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Fandom Pokémon: Character Sheets


Name: Montagne "Monty" Khastil
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Trainer Class: Battler
Physical Appearance: Monty's presence commands attention. He's tall and stocky, with a build that could give a corn-fed workhorse a run for its money, and he'd rather make a crowd part around him than try and shimmy his way through. His piercing gray eyes rake over whomever they should happen to land on, picking them apart from top to bottom, and on the rare occasion his permanent scowl is replaced it's with a sneering grin. A thin scar snakes along his jawline from his left earlobe down to his chin, but don't let him catch you staring at it.
Personality: Arrogant and assertive, with a voice that comes in a booming bark or a sharp growl, Monty's posture, gaze, and words betray the thought constantly running through his head — he's right, you're wrong, he's better than you, and you'd better figure that out before he tears you down.
He looks down on people he can beat, whether it's in a battle or a fight, and he's quick to start both and never goes in expecting to lose. He despises pity-parties and excuses, and refuses to take part in either when he loses. Instead he internalizes defeat, and relishes the taste of dishing it back out.
That opportunity doesn't always come, though, and that's when Monty finds himself falling in line. The thought of clashing with some people has never crossed his mind, and he understands that there are others who are straight-up stronger than he is. When that's the case, Monty's the ultimate point-and-shooter.
Backstory: Monty's a man with a foot in two worlds, with neither placed there of his own choosing. With one foot, he's a fresh-out hardened gangster raised from birth in a vicious Lumiose City-based mafia as one of their most loyal dogs. With the other foot, he's a fledgling Pokémon trainer on a vague mission from his boss to "get stronger" without any real idea as to why.
As time goes on, and especially as he makes more connections in the latter realm, Monty finds it increasingly difficult to keep his two lives seperate. He feels the most like himself as a gangster among his comrades, and masks his true colors around trainers in an effort to keep his identity hidden. The act is tiring, though, and the more he discovers about himself, the world, and other trainers through his journey the more he questions why he puts it on in the first place.
Queen Oracle the Honored One

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Ken Blake


Gender: Male

Age: 26

Trainer Class: Battler

Physical Appearance: Standing at 1.72 meters tall, Ken has a pretty fit build. He has black hair with his bangs swept above his right eye which are hazel colored.

Clothing: Ken's usual outfit consists of a black jacket over a red T-shirt, grey pants, black boots and a black conductor hat.

Personality: Ken is a rather laid back person, he fully content on taking things slowly and letting the flow of life take him along for the ride. As such, the man can easily be seen as lazy or having a lack of motivation, however that is far from the truth. Ken is simply focusing his energy on his one passion, that passion being the art of battling. During battles, the man's personality takes a drastic turn. The usually passive individual becomes active, showing a very fired up, enthusiastic and excitable persona. Ken rarely lets set back keep him down, if something doesn't work out, then he'll simply try a different approach. The man continuously seeks to improve his skills as a pokemon trainer, aiming for greater hights with every step he takes along his journey.

Backstory: Ken was born in the Sinnoh region and spent the majority of his childhood there. At the age of 9, he and his parents moved to the Kanto region. It would be there where the young boy would mark the start of his pokemon journey. Ken has always had a fascination with pokemon battles, be it watching events on television or spectating live battles, the young boy always lit up whenever he bore witness to the clash between trainers and their pokemon. As such, Ken knew from a young age exactly what he wanted to become when he grew up.

Ken began his journey proper at the ripe age of 10 when he got his first pokemon, a Squirtle. With his new partner in tow, the young boy set off to conquer the Kanto League challenge. Although he was a simple beginner trainer with no battle experience, Ken was able to pick up the basics and grew as a battler at a rapid pace. With this seemingly natural talent for battling, Ken collected all the Kanto Gym Badges in just under a year and entered the Indigo League. However, his limited experience proved to be his downfall, as he was knocked out of the tournament during the preliminary.

Ken didn't let his defeat keep him down however. Instead, he used this humbling experience as a way to ground himself. Of course he wasn’t going to become the best trainer in the world in one league. He was still green and this will only be the first of many defeats he will be facing in the future. With his first league behind him, Ken moved on to his next journey.

Ken continued to travel from region to region for the following years, encountering countless victories and just as many defeats along the way. His skills as a trainer only grew as he entered each region's respective league challenges. While he has yet to win any of them, he still found each event to be invaluable to his growth. As Ken went along his journey, a chance meeting would alter the trajectory of his life in a big way. During his travels through Hoenn, Ken would run into a man who would prove to have a big impact on his pursuit of growth. That man being Steven Stone, Hoenn's very own Champion.

Ken first ran into Steven out by some beachside cliffs as the man was researching the surrounding area's caves. What followed was a pokemon battle, one which Ken obviously lost. Seeing the budding talent within the boy, Steven would make a proposition to the now teenage Ken. Make it to at least the top 8 of that year's Hoenn League, and he will offer Ken a chance to train under him. This proposition sounded unreal to Ken, being able to train under a champion is an opportunity he could not pass up. With his new goal in mind, Ken continued on his Hoenn Adventure.

Hoenn League top 4, that was the position Ken managed to get to after a grueling climb to the top of the ladder. While he did not win the league, his position was more than enough to fulfill his promise with Steven Stone. After the ceremony concluded, the young man was approached by the champion.

Under Steven's guidance, Ken's battling skills grew exponentially, and battling skills aren't all the young man learned under the Hoenn champion’s tutelage. Ken followed Steven during his many expeditions to find rare stones, learning about all sorts of rocks, their value and how to utilize them. The teenager also learned much on the topic of Mega Evolution, its prerequisite and how to achieve the empowered form. Something to look into later on. After a year under Steven’s wings, Ken bid his master farewell and set off to continue his journey.

Sinnoh would be the next region Ken went to and the where he would encounter another key point of his journey. Ken would encounter the Sinnoh champion Cynthia at a few different places during his journey, each time he would witness the overwhelming power the Sinnoh champion possessed. Cynthia’s strength was unlike anything Ken had seen before, he wasn’t even sure if his master and fellow champion Steven possessed such pure power. It was clear there existed a massive chasm of strength that separated the average trainers from those who stood at the highest peak, and Ken was more excited than ever to reach that level. Ken hoped to face Cynthia in battle after winning the Sinnoh League, but unfortunately fell short, ending up top 8. Despite not being at that level quite yet, Ken would continue to strive to reach ever higher levels of strength, his goal to one day stand at the top of the pokemon world.

