted with news reports of her latest battle. People had accurately deducted that not only did Naka use a Typhlosion that wasn't her own, but her "boyfriend's". Not only that, but they found out he had a criminal record shortly after arriving in Snowpoint City. Her reputation had took a nosedive, and her blood ran cold, her body becoming paler than the snow she walked on. It would only be a matter of time before they found out Ron's other criminal records if he had any. Regardless of how small his record was, it could still hurt her.

Becoming exceptionally anxious, she would need to reach out to a news reporter soon. She needed to get this fixed, or else these ripples would affect her work and Professor Lucas would be so so so upset.

When she finally found Ron, her hands were shaking and icy cold, as was her face. "H-hey, Ron... That was a rather... unfortunate way people received that fight..." She choked.

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Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

Ron set down his beer. He sighed as he set the empty bottle down, looking across the table, only to find Luz curled up and snoozing. How was she able to sleep in such places considering her sense of hearing and smell were stronger? Who knows. The punk could hear some commotion going on over by the tv at the bar. But, he had better things to do, like ignore his sister's messages, that wouldn't stop coming in suddenly, and counting the peanuts left in the the small bowl.

"Another one?"

Ron looked up at the waiter, who was picking up his bottle carefully, trying not to wake up the sleeping Espeon. "Six if you could, might be here for a while."

The Johtian rubbed his face, trying to wear off the small buzz, taking in a big breath before noticing a familiar figure enter the bar. At first he noticed her body and then the face reminded him clearly who she was. Ron nodded, feeling proud of himself for ordering six beers, making it look like he was expecting her. But, the blonde forest protector or whatever wasn't looking so good.

"Damn, did you lose?" He pushed the almost empy bowl of peanuts towards her. "I can feel Furia's rage all the way over here. You either lost or she didn't get to battle." He reached out to get the Poke Ball with the flaming badger and pocketed it away. "Best we let her rest. Seems something is going on but these drunks hugging the tv, you know what's up?"

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


Nakano Saito1719349409446.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Naka sighed, having noticed Luz sleeping peacefully on the countertop and Ron seemed to have quite the fun drinking all this beer. Though, she didn't know if Ron had drank all of them were just ordered them. She also noticed that - with his question - he wasn't paying attention to her match. She sat on a bar stool next to him, taking a peanut. "Yeah... Well, I didn't let her get knocked out by an Ice-Type so she isn't as mad as she could be. I forfeited the match, because we were stuck using Struggle from the Encore-Disable combo. We were down to Candice's last Pokemon, too." She smiled sullenly. "But, the local people realized because of what had happened a week ago when you got sent to jail for a bit that I was using your Pokemon in the fight, and that Furia wasn't mine to begin with. So, the battlenuts are going crazy, saying I should've brought my own Pokemon to battle Candice instead of borrowing from you. Some people on those short blog posts detailing the match and showing criticisms for me had gotten word from a few locals that Furia is tied to a 'delinquent' as they said. Your small record as a guy who fights in bars and would likely fight a cop like you did a week ago is tanking my reputation."

She finally managed to crack the peanut, but not because she was willing it. In reality, she had meant to caress the bumps of the peanut, soothe her mind with some tactile reassurance to help ground her into reality and help her feel her already numb fingers, only to crack the shell from her deep-seeded anger at how bad her reputation tanked. "Still, it wasn't as bad as it could've been if I had won. Guess the battlenuts who are against using other people's Pokemon in such important matches are now saying that this is the reason why you don't borrow." Then she grimaced. "But I have to find a news reporter and fast. Otherwise, this ripple will undoubtedly affect my work in the science community, and people will criticize me there, and I don't want Professor Lucas to get mad..."

She then looked at Ron. "Do you have any other ideas for me to use? I need to see a reporter anyway, so I'll definitely be doing that. The way I had left so quickly from the fight will undoubtedly pull some interest from them." If she felt any frustrations or anger, she didn't show it in her voice or face. She just seemed tired and exceptionally anxious.