Currently, Ken sits as one of the highest ranking trainers in the WCS, but has never stopped training to climb even higher. New generation of trainers are growing stronger by the day, so it wouldn’t do the man any good to sit idly and let the younger trainers pass him now would it?

Name: Afina Verlander
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Trainer Class: Battler/Gardener

Physical Appearance: Height 5’3, long brown hair
Personality: Curious to explore more about the world and meet new people​

Backstory: Afina lived most of her life helping out at her mom’s vegetable farm, as well as selling veggies to various trainers. She couldn’t recall the last time she saw her dad, and according to her mom, he’d gone on a long voyage somewhere a long time ago. As such, she didn’t really care about him as he had abandoned them. One day, her uncle showed up at her house, handing her the pokemon her dad had left behind. While she didn’t know much about pokemon battling, she was thrilled to receive them as she usually spent her free time watching pokemon battles on the TV. She decided then that she would take these poor pokemon and explore the world with them, so that they will never feel lonely again.

Mawile - Mawie - F​

Moves: crunch, sucker punch, play rough, iron head, thunder fang, fire fang, ice fang, power up punch
Ability: Intimidate

Gible - Gibler - M​

Moves: sand tomb, bulldoze, bite, dragon claw, dig
Ability: Rough skin

Sneasel - Sneazy - F​

Moves: ice shard, icicle crash, bite, quick attack, knock off, metal claw, triple axel
Ability: inner focus

Gyarados - Garydos - M​

Moves: crunch, flail, waterfall, ice fang, scary face, dragon dance
Ability: Moxie
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Name: "What is in a name? You may call me... Rincewind..." Despite the obvious Diskworld reference, his name is actually Rolande Albert, which he feels embarrassed by.

Gender: "Perhaps my appearance makes it difficult, but you will figure out for your own." He's a male.

Age: "I have existed for 19 solar rotations."

Trainer Class: "I am an inventor, and an intellectual. I am well versed in a variety of topics, including technology." Inventor/Scientist.

Physical Appearance: 'Rincewind' has a rather pale complexion, an indication that he's spent a lot of time indoors working on some project rather than enjoying the sunlight. His eyes are a piercing blue colour, and in the right light, they may seem to almost glow. He has a tattoo on his forehead with some sort of neon-green ink, in a sort of circuit pattern. His hair is a light brown with a black gradient effect, with the tips a very dark colour and lightening to a light brown.

Clothing: He tries his best to conceal much of his body, and typically is seen wearing a long brown coat, black trousers, and black boots. His poketech is rather odd, having three different circular screens across his arm. The collar of his coat is extended to cover his neck, and his Pokeball belt goes across his torso at a 45 degree angle, not too dissimilar from a bullet strap. He also has some sort of small device attached to his collar, appearing to be some sort of microphone or the like.

Personality: While his Pokemon like to tease him and derail his attempts, Rolande would very much prefer to remain mysterious. He tries to hide as much about him as possible, and maintain a sort of 'intellectual from a far off place' sort of persona. He's a bit self centred and has an ego, but if he were to come across someone who needs his help, he'd consider providing such, so long as it doesn't cause him any grief. He often makes references to the literature he has read in the attempts to seem more intelligent. He may seem arrogant on the outside, but really, his attempts to seem mysterious and unknown is a misguided attempt at making people feel interested in him. He often feels alone, and while his methods are flawed, he secretly craves companionship, and though he'd never admit it, values those who consider him a friend.

Backstory: Despite his best efforts to remove all records of himself, and to reveal as little information as possible, his backstory isn't all too exciting. As a child, he was the middle child in his family, having 2 older siblings and one younger. He was often overlooked by his parents, and was often ignored, left to his own devices. He quickly gained a sense of independence, and in his free time, would spend quite a long time reading, both on the internet and on the various books owned by his parents. His neglect quickly lead to him turning to Pokemon, as well as science. He felt as if perhaps if he were to become successful in his inventions, perhaps he'd gain the attention he desired. He used his creative mind to his best ability, and from the age of 14, began tinkering with various broken machinery and appliances he'd take from people simply throwing out. His Pokemon became his main companions, and they helped to comfort him as best they could. However, he wasn't satisfied with simply working in a basement, and eventually, decided to become a trainer, thinking a journey would help him not only with his hobby, but gain friendships. Maintaining his mysterious and intelligent visage, he headed off with the two Pokemon who wished to support him, and was quick to receive a trainer card. Will he succeed in his goals? Or will he be forgotten to time? Only Arceus knows...


Galadriel, Gardevoir. Ability: Synchronize. Moves: Healing Wish, Mystical Fire, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind, Psybeam, Double Team, Magical Leaf, Draining Kiss, Teleport. Around level 39.

Shade, Umbreon. Ability: Inner Focus. Moves: Bite, Take Down, Snarl, Sand Attack, Moonlight, Charm, Confuse Ray, Assurance. Around level 35.

Extra info: Due to his custom Poketech and the custom collars his Pokemon wear, they are able to speak in a way that humans can understand, thanks to some sort of translation. Due to this, they often enjoy embarrassing and teasing their trainer, in the hopes that eventually they can get him to lighten up and, as Shade would say, 'remove the pole from his arse'.

Character theme:
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  • Eléonor Evelyn Maëlys-Amelì Françoise Twdyr
    Pokémon Stylist


Name: Zera Quinn
Age: 19
Gender: Female.
Height: 5'5"
Hometown: The Battle Resort, Sinnoh.
Career: Battle Master.

Case Number 3412009: Zera Quinn.

A genius or people keep telling her that. The Sinnoh League was quite interested in keeping her in Sinnoh and enrolling her in Sinnoh Academy or even scouting her for a future Elite Four. That was until she left without a word, on a journey of her own at 10. When she left she studied how to make her partner Lukina the perfect combatant. If they wanted her to apply her so called genius and make herself worthy of the power and influence in the future she would do it... In the three years she would return. Return she did, she and her partner Lukina were leagues different than what anyone would have envisioned. Her own parents didn't even recognize her. She trained herself just as hard as she trained Lukina. She molded herself and Lukina into her envisionment of Strenght and Power. CQC training, raw strength, flexibility, and mental training for battle. When she was tested for the positions per her request and even after showing them everything she'd worked toward and bled for... They claimed she lacked what they were looking for. That she lacked the kind of heart they were looking for. It wasn't enough that she and Lukina defeated everyone else. In the end someone she absolutely crushed was chosen for the programs she worked to achieve.

She couldn't understand, what could someone's heart have to do with strength. Lukina and her had the will and drive to succeed yet it isn't enough. It enraged the girl and she vowed in her heart that she'd make them pay for passing her up for some weaker child who didn't understand what power was. So she traveled putting the idea of the league behind her and sought powerful foes and legends to test her might against. She was humbled rather quickly by an old veteran trainer who gave her some advice. Taking the words of the man into consideration she traveled to several regions in search of what power should be used for. Adding two new members to her team over her time traveling. However she hasn't found the answer.

Case file closed.

Species: Lopunny (Shiny)
Name: Lukina
Ability: Limber
-Drain Punch
-Brutal Swing
-Ice Punch
-Rock Smash

Lukina personality:
Lukina is a confident, icy, and strong willed Pokémon. She almost always has a confident smirk on her furry face. The aura of strength of power she gives off is a matter of PRIDE for her.

Species: Lairon
name: Bulwark
Ability: Rock Head
-Head Smash
-Iron Defense
-Rock Polish
-Double edge

Bulwark's Personality is that of a Brave shield that stands undaunted in the face of the enemy. His idea of solving a problem more or less boils down to barrelling through everything in his way.

Species: Eevee
Name: Melody
Ability: Anticipation
-Hyper Voice
-Shadow Ball
-Double Team
-Baby Doll eyes

Melody's Personality is the most mellow of the Pokémon Zera has raised. She's the baby of the group and loves being carried by her master. Melody sports intelligence and cunning in spades using anything and everything to her advantage.
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Name: April Medina
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Trainer Class: Ex breeder/Battler

Physical Appearance: Height 5’5, with a white ponytail
Personality: She is mostly serious and straight-faced.​

Spending most of her life in Galar region, she lived with her grandparents at their day care, where she worked as a Pokemon Breeder and trader. She raised and traded all sorts of pokemon with travellers who came to her family’s day care, and it was a fun experience as she got to meet plenty of new pokemon. However one day, she came across a kid being chased by an angry beedrill. Having no other choice, she’d send out her Charcadet to battle with the beedrill. After an intense match, the beedrill was finally defeated, and the kid would thank her profusely for her help, praising her as a strong trainer. When April had reached home, she couldn’t stop thinking about the battle she had and told her grandparents about it. They answered that it was probably in her blood, as both her parents were trainers once, and maybe it was time for her to fulfill her destiny. With that, she left her hometown, aiming to become a pokemon trainer.


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Name: Lewis Antapov.

Gender: Male.

Age: 26.

Trainer Class: Researcher/Facility Guard.

Physical Appearance: On first glance, one may assume Lewis to have taken great inspiration from the Pokemon Leafeon in his appearance, and they'd be correct, at least as fair as his hair. His hair is a dark green with highlights of a lighter green, with a green curl on the centre of his head to emulate the kind Leafeon typically have, as well as some yellowish highlights on the back of his hair. He's somewhat lanky, and while he seems rather skinny, there's a bit of toned muscle, which makes sense considering he often lugs around heavy equipment during his work quota. His skin is pale, though has a slight olive colour. His eyes are a bright hazel and his face is rather handsome, usually curled in a pleasant smile.

Clothing: While he typically wears a lab coat, while in field work, he can be seen with a light grey undershirt, pale green jacket with the Nanocorp logo, and black jeans, along with matching black combat boots. In his jacket, his Pokeballs contained in a belt sewn into the fabric, along with some healing items for quick use. He's typically seen with a sort of square device over his eye, with three smaller lens coming off the main device, perhaps based on the sort of design a jeweler would use, but square, with a barely noticeable readout. He also has some sort of holster on his belt, with a stun gun meant more for intimidation rather than to be used on any sort of troublemaker.

Personality: While he's intelligent, he tries his best to maintain an approachable, kind appearance, as he genuinely enjoys assisting people with whatever problems they may have. He's extremely kind, and much of his work has been dedicated to helping both people and Pokemon, including research regarding the bond between the two. He dreams of a world without conflict, a world where everyone can feel safe. As such, whenever he meets someone who's suffering or looks like they require assistance, he'd do his best to help in whatever way he can. He has a great love of Pokemon, and much respect for trainers. While he doesn't appreciate those who don't treat their Pokemon well, he's not the kind of person to make an issue of such things and will inwardly hope they learn to form more positive relationships. While he spends much time in his place of employment, he enjoys preforming field research, occasionally visiting other regions to not only further his work, but to experience some time away from machinery and computers. He's certainly one of the more friendly researchers you can meet from Nanocorp!

Backstory: Not much of Lewis' backstory is known, and even he cannot remember much of his early youth, due to a head injury he sustained. Fortunately, the injury was minor, and he was able to continue youth as a motivated, happy young boy. What he can remember is for his entire life, he wished to help people in any way he could. He gained an interest in science, and while he quickly became a trainer at the age of 12, decided he could use his relationship with Pokemon as a way to work on methods to improve the lives of both people and Pokemon. After graduating high school, he took on an internship with a local laboratory in Stahlblatt. However, he was never the kind of person to spend hours on end in a lab, and took on a job listing at the company known as Nanocorp. He became a field researcher, which granted him more freedom with his work, and allowed him to fulfil his dreams. He was never concerned with how strong he was as a trainer, as his Pokemon were his friends and close companions, not mere tools at his disposal. Who knows what kind of adventures he'll have?


Verdant, Female Leafeon.

Mystic, Male Flygon.

Catty, Male Meowstic.

Tesla, Magneton.

Crowfoot, Female Garvantula.

Name: Millian Red
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Current Tainer Classification: Coordinator.