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Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

"Forfeit?" Ron raised an eyebrow as he pushed Furia's Poke Ball further into his pocket, yeah she was gonna be pissed. "It happens to the best."

As the waiter set down a bucket with ice and six beers inside, Ron listened to Naka. He popped two bottles opened and slid one to the blonde in distress. Once she was done, Ron, out of instinct and probably not aware of his actions, grabbed Naka's hand firmly.

"Normally I would say don't worry about a bunch of losers online. If Candice didn't comment on it, it means she was okay with it. Peolpe like her still remember that battling is more than just a simple competition. But, if you're worried about your reputation and need help clearing this mess up... " Ron looked at his beer, like if he was about to do something that might make him regret it later.

" I know someone."

He shook his head slightly and chugged his beer down in one go, placing the empty bottle in the bucket and popping open a second one. "She's one of those influencers online, specially in the battling community and believe me, she can argue." Ron looked at his beer as if flashbacks were running through his mind.

"If anyone can take heat of someone, it's her."

Ron took out his phone. He opened a streaming app and went to the only one marked as favorites. A lot of titles included things like:

Ace Trainer humiliated!
This mono type specialist was a dirty cheater!
Caught using attraction on forbidden fruit!
From bird keeper to bird's bitch!
Dragon Tamer destroyed his legacy!
Charizard is a dragon or gtfo!

"We will need to travel to Kanto though. If you're up for it."

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


Nakano Saito1719353124697.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Taking the beer, she sighed as she toyed with the idea of drinking a bit. She did have to see a news reporter today at some point, but she did decide to drink in the end. She popped open a bottle and took a sip, sighing at the hoppy taste. She raised an eyebrow as Ron seemed... almost reluctant in bringing up this someone. She watched in some amusement as he chugged a beer down and then spoke further.

She hummed contemplatively. Well, if she could help, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get her input in this mess, too. She chuckled as she saw the list of videos, shaking her head. "Well, I don't want to bring down Candice's reputation either. But, if you think this mystery someone can help, then sure." She took a sip from her beer and hummed. "So, what's her name? You seem to know her personally. Looks like you're having war flashbacks." She chuckled. "I could probably help cement the idea of Charizard being a dragon, too. If she needs some help with some video content, I don't mind weighing in my scientific input and giving her some nice studies to reference." She smirked. Whoever this person was, she might actually like her. She always felt better being among those who are fiery, hence Ron and... Leona...

She immediately took her mind off Leona. She sipped a bit more of her beer, reaching to a quarter of it, before giving it to Ron to finish off. "If I'm going to be needing that interview with a news reporter here locally though, I can't be smelling too much of hops. Don't want them getting the wrong idea." She chuckled.

She then had a sudden realization. How did Ron feel about this? She rested against the counter, leaning a bit to get a better look at Ron's face. "How do you feel about what's going on with my reputation?" She wanted to make sure that Ron didn't blame himself or try to leave her because of his reputation.


Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

"I'm probably the last person you to want ask about reputation."

Ron took Naka's beer, shrugged and drank from it. "I stopped caring for mine a long time ago. But, you're a public figure so I understand why it matters. Kinda shot yourself in the foot there getting involved with me." He smirked. "Wait till they know what I've done to ya."

Ron signaled the waiter. "Check please." He slid his card on the table. "Look, reporters are... Sketchy. They might try and make the situation seem worse. My advise, don't go there unprepared." He chugged down Naka's beer and then grabbed the next one. "You hungry? It's on me."

Glad to have avoided the subject of this mystery person, Ron tried to sway the conversation away from it for the time being.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


Nakano Saito1719356149394.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Naka chuckled at his answer for her last question. He completely ignored her other questions when it came to this mysterious girl. Honestly, it sounded like he's had some history with her (no, not like that). She smirked at his words, giggling at all the naughty things they did once Ron reminded her, cheeks rosy.