Trainer ID: 34119754
Home region: Galar
Profession: Coordinator and Beautician.
Current location: Kanto.
Known Pokemon:
1.) Alolan Ninetails
2.) Milotic
3.) Salazzle
4.) Tsareena
5.) Mienshao

Personality profile: Millian is a reserved and open minded young lady. Her stage persona is every similar to her normal interactions off the stage if just a bit less showy and more mellow in her tone of voice. Her movement is the same on and off the stage. Practiced level steps, and perfect posture like one would expect from old nobility. When asked why she does this in an interview she replied, "I find that the way one presents themselves gives you a different presence. The way you walk and talk is important for your impression on others. Should you walk in with confidence and practiced steps, you will be remembered for your dedication to your passion. Should you speak with assurance, respect, and calm you will be listened to with rapt attention. This is how I wish to be perceived and remembered."

Known information:
Millian Red a known Coordinator since taking the Contest scene by storm at the age of 17. Her pursuit of natural beauty has guided her from her home in the Galar region to the regions of Hoenn, Alola, and now Kanto. Her Journey brings her to Kanto in search of the Pokémon Articuno. It is said to be one of the most beautiful flying pokemon one can ever lay their eyes on. She wishes to see the beauty few have ever claimed to catch a glimpse of. Perhaps, if she is lucky she may be able to bring the majestic bird with her to show it to the world. She however has to find it first.

Not much is known about her family life, but she has quoted her mother on a few occasions in interviews. On the record it has been said that her father is a pokemon breeder. She has yet to say anything of siblings or any other family but it is suspected she is not an only child.

~~Pokemon Infomation~~

Name: Lumi.
Species: Ninetails (Alolan).
Gender: female.

Name: Lapis.
Species: Milotic.
Gender: Female.

Name: Solana.
Species: Salazzle.
Gender: Female.

Name: Rosara.
Species: Tsareena.
Gender: Female.

Name: Bellatrix.
Species: Mienshao.
Gender: Female.​
Name: "They call me... Alexis Von Lichester, mistress of the arcane. But... Yiu can call me Alexis."

Gender: "I... Believe I am classified as female."

Age: "20 full rotations of Sol... 20 years..."

Trainer Class: "They called me the mistress of the arcane arts, the aura manipulator, decryptor of the mental... But I suppose it would be more... Normal to call me a psychic?"

Physical Appearance: Alexis has pale purple hair with streaks of red and black, with what appears to be the symbol of an exploding sun tattooed on her forehead in faintly glowing blue ink, and some various runelike symbols tattooed on her arms in phosporescent purple. Her skin is rather pale and her eyes are bright blue with a ring of purple. She is a bit under 6 feet and has a rather light build, it wouldn't be hard to pick her up and throw her over your shoulder, so long as you are taller than her. She stands out greatly, especially due to the contrast of her tattoos and striking eyes against her pale skin.

Clothing: Even though the first chapter of her life is over and she attempts to disassociate from her past, she still wears the robes she did during her time in a cult. The robes are a muted crimson with various runes and symbols that she tried to dye over, but still faintky show through. She almost often wears a hood, attempting to hide her head. She also has a Pokeball belt over her robes, in a contrasting black. Around her neck, she wears a pendant in the shape of what seems to be a ghost dragon in white gold.

Personality: She is certainly mysterious, and triws to keep to herself. She gets anxious around groups, and gets spooked from loud noises or sudden movements. She is quiet and her voice often comes out in a sort of dreamlike tone, as if she is in a trance. She is generally kind, but her fear of people she doesn't know prevents her from helpi g people like she would like to. She often gets stressed out in conflict, but can find the courage to continue if with someone she trusts. Her Pokemon help keep her stable, as their encouragement can often be the difference between cowering in fear and facing up to her problems. Overall, she seems haunted by something in her past, but still tries her best to move past it.

Backstory: "I... Cannot say I remember much... I... Have taken efforts to attempt to forget my past. I do re,ember I was born into a cult, where their intentions were to see that humanity would eother go exitinct or learn from their apparent 'sins' and... Oh gosh... Through my life, I learned from very early that I had a special gift to preform acts such as telekinesis, read the emotions and aura of people and Pokemon, and even commune with spirits... Tney raised me under their flawed ideals, trained me to utilize my unique powers... I was seen as the harbinger of doom, the one to carry out their plans once I came of age... When I turned 18, I was forced to preform a summoning ritual, to awaken the great ghost dragon they swore would bring change upon the world... Fortunately, the ritual went wrong, and they... Awoke something else... Perhaps it was the being they meant to, or maybe just a vengeful spirit who did not wish to follow instruction... I... Do not remember much... It was all a blur, of chaos, and... Loss... I... Awoke outside the underground facility, the smell of smoke still in my nose... I... Is it bad to admit I felt... A kind of relief? I was finally free... Thanks to the mercy of... Whatever we unleashed. I still have dreams where it speaks to me... It encouraged me to seriously consider bcoming a trainer, and... I vow to help people, to do what I was never allowed. The secon chapter of my life... It begins."

Spectre: Gourgheist. Level 35.
Premoni: Absol. Level 27.
Mercy: Froslass. Level 25.

I give her the cuteness seal of approval.
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  • Rodriguez.jpg

    Name: Maria Rodriguez
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Trainer Class: Trainer/Explorer

    Physical Appearance: A woman with brown skin along with an athletic, lightly toned frame and black eyes. She has short black hair she stylized with a V-shaped bang and seems to be of average height for a woman her age.

    Clothing: Has a gold jacket she tends to wear wrapped around her waist like a belt flowing behind her back, along with a black short sleeve top and some old blue jeans. She completes her look with a pair of dark tennis shoes complete with some golden laces to them and a single black and gold glove she wears over her dominant left hand.

    Personality: A natural extrovert who loves the call to adventure, always finding wonder and excitement when she finds someplace new to travel to, or even secrets to places she has already visited once. Can be a touch forgettable with names hence giving short code references to herself and her crew, but is a natural leader and encouraging presence. Has a love of battles and always desires to better herself, getting on the thrill off a good challenge.

    Backstory: A Trainer from Fortree City who even just starting out showed promise; having finished runner up at the Hoenn Conference her first year, and going around the world to hone her skills. Winning several global competitions, taking on other Gym Challenges and always even a Contest here or there. However, her path was altered after the tragic and mysterious death of her parents, something she remains convinced was tied a nefarious organization not that any evidence was found. With this newfound drive, she decided to find gifted individuals and travel together with them, answering calls as a sort of band of mercenaries for hire to help those in need of it and get a wider view of the ever-expansive Pokemon world.
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    Name: Ezekiel "Zeke" Williams
    Gender: Male
    Age: 33
    Trainer Class: Engineer/Explorer

    Physical Appearance: A muscular man with a towering height, a good head taller than anyone else on the crew and dark skin with a pair of black eyes. Tends to draw eyes when entering a room and has a slight goatee among an otherwise clean shaven face.