She gave Ron an understanding look, her smirk forming into a confident smile as he expressed cautiousness about the reporters. She ignored the food question for now. "I know which reporters to talk to, which ones will benefit me, which ones will want to backstab their interviewees... And, I've been planning this from the very beginning when I realized I'm stuck with you." She then grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a searing kiss, huffing from amusement as she pulled away because she could taste the hops and peanuts. "As much as you are bad for not only as an influence but for my reputation, that doesn't mean I'm gonna ditch you. I knew what I was getting into, or in this case onto, and I'm not going to leave just because of what others may think of me. I have ways around this." As much as it did scare her, she couldn't just leave her loyalties in the ditch like that.

She ruffled his purple hair, smirking. "Sure, I wouldn't mind some food. I'm famished. Let's not eat in the bar though, I don't want those ruffians by the TV realize I'm here." She chuckled again. How was it that Ron made her feel so much better? Even if what he said wasn't exactly inspiring confidence, it felt good knowing she had him in her little corner whenever.


Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

"Good thing you have a contingency plan then." Ron took on last drink that left a sour taste in his mind. He sighed with satisfaction and put the empty bottle in the bucket. "Let's get some food then."

He took a deep breath before standing up, looking around the before to make sure nobody was scouting them out, then brushed his purple hair. "Lead the way to this trusty reporter then, we can buy whatever you feel like on the way."

The punk took hold of Naka's hand as they left the building. He squinted his eyes a bit at the sudden sunlight. He put his glasses on quickly, while he walked with Naka on one hand and a surprisingly still sleeping Luz on the other. The Espeon hanging like a diflated balloon but still purring comfortably.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic




June 23rd, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

The Klefki halted its movements and circled back to its trainer after the girl's resignation, crossing its steel tendrils in a 'hmph' way. Altair watched as G stormed off, similarly expressionless, he looked a bit bored, or perhaps it was more apt to say disappointed.

"Quit while you're ahead then, my job is done already." He shrugged, purposely saying the words in the most sarcastic way possible. G was a bit of an annoying brat, the type of girl who was full of herself just because she was pretty and had people fawn over her before, at least that was Altair's judgment of her.

But despite that, it seems she does truly want to take up the mantle of a Pokemon trainer, she chose to walk through Mt.Cornet despite there being other routes out of Snowpoint City, and she didn't want to quit after encountering all the dangers of being a trainer either. Altair stared at the girl's back for a moment before sighing to himself again.

"I treat you like a gym leader and you react like a quitter, I suppose you're just not cut out for Pokemon training then." Altair added snarkily. "Aren't you some sort of internet personality? You're not gonna sic your fans on me right?" He said half jokingly half concernedly, "Iono's fans sent me hate mail for like a week for using heal block and swagger on her fat frog, I was just a kid back then, of course I'd use any strategy I could in a gym battle, there's nothing underhanded about it anyways, it was all within official battle rules." Altair half-heartedly ranted about his childhood escapades a bit before calling out to G again.

"'Not going easy' doesn't just mean overwhelming power you know, sometimes battling in a way that targets the trainer's emotions is a valid way to victory too. That's just something Psion happens to be great at." The metallic keyring Pokemon jingled his keys proudly after that statement. "So come on, that look of your's right now doesn't fit a coordinator at all."


Nakano Saito1719422186913.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Naka felt like something was wrong. He didn't seem to react happily to what she said nor did he react much to her kiss. Did she say something wrong?

Or maybe, she had accidentally fed into something she shouldn't have?

Either way, she was going to play it by ear. She held his hand as they walked out, chuckling at the look of Luz. "She looks so deflated." She giggled, pressing her side against Ron's, her other hand on his arm.

They walked their way through the city, having found a couple street vendors and a few restaurants. "Hm, what would you like? Something quick or something with better food?"

She swore that something was up, her mind now not only worrying about what she was going to say, but more so if Ron was alright. "You alright, Ron?" She asked out of the blue, wondering if she could get something from it.


Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

Ron looked at the different food options, trying to decide which one he wanted more. Naka's question came and it caused him face her. He kissed her on the head and rubbed her back. "Yeah I'm fine. Can't decide what to eat. I think I'm craving a burger."

Ron walked up to stand. He looked at the different burger options and held up a number four towards the stand employee. "A horn driller with fries!" The man called out.

"And a coke." Ron added. He turned his attention to Naka. "What are you getting?"

He waited for Naka to place her order and then took a sit. The day was cool, as expected from Snowpoint. The punk set down Luz on the table, making the Espeon purr and stretch across the surface. "She's doing that so you feed her when your food arrives."

Ron explained as he leaned back on the chair. "So, what's your plan? After this I mean. You have other badges to challenge? I've been picking up some scent in Johto. But I'm not sure if it's worth pursuing yet."

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


June 23rd, Mt. Coronet.

"What?" G tilted her head to the side. "Wow you're a sore winner. Hey, I know when I'm beat. You didn't have to keep stalling. Me and Vanilla knew it when you brushed off our attacks." G crossed her arms over her chest. "We don't like it, but keeping the battle going was just going to be humiliating."

G lowered her arms and sighed. "But thank you for letting us see how far behind you we are. We are defintely going to need a lot of training." She yawned loudly and stretched her arms. "I'm going to go to bed and tell all my fanbase what kind of bully you are." She gave him a teasing smile before turning around. "Breakfast is on me in the morning!"

Soon after G was already passed out on her bed, not even updating her social media and not caring about it at the moment. The night seemed to have passed on fast. It seemed like G had just blinked when she noticed the sun was already starting to peak into her room. With an annoyed groan, she was up and at it again.

The Sinnoh native took her team outside and sat on a bench. She ordered them to train. So, Spicy just ran around, Vanilla watched and Snom just snomed. G didn't have much energy like before and all she wanted was to get breakfast out of the way, hopping a hot coffee would lighten things up.

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products



Nakano Saito1719544432781.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Naka couldn't help the worry. It ate at her. Ron was surprisingly really affectionate. In the bedroom, sure, he was quite affectionate, but right now? She didn't know if it was normal progression and he finally got comfortable with PDA, or if he was trying to make her feel good.

Still, the kiss to her head and the rubbing of her back felt good, even if it threw up warning signs.

When he ordered, she couldn't help the perverted smile. She chuckled, shaking her head as she got her order quickly. "I'll have a horn driller with fries and a Dr. Pikachu, too." She then went to sit down across from Ron, chuckling at Luz's stretching. She really did look cute.

That's when she forgot to switch out her Pokemon. Sighing, she decided to wait.

Hearing Ron's words, she hummed. So, it was inevitable that they would be parting ways.

Scratching the back of her head, feeling that her undercut was growing out, she spoke up, voice feeling strained. "There's nothing else here for me. I am not going to be challenging anymore Gym Leaders. They all have Megas. Until I get a Mega Pokemon, I won't be challenging those prestige matches." She clicked her tongue and looked afar. Only to suddenly look down as she got a buzz on her phone. She looked at the message and her blood ran cold.

"Ya'know, that was a pretty awful match, but I bet it would look marginally better if it wasn't from a TV. Plus, I'm pretty sure Gardenia gave you that badge. You didn't see her nod at her Mega Venusaur shortly after it "fainted"? You will need to get better if you want to get more of those shiny badges."

She groaned, dropping her phone on the table right on the message. It was from Leona, the phone number even having her name. "Fuckin' bitch..." She growled, hands on her face as she tried her best to keep herself composed. "Now that she knows my number, she won't ever leave me alone..."

She took a deep breath and shook her head. "I need to take a break from Sinnoh. Once I talk to that reporter, I'll go with you to Kanto, and then I'll travel to Johto. Sick of this region..." Her lip curled in frustration.

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Friday, June 24th, Snowpoint City.