    Clothing: Tends to keep is simple as he wears a white top covered in part by a blue jeans jacket that has a red fist logo on the back of it. Has a pair of baggy black pants and a brown tool belt he wears around the waist along with a pair of black boots. He finishes off his look with some silver ring piercings around his ears.

    Personality: In spite of his rather sizeable presence, he is one of the more reserved if not slightly introverted members of the crew. A polite presence who seems to have a passion for his work but tends to be a little awkward around people. Still, he does aim to improve her and when he is comfortable around someone, he tends to really stick up for them loyal to the bone.

    Backstory: As a young man he grew up in Oreburgh City as someone who always believed in a good day’s work. He worked over Oreburgh Mines for much of his life, and while he grew to respect the grind, he always sensed there was more he desired to do. A gifted engineer who loved to meld and create things, he envisioned a life outside his hometown to expand his skills and see how far he could push himself. Fate in the form of Captain Rodriguez came to him offering her a spot on a team she was forming; one he gladly accepted and has never looked back on.

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    Name: Maddison "Maddie" Meadows
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Trainer Class: Nurse/Explorer

    Physical Appearance: A woman with fair skin, some long blue hair along with visible cherry lipstick and a pair of chocolate brown eyes. Has a bit of a curvaceous figure with above average bust and of average height.

    Clothing: Wears a long sleeve violet jacket over a green top as she typically wears it open barring colder weather. Has a pair of black pants and fashions a pair of violet heels as her choice of footwear; completing her look with an assorted rainbow color beaded necklace.

    Personality: The snarky member of the team who never seems to fail to respond with quips even in tense situations. Can be seen as a bit stoic and hard to read, but it is all done in rather endearing jest. She is a comforting sort who always considers the health of others crew and Pokemon alike and has a natural charm to her.

    Backstory: Growing up in Saffron City she was always someone who stood out, someone who enjoyed caring for Pokemon yet seemed to give the cold shoulder to people. Someone who as she age gained some beauty yet never seemed to desire anyone. Perhaps it was a sense of just never feeling like she belonged well, anywhere, and as she gained experience in nursery even traveling to different towns to hone her skills she wondered if she’d ever find what she desired. That unexpectedly came with the arrival of Captain Rodriguez who offered her a place on her team to which she accepted.
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    Name: Arthur Griffin
    Gender: Male
    Age: 60
    Trainer Class: Sage/Explorer

    Physical Appearance: An aging older man in deceptively athletic shape with a white beard and whose faded grey eyes are usually hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Has short now aged whiter hair and some chest hair he may or may not dye to its color.

    Clothing: Wears a faded blue robe over his body that he tends to keep wrapped around himself as his main clothing option, opting to not even wear shoes though there is a similar colored speedo that is hidden underneath that is best left to the imagination.

    Personality: A quirky old man who seems to have a high off life, always eager to poke around and seems to have a good laugh about most things. Can be quite innocently insensitive about things, but beyond the loony exterior is someone with quite the experience and wisdom that is always appreciated by those close to him.

    Backstory: As a child in Santalune City, he developed a crippling blindness that left him with a cloudy perspective of the world and wondering if he was some cursed child. However, his fortune changed when a lone Riolu bumped into him and the pair seemed to hit it off, the Riolu showcasing its aura to the young Arthur giving him a way to “see” the world through it. The pair would live and bond together, Arthur working to develop tapping into his own aura as they would soon travel the world. Many travels over many years not only strengthened their bond but gave Arthur confidence in himself, even time to train with Sages in the mountains. During one such travel he encountered Captain Rodriguez who after offering him a spot on the team, he seemed to accept with open arms.
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  • Penny.jpg

    Name: Penelope “Penny” Baldwin
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Trainer Class: Researcher/Explorer

    Physical Appearance: A young girl with a slender frame, flat chest and fair skin that stands slightly short for her age. Is a blonde with a pair of twin tails and some freckles across her cheeks along with shimmering green eyes.

    Clothing: Wears a casual green t-shirt and a pair of green shorts preferring to be comfortable than fashionable, not as if she is the most active outside her little "quarters" on the ship in normal circumstances. Tends to keep tennis shoes on as well as a pair of green hair bands on her pigtails.

    Personality: Penny is someone who has a high opinion of her knowledge, her skills in research and with digital technology. She also is far from humble and tends to brag about what she can do, often to put herself above others. Can be quite the brat, attempting to present herself as more mature as she is slightly insecure about being the youngest on the team, but if you get past her chippy exterior there is a kinder heart buried within it who desires to make friends.

    Backstory: Growing up under the wealthy Baldwin family in Lacunosa Town, she was someone who never got a say in how she lived her life. How she acted around others, what she wore and what her future to be were always decided for her. The tipping point came when her family demanded she released an Emolga she had befriended finding it an undignified partner, causing her to run away with it as they bumped into Captain Rodriguez who was sent to bring her home…but after hearing her store, agreed to take her in as part of the team.

Name: Cassius "Kaz" Aspen
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Trainer Class: Explorer/Traveling Breeder

Physical Appearance: A well built teen with pink hair and a strong and muscled build. Emerald green eyes, and a smirk accompanies his rather angled face. He stands at a solid 5'11". His slightly tanned skin speaks of his time outside.

Clothing: Typically, Cassius keeps to a simple set up of a tanktop with a light-colored vest ranging of soft colors from pinks to soft blues. He wears thick steel toed boots, tear resistant and thick pants.

Personality: A fun-loving and strong-willed young man who devotes his time to the care of pokemon and his love of travel. However, he is rather... dense. If the subject isn't about pokemon care, pokemon, travel, or places he's been it may go straight over his head. It would need to be specifically explained to him step by step or done so blatantly even a Psyduck could understand.

Backstory: Practically having a Pokemon wildlife preserve in his backyard hailing from Fuchsia City, Kanto. The Safari Zone was his playground, helping the old warden with the Pokemon living there. Having taken care of countless pokemon in the zone he found his passion for taking care of them. When he was old enough he got his trainer's license and set off. He's met and took care of countless wild and tame pokemon over his six years of travel and competition. The four pokemon have been with him since day one and he has not caught another pokemon. Three of the four have evolved since then, but he has resolved not to capture any pokemon because he has all the pokemon he could ever need.

Species: Rhyhorn
Nickname: Rina
Type: Ground/Rock
Gender: Female
Ability: Rockhead
Moves: Double-Edge, Earthquake, Smart Strike, Rock Polish, Mega Horn, Counter.

Species: Nidoking
Nickname: Sovereign.
Type: Poison/Ground
Gender: Male
Ability: Sheer Force
Moves: Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Counter, Surf, Flamethrower.

Species: Tyranitar
Nickname: Titania
Gender: Female
Ability: Sandstream
Moves: Iron Head, Hyper Beam, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Dark Pulse, Stealth Rock

Species: Garchomp
Nickname: Glory
Gender: Female
Ability: Sand Veil
Moves: Earthquake, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Dragon Claw, Liquidation, Aerial Ace.
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Elizabeth "Lizzie" Roylott
I can put more information here later maybe probably idk

Name: Elizabeth (Lizzie) Roylott
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Trainer Class: Lass
Lizzie stands at 5’5. She has blonde hair styled into a high ponytail with two strands near her ears ornamented with pale blue beads at the top, but while in Circhester these are obscured by the white winter beanie she wears outdoors. She typically wears brightly colored clothing. Current travel outfit is a pair of light blue jeans, a light pink tee shirt and a heavy white jacket to protect from the cold. Her cold-weather boots complete the look. She has a soft fabric strap that holds her Pokéballs at her side for easy access while she’s out and about, although normally she just leaves them on her desk while at home. The backpack she carries with her doesn’t exactly match her aesthetic, but her own wouldn’t fit everything she wanted to bring along, so she borrowed her dad’s old pack from his traveling days.
Lizzie is an enthusiastic young woman. She’s passionate about her projects and open about what she likes and dislikes. Her primary interests are coding and baking, although she’s also dabbled in sewing, painting, dance, and other art forms from time to time. Her parents raised her to be helpful and welcoming, but she does have a bit of a stubborn streak. She likes to say she’s just tenacious, though.
Shortly after Lizzie was born, the Roylott family moved away from Unova and to Circhester in the Galar region. The family owns a combined bakery and café, which has been Lizzie’s home as far back as she can remember. Since she was young she’s helped with baking and other chores around the shop, and once she was in her teens she sometimes took shifts serving customers. When she wasn’t busy helping around the shop, she was pursuing her hobbies, most notably her passion projects in coding. While she had some minor interest in Pokémon, she never had any inclination to take a journey or participate in Galar’s gym challenge. When her parents encouraged her to get out and travel some she refused, saying she’d rather do a bit more school and help around the shop than go trekking across the country. Her partner Pokemon, Venus the Mawile, didn’t seem too keen on the idea either, and the Roylott parents weren’t able to make their daughter budge on the topic. They simply shrugged and moved on. A few months later, Lizzie made a breakthrough on Project Alpha, her first big coding endeavor. Within the year she’d managed to create her own Porygon. She spent some time working out some kinks in the code, but before long she had another Pokémon to take care of in Bodhi, a newly hatched Darumaka that her parents’ Darmanitan had brought home after a visit to the daycare. Another few years passed, and now Lizzie is on the eve on an unexpected journey. What thrilling adventures await? Find out next time in the world of Pokemo- *cough cough wheeze *
Balance: 3k P$

A computer covered in colorful stickers, a Super Potion (kept around in case of accidents), a change of clothes, a pair of tennisshoes, two packets of chewing gum, several protein bars, and a small frying pan.

Current Team:
Name: Venus
Species: Mawile
Gender: Female
Personality: Somewhat guarded around unfamiliar individuals, but generally a relatively laid-back and relaxed Pokemon. She loves snacking on pastries.
Pokéball: A regular Pokéball with a ball capsule covered in pink heart and petal stickers, as well as a few sparkly stars. There’s a scratch on the lid of the Pokéball that could have been made by a tooth.
Ability: Intimidate (Lower foes’ Attack by one stage upon entering battle.)
Battle-Ready Moves: Iron Head, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Baton Pass, Taunt
Other Known Moves: Astonish, Fairy Wind, Growl, Fake Tears, Bite, Sweet Scent, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow, Vice Grip

Backstory: One day when Lizzie was going to the back of the bakery to toss out some garbage in the bin, she heard noises in the alley. It wasn’t unusual to see Pokemon digging through the days-old pastries and bread they occasionally threw out, but usually it was just common city-dwellers like Pidove, or maybe the occasional Skwovet. Today there was only one Pokemon, a bit larger than usual and not a species Lizzie was familiar with. It turned to face Lizzie as she stepped outside, eyeing her warily. Lizzie smiled at it and explained that she was just throwing away some trash and wouldn’t bother it. It backed away slightly, and Lizzie quickly disposed of the trash bag she was toting. She went back inside, but she wasn’t gone for long. Noting how cute the Pokemon was and curious what species it might be, she decided to try befriending it. She grabbed some fresh pastries from behind the counter and brought them outside on a napkin. When the Pokemon turned to look at her again, she waved and put the napkin down half a dozen paces from the back door before returning to it and sitting on the top step. “For you,” she said, gesturing to the snacks. Hesitantly at first, the Pokemon drew close and took the pastries. It seemed delighted by the flavor, and made cries that Lizzie took as an expression of thanks. “Of course!” she said with a smile, standing up to go back inside, “I’ll see if I can get some more for you next time you come by, alright?”
Over the next few weeks, the Pokemon returned several times, and each time the two got a little more comfortable with each other. Lizzie did some research and was able to find out that it was a Mawile. The Pokedex made them seem kind of scary, but it seemed far more interested in the food she offered it than in trying to take a bite out of her arm. After nearly a month of feeding the Mawile, she asked her parents if she could adopt it. They were fairly hesitant; Lizzie was still quite young to have a Pokemon, and especially one like a Mawile. A Growlithe would be far more suitable. After observing their daughter interact with the Pokemon she’d befriended, though, they tentatively agreed.
Of course, it wasn’t easy to confirm whether the Mawile was wild or not. The species wasn’t particularly common in the area, so belonging to a local family or individual was possible; it could have also gotten separated from its trainer. The obvious solution was to see if it would go in a Pokeball, but all three of them agreed they couldn’t try that without getting Mawile’s permission. Of course, Lizzie was plenty eager to ask, but her parents made her wait until they could ask around to see if any of the neighbors knew anything. A few of them had seen it, but none knew anything useful. The local Pokemon Center hadn’t received any reports of a trainer missing a Mawile either. In the end, they just had to see if Mawile already had a Pokeball. The next time it came by the bakery, Lizzie asked Mawile if it would like to stay with her. It seemed to like that prospect, and after a short moment of hesitation when presented with a Pokeball, it tapped the button and allowed itself to be pulled inside. Mawile was given a new name, Venus, as well as a new home.
Since then Venus and Lizzie have been close friends. Venus has been there for every high and low of Lizzie’s life since they met, and has been a constant presence supporting Lizzie whether she’s baking, coding, studying, or battling.