Ron raised an eyebrow at the text message, but he was more interested on the second subject at the moment. "Johto?"

Ron did have a lead there. But, then again, this was the perfect time to get some distance from each other. He had to admit he liked having Naka around. But she made a good point. She got stabbed and then raided a dangerous Rocket base just being around him. Not to mention the nose dive her reputation was taking. Separating himself from her might be a lot better for both, more so for Naka.

"I have a lead in Johto." He said after a while. "Most likely it's a dead end. Johto and Kanto are on high alert for team rocket, so rebuilding there sounds like a terrible idea. I'll go check it out and come back straight to Sinnoh. I doubt Snowpoint is the only location in this region they targeted."

In a way he was suggesting the separation without actually saying it. But, any tense building was brushed away by the arrival of their food. "Finally." Ron dropped a couple of fries on the side of his plate which got a purr from Luz. The psychic cat sat up and began nibbling on her share of fries. Ron grabbed his burger and started eating, as if he had been starved for days.

Once he finished his burger, he slowed down to enjoy the fries, putting ketchup on each one individually. "Johto is good. My home. You should really explore it and learn its culture. We can meet up eventually."

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


Location: Bewilder Forest.
Date: August 2nd.

After the fight was dealt with and the rest of the team decided what to do, Rincewind stayed quiet, trying to make a deal out of reviewing the footage he took for some reason or another, fiddling with his tri-tek for a while. He idly followed the group back to Sandgem, as if entirely on autopilot. Despite the fact his face was in his screen, he managed to evade obstacles with a surprising amount of agility, as if he had a talent for navigating terrain while pre-occupied with something else.

Lewis simply smiled as he was told nobody needed healing, a look of relief crossing his face. He let out his Leafeon, who seemed energetic. He was about to reply, but before he could, she spoke for him. "Oh, we're just gonna stick around, might as well see what we can do to help out! We're not due back in the lab for another few weeks, and we're definitely not the kind to lounge on a beach during vacation! It's nice to get out!" She seemed practically bursting with energy, and likely would have blathered on if her trainer didn't pipe in, quelling her energy with a few pets to the head. "Indeed, she's right. With two hotheads in your group, it's likely you'll need a responsible adult to go with you." He chuckled, giving a not-so-subtle remark on the nature of both Zera and Ramona.

Rincewind finally poked his head out from his screen, sighing and adjusting his shoulder cape to return to the natural position behind him. "I don't see that I have much choice in the matter. My strength is quite low for now, it would be quite an intelligent move to stay with the group until my strength improves to the point where I feel confident in my own abilities. With only one Pokemon capable of combat, it is immediately apparent I must bolster my team with further allies." He spoke simply.

Nakano Saito1719699720491.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Naka heard what Ron wanted to do and wanted her to do. Ron wanted to part ways with her, that she could already tell. She hummed, shaking her head as their food arrived. "Well, I do want to travel across Johto... Maybe it will help in finding if there was anything else there worth looking at, but..." She clicked her tongue. "I feel like I'm just gonna get in more trouble." She shrugged, chuckling. "Oh well, I'm a danger magnet, I'll take it on. I'll meet you back in Sinnoh when I'm done with my Johto journey. But if I want to go against Leona, I'll have to be a lot stronger, hence my travel around Johto."

Naka hummed as she took a bite from her burger. Her one worry was that she wouldn't be able to find Ron after that. Swallowing her biteful and clicking her tongue, she then held up her phone. "Don't forget to text me." It was a good reminder that they still had each other's numbers. If she was really concerned, she could always put a tracker on his phone by having him tap on a link (like an image) she sends and track him that way.

It's not that she didn't trust him, it's that she was afraid of losing him.




June 24th, Celestic Town
Interactions: G ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )[/USER] )

"...S-sore winner?" Altair said to himself as he watched the girl leave. There's usually no enjoyment in winning against a total newbie...Altair didn't say that part out loud, but he did think to himself for a moment. It was a long time since he felt happy about winning a battle, when even was the last time he did feel that? Was it back in Paldea, back in Kalos, or further away?