Name: Alpha
Species: Porygon
Gender: Genderless
Personality: Alpha doesn’t convey much emotion yet. Lizzie plans to include emotional AI in a future update, but for the moment that project is on the back burner.
Pokéball: A regular Pokéball with a ball capsule. It has a few Thunderbolt stickers and some popping blue stars with an A Sticker in the center.
Ability: Trace (Upon entering battle, copies an ability from a nearby Pokemon)
Battle-Ready Moves: Tri Attack, Recover, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise, Recycle, Psybeam, Thunder Shock, Conversion
Other Known Moves: Sharpen, Conversion 2, Tackle, Sharpen, Agility, Spark, Barrier

Backstory: The first tangible product of Lizzie’s coding expertise. Although Porygon are copy-protected to prevent duplication, Lizzie wanted to see if she could create one from scratch. The technology used to make them had been around since before she was born, and even if it was cutting-edge at the time, surely she had more powerful techniques at her disposal today. It took significant trial and error, but eventually she was able to re-create a Porygon. Thanks to her own personal touches, Alpha looks significantly more pink than other Porygon.
Its code is still being updated from time to time, and there are definitely flaws to work out. Still, Alpha is perfectly functional and can listen to orders. Whether or not it can fulfill them is entirely reliant on what code Lizzie has already implemented, though.

Name: Bodhi
Species: Darumaka
Gender: Male
Personality: A rather rash and clumsy individual even for the species. He’s a cheerful individual with lots of energy, and what he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm.
Pokéball: A regular Pokéball with a ball capsule. It’s plastered with flame stickers.
Ability: Hustle (User’s physical moves have their power amplified by 1.5x, but their accuracy is 0.8x.)
Battle-Ready Moves: Fire Fang, Facade, Headbutt, Ember, Taunt, Yawn, Bite, Work Up
Other Known Moves: Incinerate, Tackle, Rage, Uproar, Endure, Take Down, Rollout

Backstory: The child of one of the Roylott family’s Darmanitan. Elizabeth asked if she could take care of it, and her parents (as well as the Darmanitan parent) agreed. He was registered to one of her Pokeballs and has been her companion since.

Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Trainer Class: Undecided
Physical Traits:
Height 1.74 - 5'7
Weight 60 kls 132 lbs
Hair Color: Naturally blonde, dyed black with purple streaks. It's long, wavy and messy.
Eyes: Light brown color
Special characteristics: Freya is part of a family with a very rare genetic trait, long pointy ears. They don't specifically function differently than human ears, she just has slightly better hearing, but nothing abnormal. She has a burn mark on her right elbow and forearm, but she usually keeps that hidden.
Personality: Freya is normally a moody person. She doesn't like to be bothered and prefers to be alone. She dislikes the idea of creating bonds with others and is usually suspicious of everyone, except herself and her team. She doesn't believe in celebrations like birthdays or holidays and rather go get lost in a forest somewhere. Still, deep down inside she appreciates those who look out for her.
Background: When she was a wee lil lad, Freya lived in Circhester. She was popular in town for her ears and naturaly beauty. Her family was known for that and her parents were some of the few of their kind left. They were known as the Galar Elves. Still, the genetic trait that made them unique was slowly fading away from generation through generation. Naturally, when she and her brother were born with the same pointy ears as their parents, there was hope for their kind to rejuvinate once again. That was, until that day.
For unkown reasons, during a family trip to the wild area, Freya and her family found themselves in the middle of a fight. Freya didn't know who or why they were fighting, she just need she needed to run. During the struggle to escape, Freya watched as her father and mother perished trying to fight back and make time for Freya and her brother to run. Trying to process what happened, the young elf kept running without stopping, until she noticed she was running alone. Freya managed to look back and see some men taking her brother away, something about his ears being interesting and would fetch good money.
Before they could get to her, some rangers showed up and forced the enemies to flee. Since then, Freya has been trying to find out who took her brother and where he is. She began training Pokemon on her own and traveling from place to place, trying to find a way to recueprate the family she has left.



  • 304e4d95-d9ad-409c-ae3a-366bf2060ead_width=1024&height=1024.jpgName: Atticus Pumpernickel

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25

    Trainer Class: Former Battler

    Physical Appearance:
    Atticus stands at roughly 5'10, though an inch or so is taken from his somewhat hunched posture. His physique is on the slimmer side, almost concerningly so due to his naturally high metabolism. His ash brown hair is short and unkempt, simply tousled until there are no strands bothering his vision, and his eyes carry a dull, gray hue, drowned in perpetual exhaustion.

    Despite his noticeable lack of energy in almost all walks of his life, Atticus seems to take special--well, as special as he can manage--care in his fashion, dressing just well enough to avoid looking bland. His go-to's are often a loose, button-up shirt tucked into straight-fit pants and a pair of well-worn sneakers with a casual jacket, silver chain necklace, and some simple silver rings for both some added flair and a toy with which to idly fidget.

    Atticus is quite meek and soft-spoken, often letting himself be dragged around by the whims of others out of an almost nihilistic carefree attitude. Fitting the introvert character to the absolute T, social situations also find him rather frequently, much to his dismay, and when he isn't victim to the itinerary of whoever decides to adopt him for the day, he would much rather keep to himself in a secluded area. However, despite his distaste for social interaction, every now and then his shell will crumble, as whether or not he'd admit it out loud, part of him absolutely longs to care for something again. Maybe that's why he decided to catch and raise Pokemon again, considering what happened all those years ago.
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  • Margaret D’Auverquerque
    Business Ambassador

" Zam joy, Son of nurse joy."

Species: Human
Name: Zam Joy
Backstory: Just a regular boy who studied very hard to get to where he is now. He graduated early from the Pokemon academy and majored in Pokemon science and lifestyle. He's looking at trying his hand at med school to become a nurse, but the med school he'a looking at requires at least 3 badges and a professors reccomendation. He wants to discover/make a new kind of Pokemon.
FC: IMG_0162.jpeg
Pokemon (if any): None yet.
Region: Born in Galar, Raised in Galar, breathes Galar.
Age: 16
Hobbies: Gaming. Tending to hurt Pokemon. Messing around in the forest.
Family: Just his moms (nurse joy and officer jenny) and thousands of aunts.
Body Type: Short and skinny
Build: two little twigs and a big brain
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110
Abilities: He's a psychic, although a bad one.
Facial Hair: none
Equipment/accesories: Headphones and 12 pokeballs at all time
Trivia: He likes mochi and the color pink, but will torture you if you laugh at his height, or color preference.
Goals: Be famous. Get dirty rich.
Distinguishing Features: Pink hair that goes down to his shoulders with some blue tips. /TD]
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Stahlblatt Trainer Registration Form.
The following is information for use within the Stahlblatt trainer system, following information is sensitive. Not to be distributed without direct permission from the regional government. Non-permitted distribution is grounds for up to a 50,000$ fine.


Valko Medvedyev



Height: 5'9.

Weight: 69 kilograms.

Birthtown: Stahlpoldov, Capital city of Stahlblatt.

Occupation: SRA Volunteer, Wolf rank.

Spoken Languages:
Native Language: Polish.
Fluent in: Common, Russian.
Proficient in: Serbian, French.

Appearance: Valko is a man of average height, and while he tends to keep to himself when in public, he certainly stands out in a crowd. His face is mildly disfigured, a nasty scar running down his cheek and a nick on his left ear. His skin is fair and somewhat on the pale end, despite the time he spends outdoors. Despite his pale complexion, he seems to be resistant to sunburn, leading one to believe perhaps he simply has a condition that leaves him unable to tan. His eyes are a grey-blue, and beneath his typically analytic expression, there seems to be warmth despite the cold colour of his eyes. On his chin, a well kempt goatee in a reddish brown colour. His hair is typically cut short with a bit of a 'feathered' cut, coloured reddish brown, not too different from a burgundy. He usually wears a camouflage jacket with a black undershirt, brown trousers, and black combat boots. He has a relatively muscular build, and a tattoo of a Ninetales on his forearm. On his belt, he carries various gear, such as a multitool, canteen, a spool of rope, and a climbing pick. On his jacket, he proudly wears a few medals, and on his shoulder, the symbol of an SRA volunteer. He typically wears a beret as a reminder from his war days, being a simple cobalt-coloured beret with the symbol of the Stahlblatt army to one side. On the other side, a pin of the Stahlblatt flag, being the large fern-like symbol in blue on a gold background, with each corner having a sort of cog-like shape in black. He wears a sort of combat webbing over his jacket, which his Pokeballs are kept in special magnetic holders.

Background: Valko was born into a time of relative chaos, where the final years of the great Eisenkiefer/Ruukila war waged. He never had much of an interest in Pokemon, despite his parents attempts to get him to interact with them. His mother was a nurse in the largest hospital in the city, and his father worked as an engineer in the army. He was always a bookworm, studying incessantly and training for a job working for a construction company. However, things changed when, during a hike with his father in the Krosnall woods, his father was attacked by a wild Beartic. While the creature was driven off eventually, it awoke something inside Valko. He felt responsible for the fact his father was wounded and felt an urge to protect those who needed him most. Instead of following through with an apprenticeship, he signed up for the army. His acceptance was quick. His mother managed to get him an Axew to train with, who became his closest ally in his service. During his time in service, he grew to appreciate Pokemon more than he had. He grew a deep appreciation for them, in fact, and wasn't long before he became inseparable from his own. After many years of fighting in some of the most dangerous campaigns in the Stahlblatt wars, he returned home after the unification of Eisenkeifer and Ruukila. However, he still wished to fight the good fight, and after being honorably discharged, chose to volunteer for the SRA. His nickname became the cobalt wolf, due to the fact he worked great with people, but wasn't very good on his own. And the colour of his beret, of course. Once the borders opened up, he expressed a want to explore the world beyond the previously isolated region. The next chapter of his journey begins...


Level 41 Arcanine. Ability: Justified. Moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Bulldoze, Flamethrower, Extreme Speed, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Agility.

Level 45 Haxorus. Ability: Mold Breaker. Moves: Breaking Swipe, Giga Impact, Dragon Claw, Focus Energy, Crunch, Dragon Dance, Rock Slide, Grass Knot.

Level 43 Excadrill. Ability: Sandforce. Moves: Metal Claw, Earthquake, Drill Run, Dig, Hone Claws, Sandstorm, X Scissor, Arial Ace.

Level 34 Stahlblatt Froslass. Ability: Tinted Lens. Moves: Astonish, Shadow Sneak, Smack Down, Shadow Punch, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Curse, Will O Wisp(From TM)
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Name: Saga Knox
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Trainer Class: Battler
Physical Appearance/Clothing:
Saga Knox.png

Personality: Saga is a young and adventurous Pokemon trainer who is full of energy and positivity. She loves exploring new places and meeting new people, but her curiosity often gets the better of her and often rushes into trouble without thinking. When she lands into trouble, she always finds a way to apologize, whether that be finding appearing at your footsteps with a batch of treats a moment later. Despite her impulsive nature, Saga is always looking for an adventure and new friends and she doesn't let obstacles or setbacks stand in her way.


Nature: Bold
Gender: Male
Ability: Honey Gather
Level: 60
-Bug Bite
-Struggle Bug
-Sweet Scent
-Bug Buzz

Nature: Jolly
Gender: Female
Ability: Prankster
Level: 20
-Fairy Wind
-Fairy Lock
-Metal Sound

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