The young man sighed again as he headed off to bed as well, glancing at the pale moon before drifting asleep.

"Morning, you're already up?" After stepping outside, Altair saw G by the bench with her Pokemon hanging around. He was a bit surprised, he figured that the other would've slept in a bit longer, teenagers tend to sleep more than adults in the first place.

"Here." He put a coffee cup still with a wisp of steam rising from beneath the lid beside G, on the bench. "Caution hot," he gestured to the small warning label on the side. "...And I'm not so poor that I can't buy coffee, the stuff here is just cheap hot bean water anyways." Altair added after also sitting down on the bench.

"I'm planning to head onto Canalave, like you suggested." Altair said calmly while sipping on a cup of his own. "It's a bit of a distance, but the terrain isn't as bad as around Snowpoint or Mt.Cornet. Parts of it even seem pleasant...as Sinnoh's wilderness can be." He added while Asago the Gholdengo hopped up from behind the bench while shaking the folded Sinnoh travel brochure with map.

"If you want to actually train rather than..Ahem, repeatively almost die in the wild, it's probably best if you head more South where the climate is milder."

June 24th, Mt. Coronet.

"But I'm going with you." G said with a sly smile while taking the coffee into her hands. "It's better if I stick around someone who knows how to battle. Plus, you get to pay less hotels." The Snowpoint native turned to face her companion. "So, Canalave? Let's do it. Then, Harthome City. I heard there's some sort of contest there? Nothing official but it's a good start for us."

She took a sip from her beverage with a satisfied ah! after. "G, coordinator, first ever contest. That is going to get a lot of views." She seemed pleased at the thought as her mind wonder with imagination of how the events would work out. "It is kind of exciting starting a journey. I hope you got to feel this good when you started yours."

After the warm drink, G prepared her team and her things. The hotel was paid for and their bellies full. G and team headed out. Their next stop Solaceon Town.

June 24th, Route 210.

"So, let's say I see a strong Pokemon, stronger than my team. Do I try to catch it?" G asked as she held on to the straps of her backpack. "I mean I know we can lose, but I might get lucky and catch it right? Imagine if I would have caught that Metagross? I would be able to give you a better battle. Right, Vanilla?"

G looked down at the snow fox, who was sticking as close as possible to G due to the fog. Despite the dangerous of traveling in such conditions, the main road through route 210 had been aligned with several lamps and candles to lead the way. Rangers were constantly on the watch and even Pokemon battles were carefully monitored.

"Now, I know I have a specific type, ice. But, I understand I need to expand my arsenal. What would you suggest? A steel type? Maybe a fire or water?"

Interactions: Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

Money 60,000
x5 Poke Ball
x5 Potion
x5 Full Heal
x10 Super Repel
x10 Lum Berry
x20 Oran Berry
x2 Poke Doll
Key Items:
Sleeping bag
Portable Heater
Small Cooking Pot
Black Tent
Spheal Plushie
Change of Clothes
Hygiene Products


Ron "No bbcode cuz Kyu judges" Towers.

"Chill we still have things to do." Ron continued to eat in silence for a bit. "If you find some other guy..." he says as he chews. "Don't hold back. I don't think you should take us seriously. I'm on a suicide path and you're trying to better the world."

He took a long drink from his beverage. Ron didn't seem to be paying much attention to Naka, more or so speaking his mind. "We can't have anything formal. At least not now and who knows if that time will ever come." Ron knew he might end up dead sooner or later for his constant poking on the hive that was Team Rocket. "If that day ever does come. I guess we could focus on us."

He finished eating and leaned back on his chair. "I still want the sex though." He smirked, as if brushing off the sad tone. "Come on, let's go find that reporter."

Nakano Saito1719883285066.png
Date: June 24, 2022
Location: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Interactions: Ron Towers
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
Pokemon Team:
Mudster the Swampert
Ludwig the Ludicolo
Hanu the Infernape
Iwa the Wishiwashi
Hattie the Hatterene

Naka listened in silence as she ate her burger and fries, letting Ron's words simmer for a bit. Find some other guy? No, she doesn't think she'd be able to. But it seemed that he was dead set on not making them an official thing.

Honestly, that was okay in her book. It was a bit disappointing, sure, but she felt like she had a bit more freedom, and that was probably what he was wanting. Plus, this give her a good idea if she was ever asked who Ron was to her. A sly smile appeared before she refocused. He didn't want anything formal right now, but it gave her some semblance of hope for the future.

She wasn't some lovestruck kid who thought 'woe is me' and got upset that he was 'dumping' her when they weren't even dating to begin with. No, she took it as freedom to remake herself, find herself, and let Ron go for a while before coming back.

"I don't think you realize what path I walk on to better the world." She chuckled. "But, I agree. Thank you, actually. Knowing the terms of our friendship has actually helped me, and gave me a way to answer a question if a reporter ends up asking it. But while I am a little disappointed - can't help a woman like me who hasn't had anyone before you - I'm not some naive girl who feels entitled to have you just because we had sex. You can sleep with whoever you want, but of course I'll give you your special needs~." She chuckled, giving him a sly smirk, showing that she actually found the idea of him sleeping around amusing and she was not in any way jealous of the idea.

She then held up a finger. "But don't forget that because Leona is involved, Team Rocket is also on my radar and I would rather eradicate them." She relaxed her finger and played with the straw of her drink. "Given that we took out their mobile base, they would be laying so low they're lower than the flattest Stunfisk alive until they feel the heat is off their backs, then they'll operate as normal. Perfect time for us to do whatever we wanted to do before heading back to Sinnoh. I would say it might take a month or two for them to get back on schedule, given how cautious Leona - and by extension, the rest of them - are."

She also finished eating, setting aside everything except her drink, which she greedily sucked from. "Mhm." She said, getting up and leading Ron to a specific part of the city.

As she walked into a specific news building, the clerk recognized her immediately. "Oh oh oh, are you here to do an interview, Saito-sama?"

Naka nodded, chuckling at her energy. "Yes. I was hoping if Bushida-san is available."

"Yes yes, she is. Are you still going to give us first details on your next nature preservation project this time? I know you're not trying to pick favorites, but..." The clerk gazed at her with twinkling in her brown eyes, her dyed pink hair bobbing as she tried to contain her bouncing.

Naka smirked. "Yes, I haven't forgotten. It should be ready in a couple weeks. My next stop is Kanto then Johto. Hoping to get some inspiration from the Safari Zone."

"Oooh, that's a good idea!" The clerk giggled, sending in a message to - assumedly - Bushida about Naka. "Saito-sama in the house~."

It didn't take long for a young woman to arrive, the clacking of her heels alerting Naka. Sleek, long black hair pulled back in a half-tucked ponytail, her black eyes glinting behind her square-framed glasses. In contrast to the business-casual frilly blouse and skirt the clerk wore, Bushida wore a form-fitting black dress. The serious look on her face morphed into that of a small smile as she saw Naka.

"Ahh, Nakano-hakase. It's so nice to see you again."

Naka's eyes widened and her cheeks immediately went rosy. "Haha, you don't need to be that formal with me-... You're teasing me." She concluded belatedly, earning a small chuckle from the other woman.

"Oh, you're so funny when you're literal. Come, I got a room set up for you. Oh?" Bushida had turned a little, only to realize a man was with Naka. "Who's this?"

Naka smirked. "Oh, save those questions for the interview."

Bushida wagged a finger at her, that cunning smile on her face. "You're a fast learner, hakase~."

"I'm not a doctor... I don't even have a doctorate yet..." She groaned as she followed Bushida, who couldn't help but chuckle as they made their way to the special interviewing room. A Machop and a Volbeat were fixing the room for such as soon as they entered. A black curtain backdrop, two chairs facing each other with two sets of cameras facing one of them, and the lights were set up to give the interviewee a glow.

"I'm going to give you some hard questions, but none of them are going to trip you up and make you look bad if you somehow answered wrong." Bushida mentioned, giving Naka a measured look. "Whatever you answer and how the public takes it though is on you if they take the video medium. Please do remember that. I will try to word your column in an unbiased light as much as I can if they take the written medium. I don't want my company to have a bad reputation because we got in a bit too goody-goody with you, hm?"

Naka nodded. "I understand. Thank you." She then turned to Ron with a sly smile. "Try not to laugh. I'm going to have to be brutally honest with some embellishment of my good nature, so I hope you don't get offended by my answers or think wrong of me because of it. In this business, it's about making an impression."

The Machop got another chair for Ron to sit in if he ever wanted to sit in it, but his figure was purposefully away from the cameras' view, so he wouldn't have to worry about being seen.

Bushida sat on the chair and got her tablet ready. "Whenever you're ready. Start with your name, occupation, and mention what brought you here for an interview."

Naka took a deep breath, looked at Ron, and then held up her head. She had turned into a completely different person, wearing a mask of professionalism as she even held a timber to her voice not usually heard outside of her job. Even her accent was more Sinnoh-centric. "I am Saito Nakano, a researcher working under Professor Lucas. I am here to answer any questions you may have for me regarding my match at the latest Prestige match against Candice."

Bushida nodded before asking. "Who is this man in relation to you?

Naka didn't even miss a beat. "Ron is my friend... with benefits." She said, trying to suppress a sly smile as Bushida had to keep herself from snickering. Though, it didn't fail to make her smile.

"Are you aware of his criminal record?"

Naka didn't hesitate here either. "You mean the bar fights and spats he's had? If that's all, then yes."

"Don't you think it's shameful for a person sponsored by the league to use underhanded methods to win a prestige match?"

Naka's eyebrow rose. "It was supposed to be an exhibition match. I didn't think it through."

"Have you cheated in your other matches?

"No." A simple, succinct answer. Bushida was silent for a moment, staring at Naka, trying to get her to speak anymore through the silence, but when she realized she wasn't getting more of an answer, she continued.

"Can you explain the relationship you have with Ron?"

Naka smiled. "He's just my friend who blows my back out." She continued while Bushida was busy trying to recover from such a blunt response. "He's a troubled man, and I believed I could - for a lack of a better phrase - fix him. Call me naive or a teenager, but that's what I think. I used his Pokemon in the match because he offered and because I didn't go in wanting to win. I went in wanting to entertain people with a good fight."

"Why did you use Ron's Pokemon in this match?"

"After seeing the news within the last week, I knew it must've be difficult to feel like you can't trust in the police, wondering if people they caught were really innocent and were antagonized so they looked worse, or if criminals were really caught. These hard truths are hard for some people to process, so naturally they would want something to escape into. Hence, why I battled Candice with one of his Pokemon. I did this knowing it would be bad on my reputation."

There was a pause, and Bushida clapped. "Good job. I will run this through and I will let you know the overall public's opinion." She then chuckled. "Blowing your back out..." She uttered under her breath, rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of the answer, but knowing it was going to get a really good reaction.

She then turned off her tablet, cameras, and the light. "Were you being serious about fixing him? This is off the record, by the way."

Naka chuckled. "If people heard what I was actually doing, they'd misconstrue it. No, I just think support goes a long way. Being there for someone, even if they believe they don't need it. It's something people really shouldn't take for granted, but he's a free spirit. I don't want to leash him up, it wouldn't be good for him." She gave Ron an endearing look before standing up straighter, seemingly accomplished.

Bushida then bowed. "Thank you so much, and I hope you can continue doing business with us, Saito-Hakase." Naka groaned. She then looked over at Ron, walking over to him to let him know they were leaving now. Though, if he wanted to say anything to Bushida, he could before they left.


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